domingo, 31 de enero de 2016
Things Will Get Messy if We Don’t Start Wrangling Drones Now
Higher-end drones from DJI and 3D Robotics will have geofencing systems powered by AirMap, a company that has its sights set on the future of UAV safety.The post Things Will Get Messy if We Don't Start Wrangling Drones Now appeared first on WIRED.
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A village made of Moon dust
A German scientist is using James Bond technology to help design a brickworks on the Moon. Despite the Man with the Golden Gun having a powerful weapon, this 1974 Bond outing is generally considered one of the most flaccid of the franchise. The story limps from London to Thailand, with our hero o...
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Project Skybender: Google's secretive 5G internet drone tests revealed
Google is testing solar-powered drones at Spaceport America in New Mexico to explore ways to deliver high-speed internet from the air, the Guardian has learned. In a secretive project codenamed SkyBender, the technology giant built several prototype transceivers at the isolated spaceport last sum...
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Hyperloop: MIT students win contest to design Elon Musk's 700mph travel pods
MIT student engineers won a competition to transform SpaceX and Tesla Motors co-founder Elon Musk's idea into a design for a Hyperloop to move pods of people at high speed. The Boston-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology was named the winner on Saturday after a competition among more than ...
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The Space Shuttle Challenger: 30 Years Later
I was 11 when the Challenger went on its last mission. It was one of those ridiculously sunny Florida days that made you forget that winter was even a thing. We were in a darkened Language Arts …
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Google's Project SkyBender Is Another Internet-Firing Drone
What about the balloons? It seems if you control a large portion of the internet, you have vested interest in getting the internet to more people. Both Facebook and Google have been testing aerial devices that would be able to provide reliable wireless internet access in remote locations. Until n...
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Polish Air Force about to receive the first new M-346 advanced jet trainers [feedly]
Polish Air Force about to receive the first new M-346 advanced jet trainers
// The Aviationist
Poland expands the Deblin training aviation base. The Initial M-346 Master Advanced Jet Trainers are in production. According to the media buzz around the Polish defense-related outlets, Poland is going to receive the initial two examples of the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master AJT (Advanced Jet Trainer) quite soon. As Szczepan Głuszczak, Spokesman for the General […]
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A Russian Su-34 Fullback bomber has violated the Turkish airspace yesterday [feedly]
A Russian Su-34 Fullback bomber has violated the Turkish airspace yesterday
// The Aviationist
It looks like it has happened again…. Turkey has summoned the Russian envoy after a Russian Air Force Su-34 Fullback bomber allegedly violated the Turkish airspace during a mission from Hmeymim airbase, near Latakia, in northwestern Syria. The incident, took place on Friday Jan. 29, and according to Ankara, several warnings in Russian and in English […]
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US DoD plans new strategy to acquire access to space [feedly]
US DoD plans new strategy to acquire access to space
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases
The US Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics USD (AT&L) undersecretary Frank Kendall has proposed a new strategy in order to meet the US Department of Defense's (DoD) priorities of short access to space.
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Rolls-Royce To Invest Over $42.5 Million In New Washington (UK) Aerospace Plant [feedly]
Rolls-Royce To Invest Over $42.5 Million In New Washington (UK) Aerospace Plant
// Aero-News Network
Plant Is Expected To Be Operational By 2018 Rolls-Royce plans to invest more than £30m (approx $42.7 million) at its site in Washington, Tyne & Wear, UK, creating a new facility to manufacture a range of aerospace discs for in-service engines. The new Fleet Support plant is expected to be fully operational in 2018 and will sit alongside our world-class UK discs manufacturing facility, which officially opened in June 2014.
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See NASA's most detailed flyover video of Ceres [feedly]
See NASA's most detailed flyover video of Ceres
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Since December, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has been as close as it will get to the surface of Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt. The space agency and its Jet Propulsion Laboratory have put together the most comprehensive video tour yet from the spacecraft's lowest mapping orbit.
