lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Snapshot: Europe’s UAV Industry

Europe is in the midst of a UAS revolution, with business on the upswing and the European Union moving to rationalize its rules and regulations for drone operations continent-wide.

Time will tell whether the new measures help or harm but for now Europe’s commercial drone industry is taking root. According to ABI Research the combined revenue for the sector—that is the revenue from unmanned platforms; system and platform support and services; application services and enabling technologies—reached approximately $88 million in 2015. That’s not an Earth-shattering amount, but in European terms, nothing to sneeze at either. read full text in:

New UAV cameras smaller, lighter and more capable

FAA looks towards risk-based approach for micro UAV ops

The US Federal Aviation Administration is exploring the introduction of new regulations for micro-unmanned aerial vehicle operations, which could potentially move away from weight classifications, similar to rules being proposed in Europe.

UNVEX AMERICA se perfila como el evento de referencia en la región - Se celebrará en el marco de FIDAE 2016, en Chile

  • UNVEX AMERICA se perfila como el evento de referencia en la región
  • La celebración de UNVEX AMÉRICA dentro de FIDAE 2016  se prevé como el mayor evento sobre UAV o RPAS a celebrar este año en Latinoamérica. Conferencias y Demostraciones van a permitir  conocer las capacidades de esta tecnología

Febrero de 2016

A menos de cincuenta días de su celebración, el Programa de Conferencias de UNVEX América 2016, organizado por la empresa española IDS, toma forma y comienza a vislumbrarse lo que serán sin duda las mejores Conferencias sobre UAV o RPAS de la región, en 2016.

El Programa estructurado en siete Sesiones incluye las temáticas que interesan a los profesionales del sector, en toda su extensión, desde las aplicaciones militares y civiles (minería, agricultura, recursos naturales, inspección y cartografía), la tecnología, la regulación y formación de operadores, hasta el modelo de negocio previsible.

Contará con representantes de las Fuerzas Armadas y de Seguridad, organismos reguladores, fabricantes, universidades y usuarios comerciales. También  estarán presentes  las Asociaciones de RPAS de América Latina que,  el segundo día, debatirán en una mesa redonda sobre el futuro de esta tecnología, llamada a cambiar muchos hábitos.

En cuanto a procedencia, intervendrán conferencistas de Chile, Colombia, Argentina, España, Israel y Estados Unidos.

La respuesta de las mayores empresas del sector ha sido muy positiva. UNVEX América 2016 cuenta con el Patrocinio de Elbit, InSitu, Thales, Expal y EuroUSC que dispondrán de puntos de información junto a la sala de Conferencias, situada en el Centro de Conferencias de FIDAE.

UNVEX, el gran encuentro sobre sistemas remotamente tripulados

Tras el éxito de sus dos ediciones anteriores (Lima y Bogotá), UNVEX América  celebrará su tercera edición en Santiago de Chile, dentro de FIDAE 2016, la mayor Feria Americana del sector aeronáutico, los días 31 de marzo y 1 de abril

La organizadora del evento, IDS, es una empresa española integrada por profesionales de la comunicación especializados en Defensa y Seguridad que oferta servicios integrales de comunicación a empresas y organismos públicos y privados. Cuenta con un equipo de profesionales cualificados en la materia. Como empresa editorial destacan sus portales , líder en España y América Latina, y el medio especializado en UAV/RPAS  

Airbus Helicopters focuses on its customers and presents products & services from a new perspective at Heli Expo 2016

  • Supporting priorities of customer satisfaction, quality & safety, and competitiveness

  • Five aircraft on display: H130, H145, H135, H215 and H125

  • Strong HCare Customer Service representation

  • H160 and H175 virtual reality experience
  • Airbus Helicopters focuses on its customers and presents products & services from a new perspective at Heli Expo 2016

    Marignane, France, – Industry stakeholders will be invited to see the world of Airbus Helicopters' from a new perspective at the Heli Expo trade show from March 1-3 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY. Airbus Helicopters will be highlighting its wide range of products and services with a strong lineup of five aircraft, including the H125 in law enforcement configuration; the H130 in utility configuration; the H135 and the H145 in Corporate/VIP configuration and the H215 in utility configuration.

    "As the leader in the civil and parapublic market with a 45% share, our focus is now on going from the biggest to the best in the industry," said Airbus Helicopters President and CEO Guillaume Faury. "Focusing on our priorities of customer satisfaction, quality & safety, and competitiveness, our goal is to become the benchmark of the helicopter industry. And we are on the right track - from the commercial success of the newly released H175 and H145, the commercialization of the H160 taking place this year and our rank increase in industry customer satisfaction polls, we are seeing the clear results from our transformation plan, which is entering its third year."

    The company's show display also includes three HCare Customer Services corners – Connected Services, Material Management & Upgrades and Training & Flight Operations - highlighting Airbus Helicopters' commitment to taking care of its customers on every flight.

    Show-goers will also have the exclusive opportunity to get to know the H175 and H160 more closely through two brand new, interactive virtual reality and 360° presentations. The company will also be highlighting its in-house designed, state-of-the-art avionics suite, Helionix, currently featured H145 and H175 and in the future on the H135 and H160.

