miércoles, 13 de julio de 2016

Antonov 132 on P&W engines; Antonov continues to market the An-178 utility transport aircraft

P&WC and Antonov Sign MOU for Development of AN-132 Aircraft Production Program Powered by a New Version of PW150A Engines
"We are delighted to be working with Antonov on its AN-132 production program after having provided Antonov with PW150A engines for the AN-132D DEMO aircraft last fall," said John Saabas, President, P&WC. "The PW150 delivers unequalled value to multi-purpose aircraft such as the AN-132, offering exceptional payload capacity, fuel efficiency, environmental performance and low-cost maintenance.

Antonov continues to market the An-178 utility transport aircraft 

Derived from the An-158, the An-178 is being marketed as a military transport aircraft comparable to the C-130 and the up and coming KC-390. Powered by wo Ivchenko Progress D-436 turbofans, the An-178 is capable of carrying 18 tons, making it a lighter platform in comparison to the C-130J’s 22 tons and KC-390’s 23 tons. However, its key selling point seems to center on cost, which is apparently much lower (at around $40 million a unit) in comparison to its direct alternatives. 

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