.. Continue Reading See NASA's most detailed flyover video of Ceres
Category: Space
Tags: NASAAsteroidCeresDawnDwarf planetSpacecraft Related Articles: Dawn orbits dwarf planet Ceres Dawn begins Ceres approach for orbital rendezvous NASA releases new Ceres images prior to Friday encounter Dawn space probe gets best look yet at Ceres Is Ceres an oasis between Mars and Jupiter? New Dawn Ceres image outdoes Hubble
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Actividades para Mini Aerotrastornados en el Museo del Aire de Madrid [feedly]
Actividades para Mini Aerotrastornados en el Museo del Aire de Madrid
// Mini Aerotrastornados
¿Te las vas a perder?
Vía Ejercito del Aire. Más info:
Folleto talleres escolares [1065.49, jpg] Folleto monólogos [1332.28, jpg] Folleto talleres familiares [1680.13, jpg]
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viernes, 29 de enero de 2016
Japan puts military on alert for possible North Korean missile test
What will power tomorrow’s spacecraft?
The missions that will last decades or longer will need a new generation of power sources. What are the options? Power systems are a critical part of a spacecraft. They need to be able to operate in extreme environments and be utterly reliable. Yet, with the ever-increasing power demands of more ...
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The shape of wings to come
Future aircraft wings will ripple with adaptive, shapeshifting, quiet control surfaces, rather than noisy hinged flaps. Over a century ago, the aviators who followed the Wright Brothers into the air suddenly turned away from building rickety wood-and-wire flying machines that physically warped th...
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UAS startup Apellix focusing on dangerous painting jobs - UAS Magazine [feedly]
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Reports of Antonov’s Demise Unfounded [feedly]
Boeing Ponders Reviving X-48 For New Tests [feedly]

NASA Eyes Large-Scale Aircraft Demo, 2017 Budget Allowing [feedly]

SpaceX completes Crew Dragon parachute test [feedly]
SpaceX has successfully carried out a drop test for the four main parachutes that will form the principal stage of the Crew Dragon's descent system. The test, and many others like it, are a necessary step required to be completed by the next-gen spacecraft in order for SpaceX to fulfil its obligations under NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
.. Continue Reading SpaceX completes Crew Dragon parachute testCategory: Space
jueves, 28 de enero de 2016
A380s and A350-1000s among 118 jets for Iran Air [feedly]
A380s and A350-1000s among 118 jets for Iran Air
// Flight Global HEADLINES
Iran Air has signed an acquisition agreement with Airbus covering an extensive fleet modernisation, including 12 A380s and 16 A350-1000s.
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Singapore hones fighter aircraft, UAV co-operative capabilities in air-to-surface competition | IHS Jane's 360
The RSAF has introduced a UAV collaboration component in a biennial weaponry competition
The new component may be a sign the RSAF is close to attaining full operational capability of its Heron 1 UAVs
Nueva escuela de TCPs en Madrid, Aviation Group
Nota de prensa:
Nace Aviation Group como empresa de formación de Tripulantes de Cabina de Pasajeros
- El centro cuenta con un simulador de cabina de A320 y es el único en España con un simulador de fuego real.
- La compañía Norwegian Airlines elige a Aviation Group como centro formador oficial para sus tripulaciones.
Madrid, 19 de enero de 2016. De la unión de Intercopters, Cithe y Aerodynamics nace Aviation Group, empresa de formación de tripulantes de cabina de pasajeros de líneas aéreas. La compañía, a la vanguardia de la formación de auxiliares de vuelo en Europa, ubica sus aulas e instalaciones en los hangares anejos al aeropuerto de Cuatro Vientos.
Los simuladores, Airbus (simulador de A-320) y Boeing (simulador de B-737), creados a escala real para recrear todas las situaciones de emergencias que puedan ocurrir en vuelo, son contratados por las empresas más punteras en el sector aeronáutico. El elemento diferenciador, que convierte a Aviation group en pionero en España, es el simulador aeronáutico de fuego que respeta todas las exigencias legales para la simulación de fuego real. Asimismo, el material para la extinción también es el reglamentario exigido por ley.
Los alumnos pueden escoger entre tres niveles de formación, desde el más básico, pasando por el que incluye inglés aeronáutico hasta el curso Platinum con la especialidad de aviación ejecutiva y seguimiento laboral.Todos los cursos de TCP están homologados y se adaptan fielmente al programa establecido por la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA), cumpliendo así la normativa europea dictaminada por la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea (EASA).