    Having strengthened its leading position on the civil rotorcraft market in 2015, the company is also in the best position to meet the needs of the North American market. "Airbus Helicopters is not waiting for market recovery, and here in North America, we have been positioning for growth to come in both the U.S. and Canada," said Chris Emerson, President of Airbus Helicopters, Inc. and Head of North America Region. "The air medical and law enforcement markets are particularly promising: over the last decade, our helicopters have accounted for two-thirds of all new rotorcraft put into service for EMS missions, and for more than 50 percent of all new helicopters sold to U.S. law enforcement agencies. We are proud to be highlighting some of these great aircraft from our customers on the display at this year's show."

    Be sure to follow Airbus Helicopters for all the news and events throughout the show:
    Twitter: @AirbusHC


    About Airbus Helicopters

    Airbus Helicopters is a division of Airbus Group. The company provides the most efficient civil and military helicopter solutions to its customers who serve, protect, save lives and safely carry passengers in highly demanding environments. Flying more than 3 million flight hours per year, the company's in-service fleet includes nearly 12,000 helicopters operated by more than 3,000 customers in 154 countries. Airbus Helicopters employs more than 22,000 people worldwide and in 2015 generated revenues of 6.8 billion Euros. Airbus Helicopters' ambition is to go from the biggest to the best, becoming the benchmark in the industry for helicopter manufacturing.

    "Airbus Helicopters updates Executive Committee, puts stronger focus on Customer Support & Services"

    • Ben Bridge appointed new Executive Vice President Global Business
    • Matthieu Louvot joins Executive Committee as Executive Vice President Customer Support & Services
    • Dominique Maudet joins Airbus Group as Head of Strategic Defence Relations

    Marignane - Ben Bridge (44) has been appointed Executive Vice President Global Business while Matthieu Louvot (41) becomes Executive Vice President Customer Support & Services, in a move aimed at consolidating Airbus Helicopters' leading position while remaining as close as possible to its customers. Both Global Business and Support & Services functions are now sitting at the company's Executive Committee. These appointments are effective 1 April 2016.

    Ben Bridge, who will report to Airbus Helicopters President and CEO Guillaume Faury, joins from BAE Systems where he acted as Regional Managing Director Europe & Americas, and previously as Managing Director Middle East & Africa. He brings a 17-year experience with BAE Systems in international sales & marketing and will drive business growth for Airbus Helicopters.

    Matthieu Louvot currently serves as Head of Customer Support & Services. He will now join the Executive Committee and report to Guillaume Faury.

    "This updated approach will allow us to put an even stronger emphasis on Support & Services, a key element of our strategy to go from the biggest to the best in the rotorcraft industry", said Guillaume Faury. "I want to thank Dominique Maudet for the great work he achieved by ensuring the commercial success of Airbus Helicopters and supporting our customers in a challenging market environment".

    Dominique Maudet (59), who had held the position Executive Vice-President Global Business & Services since May 2011, is appointed as Head of Airbus Group Strategic Defence Relations, also effective 1 April 2016. In this position he will report to Marwan Lahoud, Executive Vice-President International, Strategy & Public Affairs and Member of the Group Executive Committee.

    About Airbus Helicopters

    Airbus Helicopters is a division of Airbus Group. The company provides the most efficient civil and military helicopter solutions to its customers who serve, protect, save lives and safely carry passengers in highly demanding environments. Flying more than 3 million flight hours per year, the company's in-service fleet includes nearly 12,000 helicopters operated by more than 3,000 customers in 154 countries. Airbus Helicopters employs more than 22,000 people worldwide and in 2015 generated revenues of 6.8 billion Euros. Airbus Helicopters' ambition is to go from the biggest to the best, becoming the benchmark in the industry for helicopter manufacturing.


    El aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos acogerá UNVEX 2016

    • El aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos acogerá UNVEX 2016
    • La cuarta edición de UNVEX, el mayor evento nacional de RPAS o Drones,  se celebrará del 24 al 26 de Mayo en las instalaciones del Aeroclub de Cuatro Vientos, Madrid

    Madrid.- Febrero de 2015

    Los organizadores  de UNVEX 2016 han escogido este emplazamiento, único para un evento de éstas características, con unas magníficas instalaciones para acoger dentro del mismo recinto la Sala de Conferencias, la Exposición y, dentro de ella, el Centro de Promoción e Información, así como un espacio reservado para Demostraciones de RPAS en directo.

    Son ya muchas las instituciones que han confirmado su apoyo a UNVEX 2016 conscientes de la necesidad de un gran evento nacional de nivel profesional que agrupe a todas las partes interesadas, diseñadores, fabricantes y usuarios en todo tipo de aplicaciones.

    Destaca la colaboración de la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea que tiene previsto participar en UNVEX 2016 con el objetivo de dar a conocer la situación de la legislación española en cuanto al uso de sistemas aéreos remotamente tripulados. Para ello dispondrá de dos mesas en las que tratará no solo de la normativa en cuanto a vuelo, sino también de los aspectos legales relativos a responsabilidad, privacidad y seguridad o los requisitos de certificación y formación de operadores.

