NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne are negotiating the final details of a public-private "tipping-point" partnership designed to produce a low-cost propulsion system for CubeSats that uses non-toxic "green" propellant in lieu of hydrazine.
martes, 12 de enero de 2016
Korea and Indonesia sign deal to cooperate on KF-X fighter jet [feedly]
Korea Aerospace Industries and Indonesia have reached a cost-sharing agreement for the development of their next generation KF-X/IF-X fighter aircraft. The agreement was signed by South Korea's only aircraft manufacturer and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. Also included in the deal was Indonesian contractor PT Dirgantara Indonesia. PTDI will send 100 engineers to South Korea in May
OPINION: Why aviation won't reach environmental Utopia [feedly]
OPINION: Why aviation won't reach environmental Utopia
Our special report this week highlights the fraught nature of the relationship between aviation and the planet: flying is not environmentally friendly, and there is no easy way around that. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion, then, that new thinking is needed.
Our special report this week highlights the fraught nature of the relationship between aviation and the planet: flying is not environmentally friendly, and there is no easy way around that. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion, then, that new thinking is needed.
Aerospace industry leaders to debate future of manned and unmanned flight to mark 150th anniversary of Royal Aeronautical Society [feedly]
Aerospace industry leaders to debate future of manned and unmanned flight to mark 150th anniversary of Royal Aeronautical Society
-- via my reader
-- via my reader
Russia Plans 16 ICBM Tests in 2016 | Azerbaijan Wants in on JF-17s | Visit from French MoD to Finalize India’s Rafale Deal [feedly]
Russia Plans 16 ICBM Tests in 2016 | Azerbaijan Wants in on JF-17s | Visit from French MoD to Finalize India's Rafale Deal
-- via my reader
-- via my reader
Airbus to delay delivery of A400Ms to Turkey this year [feedly]
Airbus to delay delivery of A400Ms to Turkey this year
-- via my reader
-- via my reader
What will the Commercial Drone Industry look like in 2016?
2015 was a big year for Commercial Drones. Drones were used in so many innovative ways! A few examples include:
- GE using drones to inspect the power grid
- The first drone delivery approved by the FAA has taken place
- Researchers using drones to monitor killer whales as El Niño threatens food source
- Drones take flight at mining sites across Western Australia to improve safety and efficiency
- Rio lifeguards now using drones with life preservers to prevent drowning
- Drones could save farmers millions, study finds
- Lord Norman Foster to build world’s first droneport in Rwanda
- Allstate’s Drone Study Gets FAA Clearance
- Drones Can Be Used to Fly Blood Samples to Remote Medical Clinics
- Real estate drones: property marketing takes to the air
I created a survey, where I asked folks in the Commercial Drone Industry if they’d please answer three questions: What will we see more of in 2016? Less of? What are you most excited about?
Here’s what they said:
AeroSports Update: Human Powered Flight As A Hobby [feedly]
The Ultimate Combination Of Aero-Sports Has Been Achieved By Combining Physical Fitness Training And Recreational Aviation When EAA reported the successful flight of the Dead Simple Human Powered Airplane (DaSH PA) on December 5th at the Half Moon Bay Airport, just south of San Francisco, California, we just had to check it out. What we found was the perfect merger of recreational aviation and a physical fitness training program.
"Metal glue" could replace welding and soldering – in some applications [feedly]
Usually, if you want to join two metal objects together, you either weld or solder them – depending on how big they are. Both processes involve the application of heat, however. This can damage the items (in the case of electronics), or even cause explosions (in the case of things like gas pipes). That's why scientists at Boston's Northeastern University created MesoGlue. It's a glue that bonds metal to metal – or to other materials – and it sets at room temperature.
.. Continue Reading "Metal glue" could replace welding and soldering – in some applicationsNASA Research Could Save Commercial Airlines Billions in New Era of Aviation
The nation’s airlines could realize more than $250 billion dollars in savings in the near future thanks to green-related technologies developed and refined by NASA’s aeronautics researchers during the past six years.
These new technologies, developed under the purview of NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project, could cut airline fuel use in half, pollution by 75 percent and noise to nearly one-eighth of today’s levels.
“If these technologies start finding their way into the airline fleet, our computer models show the economic impact could amount to $255 billion in operational savings between 2025 and 2050,” said Jaiwon Shin, NASA’s associate administrator for aeronautics research.
Created in 2009 and completed in 2015, ERA’s mission was to explore and document the feasibility, benefits and technical risk of inventive vehicle concepts and enabling technologies that would reduce aviation’s impact on the environment. Project researchers focused on eight major integrated technology demonstrations falling into three categories – airframe technology, propulsion technology and vehicle systems integration.
By the time ERA officially concluded its six-year run, NASA had invested more than $400 million, with another $250 million in-kind resources invested by industry partners who were involved in ERA from the start.
“It was challenging because we had a fixed window, a fixed budget, and all eight demonstrations needed to finish at the same time,” said Fayette Collier, ERA project manager. “We then had to synthesize all the results and complete our analysis so we could tell the world what the impact would be. We really did quite well.”
Here is a brief summary of each of the eight integrated technology demonstrations completed by the ERA researchers:
- Tiny embedded nozzles blowing air over the surface of an airplane’s vertical tail fin showed that future aircraft could safely be designed with smaller tails, reducing weight and drag. This technology was tested using Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator 757 flying laboratory. Also flown was a test of surface coatings designed to minimize drag caused by bug residue building up on the wing’s leading edge.
- NASA developed a new process for stitching together large sections of lightweight composite materials to create damage-tolerant structures that could be used in building uniquely shaped future aircraft that weighed as much as 20 percent less than a similar all-metal aircraft.
- Teaming with the Air Force Research Laboratory and FlexSys Inc. of Ann Arbor, Michigan, NASA successfully tested a radical new morphing wing technology that allows an aircraft to seamlessly extend its flaps, leaving no drag-inducing, noise-enhancing gaps for air to flow through. FlexSys and Aviation Partners of Seattle already have announced plans to commercialize this technology.
- NASA worked with General Electric to refine the design of the compressor stage of a turbine engine to improve its aerodynamic efficiency and, after testing, realized that future engines employing this technology could save 2.5 percent in fuel burn.
- The agency worked with Pratt & Whitney on the company’s geared turbofan jet engine to mature an advanced fan design to improve propulsion efficiency and reduce noise. If introduced on the next-generation engine, the technology could reduce fuel burn by 15 percent and significantly reduce noise.
- NASA also worked with Pratt & Whitney on an improved design for a jet engine combustor, the chamber in which fuel is burned, in an attempt to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides produced. While the goal was to reduce generated pollution by 75 percent, tests of the new design showed reductions closer to 80 percent.
- New design tools were developed to aid engineers in reducing noise from deployed wing flaps and landing gear during takeoffs and landings. Information from a successful wind-tunnel campaign, combined with baseline flight tests, were joined together for the first time to create computer-based simulations that could help mature future designs.
- Significant studies were performed on a hybrid wing body concept in which the wings join the fuselage in a continuous, seamless line and the jet engines are mounted on top of the airplane in the rear. Research included wind-tunnel runs to test how well the aircraft would operate at low speeds and to find the optimal engine placement, while also minimizing fuel burn and reducing noise.
Additional info:
- NASA X: Environmentally Responsible Aviation - End of an ERA (Pt.1)
- NASA X- Environmentally Responsible Aviation-End of an ERA Pt.2
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