jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Airbus Helicopters kicks off new H145 demo tour in Asia

Airbus Helicopters’ H145 is back in Asia to showcase its performance and capabilities through a series of demo flights in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Marignane, France, Airbus Helicopters’ H145 is back in Asia to showcase its performance and capabilities through a series of demo flights in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan. The first H145 demo tour was held in Southeast Asia in 2013, covering Malaysia and Thailand. Since then, there has been an increasing interest in this rotorcraft, especially in the emergency medical services (EMS) and commercial/business aviation segments.

This Asian demo tour will be divided into two legs. From 23-30 March, the H145 will visit Malaysia and Thailand once again. The second leg will start in May, covering Indonesia, eastern Malaysia and Taiwan for the first time.

“We are very pleased to bring the H145 back to Asia for demo flights. This is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with customers who could not take part in the previous demo tour,” said Philippe Monteux, Airbus Helicopters Head of Southeast Asia & Pacific region. “By actually flying the H145, operators will be able to experience firsthand the power and versatility of this light helicopter, which represents a very cost-efficient solution for all mission needs.”

Current and potential customers will have an opportunity to get familiar with this best-selling light twin-engine rotorcraft which incorporates Airbus Helicopters’ trademark Fenestron and innovative Helionix avionics suite for enhanced safety, increased performance and reduced pilot workload. Equipped with a large cabin which can accommodate up to 8 passengers (or 10 in special operations seating), a compact airframe and powerful engines, the H145 features sophisticated mission capabilities and flexibility, especially in high-and-hot operating conditions.

The H145 is the latest member of the 4-ton-class H145 family, which has a fleet of 1230 in service around the world clocking over 4.4 million flight hours. Although the aircraft is very popular in the EMS and corporate transportation segments, its built-in flexibility makes it the best choice of a wide variety of missions. The newest, enhanced H145, which entered into service in mid-2014, has already seen some 54 helicopters in operation in 14 different countries, accumulating more than 15,400 flight hours with an average availability of over 90 percent.

Twitter: @AirbusHC #H145 #DemoFlight #Malaysia #Thailand #Taiwan #Indonesia
Be sure to follow Airbus Helicopters for all news and events throughout the H145 Asia demo tour:

» www.airbushelicopters.asia

Carbures cierra un proceso de reorganización interna para crecer orgánicamente

La Compañía realiza el envío parcial del primer lineal a China en abril  y prevé su llegada en junio

Carbures cierra un proceso de reorganización interna para crecer orgánicamente
·         Tras una fase de crecimiento inorgánico para posicionarse en el mercado global de la fibra de carbono, la Compañía se reorganiza definiendo las áreas de negocio core con el objetivo de afrontar una etapa de crecimiento orgánico.

·         La Compañía ha vendido cuatro filiales e integra la actividad de otras nueve, de las que tres son españolas, una es estadounidense y cinco son mexicanas, en otros tantos centros industriales.

·         Los negocios girarán en torno a tres grandes divisiones: Aerospace & Defense, Mobility y Civil Work. Los nuevos directores generales de esas divisiones son Javier Moreno, Josef Neuhäusler y Raúl García Hidalgo, respectivamente.

·         La corte de Nueva York investiga la "especulación ilegal" sobre acciones de Carbures por parte del fondo Emerging Markets Intrinsic (EMI).

Madrid, 30 de marzo de 2016. Carbures entra en una tercera fase empresarial, la de crecimiento orgánico. Tras una primera fase de crecimiento inorgánico con el objetivo de posicionarse en los principales mercados mundiales para la fabricación de piezas de avión, coche y estructuras de obra civil en fibra de carbono, la Compañía ha cerrado una segunda etapa de consolidación interna, en la que ha reorganizado su estructura y sus activos industriales para reducir los costes derivados de la etapa anterior, que ha tenido un importante impacto en los resultados del grupo del año pasado. En este sentido, la Compañía cierra en estos días su cuenta de resultados de 2015, con una cifra de ventas de unos 66 millones de euros y un EBITDA negativo de unos 6,8 millones de euros. A este resultado ha contribuido también el hecho de que los lineales a China no hayan empezado a entregarse. El contrato con Shenyang Hengrui establece que el pago se efectuará a la recepción y montaje de cada lineal. El primer envío, el de la prensa para piezas de coche en composite, se realizará en próximas fechas. Por otra parte, la Corte de Nueva York ha admitido a trámite las pruebas presentadas por Carbures contra la "especulación ilegal" que se llevó a cabo con acciones pignoradas por el fondo turco Emerging Markets Intrinsic (EMI) como garantía de un préstamo a la Compañía. Carbures reclama ante el juez una indemnización de 150 millones de dólares al fondo turco.
El proceso de consolidación del grupo lo ha realizado el nuevo equipo directivo de la Compañía a lo largo del primer trimestre de este año con el objetivo de optimizar los procesos industriales, minimizar costes, impulsar el crecimiento orgánico y así mejorar los resultados de 2016. Por ello, durante el proceso de reorganización, la Compañía ha vendido cuatro filiales y ha integrado la actividad de otras nueve, de las que tres son españolas, una es estadounidense y cinco son mexicanas (filiales de PYPSA). Esa actividad la han asumido otras plantas del Grupo.