    Lo hará en los dos escenarios que incluye este año UNVEX, el ciclo de Conferencias para profesionales y el Centro de Información abierto a todos los visitantes con un stand informativo.

    El mercado de los denominados Drones, RPAS o UAV está en un momento crucial. En los próximos años se van a definir las reglas de juego, las tecnologías más eficientes y los sistemas de operación más adecuados a las nuevas aplicaciones que aparecen cada día.



    Sobre IDS

    IDS EVENTOS es el departamento especializado en eventos del mayor proveedor de contenidos en español en sectores como defensa y seguridad (, espacio ( y sistemas remotamente tripulados (


    Entre los eventos que organiza destacan UNVEX (UAV), SYMDEX (Simulación y Mantenimiento), LIMEX (Protección de Fronteras) y los Foros Infodefensa. Así mismo, realiza proyectos a medida para organismos internacionales, empresas y asociaciones profesionales.

    NASA Licenses New Communication Technology for Unmanned Aircraft - Space Ref (press release) [feedly]

    NASA Licenses New Communication Technology for Unmanned Aircraft
    Space Ref (press release)
    NASA has developed technology that may enable unmanned aircraft to fly safely in the national airspace along with piloted aircraft. The patent-pending integrated communications and control system is capable of collision warnings as well as real-time ...
    Drones Take WingInside Unmanned Systems

    los 3 artículos informativos »

    ANALYSIS: Sikorsky seeks next leap in rotorcraft technology - Flightglobal [feedly]


    ANALYSIS: Sikorsky seeks next leap in rotorcraft technology
    Sikorsky officials have hinted at potential commercial derivatives of the company's military S-97 Raider and SB-1 Defiant technology demonstrators, which are being developed for US Army missions. Powered by rigid, counter-rotating main rotors and a ...

    Boeing and Northrop Grumman Team Up To Protect Airplanes From Missiles - Motley Fool [feedly]

    Boeing and Northrop Grumman Team Up To Protect Airplanes From Missiles
    Motley Fool
    Around the world, the use of cheap and deadly shoulder-launched infrared guided missiles is "growing in popularity among terrorist groups and in thirdworld countries." So warns Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC). Lucky for flyers, though, Northrop Grumman ...

    y más »

    Reusable Military Spaceplane Tops DARPA Wishlist [feedly]

    Reusable Military Spaceplane Tops DARPA Wishlist

    Washington (Sputnik) Feb 29, 2016
    nullFor the second year in a row, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's highest funded project is a reusable military spaceplane. For 2017, DARPA requested $50 million for the XS-1 spaceplane program, intended to quickly deliver satellites into orbit. In 2016, the agency had requested $30 million for the program The spaceplane would likely not be solely for delivering satellites. A p

    Ariane 6 plan comes under anti-competition scrutiny [feedly]

    Ariane 6 plan comes under anti-competition scrutiny
    A key aspect of the plan to ensure Europe s market-leading space launch industry meets ambitious cost targets has come under scrutiny from competition regulators in Brussels.

    AIR TRANSPORTATION: Antonov Saved By Arabs - Strategy Page [feedly]

    Speed and efficiency: are adaptive jet engines the way forward? [feedly]

    Speed and efficiency: are adaptive jet engines the way forward?

     -- via my feedly newsfeed

    Spain To Acquire Predator B Drones [feedly]

    Spain To Acquire Predator B Drones

     -- via my feedly newsfeed

    Pontifications: Boeing sued over program accounting

    Feb. 29, 2016, (c) Leeham Co.: It was inevitable: a class action lawsuit was filed last week against The Boeing Co., its top officers and directors over the investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission of the company’s program accounting.

    The lawsuit was filed last Wednesday.

    The lawsuit alleges “among other things, that defendants issued materially false and misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) Boeing’s use of program accounting for its 787 Dreamliner and/or 747 jumbo aircrafts relied on inflated sales forecasts; (ii) Boeing’s use of program accounting for its 787 Dreamliner and/or 747 jumbo aircrafts relied on understated estimates of production costs; and (iii) as a result of the foregoing, Boeing’s public statements were materially false and misleading….” full text in:

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    McCain Vows to Block LRS-B Program | Hypersonic Missiles Possible by Next Leap Year | Taiwan Plans to Build 3 Air Defense Catamarans

     -- via my feedly newsfeed

    Refurbished Solar Impulse 2 returns to the skies [feedly]

    Refurbished Solar Impulse 2 returns to the skies

    Following a seven-month grounding in Hawaii, Solar Impulse 2 is preparing for a return to its historic round-the-world sun-powered flight. The team has carried out a maintenance flight to test out newly installed systems and plans to continue its journey at the end of April with a four-day flight from Hawaii to the west coast of the USA.

    .. Continue Reading Refurbished Solar Impulse 2 returns to the skies

    Ireland can become the drone capital of Europe, interview with Drone Expo founder Ian Kiely

    By @SimonCocking. The Drone Expo is coming to Dublin April 1 – 3, tickets available here. We spoke to Ian Kiely, founding member Drone Expo Ireland, to find out more.