Aviation Group de esta forma da un paso hacia adelante en la formación e instrucción de TCPs ofreciendo unas instalaciones y formación exclusiva tanto para particulares como para las formaciones de refresco del personal de las distintas líneas aéreas tanto nacionales como internacionales. Así pues, Norwegian Airlines se convierte en uno de los principales clientes del grupo como centro oficial de formación para sus tripulaciones.
UAV airspace management system readies for release [feedly]
Belgian company Unifly is poised to launch an airspace management system for unmanned air vehicles that informs users where they can legally and safely operate their aircraft.
OPINION: Is the world ready for new era of supersonic travel? [feedly]
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Two BASE Jumpers Drown After Bridge Jump [feedly]
Video Recovered From Helmet Leads To Assumption Of Drowning Two BASE jumpers who leaped from a bridge with a view of the Pacific ocean have apparently drowned after the jump, though no bodies have been recovered from the accident.
A pinch of graphene could keep airplane wings ice-free [feedly]
Both airplane wings and helicopter rotor blades are subject to one problem – they can both ice up. Although de-icing solutions can be applied when aircraft are on the ground, that doesn't stop ice from eventually forming once they're in the air. That's why scientists at Texas' Rice University have developed a new graphene-based coating that continuously melts ice by conducting an electrical current.
.. Continue Reading A pinch of graphene could keep airplane wings ice-freeCrash-proof drone put to the test in jagged glacial crevasses [feedly]
Early last year a team of Swiss technologists was awarded US$1 million in prize money for a crash-proof drone designed to maneuver through confined spaces. With drones that detect landmines, replant forests and service slums to contend with, the Gimball rose above its competing entries to take out first prize in the United Arab Emirates' Drones for Good competition. Now the drone's real-world durability and potential as a life-saving search and rescue aid have been put to the test in deep the crevasses of the Swiss Alps.
.. Continue Reading Crash-proof drone put to the test in jagged glacial crevassesmiércoles, 27 de enero de 2016
Poland may stall plans to buy $3bn EC-725 Caracal helicopters from Airbus [feedly]
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F-35 Fires First AIM-9X Missile [feedly]
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Lithium-oxygen breakthrough clears the air for boosted batteries [feedly]
Boasting an energy density similar to that of gasoline, lithium-air (or lithium-oxygen) batteries may one day prove the panacea for the range-anxiety associated with electric vehicles. But first there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome, one of which is the unwanted buildup of lithium peroxide on the electrode which hampers this type of battery's performance. Scientists have now figured out a way that this mess might be avoided – an advance they say could lead to batteries with five times the energy density of those currently available.
.. Continue Reading Lithium-oxygen breakthrough clears the air for boosted batteriesEye tracking monitors helicopter pilots flying blind [feedly]
From battle zones to oil rigs, helicopters often operate in some of the hairiest situations in which pilots are forced to rely solely on cockpit instruments. In an effort to improve safety, the non-profit helicopter safety organization HeliOffshore is using eye-tracking technology to gain a greater understanding of how pilots operate in such scenarios.
.. Continue Reading Eye tracking monitors helicopter pilots flying blindAirbus Defence and Space y OneWeb crean la compañía OneWeb Satellites e inician la siguiente etapa de la aventura OneWeb
- OneWeb Satellites es una joint-venture a partes iguales entre Airbus Defence and Space y OneWeb
- La compañía diseñará y fabricará 900 satélites para OneWeb y satélites para otras constelaciones futuras, que Airbus Defence and Space comercializará
Airbus Defence and Space and OneWeb create OneWeb Satellites company – the next stage of the OneWeb adventure
- OneWeb Satellites is a joint venture equally owned by Airbus Defence and Space and OneWeb
- Company to design and build 900 satellites for OneWeb, as well as satellites for other future constellations marketed by Airbus Defence and Space
Airbus Defence and Space, the world’s second largest space company, and OneWeb, which is building a new global satellite communications system, announced the creation of OneWeb Satellites. The new joint venture, equally owned by Airbus Defence and Space and OneWeb, will design and build the 900 satellites of the OneWeb constellation, which will offer high-speed internet with global coverage. The new company will be led by Brian Holz as CEO.