El objetivo de la Compañía es generar economías de escala y alcance, así como reducir costes y ordenar las líneas de negocio y los activos y pasivos vinculados a cada una de ellas. El proceso de reorganización marcado por la Compañía en 2016 está basado en una serie de medidas. En primer lugar, Carbures se desprenderá de las actividades y las sociedades dependientes donde ha tenido presencia hasta el momento, pero que quedan fuera de la actividad core del grupo, como son la formación, la gestoría y el diseño de programas de gestión empresarial. Además, los negocios se organizarán en torno a tres grandes divisiones: Aerospace & Defense, Mobility y Civil Work. Según criterios geoestratégicos sectoriales, las plantas industriales de referencia de cada una de las divisiones se han situado en las siguientes localizaciones: Aerospace & Defense, en el eje Sevilla-Cádiz; Mobility, en Munich (Alemania); y Civil Work, en Ciudad de México (México).

Cada una de estas divisiones tendrá al frente una filial, a la que se aportará, vía segregación, la rama de actividad correspondiente de la Compañía y las sociedades vinculadas a cada una de ellas. Igualmente, en cada división, se localizará toda la actividad que le es propia, así como las sociedades relacionadas y los activos y pasivos correspondientes, por lo que Carbures, la cotizada, se convertirá exclusivamente en una holding tenedora de las acciones y participaciones de las tres divisiones.

El grupo ha nombrado en las últimas semanas a nuevos responsables en cada una de las divisiones. En todos los casos, son personas que ya estaban vinculadas al grupo y que han promocionado. Así, los nuevos General Managers son:
·         Aerospace & Defense: Javier Moreno. Ingeniero Naval, ha ocupado diversos puestos en el Grupo como Chief Commercial Officer, Director General o miembro del consejo de Carbures en China. Moreno dirigirá la subholding desde España. Esta división contará, además, con Domingo Ureña como asesor estratégico.
·         Mobility: Josef Neuhäusler. Ingeniero Industrial con más de 20 años de experiencia en automoción, principalmente en el sector de la ingeniería. Creó su propia compañía, aXcep, que fue absorbida en 2014 por el grupo Carbures. Neuhäusler dirigirá esta división desde Alemania y tendrá el apoyo estratégico del grupo LAS Holding, vinculado a Wilbur Ross.
·         Civil Work: Raúl García Hidalgo. Ingeniero con 36 años de experiencia, la mayoría de ellos vinculado a Pypsa (perteneciente al grupo Carbures actualmente). Ha dirigido y administrado proyectos de ingeniería, principalmente en plantas industriales y civiles. Dirigirá esta subholding desde México y tendrá a Antonio Zama como asesor estratégico.    

Modelo industrial creciente frente a resultados negativos puntuales

Durante 2015, Carbures se vio gravemente afectada en el desarrollo de su plan de crecimiento como consecuencia del periodo de suspensión de cotización en el que estuvo inmersa entre octubre de 2014 y enero de 2015, que paralizó a la Compañía en su práctica totalidad, así como decisiones erróneas en el resto de sectores core del Grupo tomadas durante 2015. Ello derivó en una situación financiera complicada, que ralentizó el ritmo de crecimiento de la Compañía. Precisamente, este retraso en la ejecución de los planes de la Compañía ratifica la validez de su modelo industrial y del producto que ofrece al mercado.

El área aeronáutica de Carbures ya es rentable, a la espera del cierre de proyectos en automoción y obra civil. En este sentido, la Compañía prevé este año batir el récord de 2015, con cerca de 39.322 piezas de avión fabricadas. A día de hoy, la fábrica de Jerez de la Compañía está trabajando al 66 por ciento de su capacidad y se prevé que en 2017 alcanzará su plena capacidad. Los centros de Jerez, Sevilla e Illescas trabajan en 2016 a toda máquina y Carbures refuerza así su posicionamiento como referente europeo en la fabricación de piezas de avión en fibra de carbono y otros composites. La Compañía tiene una cartera de pedidos ya firmada de piezas de avión que le permite alcanzar una mayor velocidad crucero de fabricación de piezas con un incremento de pedidos por parte de los grandes fabricantes para este ejercicio y el que viene.

En cuanto a la línea de actividad de automoción, Carbures realizará, en próximas fechas, desde el puerto de Bilbao, el envío de la primera pieza del lineal hacia China. Se trata de la prensa de piezas de coche en fibra de carbono, que se carga en un barco mercante rumbo a China. Ese mismo día, la fábrica de Carbures en Múnich, Alemania, envía a China otra de las piezas del lineal, los inyectores de fibra de carbono para la fabricación en series largas de piezas de coche. Se estima que lleguen al puerto chino de Changshu a principios de junio. Paulatinamente, se irán enviando el resto de piezas del lineal al cliente chino. De acuerdo con el criterio contable aplicado, Carbures no reconocerá ningún ingreso correspondiente a este contrato hasta que la totalidad del lineal (prensa, robots y maquinaria auxiliar) esté instalado y en funcionamiento. En este sentido, el criterio contable aplicado en 2015 con respecto a la venta del lineal a China ha causado un menor EBITDA al presupuestado.

