martes, 31 de mayo de 2016
Delta Air Lines becomes launch customer of Airbus’ digital Prognostics and Risk-Management solution
Providing early detection to enhance Delta’s aircraft availability and reduce unscheduled maintenance
30 May 2016 Press Release
Delta Air Lines has become the launch customer for Airbus’ “Prognostics and Risk Management” solution following a successful year-long collaboration between the Airbus and the airline. The web-based application is part of the Smarter Fleet ‘big data’ solutions platform developed by Airbus in partnership with IBM.
Jim Jackson, Manager of Predictive Maintenance Engineering at Delta Air Lines said: “With Prognostics and Risk Management, we will leverage the strong expertise of Airbus’ design office to provide us with the most effective way to monitor our aircraft systems.” He added: “Prognostic alerting will allow our Engineering and Maintenance teams to detect in advance failures on our components and systems to mitigate possible operational interruptions. PRM will also help us maximise our A330 aircraft turnaround and systems’ reliability and efficiency and move maintenance events from unscheduled to scheduled.”
Didier Lux, Airbus’ Head of Customer Services said: “This launch of Airbus’ digital Prognostics and Risk-Management ‘big-data’ solution is the result of great teamwork with Delta Air Lines and being fully aligned with their expectations.” He added: “The early detection which it offers will enhance Delta’s aircraft availability and reduce both operational costs and unscheduled maintenance.”
Airbus is committed to predictive maintenance benefits and will expand the capabilities of Prognostics and Risk Management to the A320, A380 and A350 Families fleet, while concurrently studying complementary predictive techniques based on ‘big-data’ analysis.
Airbus, through “Services by Airbus”, offers end-to-end fleet lifecycle solutions for all its customers. The portfolio ranges from stand-alone services to the most complete integrated solutions, including: Flight Hour & Tailored Support packages; upgrades; training; e-solutions, engineering and maintenance; flight operations; Air Traffic Management; and material management services. Together these enhance aircraft competitiveness by continuously adapting to customers' evolving needs. With more than 40 years of experience in the aircraft industry and a worldwide network of more than 2,500 professionals, customers benefit from the unique expertise and capabilities from Airbus and its affiliated family companies.
Cathay Pacific Airways becomes new operator of the A350 XWB
Press Release
Cathay Pacific Airways has become the sixth airline to operate the world’s latest and most efficient twin engine widebody airliner. The airline’s first aircraft featuring the carrier’s new livery has arrived at its home base in Hong Kong.
Cathay Pacific has configured its A350-900 with a premium three class layout with a total of 280 seats, comprising 38 in Business Class, convertible to fully lie-flat beds, 28 in Premium Economy and 214 in the main cabin. After an initial period flying on regional routes, Cathay Pacific’s A350-900 will begin long haul operations later this year.
Altogether Cathay Pacific 48 A350 XWB on order, including 22 A350-900s and 26 of the larger A350-1000s.
The A350 XWB features the latest aerodynamic design, carbon fiber fuselage and wings, plus new fuel-efficient Rolls-Royce engines. Together, these latest technologies translate into unrivalled levels of operational efficiency, with a 25 per cent reduction in fuel burn and emissions, and significantly lower maintenance costs. The spaciousness, quietness, beautiful interior and mood lighting in the cabin contribute to superior levels of comfort and well-being, setting new standards in terms of flight experience for all passengers.
To date, Airbus has recorded a total of 798 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 42 customers worldwide, already making it one of the most successful widebody aircraft ever.
Airbus launches the fifth Fly Your Ideas global student challenge
Inspiring today’s generation to build tomorrow’s sustainable aviation
31 May 2016 Press Release
For the fifth time, Airbus challenges students worldwide to innovate for the future of aviation by launching the latest Fly Your Ideas competition.
Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a unique global student competition, designed to establish a strong and lasting relationship between Airbus and the next generation of innovators. Every two years, the competition offers a unique opportunity for students from across the globe to co-innovate with Airbus on real challenges facing the aviation industry and to develop valuable skills for their future careers. This includes learning teamwork, project management, as well as communications skills.
New in this latest competition, students are asked to submit solutions to genuine industry challenges that are either innovations for ‘Now’ or innovations for the ‘Future’; guaranteeing a cross section of ideas that are both applicable today and deliver blue sky thinking for tomorrow. The key challenges submitted to students are:
Business models: What else could be done with aircraft other than transportation?
Flight operations: How can big data be used to improve efficiency of flight operations?
Passenger experience: How can new processes or layouts ease passenger boarding and disembarking, whilst increasing capacity for luggage?
Design engineering: How can artificial intelligence support aircraft design and/or manufacturing?
Manufacturing: How can manufacturing be optimised to reduce waste and ensure the sustainability of resources?
“With Fly Your Ideas 2017, Airbus offers its innovation expertise to team up with universities and their most inventive students,” said Charles Champion, Airbus Executive Vice President Engineering. “We value and encourage this type of mutually-beneficial collaboration, enabling students to apply their creativity in an exceptionally rich learning environment, and to prepare for a highly-competitive job market. For Airbus, it is an opportunity to nurture new ideas from the imaginative and unrestrained thinking of fresh minds.”