OneWeb Satellites will also be able to build satellites, platforms and equipment to be marketed by Airbus Defence and Space to other operators of future constellations.
“The next stage of the OneWeb adventure is here! On both sides of the Atlantic, our teams are now working under a common flag to meet the incredible challenge: to mass-produce 900 satellites for the OneWeb constellation,” said Eric Béranger, Head of Programmes Space Systems. “For several months now, we have been working on the design of this unprecedented constellation and how we are going to manufacture them – both ground-breaking in their own way. The next step will be to set up a prototype line in Toulouse for production of the first 10 satellites. This will also be used to test the industrialisation method for the series production of the other satellites.”
"Airbus is a key partner to our success as we move forward and are very happy to have them being a part of OneWeb and our new joint venture. We are benefiting from Airbus Defence and Space’s manufacturing and assembly knowledge as we look to initiate services,” said Matt O’Connell, CEO of OneWeb. “As we build out the constellation, besides its very reliable satellite performance heritage and technical support, Airbus brings design for manufacturing capability into this operation which is key to achieving both our short term and long term goals for providing cost effective solutions on time for our future customers,” O’Connell added.
OneWeb Satellites will undertake design activities for the entire satellite fleet and the manufacture of the first 10 flight models will take place in France, with the first ever mass production of the operational satellites planned for North America. Each satellite will weigh less than 150 kg and will operate in low Earth orbit. They will be launched by Arianespace and Virgin Galactic starting from 2018 and reach their orbital positions using electrical propulsion.
martes, 26 de enero de 2016
XTI Aircraft opens shareholder funding window for TriFan 600 [feedly]
XTI Aircraft opens shareholder funding window for TriFan 600
// Flight Global HEADLINES
US start-up XTI Aircraft has opened a 30-day window for investors looking to secure a stake in its TriFan 600 vertical take-off and landing business aircraft.
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Full-scale production of Light Combat Aircraft Tejas to begin in 2017 [feedly]
Full-scale production of Light Combat Aircraft Tejas to begin in 2017
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases
The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced plans to commence full-scale production of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas in 2017.
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Scientists and FAA testing a concrete way to clear snow [feedly]
Scientists and FAA testing a concrete way to clear snow
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Anyone who's dealing with the current snowstorm in the US will know that clearing snow is hard work and futile if there's another dump. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Chris Tuan may have put an end to the need to shovel snow, however. His conductive concrete simply melts any snow that lands.
.. Continue Reading Scientists and FAA testing a concrete way to clear snow
Category: Good Thinking
Tags: ElectricityConcreteSnow Related Articles: Fire-resistant concrete promises safer, cheaper and more efficient construction Berkeley researchers pioneer new powder-based concrete 3D printing technique Bendable concrete 3D-printed castle heralds future of click-and-print architecture Heavyweight transparency – Light Transmitting Concrete 3 meter-wide Tokyo home sits between two roads
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A dozen F-22 Raptors have arrived in Japan amid tensions in Northeast Asia over North Korea’s nuclear test [feedly]
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GE Aviation selects Prague, Czech Republic as location for turboprop "centre of excellence" [feedly]
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New search for VTOL UAVs may resurrect Bell tiltrotor [feedly]
Several years after losing interest in the Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout, the US Army is again searching for a long-range, runway-independent UAV that can launch anywhere, anytime.
USAF Conducts Successful AIM-9X Tests | Kuwait & Qatar Await FMS Approvals | SK’s KF-X Fighter Program Moves Ahead [feedly]
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Raytheon Awarded $14M for Next Gen Air-Launched Tactical Missiles | KC-46 Successful in F-16 Mid-air Refuel | China’s Growing Hypersonic Glider Capabilities [feedly]
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USAF stalls plans to retire A-10 thunderbolt [feedly]
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USAF completes first refuelling flight of Boeing-built KC-46A [feedly]
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France signs deal for sale of 36 Rafale fighters to India [feedly]
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Beetles inspire ice-resistant aircraft surfaces [feedly]
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Loon Copter drone flies, floats and dives underwater [feedly]
Along with the usual flying drones, there are also models that can move along the surface of the water like boats, that can explore underwater like submarines, or that can even both fly and float. As is the case with its feathered namesake, however, Oakland University's Loon Copter can fly, land on the water to see what's under the surface, and then dive down to check out what it sees.