El negocio de obra civil presenta una evolución menor principalmente por la caída del precio del petróleo, que ha ralentizado la inversión pública en nuevos desarrollos (en México) y ha dificultado la financiación de otras obras públicas (tanto en México como en Ecuador).

Además de lo antes mencionado, el EBITDA se explica por otra serie de acontecimientos extraordinarios puntuales, como los derivados de los costes asociados al asesoramiento financiero y legal en la instrumentalización de los warrants de Black Toro Capital y Wilbur Ross, y el gasto de la demanda presentada contra Emerging Markets Instrinsic (EMI) ante los tribunales de EE UU en defensa de los intereses de Carbures.

La Corte de Nueva York investiga la "especulación ilegal" sobre acciones de Carbures

En este sentido, la Corte de Nueva York ha iniciado, por la demanda de Carbures, que ha sido admitida a trámite, una investigación sobre la "especulación ilegal" que se llevó a cabo con las acciones de Carbures prestadas al fondo turco Emerging Markets Intrinsic (EMI).

Carbures ha verificado que el fondo EMI "especuló ilegalmente" con sus acciones tras la formalización en septiembre de 2015 de un crédito por un importe de siete millones de euros, de los que solo se dispusieron tres millones. La Compañía presentó en noviembre una demanda de 150 millones de dólares por daños y perjuicios tras la pérdida de valor en la cotización de la compañía.

Carbures ha detectado préstamos de valores y operaciones en corto que, entre otras cosas, lastraron a la baja la cotización de la Compañía en tres jornadas, con caídas del 33% entre el 24 y el 26 de noviembre de 2015. Tras abrir el 24 de noviembre en 0,79 euros, dos días más tarde cerró en 0,53 euros.

Carbures detectó a finales de noviembre operaciones especulativas que considera ilegales con acciones de la Compañía que estaban causando su caída en el mercado bursátil. Por ello, presentó en los Tribunales de Nueva York una demanda de 150 millones de dólares contra Emerging Markets Intrinsic (EMI) al haber detectado actividad ilícita de negociación y préstamo de acciones de Carbures que se encontraban pignoradas, exclusivamente como garantía, en una operación de financiación de la Compañía. Al tratarse de acciones depositadas como garantía del citado préstamo, las acciones no debían ser negociadas ni prestadas. Carbures inició entonces acciones legales contra el prestamista, el agente del préstamo, sus administradores y el custodio.

Sobre Carbures

Carbures es un grupo industrial especializado en la fabricación de estructuras con materiales compuestos, como la fibra de carbono, para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, como el aeronáutico, la automoción, el ferroviario, el deportivo y el de obra civil. A lo largo de una década, Carbures ha desarrollado una tecnología propia que le posiciona como la compañía líder en Europa en la fabricación, tanto en series largas como cortas, de piezas de fibra de carbono para aviones, coches, trenes, bicicletas y estructuras y vigas de construcción.

Here’s why the U.S. should restart the F-22 Raptor production line instead of developing a sixth generation fighter

With some tweaks the F-22 Raptor can maintain the edge over the future fighters the U.S. adversaries are developing. The development of a sixth generation fighter should not be a top priority for the U.S Air Force given that, according to Rob Weiss, executive vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin's legendary Skunk Works division, […]


Gen-3 Helmet for F-35 Expected for 2017 Rollout | Qatar Signs Deal with France for 24 Rafales | Several Middle East Countries Express Interest in Russia’s Su-34 [feedly]

Gen-3 Helmet for F-35 Expected for 2017 Rollout | Qatar Signs Deal with France for 24 Rafales | Several Middle East Countries Express Interest in Russia's Su-34

Reaching for the stars: How lasers could propel spacecraft to relativistic speeds [feedly]

Reaching for the stars: How lasers could propel spacecraft to relativistic speeds

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Falcon 8X on final approach to certification [feedly]

Falcon 8X on final approach to certification

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Pentagon touts "Loyal Wingman" for combat jets [feedly]

Pentagon touts "Loyal Wingman" for combat jets

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Embraer forecasts 720 70-130 seat jets for Latin America by 2036 - ATWOnline [feedly]

Fatigued Su Superjet test pilot used wrong throttle before crash [feedly]

Fatigued Superjet test pilot used wrong throttle before crash

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Airbus pushes density (again) on A380 [feedly]

Hybrid Enterprises Receives First Customer’s Letter of Intent to Purchase Lockheed Martin Airships [feedly]

Hybrid Enterprises Receives First Customer's Letter of Intent  to Purchase Lockheed Martin Airships

The Hybrid Airship provides affordable and safe delivery of cargo and personnel to virtually anywhere –water or land. Hybrids were designed to enable a more sustainable future.