Registration for Fly Your Ideas 2017 opens today, May 31st 2016 at Students must register as a team of three to five members. They are encouraged to include team members from diverse nationalities, backgrounds and disciplines – from engineering to marketing and from science to design. Teams must be supported by an academic mentor from one of the students’ institutions. Projects are assessed by Airbus experts and all teams get feedback as early as Round 1. The 50 teams selected for Round 2 get significant input and guidance from Airbus mentors to develop their idea into a detailed project. Five teams are selected for Round 3 where students are asked to test, prototype or visualise their solutions. Finally the teams present their projects to an expert jury at the final event in May 2017, where the winning team wins a prize of €30,000 and the runners up €15,000.
A320neo with CFM LEAP-1A engines receives joint EASA and FAA Airworthiness Type Certification
Paving the way for the delivery of the first A320neo with CFM LEAP engines in mid-2016
31 May 2016 Press Release
On 31st May 2016, the world's best-selling single-aisle aircraft, the A320neo, received on-schedule the Type Certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the second engine option to be certified – CFM International’s* LEAP-1A engine. This certification paves the way for the delivery of the first A320neo equipped with this engine type in mid-2016. This award follows by six months the initial Certificate of Airworthiness received from the EASA and FAA for the A320neo, powered by the Pratt & Whitney engine option. The first A320neo was delivered on 20th January 2016.
Fabrice Brégier, Airbus’ President and Chief Executive Officer said: “This key milestone for the A320neo programme, and its second engine option – the specially developed LEAP-1A, is a double seal of approval by the two major international governing bodies and comes after the A320neo Family had successfully accomplished a rigorous programme of certification trials. We look forward to the entry into service of LEAP-powered models in the very near future.”
The two LEAP-powered aircraft assigned to the flight test campaign have now successfully accumulated over 1,000 flight hours in more than 350 flights – including 150 flight hours completed with the same aircraft in an airline-like environment to ensure operational maturity at entry into service. Certification of the remaining aircraft/engine variants with LEAP engines will follow in the coming months. When all flight testing has been completed, the NEO development fleet (with both engine options) will have achieved a combined total of 3,000 flight hours.
The A320neo Family offers unbeatable fuel efficiency. Featuring latest engine technologies, Sharklet wing-tip devices and cabin innovations, the A320neo Family aircraft offers the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft delivering 15% fuel burn per seat reduction at entry into service in 2016, and a 20% reduction by 2020. Furthermore, everyone will benefit from the A320neo’s enhanced environmental credentials – which include a significant decrease in C02 emissions and a nearly 50 percent lower noise footprint.
The A320neo Family offers airlines an engine choice between the Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1100G-JM and the CFM LEAP-1A engines. With one aircraft in three sizes (A319neo, A320neo, A321neo), the A320neo Family, seating from 100 to 240 passengers, allows operators to match the right aircraft size to demand and seamlessly covers the entire single-aisle segment on low to high-density domestic to longer range routes up to 4,000nm. Thanks to their widest cabin, all members of the A320neo Family offer unmatched comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18-inch wide seats in economy as standard. Since its launch on 1st December 2010, the A320neo Family has received a tremendous market endorsement with more than 4,500 orders from over 82 customers, representing some 60 percent share of the market.
*CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines.
Airbus sales chief doubles-down on CSeries attack
“They can’t make a business about losing $7 million an airplane,” Leahy told reporters on 30 May on the sidelines of Airbus Innovation Days.
Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own [feedly]
Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
We might be yet to see a fully-formed Hyperloop in action, but that doesn't mean some international officials aren't already inspired by Elon Musk's futuristic transport system. According to local news reports, Russia is contemplating a Hyperloop-like project to connect the country from north to south, and east to west.
.. Continue Reading Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own
Category: Urban Transport
Tags: HyperloopRussia Related Articles: Hyperloop Technologies to start testing high-speed transport system next month Changing tracks: HTT reveals blueprint for cheaper and safer Hyperloop system Hyperloop One shows off magnetic drive in dramatic demonstration Hyperloop Technologies (now Hyperloop One) on runup to test SpaceX selects 124 engineering teams to do battle in Hyperloop pod design competition Development company for Hyperloop emerges from stealth mode
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Five Takeaways From a Visit to Airbus
Airbus's annual Innovation Days briefing has drawn more than 170 aerospace journalists from around the globe to Hamburg, Germany. Here are five takeaways from the first day of the event:
DARPA sets sights on Robotic Space Plane for next generation warfare [feedly]
Washington DC (Sputnik) May 31, 2016

Drone control [feedly]
Combined Vision For Airliners [feedly]

U.S. Navy Program Advances Safe Autonomous Rotorcraft Flight [feedly]

Time-lapse video shows inflatable BEAM space habitat coming to life [feedly]
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Fwd: Nota de Prensa: Iberia ofrece vuelos a Shanghái este verano por solo 449 euros, ida y vuelta.
Iberia ofrece vuelos a Shanghái este verano por solo 449 euros ida y vuelta
- Se convierte en la opción más atractiva para las próximas vacaciones de verano
- Los billetes se pueden comprar hasta el 15 de junio
- Desde el 28 de junio, Iberia vuela tres veces por semana a Shanghái -los martes, viernes y domingos-.