.. Continue Reading Loon Copter drone flies, floats and dives underwaterGoodbye ground control: Nanosatellites achieve first autonomous orbital maneuver [feedly]
One of the advantages of bread loaf-sized nanosatellites is their potential to act as a swarm that can equal the power of a single larger satellite, but with more flexibility and at lower cost. Deep Space Industries has taken a major step in that direction in a successful test involving two autonomous Canadian satellites, which carried out the first orbital maneuver without human supervision.
.. Continue Reading Goodbye ground control: Nanosatellites achieve first autonomous orbital maneuverThe Newest And Probably the Best Aircraft Plant of Russia [feedly]
Testing Chief Warns Of F35 JSF Software Delays
Development of the Block 3F version of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) cannot be completed on the current schedule—by July 31, 2017—without shortcuts that risk failure in the initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) program, according to Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon's director of OT&E (DOT&E). Block 3F is the culmination of the system development and demonstration (SDD) phase and conforms to the requirements set at the start of the program.
A Dec. 11 memorandum from Gilmore to Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, and Gen. Paul Selva, vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also warns that the program is risking trouble by attempting to define Block 4, the first post-service-entry upgrade, early this year, when Block 3F and its predecessor, Block 3i, are still "problematic" and performing poorly in testing.
- Block 2F for Marine Corps F-35B IOC in 2015 delivered with "hundreds of deficiencies"
- Block 3i for Air Force F-35A IOC in 2016 "problematic" and performing poorly in development testing
- Block 3F to complete F-35 system development in 2017 "demonstrating poor performance"
- Block 4, first post-service-entry upgrade, too aggressive and under-resourced
Full article:
lunes, 25 de enero de 2016
India, France sign Rafale fighter plane accord, but talks on price to go on
The deal, worth an estimated $9 billion, was to have been the centrepiece of a visit to India by French President Francois Hollande, invited as guest of honour for Tuesday's Republic Day parade.
jueves, 21 de enero de 2016
Raytheon's enhanced Coyote UAV flies into hurricanes for NOAA - PR Newswire (press release) [feedly]
PR Newswire (press release) | Raytheon's enhanced Coyote UAV flies into hurricanes for NOAA PR Newswire (press release) 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) is providing its enhanced Coyote® Unmanned Air System to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for hurricane tracking and modeling, giving researchers an unprecedented ... |
Northrop Grumman sees next fighter jet carrying lasers and equipped with advanced “cyber resiliency”
Ottawa Citizen
Northrop Grumman is still contributing to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter but is already looking at the next generation fighter aircraft. My Defense News colleague Lara Seligman writes that Tom Vice, president of Northrop's aerospace sector, has laid out ...
Northrop Will Fly TX Prototype This Year - [feedly]
PALMDALE, Calif. – Northrop Grumman intends to fly a prototype of the company's T-X concept early this year, in anticipation of an upcoming Air Force competition to replace the aging T-38 fleet used for advanced jet training. Northrop is working with ...
Sikorsky tests unmanned ground vehicle with unmanned Black Hawk [feedly]
Sikorsky, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, partnered with Carnegie Mellon University for a joint autonomy demonstration involving an unmanned ground vehicle and an unmanned Black Hawk helicopter. During the demonstration, a UH-60MU Black Hawk was equipped with Sikorsky's Matrix Technology, and was used to transport CMU's Land Tamer autonomous unmanned ground vehicle to its mission area.
After a year of accomplishments, Airbus focuses on further enhancements in competitiveness, efficiency and innovation [feedly]
Building on another solid performance last year, Airbus will be seeking further improvements in the...
First A320neo delivery opens new era in commercial aviation [feedly]
Lufthansa becomes launch customer of best-selling A320neo
Supersonic jet developer collaborates with Spanish firm - The Boston Globe [feedly]
The Boston Globe
A local startup on a mission to build an airplane that can travel at supersonic speeds has enlisted the help of a Spanish design and manufacturing firm. Spike Aerospace Inc. of Boston said Aernnova Aerospace SA will join a collaboration of firms ...