Airbus increases A350-900 range to 8,100nm [feedly]

Airbus increases A350-900 range to 8,100nm

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Middle of the Market or Mirage of the Market: Boeing’s lose-lose situation [feedly]

Middle of the Market or Mirage of the Market: Boeing's lose-lose situation

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Airbus only one reason for Boeing cost-cutting

Boeing has to cut costs. So it’s cutting 10% of its work force.

The reason?

Pricing pressure from Airbus, says Ray Conner, the CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA). The Seattle Times, which reported March 30 that it obtained an internal memo citing the 10% number, quoted Conner extensively from a Feb. 10 internal webcast that Boeing is losing orders to Airbus over price.read full text: https://leehamnews.com/2016/03/31/airbus-one-reason-boeing-cost-cutting/

Boeing job cuts this year could reach 10 percent | The Seattle Times


Boeing Commercial Airplanes has taken steps expected to eliminate 4,000 jobs by June — and that may be only halfway towards the total cuts this year.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Boeing to Cut More Than 4,500 Jobs - WSJ


Boeing Forecasts Latin American Commercial Fleet to Triple By 2035 [feedly]

Boeing Forecasts Latin American Commercial Fleet to Triple By 2035

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Airbus Defence unit to showcase products at Doha event - Trade Arabia [feedly]

Trade Arabia

Airbus Defence unit to showcase products at Doha event
Trade Arabia
The company's indoor exhibit, will feature a life-size mock-up of maritime, aerial and terrestrial surveillance products including the A330 MRTT, DVF2000, Spectus, Zephyr, among host of other key defence and space products, said a statement from the ...

y más »

MIT’s autonomous UAV can avoid crashes by evading objects autonomously

A PhD student , Andrew Barry at the MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) has built a self-flying drone which has the capability to avoid crashes by evading objects autonomously. The drone can detect obstacles and avert potential crashes while travelling at a speed of 30 miles per hour full text: http://www.albanydailystar.com/technology/mits-autonomous-uav-can-make-manoeuvre-when-flying-akron-tekno-time-8640.html

Pontifications: Airbus USA321 a milestone for US aerospace [feedly]

Pontifications: Airbus USA321 a milestone for US aerospace

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Four Engines Competing To Send Military Satellites Into Space [feedly]

Four Engines Competing To Send Military Satellites Into Space

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

OPINION: Forecasters must be wary of the broken 'cycle' model [feedly]

OPINION: Forecasters must be wary of the broken 'cycle' model

n Airline Business last year, we suggested that central bankers and finance ministers were somewhat optimistic in their view that, having missed the forecast for 2015, the world's economies would be back on track by 2016.

However, immediately before February's G20 meeting in Shanghai, the IMF made a number of pertinent albeit belated observations about future economic prospects. These included a "rising stress in emerging nations" and, following gyrations in financial markets, "higher risks of a derailed recovery at a moment when the global economy is highly vulnerable to adverse shocks".

FAA selects two fuels for unleaded avgas testing [feedly]

FAA selects two fuels for unleaded avgas testing

A nearly decade-long search by the US government to find a new avgas formula that can replace leaded fuel in hundreds of thousands of piston-powered aircraft has entered a final, two-year evaluation with two remaining contenders: global heavyweight Shell and US-based start-up Swift Fuels.

GAO Report on UCLASS Sees Progress on CBARS | French Navy Seizes Somalia Bound Weapons Cache | 490 Participants, 47 Countries Attend Defexpo India 2016 [feedly]

GAO Report on UCLASS Sees Progress on CBARS | French Navy Seizes Somalia Bound Weapons Cache | 490 Participants, 47 Countries Attend Defexpo India 2016


Icon A5 Purchase Contract May Be More Complex Than The Aircraft Itself... [feedly]

Icon A5 Purchase Contract May Be More Complex Than The Aircraft Itself...

Highly Restrictive, Certainly Controversial, The Purchase Agreement Leaves One Wondering -- Are You Buying An Icon A5, Or Just Borrowing It?

NASA Sends Fire, Meteor Experiments To ISS On Commercial Cargo Spacecraft [feedly]

NASA Sends Fire, Meteor Experiments To ISS On Commercial Cargo Spacecraft

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Mars drone tech sniffs out methane leaks on Earth [feedly]

Natural gas pipelines stretch for thousands of miles across entire continents and inspecting them for potentially dangerous leaks is a full-time, never-ending job. To take some of the pressure off, NASA is testing a quadcopter equipped with a miniature methane gas sensor originally designed for testing the Martian atmosphere. The space agency says that the exceptional sensitivity of the equipment makes it possible to monitor many miles of pipeline at a time from the air.

.. Continue Reading Mars drone tech sniffs out methane leaks on Earth

Lockheed Martin begins probing Space Fence's radar tech at new test facility [feedly]

An overhaul of the system that tracks space junk orbiting the Earth has taken another stride forward, with Lockheed Martin opening a new test site for its Space Fence system. The New Jersey facility will be used as a testbed for the radar array's new technologies, which are expected to boost our awareness of orbital debris by a factor of 10 once they enter operation.

