lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Tom Cruise Vs. Drones In 'Top Gun 2' [feedly]

Tom Cruise Vs. Drones In 'Top Gun 2'
// Aero-News Network

Actor Would Reprise His 'Maverick' Role In Sequel ... If It's Made It was inevitable, we suppose, that Hollywood would jump on the UAV bandwagon and make a movie in which they are the central focus.

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Computer system identifies cows by their muzzle prints [feedly]

Computer system identifies cows by their muzzle prints
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

There are already several methods of identifying cattle – branding, ear tags, tattooing and ear notching all come to mind. Now, however, Egyptian scientists are working on a new biometric system that's less invasive and more difficult to thwart: electronic muzzle-printing.

.. Continue Reading Computer system identifies cows by their muzzle prints

Section: Science

Tags: AgricultureIdentificationBiometrics Related Articles: New technique developed to identify authors of anonymous emails Adverts with eyes know when you're watching ... and they're already here Facial blood vessel-scanning could be the next form of biometric ID AOptix Stratus turns the iPhone into a biometric identification device Kidtrack biometric system keeps track of kids on school buses Novel forensic technique identifies people by their hair

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Airbus E-Fan to attempt longest-ever manned electric flight

Nasa crash tests aircraft to evaluate emergency locator transmitters

Solar Impulse 2 completes longest over-the-ocean flight

Dzyne RotorWing Tackles Long-Endurance VTOL Challenge

China has nearly finished runway on artifical island in South China Sea

Sikorsky to Retrench 1400 Jobs on Low Helicopter Demand -

China Aviation Supplies Holding Company signs a GTA for 45 A330 Family aircraft and an MoU for 30 aircraft

Airbus and Chinese partners agree on wide-body cooperation

A successful cooperation continues: Airbus and China strengthen their partnership

Bell sees V-280 Valor as common attack-utility platform

NHI works to address 'blade flap' rotor head issue

OPINION: Ageing US nuclear bombers not fit for a superpower

This Amazing 3D Printed Winged UAV Suffers Devastating Crash -

Dutch UAV engineer invents Star Wars personal flight vehicle that hovers in the air