- Shanghái es el primer destino de Iberia en Asia, al que seguirá Tokio el 18 de octubre.
Madrid, 30 de mayo de 2016
Iberia ha lanzado una oferta irrepetible para este verano: una tarifa para su vuelos directos de Madrid a Shanghái por tan solo 449 euros ida y vuelta, precio final, y aplicable en los meses de julio y agosto. Una oportunidad única para sumergirse en la cultura china y en las costumbres milenarias de este exótico país, y disfrutar también de una de las ciudades más modernas y vitales del continente asiático.
Los billetes están ya a la venta en y agencias de viaje, y pueden adquirirse hasta el 15 de junio.
Desde el 28 de junio, Iberia ofrece tres frecuencias semanales -martes, viernes y domingos- entre Madrid y Shanghái, operadas por los modernos Airbus A330/200, y donde se ofrecen los nuevos asientos en clase Business y Turista, con un sistema de entretenimiento individual y a la carta para cada pasajero, y wifi a bordo.
Shanghái es el primer destino de Iberia en Asia, al que seguirá Tokio el 18 de octubre, también con tres vuelos semanales y operados por el mismo tipo de avión.
Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a 126 destinos en 49 países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de cerca de 135 aviones. En 2015, Iberia ha sido la 2ª aerolínea más puntual del mundo y la primera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, reconocido como el Mejor Aeropuerto del Sur de Europa en los World Airport Awards 2015 de Skytrax. Es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016
Embraer-CAE Training Services To launch Phenom 100 And 300 Training In Amsterdam [feedly]
Embraer-CAE Training Services To launch Phenom 100 And 300 Training In Amsterdam
// Aero-News Network
Training Will Be Conducted In CAE Full Flight Simulators Embraer-CAE Training Services (ECTS), a joint venture between Embraer and CAE, announced at the 2016 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) that it will further expand its training programs for Embraer Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 pilots and maintenance technicians through the addition of a new location at CAE's training center in Amsterdam.
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Rosetta discovers building blocks of life in comet atmosphere [feedly]
Rosetta discovers building blocks of life in comet atmosphere
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
How exactly life got started here on Earth is a great mystery that has spawned countless scientific theories. The possibility that at least some of the vital building blocks for life were delivered by comets is one such line of thinking, and is also one of the reasons the Rosetta spacecraft has been circling comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko since 2014. The probe has now discovered evidence that key amino acids and molecules do indeed exist in the comet's atmosphere, throwing further weight behind the idea that these icy trailblazers can double as life-giving space couriers.
.. Continue Reading Rosetta discovers building blocks of life in comet atmosphere
Category: Space
Tags: CometsRosettaESA Related Articles: ESA launches website dedicated to sharing newly-snapped Rosetta images Rosetta explores the dark side Rosetta reveals what keeps comets "alive" Sorry, but there are no giant caverns inside Rosetta comet Comet 67P and Rosetta make their closest pass of the Sun Rosetta reveals comet secrets
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Aid delivery by drone project hits prototype stage [feedly]
Aid delivery by drone project hits prototype stage
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Drones are being developed to aid everything from the military to conservation groups, but delivering medical supplies to isolated areas seems a particularly good fit for the technology. The Norman Foster Foundation is developing such a scheme, and the first prototype Droneport was recently displayed at this year's Venice Biennale.
.. Continue Reading Aid delivery by drone project hits prototype stage
Category: Architecture
Tags: Building and ConstructionFoster and PartnersAfricaDelivery drones Related Articles: Droneport will enable drone deliveries of urgent supplies in Rwanda Rwanda to deploy drones to deliver urgent medical supplies to rural communities Rwanda's blood-delivering drones to service 20 hospitals this summer Amazon goes Uber with Flex delivery service Heaven sent: EHang plans to deliver artificial organs by drone UK company wants to deliver parcels through an automated underground tunnel system
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Xiaomi Enters UAV Market with $460 Mi Drone - YIBADA English
Xiaomi Enters UAVMarket with $460 Mi Drone
YIBADA English
Xiaomi Enters UAV Market with $460 Mi Drone. C. J. | May 29, 2016 09:46 PM EDT. Xiaomi offers the Mi Drone in 1080p and 4K for 2,499 and 2,999 yuan, respectively. (Photo : Xiaomi). Xiaomi's first venture into the industry of unmanned aerial vehicles ...
domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016
THOR, el primer Airbus impreso en 3D se presentará en ILA 2016
En 2012 nos hacíamos eco de una noticia acerca de la intención de Airbus y Boeing de imprimir sus aviones. Las ventajas son claras: menos material desperdiciado durante la fabricación y menos uniones mecánicas (esto trae menos peso y por tanto menos consumo). Y nos preguntábamos cuándo volaría el 1er avión de Airbus o Boeing impreso en 3D. Hoy, gracias a esta noticia en francés que nos ha puesto sobre la pista hemos descubierto el THOR, un avión con motores eléctricos que será presentado en ILA 2016 (Berlín 1-4 de junio), según la citada noticia en francés.
