Solar Impulse 2 set to continue its round-the-world flight [feedly]

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Solar Impulse 2 set to continue its round-the-world flight
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

It was last March that Swiss aviators Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg began a round-the-world trip in their completely solar-powered aircraft, the Solar Impulse 2. Unfortunately, during a July stopover in Hawaii, they discovered that the batteries had overheated, causing serious damage. Now, however, they're finally set to resume their journey.

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Category: Aircraft

Tags: Solar Impulse 2Solar PoweredElectric Aircraft Related Articles: Solar Impulse 2 breaks three records en route to Hawaii Solar Impulse 2 round-the-world route revealed Refurbished Solar Impulse 2 returns to the skies Bad weather forces Solar Impulse 2 to land in Japan Solar Impulse 2 begins historic round-the-world, sun-powered flight Solar Impulse takes off on longest leg of round-the-world flight

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