.. Continue Reading Lockheed Martin begins probing Space Fence's radar tech at new test facility

martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

EgyptAir passenger plane hijacked. Updated: EgyptAir hijack: Man surrenders at Larnaca airport

An EgyptAir plane has been hijacked flying from Alexandria to Cairo and forced to land in Cyprus, airline and Cypriot officials have said. AP reports Cypriot officials saying they believe there is a bomb on board the plane, which has landed at Larnaka airport. A statement from the Egyptian aviati...

Updated:  EgyptAir hijack: Man surrenders at Larnaca airport 
Some reports said the Egyptian man - named by Cypriot officials as Seif Eldin Mustafa - wanted to talk to his estranged Cypriot wife who lives on the Mediterranean island, while others said he was seeking the release of female prisoners in Egypt. full text and Analysis - BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35915139

Airbus to use 3D printed components in its planes | Business


Starting in March, Airbus will install the first 3D printed metal components on it airplanes. The lightweight components are made of titanium powder and use up less material.

More from DW's business desk: http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/business/s-1431

La SAE os invita al "Mes del Aire"



Desde la Sociedad Aeronáutica Española y de la Astronáutica, SAE

Os queremos invitar a nuestro "Mes del Aire" que se celebrará en

 en la c/Príncipe de Vergara, 26 de Madrid 

Domingo 3 de Abril a las 12.00h
"El espectacular mundo del espacio, muy cerca de nosotros"
por D. Isaac Dominguez (Director de estaciones espaciales en ISDEFE)

Viernes 8 de Abril a las 19.00h
"La apasionante historia de los dirigibles"
por D. Francisco A. Gonzalez Redondo (Profesor titular de historia de la ciencia en la UCM))

Domingo 17 de Abril a las 12.00h
"La aventura del paramotor"
por D. Pierre J. Diet (Federación aérea madrileña. Experto y fabricante de motores para parapente)

Domingo 24 de Abril a las 12.30h
"Como vuela un avion, y un dron" 
por D. Javier Gomez Barredo (Presidente de SEPLA y comandante de A330)


Dirigida a público infantil.
Tendrá lugar en la "PAGEA: THE TRAVEL STORE" 
 (Príncipe de Vergara , 26)
¡Ven con tus hijos!

No es necesario confirmar la asistencia,
¡simplemente venir y disfrutar!

Para más información:
 para estar al tanto de la actualidad aeronáutica

"Mes del Aire" Así fueron las anteriores:




Italian Air Force leadership visits Tecnam production facility after selecting Tecnam to provide an Integrated Training System (ITS)

On March 16, Lieutenant General Pasquale Preziosa, Chief of the Italian Air Force (AMI), visited the Tecnam production facility in Capua, Italy as a a follow up to the recent AMI decision to select Tecnam to provide an Integrated Training System (ITS), which includes the purchase of three Tecnam P2006T Twins for Latina based 70° Stormo.

Hosted by Tecnam CFO Amedeo Fogliano and Fabio Russo, Head of Research & Development, Lieutenant General Preziosa not only toured the single and twin engine production lines but was given an exclusive view of the Tecnam P2012 Traveller prototype, now in final stages of completion.

The twin engine P2006T has been selected by Italian Air Force, after an extensive two year procurement evaluation programme as trainer. Tecnam will be providing not only three P2006T Twin aircraft but also a flight simulator, training for pilots and technicians and maintenance/assistance for a contract period of 3 years and 3.600 hours in total. The first maintenance training course was completed in February.

The Tecnam P2006T Twin was certified under EASA CS-23, IFR category in 2009 and in a further 16 countries to date. It is available in a wide range of models including the P2006T SMP (Special Mission Platform) variant, which provides a flexible, safe and low cost surveillance platform with multiple sensor capability. NASA recently selected the Tecnam P2006T to evaluate ‘distributed power technology’ confirming the platform as one of the best design developed by Tecnam’s award winning President and Head of Design, Professor Luigi Pascale.

Press release and photos: http://media.tecnam-crm.com/2016/03/22/italian-air-force-leadership-visits-tecnam-production-facility/

BAE Systems, Airbus and Finmeccanica owned missile builder MBDA to increase staff count by 1,000


Missile-maker MBDA is understood to have bagged record orders, with major deals coming in from Egypt and Qatar. It said that total orders in 2015 stood at €5.2bn (£4.05bn, $5.86bn), which is about 4.7 times more than the 2014 orders of €1.1bn. The Stevenage-headquartered company said it will increase its employee count by 1,000 at its British and French sites, to execute this increase in orders.

COMAC America Corporation está estudiando el concepto de "vuelo sin piloto con supervisión humana" y la caja negra "en la nube"


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

How We Can Learn From Incidents


You are having coffee with some of your colleagues discussing and laughing about a mistake another colleague of yours has recently made. You say: "Did you already hear the latest story?" "How could he have done that...?!" "I mean okay, NO BLAME, but this was really too stupid" Think for a minute, do you have the tendency to react that way? you still think: "If only he had reacted in a different way. And you are convince YOU would have reacted in a different way...." ?