Flightradar24 exposes the presence of U.S. and allied ISR planes operating over Daesh stronghold in Iraq [feedly]
Flightradar24 exposes the presence of U.S. and allied ISR planes operating over Daesh stronghold in Iraq
// The Aviationist
Several spyplanes and drones keep an eye on Mosul, ISIS headquarters in northern Iraq. As our readers know, we've been reporting about U.S. and allied planes that can be tracked online during war missions since at least 2011 when, during the opening stages of the Libya Air War, some of the combat planes involved in […]
L-3 Comm Vertex Aero Gets $302.2M to Support C-12 Huron | Outgoing USAF Chief of Staff Gives Props to Restarting F-22 | GE: $3.5B Engines to SK for KF-X Fighters [feedly]
Arianespace To Supply Payload Dispenser Systems For OneWeb Constellation [feedly]
Arianespace To Supply Payload Dispenser Systems For OneWeb Constellation
// Aero-News Network
Launch Contract Signed In June Of Last Year For 21 Soyuz Missions Arianespace has signed a contract with the global satellite internet company OneWeb to design, qualify and supply 21 payload dispensers for the deployment of the OneWeb constellation, along with five more on option.
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SpaceX takes aquatic hat trick with third sea barge landing [feedly]
SpaceX takes aquatic hat trick with third sea barge landing
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
The daring became almost routine today as SpaceX pulled off a spectacular three-in-a-row by successfully landing a Falcon 9 booster on the deck of a sea barge for the third time running. At 5:48 pm EDT, the nine-engine rocket touched down in a powered landing on the unmanned drone barge "Of Course I Still Love You" in the Atlantic Ocean after delivering a telecommunications satellite into geosynchronous transfer orbit.
.. Continue Reading SpaceX takes aquatic hat trick with third sea barge landing
Why helicopter airliners haven’t happened – yet
Helicopter airliners could save us time and lessen the need for building expensive airports. So why don't we have them? Airports are expensive things to build. And they require vast amounts of space, enough for all the runways and hangars, terminals and luggage depots, parking and other services ...
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Here Come The Laser Helicopters
The Army will test an airborne directed energy weapon this summer When all you have is a gun and a bunch of missiles, every problem looks like something to blow up. The Army's Apache helicopters are very good at blowing stuff up, but there are times when they need more precision. Laser-like preci...
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DARPA Urgently Wants A Space Plane It Can Fly Day After Day
Chasing the cheapest way to get into orbit The Pentagon is building another space plane. It already has one, the Air Force's secretive X-37B, but DARPA, the Pentagon's future-focused project's research agency, wants another. This new space plane is the XS-1, and it has a deeply ambitious goal: de...
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016
Forget self-driving cars: What about self-flying drones?
While all the focus has been on autonomous vehicles, one Belgian startup has been busily developing self-flying features for drones
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
Superjet steep-approach approval targeted for 2017 [feedly]
Superjet steep-approach approval targeted for 2017
// Flight Global HEADLINES
Sukhoi foresees the Superjet 100 being certificated for steep landing approaches at London City airport in 2017.
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Lockheed Martin Will Build T-50A At South Carolina Facility [feedly]
Lockheed Martin Will Build T-50A At South Carolina Facility
// Aero-News Network
Aircraft Being Offered As T-38 Replacement As the U.S. Air Force works toward replacing the T-38 Talon as its primary jet trainer, Lockheed Martin's Greenville, SC facility is prepping to build the T-50A, which the company will offer as the replacement for the T-38.
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Opportunity knocks: Solar Impulse 2 on its way to Pennsylvania [feedly]
Opportunity knocks: Solar Impulse 2 on its way to Pennsylvania
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Yesterday, the Solar Impulse team announced that the solar-powered aircraft could be grounded for several days after an incident with its custom inflatable hangar. However, no damage was found by the engineering team and Solar Impulse 2 was cleared for take-off, leaving Dayton, Ohio, at 4.02 am local time today on its way to Lehigh Valley International Airport, Pennsylvania.
.. Continue Reading Opportunity knocks: Solar Impulse 2 on its way to Pennsylvania
Category: Aircraft
Tags: Solar Impulse 2 Related Articles: Solar Impulse 2 lands in Ohio Phoenix bound: Solar Impulse 2 begins 10th leg of round-the-world flight Solar Impulse 2 resumes its around-the-world flight after months of delays Solar Impulse 2 reaches Oklahoma on 11th leg of circumnavigation Solar Impulse makes third attempt at record flight Solar Impulse 2 completes short hop to Pennsylvania
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World's first 3D-printed office building completed in Dubai [feedly]
World's first 3D-printed office building completed in Dubai
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
3D printing technology promises to revolutionize architecture in the near-future, allowing designers to literally click-and-print complex buildings at a lower cost and faster speed than traditional construction methods allow. Another step forward in the field comes via Dubai, where what's hailed as the world's first 3D-printed office was recently completed.