France to Receive Armed UAV System Via U.S. Air Force Contract - Product Design & Development [feedly]
Product Design & Development
Typically developed for the U.S. Air Force, the MQ-9 Reaper is an armed, multi-mission UAV mostly used to destroy dynamic execution targets. According to the U.S. Air Force, the Reaper can also provide "intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, close ...
Raytheon's enhanced Coyote UAV flies into hurricanes for NOAA - PR Newswire (press release) [feedly]
PR Newswire (press release)
Raytheon's enhanced Coyote UAV flies into hurricanes for NOAA Small, unmanned vehicles will track data and keep researchers out of harm's way. Google+. Share with LinkedIn. Raytheon Company is providing its enhanced Coyote(R) Unmanned Air ...
Lockheed Martin Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2015 Earnings Results Conference Call Webcast [feedly]
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China Engine Maker To Have Military, Civil Units [feedly]
Japan Ready For Next Fighter Engine Core [feedly]
Reviving F-22 Raptor production a ‘non-starter’ [feedly]
The secretary of the air force has become the latest official to douse hopes of restarting Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor production, which was capped at 187 aircraft and closed in 2011.
Bell preparing to affix V-280 wing as ‘Valor’ takes shape [feedly]
Bell Helicopter begins 2016 with final assembly of its V-280 next-generation tiltrotor 23% complete and on target for first flight in September 2017, with the next major milestones being mating of the wing and fuselage in April.
Gen Dyn gets $75.3M to Design 30mm Cannon | F-35A to Begin Laser-Guided Bomb Tests | Saudi Arabia Considering Big Spend with Russia [feedly]
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Indian Air Force's Tejas aircraft marks its first overseas flight [feedly]
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Pakistan test fires indigenously built Ra'ad cruise missile [feedly]
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Airbus Helicopters Teams With Uber For Sundance [feedly]
Will Offer On-Demand Helicopter Transportation At Utah Film Festival Going to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT later this month? If you are, load up the Uber app just in case you need a helicopter ride.
"Internet of Drones" could be next generation of air traffic control
—The Internet of Drones (IoD) is a layered network control architecture designed mainly for coordinating the access of unmanned aerial vehicles to controlled airspace, and providing navigation services between locations referred to as nodes. The IoD provides generic services for various drone applications such
as package delivery, traffic surveillance, search and rescue and more. In this paper, we present a conceptual model of how such an architecture can be organized and we specify the features that an IoD system based on our architecture should implement. For doing so, we extract key concepts from three existing large scale
networks, namely the air traffic control network, the cellular network, and the Internet and explore their connections to our novel architecture for drone traffic management.
First high speed laser communication satellite set for launch [feedly]
Space-based laser communications are moving out of the testing phase and into orbit as the first satellite in the European DAta Relay System (EDRS), or SpaceDataHighway, prepares for launch at the end of January. Likened to having a fiber optic cable in space, the 1.8 Gigabit per second system is a joint public–private partnership between Airbus Defence and Space and ESA that will act as a relay system between ground stations, satellites, and aircraft.
Category: Space
Why the plane market is unlikely to crash
TWO YEARS ago at the Dubai Air Show, things were looking rosy for planemakers. The four big Gulf carriers alone, Emirates, Etihad, FlyDubai and Qatar Airlines, bought planes worth more than $170 billion, at list prices, from Boeing and Airbus, the world's two biggest planemakers, in one day. Two years later, at the most recent Dubai show, in November 2015, things looked more worrying for them. There was only one big airline order of note, by Vietjet of Vietnam, for Airbus planes worth $3.6 billion. As a result, some investors are worried that the aviation cycle may have started to take a sharp downwards turn, and that it will hit Airbus and Boeing's future profits. Although Boeing and Airbus recently revealed record production figures, for 2015 new orders net of cancellations fell by almost half at Boeing and a third at Airbus compared with the previous year. But most analysts do not think that the demand for new planes will fall as much as in previous cycles, even if there is a global economic slowdown. Why not? Read full article:
Airline criticized for charging job applicants $65 to interview for open positions
Everyone knows that it’s a good idea to take a couple of copies of your resume to an in-person job interview, but who knew you needed to show up with a handful of cash too? A new low-cost Spanish airline has been criticized after allegedly charging job candidates €60 ($65) for the opportunity to interview for its 250 available pilot and cabin crew positions. Representatives from a pilots union and from Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), a trade union, have slammed Air Europa Express for its unsavory (and possibly illegal) hiring procedures.