Whilst it is easy to point the finger at somebody else, what if - one day -- the finger is pointed at you...? Would you not want to explain what really happened? To be understood? Because you did your best, it was logic to do it that way? You were right with it!

The goal of a Swiss Air Force flight safety investigations is to do precisely that: to find out what really happened and Why it made sense at that moment, rather than pointing the finger at any individual. This is what we mean when we say we are committed to a "Learning culture".

Think about it: The Swiss Air Force is a high risk organization: hundreds of employees ensure high risk missions during 24 hours, 365 days: As a worker in the planning desk, on the tarmac, in a truck or as a pilot in the cockpit. All of us do the very best we can to fulfill mission.

However, we don't always succeed.

Why? This is what the Swiss Air Force flight safety investigation helps us to find out.

Contrary to a legal investigation initiated by the Military Justice, the purpose of an Safety investigation is NOT to find the guilty, but to understand why it made sense to you and to learn from your view to make the system safer.

What exactly do we mean by that?

Lesson 1: Don't put the blame on individuals, ask questions to understand If people get blamed for their mistakes, the only thing one achieves is that people will keep their knowledge about mistakes, safety gaps or dangerous situations for themselves. Ask "why?" like a mantra to get deeper and deeper to the cause, to put yourself into the actor's shoes and to understand, why the event had been happen.

Lesson 2: Learn from experiences and make your job safer Mistakes or incidents can be seen as free lessons. If we fail to learn from them, other colleagues will fall into the same traps because the holes/safety gaps are still there. Please support the management's safety effort and ask for a Flight Safety Investigation to help you formulate a report whenever you experience an event that you think offers an opportunity to learn.

And remember: the goal of a Flight Safety Investigation is never to stop the Air Forces from flying! The goal of a Flight Safety Investigation is to enable that the operations can take place with an improved margin of safety and to safe all the available assets we have: To safe you!

You can make a difference! You're the expert! Please send this video to anyone within the Swiss Air Forces you know.

Chinese Hacker Pleads Guilty To Stealing Jet Plans

Hack targeted the F-22, F-35, and the...C-17? Boeing's C-17 Globemaster III isn't a particularly sexy airplane. The long-haul cargo jet can fly over 6,000 miles without refueling, taking tanks, troops, and cargo from America to airfields far away. It's a big, powerful truck of a plane, whose role...


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SpaceX Loads Inflatable Habitat For Launch To The Space Station

Astronauts will periodically enter the habitat designed by Bigelow Aerospace Putting balloons in outer space may not seem like the best idea on the surface, but it's exactly what's about to happen. On April 8, SpaceX is scheduled to launch its uncrewed Dragon cargo capsule to the International Sp...


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DARPA's satellite repair robot makes house calls [feedly]

DARPA's satellite repair robot makes house calls
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

There are over 400 geosynchronous satellites orbiting 22,000 mi (36,000 km) above the Earth. They are a vital part of global communications and represent billions of dollars in investments, but once they break down or run out of fuel, they're so much tin foil. DARPA has released a video outlining the agency's vision of a mobile robotic servicing system designed to rendezvous with and repair ailing telecommunications satellites.

.. Continue Reading DARPA's satellite repair robot makes house calls

Category: Space

Tags: RepairRoboticSpacecraftDARPASatellite Related Articles: Startup helps you build your very own picosatellite on a budget World's first all-electric propulsion satellite goes on line ESA transmits satellite images in near real-time via Space Data Highway DARPA wants ideas for imaging distant satellites from Earth Quantum satellite reconfigures itself in orbit Construction of next-gen hurricane-hunting satellites begins

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First Rockets Arrive to Russian New Spaceport “Kosmodrom Vostochny” [feedly]

First Rockets Arrive to Russian New Spaceport "Kosmodrom Vostochny"
// English Russia

First rockets arrived at Russian new spaceport - "Cosmodrome Vostochny". Thanks to Marina, the only blogger who got there yet, we can see what's going on there these days! She has saw the newest Russian Soyuz-2.1a rockets, and saw how … Read more...

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The new “Airspace by Airbus” cabin concept: Committed to passenger experience, delivering airline performance


Pentagon lowers F-35 acquisition cost estimate


Lockheed F-35 service life extended to 2070




Chinese aircraft manufacturer uses big data to build safer planes - Xinhua


Chinese aircraft manufacturer uses big data to build safer planes
To minimize such risks caused by human factors, COMAC America Corporation is studying the concept of "unmanned flight with human supervision" using a big data-based computer, which operates in an entirely closed environment without influence from ...