.. Continue Reading World's first 3D-printed office building completed in Dubai
Category: 3D Printing
Tags: Building and ConstructionWorld's FirstOfficeDubai Related Articles: World's first 3D-printed office building to go up layer by layer in Dubai Colossal sundeck sets sail for Burj Al Arab hotel Tourists to have a new place to hang out in Dubai Dubai's Mall of the World undergoes redesign Dubai's Rosemont development will have its own rainforest More details emerge on Dubai's new megatall observation tower
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Airbus Helicopters to reveal X3 successor plan
Airbus Helicopters will reveal at next week s ILA Berlin air show its initial concept for a 220kt (410km/h)-cruise helicopter developed under the EU-backed Clean Sky 2 effort.
Raytheon offers Phalanx weapon for counter-UAV system
Raytheon is touting the use of its Phalanx air defence system alongside a laser to counter unmanned air vehicles that pose a threat to navy vessels.
Insitu Flexes Its Muscles In The UAS Commercial World - UAS Magazine (blog)
Insitu Flexes Its Muscles In The UAS Commercial World
UAS Magazine (blog)
It's an understatement to say that May has been a very busy month for Insitu, theunmanned aircraft systems(UAS) branch of the Boeing Co. The month began with Insitu announcing that it had formed a new commercial business unit to leverage its more ...
Aerion To Seek Type Certificate For Supersonic Bizjet By 2017
Aviation Week
Aerion To Seek Type Certificate For Supersonic Bizjet By 2017
Hoy, 15:23
Aerion Corp. is proceeding under a self-imposed, noise-inspired deadline to submit by the end of 2017 an initial application for FAA type certification of its still-embryonic supersonic business jet.
U.S. evaluating tethered quadcopter «Tether Eye»
press releaee
U.S. Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office Evaluating New AeroVironment Tether Eye Tethered UAS for ISR and Security
- • Tether Eye developed with funding from CTTSO
- • Tether Eye can be deployed from fixed locations or mobile platforms
- • Delivers 24-hour continuous ISR at heights up to 150 feet above launch point
TAMPA, FL., At Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, May 23, 2016 – AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVAV), a world leader in unmanned aircraft systems, today announced the United States Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) is evaluating the company’s new tethered unmanned aircraft system, named Tether Eye™, for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) and security applications. The CTTSO funded the development program under a US government contract.
The AeroVironment Tether Eye unmanned aircraft system is designed to provide continuous, 24-hours-a-day surveillance at up to 150 feet above its launch point. Tether Eye deploys automatically from a small, weather-sealed, self-contained base station and ascends to a pre-determined hover altitude from where viewers of its video feed take advantage of its 360-degree field of view. The specially designed and ruggedized tether connecting Tether Eye to its base station provides continuous power, which, combined with AeroVironment’s track record of proven reliability, enables uninterrupted long-term operation.
“Having the ability to deploy a ‘virtual observation tower’ at a moment’s notice above buildings and vehicles represents a game-changing capability for ISR and security operations that has the potential to save lives,” said Amanda Toman, Program Manager at the CTTSO. “We look forward to continuing our evaluation of Tether Eye’s capabilities with AeroVironment as a possible deployable capability across government facilities.”
Current Tether Eye payloads include electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR) cameras and AeroVironment’s encrypted Digital Data Link (DDL). The EO/IR camera provides both day and night imagery with full motion video transmitted directly to a Ground Control Station (GCS) that operates each platform within AeroVironment’s market-leading family of small UAS and Tactical Missile Systems. The Digital Data Link, integrated into each of AeroVironment’s platforms, provides secure communication with the unmanned aircraft system and communications relay with other platforms.
“Tether Eye effectively complements our family of small unmanned aircraft systems by providing a valuable new capability - continuous ISR and security for buildings or stationary vehicles in defense, security and commercial applications,” said Kirk Flittie, AeroVironment vice president and general manager of its Unmanned Aircraft Systems business segment. “We intend to continue developing Tether Eye through to production and include it as a standard component of our product portfolio. Close communication with our initial customers will guide and inform future enhancements and production releases, resulting in another effective AeroVironment solution that helps our customers succeed.”
# # #
About AeroVironment Small UAS
RQ-11B Raven®, RQ-12 Wasp®, RQ-20A Puma™ and SwitchbladeTM comprise AeroVironment’s Family of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Operating with a common ground control system (GCS), this Family of Systems provides increased capability to the warfighter that can give ground commanders the option of selecting the appropriate aircraft based on the type of mission to be performed. This increased capability has the potential to provide significant force protection and force multiplication benefits to small tactical units and security personnel. AeroVironment provides logistics services worldwide to ensure a consistently high level of operational readiness and provides mission services for customers requiring only the information its small UAS produce. AeroVironment has delivered thousands of new and replacement small unmanned air vehicles to customers within the United States and to more than 30 international governments.
About AeroVironment
AeroVironment is a technology solutions provider that designs, develops, produces, supports and operates an advanced portfolio of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and electric transportation solutions. The company’s electric-powered, hand-launched unmanned aircraft systems generate and process data to deliver powerful insight, on demand, to people and enterprises engaged in military, public safety and commercial activities around the world. More information about AeroVironment is available at
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016
What Price Speed? - can civil supersonic flight make a comeback? RAeS Conference, 26 May
This conference will explore the optimum speed for different aerospace applications, from slow speed drones, to rotary wing aircraft, to larger passenger carrying aircraft, to combat aircraft and ultimately to space vehicles. It will look at the challenges for propulsion in in balancing air vehicle speed versus mission requirements and economic cost and how propulsion technology could shift the point of balance in the future.