martes, 19 de enero de 2016
Russia tests multicopter with flamethrower payload [feedly]
Russia tests multicopter with flamethrower payload
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases
Russia is reportedly testing its first flamethrower-equipped multicopter in order to enhance the air force's combat potential.
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Pratt & Whitney to supply 160 more engines for F-35 fighter jet [feedly]
Pratt & Whitney to supply 160 more engines for F-35 fighter jet
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases
The US Department of Defence (DoD) has awarded Pratt & Whitney a contract modification to supply the ninth and tenth batch of F135 engines to power the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter (JSF) aircraft.
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NASA crowdsources design ideas for its new ISS-bound robot [feedly]
NASA crowdsources design ideas for its new ISS-bound robot
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Since arriving in 2006, NASA's SPHERES robots have roamed the International Space Station assisting in microgravity research by serving as engineering and robotic testbeds. Now it is time for an upgrade. As NASA prepares to launch SPHERES' successor, a free-flying cube-shaped robot known as Astrobee, it is crowdsourcing design concepts for one of new machine's more noteworthy features, a robotic arm to be used for perching and interacting with objects.
.. Continue Reading NASA crowdsources design ideas for its new ISS-bound robot
Category: Robotics
Tags: International Space StationNASA Related Articles: First zero-gravity 3D printer heads to International Space Station 3D printing in the vacuum of outer space NASA's bacterial environment studies on the ISS will help it prepare for long-term missions UrtheCast releases first Ultra-HD full-color video content from the International Space Station Space station crew takes shelter as debris passes Cygnus spacecraft finally docks with ISS
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China y la UE apoyan proyectos conjuntos de investigación e innovación en diversos sectores con 28 millones de euros
¤ Esta convocatoria contará con un presupuesto de 28 millones de euros para 2016
¤ Las áreas son agricultura, biotecnología, TICs, espacio, aviación, energía, salud, transporte, recursos hídricos, conservación de energía y reducción de emisiones, manufactura avanzada, nuevos materiales, urbanización sostenible y el intercambio de jóvenes científicos
El Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de China (MOST) ha publicado la primera convocatoria de propuestas UE-China dentro del mecanismo de co-financianciación (CFM) para la Investigación y la Innovación que contará con un presupuesto de 28 millones de euros. Esta convocatoria apoyará a las organizaciones de investigación e innovación que participan en proyectos conjuntos de la UE y China en Horizonte 2020.
La convocatoria está abierta a participantes con sede en China, ya sea en proyectos ya seleccionados con éxito en el marco de Horizonte 2020 o en las propuestas presentadas (convocatorias de una sola etapa o de dos etapas que hayan superado la primera fase de evaluación), pero aún no seleccionadas en Horizonte 2020.
Las áreas prioritarias para recibir apoyo en 2016 son principalmente la agricultura (incluidos los alimentos), biotecnología, TICs, espacio, aviación, energía, salud, transporte, recursos hídricos, conservación de energía y reducción de emisiones, manufactura avanzada, nuevos materiales, urbanización sostenible y el intercambio de jóvenes científicos.
Esta convocatoria ha establecido dos plazos para la presentación de propuestas, el 31 de marzo y 31 de julio de 2016.
Nota de prensa de Lowendalmasaï
Lowendalmasaï con sede en Shanghai gestiona la preparación de solicitudes a esta convocatoria.
Iberia volará a Tokio y Shanghái
Iberia volará a Tokio y a Shanghái
· Desde el próximo 18 de octubre, la compañía aérea española ofrecerá tres vuelos directos a la semana entre Madrid y el aeropuerto Narita de Tokio, únicos vuelos directos entre España y Japón
· Los vuelos con Tokio estarán hoy a la venta desde 612 euros ida y vuelta.