Number of US drones will nearly triple by 2020: FAA


Time to right the wrong and allow WASPs to be interred at Arlington


Airbus asks, and skips, business class questions in Airspace cabin


UK outlines extent of Reaper UAV strikes in Iraq and Syria - IHS Jane's 360


7 million drones by 2020? US projects explosive UAV growth - RT


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

“Even though we will lose CAS capacity, we are retiring the A-10 anyway” U.S. Air Force says [feedly]

"Even though we will lose CAS capacity, we are retiring the A-10 anyway" U.S. Air Force says
// The Aviationist

The U.S. Air Force has revealed that the A-10 retirement will begin in fiscal year 2018. Taken on Feb. 26, the picture in this post shows an A-10 Warthog in action during a joint air attack team exercise at Yakima Training Center, Washington, where the "Hogs" trained alongside the AH-64 Apache helicopters deployed at Joint […]

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US Army weighs first rotorcraft variant for Future Vertical Lift [feedly]

US Army weighs first rotorcraft variant for Future Vertical Lift
// Flight Global HEADLINES

The US Army s requirement for a next-generation armed scout platform to replace the acclaimed Bell OH-58 Kiowa has been around since the Light Helicopter Experimental (LHX) programme of the 1980s.

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Rostvertol commences mass production of modernised Mi-28NE combat helicopter [feedly]

Rostvertol commences mass production of modernised Mi-28NE combat helicopter
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Russian helicopter manufacturer Rostvertol has commenced large-scale production of Mi-28NE combat helicopter with dual controls as part of a modernisation programme.

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USAF to delay T-X trainer aircraft programme [feedly]

USAF to delay T-X trainer aircraft programme
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

The US Air Force (USAF) has revealed plans to delay the T-X trainer aircraft programme.

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Scientists Say Moon Colony Is Possible, And Maybe Affordable [feedly]

Scientists Say Moon Colony Is Possible, And Maybe Affordable
// Aero-News Network

Permanent Human Presence Could Be Established In Six Years For $10 Billion, According To Published Studies NASA could establish a permanent colony on the Moon by 2020 for a cost of about $10 billion, according to a series of studies published in the journal New Space.

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United Airlines commences regular bio-fueled flights [feedly]

United Airlines commences regular bio-fueled flights
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Without much in the way of fanfare, United Airlines began flying regularly scheduled flights using biofuels earlier this month. Following years of demonstration and test flights to prove the fuel's viability, it's the first instance of a US airline putting commercial-scale volumes of biofuel into passenger-carrying planes on an ongoing basis.

.. Continue Reading United Airlines commences regular bio-fueled flights

Category: Aircraft

Tags: BiofuelAirlinesJet fuel Related Articles: Boeing may convert forestry waste into biofuel Air Canada jet flies from Toronto to Mexico City using 50 percent cooking oil-derived biofuel Virgin flight into bold biofuel territory Winemaking waste could be raw material for biofuel Boeing opens cooking-oil-to-biofuel plant in China Scientists use new catalysis method to boost biodiesel yields

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Airship resurrection


NASA Licenses New Communication Technology for Unmanned Aircraft - Space Ref (press release)


ATR Studies All-Electric Architecture for Turboprops | Aerospace News: Aviation International News


China's giant Y-20 airlifter expected to enter service this year


FIDAE: Can Argentina's industry be revived?


747-400 Global SuperTanker firefighter gets ready for action


atest newsAyer, 13:47
The world s largest aerial firefighting asset, the Boeing 747-400-based Global SuperTanker, is almost ready to begin commercial operations

Tragedy in Brussels puts travel security in the spotlight


Falcon 5X To Enter Service In 2020


Airbus exploring higher capacity A350


PW Canada continues next-gen turboprop development despite airplane demand uncertainty


Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) - Part 3


The Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Part 2


The Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)


EASA feels urgency to provide UAV clarification - Flightglobal


UK calls for realistic approach to UAV integration - Flightglobal


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Navy Get New G-550 Gulfstream | LM Reopens MK 41 VLS Production | Rolls-Royce Wins Contract Power Italian Navy LHD


Airbus agrees to sell its defence electronics business for €1.1bn [feedly]

Airbus agrees to sell its defence electronics business for €1.1bn
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

US-based private equity firm KKR has agreed to acquire Airbus Group's defence electronics business for €1.1bn.

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ESA puts 3D-printed satellite antenna to the test [feedly]

ESA puts 3D-printed satellite antenna to the test
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

We can't print entire satellites yet, but the 3D printing of major components is moving forward with ESA unveiling a prototype 3D-printed radio antenna. Currently undergoing testing at ESA's Compact Antenna Test Facility in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, it's the space agency's first 3D-printed dual-reflector antenna incorporating a corrugated feed horn and two reflectors.

.. Continue Reading ESA puts 3D-printed satellite antenna to the test

Category: Space

Tags: AntennaESASatellite3D Printing Related Articles: 3D-printed ear, bone and muscle structures come to life after implantation in mice L'Oréal plans to start testing cosmetics on 3D-printed skin Autodesk's CEO of today on the machines that will be making things tomorrow Vascular network bio-printing brings 3D-printed organs one step closer 3D-printed insoles are custom fitted via smartphone app Review: Ultimaker 2 Extended 3D printer

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US Should Use More Cost-Effective Russian-Made RD-180 Engine