There will be speakers representing the industrial leaders of most types of aerospace applications, giving delegates insight into game-changing technologies across the speed range.
L'avion régional Superjet 100 de Sukhoi décolle enfin en Europe - La [feedly]
Le niveau de fiabilité du moteur s'élève "à 99,9%, soit le même que celui du best-seller CFM-56", a affirmé le PDG de Safran Airvraft Engines,Olivier Andriès (Crédits : Leonardo) L'avion régional russe, le Sukhoi Superjet 100, va être opéré pour la ...
Quiet Supersonic Jets Are in the Works - Robb Report [feedly]
Robb Report
Boston's Spike Aerospace (though they lack the design patents and funding that Aerion has and the expertise of Airbus or Virgin) is collaborating with Aernnova, an aerospace engineering and design firm headquartered in Spain, to develop their ideas for ...
First E190-E2 Jet Completes Maiden Flight Ahead of Schedule
The aircraft took off at 1:06 p.m., local time from Embraer’s facility in São José dos Campos and flew for three hours and 20 minutes. The flight occurred just three months after the E190-E2 made its public début at a rollout ceremony at the factory in late February. The inaugural flight marks the beginning of the certification campaign for the E190-E2, the first of three new second-generation E-Jet models. The E190-E2 is scheduled to enter commercial service in 2018.
“A first flight is always an emotional occasion, no matter how many you witness over the years. In this particular case, we are not only keeping our promises to the market, we are going beyond by being a few months ahead of schedule. I want to thank each and every Embraer employee who is participating in this project,” said Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President & CEO.
“What a first flight! Today, all of us at Embraer should be proud and thrilled of this remarkable achievement. Watching the first E190-E2 take to the skies means we are paving the way for a bright future in commercial aviation. I’m certain that the market will show even greater interest not only for E190-E2, but also for the other E2s as well,” said Paulo Cesar Silva, President & CEO, Embraer Commercial Aviation.
Embraer Captain Mozart Louzada commanded the aircraft along with First Officer Gerson de Oliveira Mendes, and Flight Test Engineers Alexandre Figueiredo and Carlos Silveira. Today’s flight evaluated aircraft handling and performance characteristics with the crew analyzing a significant number of flight parameters, including speed, altitude and landing gear retraction. This was made possible by the high level of maturity that the E2 reached during program development through the extensive use of digital modeling simulations and ground and static tests that employed rigs and an iron bird.
“There are always a lot of expectations with a first flight and todays’ was no exception. The flight was very smooth. We were able to significantly open the flight envelope by flying at mach 0.82, climbing to 41,000 feet and retracting the landing gear and flaps, and engaging the fly-by-wire in normal mode. All of these demonstrate that the E190-E2 project is very mature and robust, and exceed all performance targets” said Captain Louzada.
The aircraft that flew today is the first of four prototypes that will be used in the E190-E2 certification program. Two additional aircraft will be assigned for the E195-E2 certification process that will lead to entry into service in 2019. Three more aircraft will be used to certify the E175-E2 which is scheduled to enter service in 2020.
The E190-E2 has the same number of seats as the current-generation E190 and can be configured with 97 seats in dual class or 106 seats in a single-class layout. It has 400 nautical miles more range than the current-generation E190 and gives operators the ability to fly the aircraft up to 2,800 nautical miles.
Since the E-Jets E2s were launched in June 2013, the program has logged 640 commitments from airlines and leasing companies: 267 are firm orders and 373 are options and purchase rights. The E-Jets family of aircraft is the leader in the up-to-130-seat aircraft category with more than 50% worldwide market share. Embraer E-Jets are currently in service with some 70 customers from 50 countries.
E-Jets E2s represent the best of new technology in a proven platform. The application of advanced technologies for engines, wings, and avionics sets the E2s apart by providing airlines with the most efficient airplanes in the category yet maintaining commonality with current-generation E-Jets. Enhancements include new aerodynamically-advanced high-aspect ratio distinctively-shaped wings, improved systems and avionics, 4th generation full fly-by-wire flight controls, and Pratt & Whitney’s PurePowerTM Geared Turbofan high by-pass ratio engines (PW1700G on the E175-E2, PW1900G on the E190-E2 and E195-E2). These combine to generate double-digit reductions in fuel consumption, emissions, noise, and maintenance costs, as well greater productivity though less scheduled maintenance downtime. E-Jets E2s will achieve similar costs per seat as larger re-engined narrow-body aircraft but with significantly lower costs per trip. Those savings will create new opportunities for lower-risk development of new markets and fleet right-sizing.