· Lanzará también sus vuelos entre Madrid y Shanghái en la temporada de invierno 2016/2017, una vez obtenga los slots y permisos necesarios. En la actualidad, tampoco hay vuelos directos entre España y esta ciudad china.
Madrid, 18 de enero de 2016
Iberia ha anunciado el lanzamiento de sus operaciones directas de Madrid a Tokio y a Shanghái.
Luis Gallego, presidente ejecutivo de Iberia, afirma: "Siempre hemos tenido la vocación de ser una aerolínea global. Con estas rutas a Tokio y Shanghái damos un paso en esta dirección, al mismo tiempo que acercamos nuestro país a dos potencias económicas y turísticas como Japón y China."
Iberia ha programado tres vuelos semanales con Japón a partir del próximo 18 de octubre, los lunes, miércoles y sábados. En total, ofrecerá unas 90.000 plazas al año en esta ruta. Los vuelos se ponen a la venta hoy, sujetos a aprobación gubernamental, con precio de oferta desde 612 euros ida y vuelta.
El vuelo de Iberia será el único directo entre Japón y España, uno de los destinos turísticos más atractivos para los ciudadanos japoneses, que viajan a ese país atraídos por la cultura, la gastronomía y expresiones artísticas como el flamenco. De enero a septiembre de 2015, el número de turistas japoneses que visitaron España creció en un 27 por ciento con respecto al mismo período del año anterior.
La nueva ruta facilitará también el viaje a un número creciente de ciudadanos españoles que quieren visitar Japón, atraídos por su cultura milenaria, su naturaleza y su tecnología.
Los horarios de los nuevos vuelos serán:
Del 18 de octubre al 29 de octubre
A partir del 30 de octubre
Iberia también comenzará a volar sin escalas entre Madrid y Shanghái con tres vuelos a la semana. La aerolínea ya ha iniciado las conversaciones con las autoridades chinas para poner en marcha la operación por lo que la fecha de lanzamiento está pendiente de permisos, slots y negociaciones. En la actualidad no hay vuelos sin escalas entre España con Shanghái, centro financiero global y el puerto con más tráfico de contenedores del mundo. El número de ciudadanos chinos que visitan España no ha dejado de crecer. De enero a septiembre del año pasado, se incrementó en cerca de un 66 por ciento comparado con 2014.
Shanghái es un destino de negocios muy importante, donde muchas empresas y multinacionales españolas e internacionales están ya establecidas, siendo además un destino turístico muy atractivo por ser una ciudad de contrastes donde se aúnan modernos rascacielos y edificios coloniales, con una gran oferta cultural y gastronómica.
La compañía aérea operará ambas rutas con su avión más moderno: el A330-200, bimotor de fuselaje ancho que está equipado con las nuevas cabinas de largo radio. La capacidad de este aparato es 288 plazas, 19 en clase Business y 269 en clase Turista.
Iberia ofrecerá buenas conexiones desde los otros 29 destinos españoles, las 59 ciudades europeas, así como muchos de sus destinos en el continente americano y África de su red tanto a Tokio Narita como a Shanghái.
Con estas dos nuevas rutas, Iberia apuesta por Asia, mercado donde, hasta ahora, no estaba presente. Gracias a la transformación puesta en marcha por la compañía y a la implantación de su Plan de Futuro, Iberia ha reducido su base de costes e incrementado su productividad y eficiencia, al mismo tiempo que trabaja para aumentar sus ingresos y cambiar la cultura para hacer frente a los retos del futuro. Todo ello le permite ahora acometer el salto al continente asiático con la perspectiva de que sus operaciones allí sean rentables y sostenibles en el tiempo.
Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la compañía líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica, vuela a más de 126 destinos en 49 países de Europa, América, África y Oriente Medio. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día con una flota de cerca de 135 aviones. En 2014, Iberia ha sido la 2ª aerolínea más puntual del mundo, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, reconocido como el Mejor Aeropuerto del Sur de Europa en los World Airport Awards 2015 de Skytrax. Es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.
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