Flydubai crash: Inquiry starts analysing flight-data recording


Air India to lease 14 A320neos from ALAFCO


A Tarnished Turboprop Clouds China's Aviation Dream - Wall Street Journal


FAA working to keep drones away from local aircraft - Press of Atlantic City


This Drone Can Launch From Underwater, Soar Through the Air - PC Magazine


$1-billion Airbus midair tanker deal caught in turbulence - Hindu Business Line


FIDAE: KC-390 regains flight-test momentum


GE maintains GEnx-1B performance despite new mod


World’s fastest emerging economy requires over 1600 new aircraft


Air India future A320neo operator


Belgian artist René Magritte is honoured with special Brussels Airlines A320 livery


First Airbus aircraft produced in the U.S. takes flight


India Finalizes $3B Blueprint for UAV Fleets - DefenseNews.com


14 kg Radar Carrying UAV Extends Ship's Horizon 25 nautical miles - Next Big Future


sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

Pratt & Whitney confirms participation in USAF's B-21 programme [feedly]

Pratt & Whitney confirms participation in USAF's B-21 programme
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Pratt & Whitney has officially secured a contract to build engines for the US Air Force's (USAF) long-range strike bomber (LRS-B), designated the B-21.

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Crash: Flydubai B738 at Rostov on Don on Mar 19th 2016, struck wing onto runway after holding for 2 hours


Big Time Savings on Small Part: First 3-D-printed Component Flies on U.S. Navy’s Trident II D5 Missile


CSeries begins European route-proving in Zurich


As Airbus starts work on second China factory, Boeing remains hush on its China plans - Puget Sound Business Journal


Lockheed warns Sikorsky could underperform - Yahoo! Maktoob News


Boeing Statement on flydubai FZ981


UAVs trialled for African health testing


Skunk Works pushes investment in F-22 and F-35 over new aircraft


Lockheed Martin has warned against rushing into a sixth-generation fighter programme without first boosting F-35 Lightning II numbers and implementing a robust modernisation programme to keep fifth-generation F-22s and F-35s capable against new counter-air threats.

SpaceX To Launch First Space Station Mission Since Explosion, With Inflatable Habitat In Tow

Targeting April 8 to return to the International Space Station Last June, during a routine cargo launch to the International Space Station, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket blew up two minutes after takeoff, destroying thousands of pounds of supplies. A faulty strut was to blame. After spending a few mon...


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Airliner crashes in Russia; 55 aboard reported dead - Story


Un Boeing 737 de flydubai s'écrase en Russie et fait 62 morts - rts.ch - Monde


viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

China Reveals Plans to Leave NASA's Hubble in the Dust of Space [feedly]

China Reveals Plans to Leave NASA's Hubble in the Dust of Space

Beijing (Sputnik) Mar 18, 2016
null China's proposed orbital telescope will provide for a field of view 300 times that of Hubble, and will dramatically boost space exploration. According to the English-language edition of the Chinese People's Daily, the People's Republic of China intends to place a new telescope into orbit. The unnamed telescope will be similar to Hubble, but with a field of view as much as 300 times larger.

N. Korea test fires two mid-range ballistic missiles [feedly]

N. Korea test fires two mid-range ballistic missiles

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Brazilian Court Drops Charges Against Embraer Consultant - Wall Street Journal (blog) [feedly]

Wall Street Journal (blog)
Brazilian Court Drops Charges Against Embraer Consultant
Wall Street Journal (blog)
In 2014, prosecutors in Brazil filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Sonnenfeld and eight former Embraer vice presidents, directors and managers, charging them with corruption and money laundering in connection with the scheme, which allegedly spanned ...
Embraer consultant says believes CEO knew of bribery: WSJReuters
Embraer consultant: CEO knew about briberyMarketWatch
Embraer Tumbles in Brazil After Report on Bribery AllegationsBloomberg

The CRACUNS wakes: APL team develop submersible UAV that stays on station before aerial mission


The Engineer

The CRACUNS wakes: APL team develop submersible UAV that ...
The Engineer
Developed at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Maryland, CRACUNS – Corrosion Resistant Aerial Covert Unmanned Nautical System – is a submersible UAV that can be launched from a fixed position underwater, or from an ...
New UAV Can Launch from Underwater for Aerial MissionsNewswise (press release)

los 3 artículos informativos »

A Lockheed Martin Missile Intercepts Missile Target in Flight Test [feedly]

PAC-3 MSE Intercepts Missile Target in Flight Test

A Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target today at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, as part of a U.S. Army-led flight test.

India to double production of Tejas Light Combat Aircraft

India to double production of Tejas LCA

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Dutch industry to join NH90 helicopter sustainment phase [feedly]

Dutch industry to join NH90 helicopter sustainment phase

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) has entered into an agreement with NH Industries (NHI) to extend support for the sustainment phase of the NH90 helicopter.

Boeing Announces New European Leadership Structure [feedly]

Boeing Announces New European Leadership Structure

Sir Michael Arthur Appointed President Boeing Europe Boeing has announced a regionalized leadership structure in Europe, to streamline its corporate presence and drive business growth. The new structure aligns Boeing corporate leaders across the Continent into a unified team and integrates the company's strategy development and government affairs initiatives at a regional level.