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Ukrainian Border Authorities Discover An Attempt Of Smuggling MiG-29 Spare Parts To Poland [feedly]
Smuggling of MiG-29 Fulcrum spare parts on the Ukraine – Poland border. According to the Polish defence outlet Altair, the Lviv based unit of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine arrested a 46-years old Ukrainian citizen from the Kiev Oblast who was attempting to smuggle MiG-29 fighter spare parts to Poland at the Rawa […]
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Safran opens new helicopter support centre in Singapore [feedly]
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Huntington Ingalls: $152M for Aircraft Carrier Enterprise | Saab’s $1.27B UAE Deal Sees Biz Jets Become GlobalEyes | Netherlands First F-35As Land to Fanfare [feedly]
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Airbus contracts MicroLink to produce solar cells for Zephyr S military aircraft [feedly]

U.S.-Australian Team Moves One Step Closer To Hypersonic Flight [feedly]
Rocket Successfully Flown At Woomera Test Range In Australia An experimental rocket launched at the Woomera Test Range in Australia as part of the joint research program, HIFiRE (Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation Program) this week reached an apogee of 91,000 feet (278 km) and achieved the targeted speed of Mach 7.5 (seven and a half times the speed of sound).
NASA To Demonstrate Sonic 'Thump' Compared To Standard Sonic Boom [feedly]
Event To Take Place May 31 At Armstrong Flight Research Center NASA is planning a comparative demonstration of the currently louder sonic boom to a quieter, more community-friendly sonic "thump", which NASA looks to achieve through an experimental aircraft for Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST)
Blimp Makes Emergency Landing In Philadelphia Neighborhood [feedly]
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Dezso Molnar interview Part 4: My two current flying car projects [feedly]
In part 4 of our extended interview with serial inventor and flying car advocate Dezso Molnar, Dezso puts his money where his mouth is. After giving us his philosophy on flying cars, and reviewing his favorite and least favorite existing designs, Dezso speaks about the two flying car designs he's currently working on as he prepares to launch the world's first flying car race series. The Street Wing concept is a fully electric, solar-supported streetable airplane, and the G2 Gyrocycle is a race-focused, 200 mph three-wheeler that's already rolling on the street, and nearly ready to fly.
.. Continue Reading Dezso Molnar interview Part 4: My two current flying car projectsSolar Impulse 2 temporarily grounded after hangar accident [feedly]
Solar Impulse 2 is temporarily grounded in Dayton, Ohio after a minor accident. The next leg of the solar-powered aircraft's round-the-world-flight was scheduled for May 24, but the unexpected minor collapse of its inflatable hangar resulted in the craft being lightly touched by the hangar fabric. Solar Impulse says that the airplane will now spend several days on the ground as engineers search for damage.
.. Continue Reading Solar Impulse 2 temporarily grounded after hangar accidentAeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava inaugura 3 nuevas rutas operadas por la aerolínea Jet2
- Se operarán vuelos a Glasgow, Newcastle y Manchester
- Las tres conexiones contarán con dos frecuencias semanales que funcionarán los lunes y los viernes.
- El enlace a Manchester tendrá otra frecuencia los miércoles en julio y agosto
- 20 de mayo de 2016
El Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava estrena hoy tres nuevas rutas con el Reino Unido: Glasgow, Newcastle y Manchester, de la mano de la aerolínea inglesa Jet 2.
Las tres conexiones contarán con dos frecuencias semanales que operarán los lunes y los viernes hasta finales de septiembre. Además, el enlace con Manchester de la compañía operará también los miércoles en los meses de julio y agosto.
Con estas nuevas conexiones, que se operarán con un Boeing 737-300 y 737-800, el Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava contará con un total de 48 destinos durante el periodo estival.
Airbus Helicopters introduces the H160 VIP version at EBACE
- H160 VIP design intentions revealed
- First letters of intent (LOI) signed after recent commercialisation kick-off
- Flight test campaign with Arrano engines progressing
Geneva, Airbus Helicopters presents an exclusive first glimpse of the H160 VIP version at this year's EBACE meeting in Geneva, which will be held from May 24-26.
Customers will have the opportunity to experience some of its features like its exclusive cabin interior, electrical footstep and hinged doors thanks to a virtual reality immersion tool.
"After the unveiling at Heli-Expo in 2015, the H160 has generated a lot of interest from operators on this strategic segment due to its unrivalled combination of innovation, design and performance," said Bernard Fujarski, Senior Vice President and head of the H160 Program at Airbus Helicopters. "Since the recent launch of the commercialisation at Heli-Expo this year, we have already signed some letters of intent for the H160. With EBACE marking the unveiling of the H160 in its VIP version, we expect to sign additional LOI with private and corporate customers" he added.
Airbus Helicopters launched a design contest in October 2015 with 5 designers competing to create the H160 VIP cabin interior.
"After evaluation from a large panel of customers and specialists in luxury goods, Pegasus Design style intention has been selected," said Frederic Lemos, head of Private and Business Aviation. "Our in-house design team will now work closely with Pegasus Design to establish a new standard of VIP cabin interiors on the private and business aviation market, ensuring that the H160 will propose the same level of excellence, innovation, and emotion inside and out" he added.
The H160 development continues to progress as the two prototypes in flight testing have logged around 140 hours with the second prototype (PT2) having performed the 100th flight mid-May. PT2 has been flying with Turbomeca's Arrano engines since January 2016 and PT1, whose retrofit is being finalized, will be flying with the Arrano engines in the next couple of days.
The flight envelope is continuously being expanded and PT2 has reached a maximum altitude of 20,000 feet and has performed turns at 2.2G confirming expected behavior of the rotor and dampers. The upcoming milestones in the flight test campaign are the climatic campaigns, continued performance testing of the Arrano engines and finalization of aeromechanical configuration of H160.
With the most extensive range of helicopters dedicated to the private and business aviation Airbus Helicopters is the unrivalled market leader with 33% of the fleet currently in service.
Come and visit us at stand nº N060/ Hall 5
Inauguración de UNVEX: La seguridad, el desarrollo y el marco legislativo, retos del sector de los RPAS
- Grandes aeronaves , RPAS, drones de menor tamaño y nuevas plataformas se exponen durante el encuentro
- La seguridad, el desarrollo y el marco legislativo, retos del sector de los RPAS
- Inauguración oficial de UNVEX'16 en el aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos
- La Unión Europea estima que en 10 años los drones supondrán el 10% del sector de la aviación
Madrid, 24 de mayo de 2016. Carmen Librero, Secretaria General de Transportes ha inaugurado esta mañana UNVEX'16, el encuentro pionero en España dedicado a vehículos aéreos no tripulados o remotamente tripulados que se celebrará hasta el 26 de mayo en el Aeropuerto de Cuatro Vientos, en Madrid.
Carmen Librero ha destacado en su intervención el gran potencial de este sector "de capacidades casi infinitas". La Secretaria General se ha referido, como retos importantes a la reducción de riesgos y el desarrollo de una normativa que tenga en cuenta el avance de estos sistemas. "Los drones han de ser tratados como nuevos tipos de aeronaves, con normas de la Unión Europea para su plena integración en el Espacio Aéreo Europeo", ha apuntado.
Isabel Maestre, Directora de la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) se ha referido fundamentalmente a la prevención de riesgos en esta materia. "El mayor peligro es el mal uso que se haga de estos dispositivos". Mientras en Europa se trabaja en una normativa para este sector, España cuenta con el RD 8/2014 del 4 de julio que ha venido a cubrir necesidades en el marco legislativo. "No se puede volar en zonas de aglomeraciones, respetando 500 m de distancia con el piloto", entre otros aspectos.
Actualmente, ha apuntado Maestre, hay 1.337 operadores habilitados por AESA y 2.456 aeronaves registradas, casi todos pequeños dispositivos; solo existen 5 operadores con sistemas de más de 25 kg.
"El riesgo" ha insistido, "está en aeronaves no certificadas que quieren hacer operaciones de alto riesgo" Por ello, ha concluido, "la legislación debe avanzar para dar respuesta a las aplicaciones, a los riesgos y a la evolución tecnológica".
Hoy y mañana, continúa el programa de Conferencias, centradas en este caso, en las aplicaciones en el Sector Defensa. El jueves, 26 de mayo se hablará de las múltiples aplicaciones comerciales. Además, la exposición de 48 empresas punteras está abierta a todos los visitantes, previa inscripción en
UNVEX'16 cuenta con el apoyo de grandes empresas del sector nacionales e internacionales (Thales, Indra, Airbus, Sener, o General Atomics, entre otras) así como de entidades de gran relevancia en España como CDTI, AESA, AERPAS, AESMIDE o Tedae.
lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016
From the A330 to Beluga XL: New transport capacity for Airbus’ industrial network | Airbus Press release
2 May 2016 Feature story
The first of Airbus' five new Beluga XL airlifter "giants" will begin taking shape early next year, initiating the creation of a new jetliner fleet to transport complete sections of the company's aircraft from production sites around Europe to final assembly lines in France, Germany and Spain.
Beluga XL's lower fuselage will be the same as the Freighter version of Airbus' A330-200 jetliner and is to be built on the A330 final assembly line adjacent to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport in southwestern France.
The Beluga XL's other aerostructure-specific components are provided by external suppliers, including the significantly enlarged upper fuselage, the modified forward fuselage section with a lowered nose and cockpit, a large forward cargo door allowing "roll-on-roll-off" loading directly onto the main deck, and a pair of auxiliary vertical tailplane end-fins.
Once a lower fuselage for Beluga XLs is completed on the final assembly line, it will be moved to Building L34 at Airbus' Lagardère industrial zone adjacent to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, where the build-up process into the outsized airlifter will take approximately 12 months per aircraft.
The five Beluga XL aircraft will provide an additional 30 percent in transport capacity for Airbus' industrial network, joining the existing fleet of five A300-600ST Super Transporters – which are based on the legacy A300 jetliner, and were given the original "Beluga" moniker because of their resemblance to the white whale of the same name.
Drone-Detection System Being Tested at JFK Airport -
Drone-Detection SystemBeing Tested at JFK Airport
Over the last couple of years, the FAA has received dozens of reports from pilots and residents about unmanned aircraft or drones flyingaround some of the nation's busiest airports, including John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York.
The FAA just tested an FBIdrone-finding system at JFKEngadget
FAA Tests FBI Drone-DetectionSystem at JFK AirportPC Magazine
FAA tests FBI drone detectionsystem at JFKGPS World magazine
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