sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

United B752 at Newark on Apr 29th 2015, rejected takeoff after flames reported from engine or gear [feedly]

United B752 at Newark on Apr 29th 2015, rejected takeoff after flames reported from engine or gear
// The Aviation Herald


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Summit DH8A at Edmonton on Apr 26th 2015, near collision with weather balloon [feedly]

Summit DH8A at Edmonton on Apr 26th 2015, near collision with weather balloon
// The Aviation Herald


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Unmanned K-MAX Helicopter Conducts First Collaborative Casualty Evacuation [feedly]

Unmanned K-MAX Helicopter Conducts First Collaborative Casualty Evacuation
// Drone News Forums Pictures Sales

Dangerous frontline operations call for a safe and efficient method to locate and evacuate wounded …

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China trials Honeywell Aerospace’s aircraft precision landing system [feedly]

China trials Honeywell Aerospace's aircraft precision landing system
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and Air Traffic Management Bureau have completed first flight with Honeywell Aerospace's SmartPath system at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

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TAP Portugal pilots to start 10-day strike May 1 [feedly]

TAP Portugal pilots to start 10-day strike May 1
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Pilots from TAP Portugal and its associate Portugalia will begin a 10-day strike on Friday, May 1, in an ongoing dispute on the privatization process.

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Turkish Aerospace Industries selected to supply Airbus A320 fuselage panels [feedly]

Turkish Aerospace Industries selected to supply Airbus A320 fuselage panels
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Airbus has selected Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to supply section 19 fuselage panels for A320 family aircraft.

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Northrop Grumman to test U-2 sensors on Global Hawk - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Northrop Grumman to test U-2 sensors on Global Hawk - IHS Jane's 360
// northrop: Google Noticias

Northrop Grumman to test U-2 sensors on Global Hawk
IHS Jane's 360
Northrop Grumman has nearly completed integration of key sensors carried by the US Air Force's (USAF's) Lockheed Martin U-2 manned reconnaissance aircraft onto its RQ-4B Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the defence technology company's ...


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Lockheed Martin opens center for interceptor missile technology [feedly]

Lockheed Martin opens center for interceptor missile technology
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Sunnyvale, Calif. (UPI) Apr 30, 2015
A laboratory has been opened in California by Lockheed Martin to develop next-generation target seekers for interceptor missiles. A seeker, no bigger than a loaf of bread, is the part of the interceptor that directly strikes an incoming missile. It locates and tracks the enemy warhead, sending trajectory data to an interceptor's onboard guidance system, which in turn steers the kill veh

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Boeing Upgrades to Keep B-1 Bomber Soaring for Decades to Come [feedly]

Boeing Upgrades to Keep B-1 Bomber Soaring for Decades to Come
// MediaRoom

Bomber marks 30 years of service; adapts to changing battlespace

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Boeing, Air Tahiti Nui Finalize Order for Two 787-9 Dreamliners [feedly]

Boeing, Air Tahiti Nui Finalize Order for Two 787-9 Dreamliners
// MediaRoom

787-9s key in airline's growth

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Boeing Delivers Cathay Pacific Airways' 50th 777-300ER [feedly]

Boeing Delivers Cathay Pacific Airways' 50th 777-300ER
// MediaRoom

Airline is Asia's largest 777-300ER operator

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Budget crunch hits Russia's space programme (update) [feedly]

Budget crunch hits Russia's space programme (update)
// Latest news

​Russia's space programme has had a bad recent run, with an unmanned International Space Station (ISS) resupply ship left spinning out of control, the failure of an experimental military launcher and the apparent cancellation of a super-heavy-lift rocket programme owing to swingeing budget cuts.

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EMBRAER Releases First Quarter 2015 Results - MarketWatch [feedly]

EMBRAER Releases First Quarter 2015 Results - MarketWatch
// embraer: Google Noticias

EMBRAER Releases First Quarter 2015 Results
SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, April 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- EMBRAER S.A. ERJ, -0.52% (bm&fbovespa:EMBR3)(bm&fbovespa:) releases first quarter 2015 results. HIGHLIGHTS. In the first quarter of 2015 (1Q15), Embraer delivered 20 commercial and ...


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Nuevo híbrido UAV+Submarino de DARPA o Submarinos que vuelan (IV) [feedly]

Nuevo híbrido UAV+Submarino de DARPA o Submarinos que vuelan (IV)
// Blog.SandglassPatrol.com

Como en el cine, algunas entradas del blog podría organizarlas en sagas. Con esta continuamos la de Submarinos que vuelan.

 Un submarino y un avión nunca van a dar un buen híbrido. Responden a requerimientos totalmente opuestos. Las estructuras de los aviones son todo lo ligeras que es posible para poder volar sin gran coste de combustible. Y si van presurizados, tienen que aguantar una presión interna que es mayor que la externa. Un submarino está diseñado para soportar mucha presión, desde el exterior. Y que el agua sea unas mil veces más densa que el aire (aprox 1kg el litro, frente a algo más de un kilo cada mil litros) hace que el casco resistente del submarino sea MUY grueso, y por tanto muy pesado. Con todo esto, ¿por qué alguien se empeñaría en tener un submarino que vuela? Pues porque volando se llega mucho más rápido a los sitios. Así que el laboratorio de investigación naval de la marina estadounidense (NRL) ha estado probando un submarino con alas de diseño propio, lo han llamado flimmer por flying swimmer, o nadador volador.



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Airbus y Daher abrirán una fábrica de aviones eléctricos [feedly]

Airbus y Daher abrirán una fábrica de aviones eléctricos
// Blog.SandglassPatrol.com

El año pasado por estas fechas Airbus decía que para 2017 comercializaría su E-fan, y van camino de ello. Ayer Airbus hizo público que junto con su socio en el E-fan, Daher, instalará una fábrica en Pau, al sur de Francia. La ubicación ha sido escogida por su cercanía a Daher, y por la buena meteo reinante en la zona, además de tener acceso fácil al aeródromo de la zona.


Airbus invertirá 20 millones de euros en el E-fan, y espera comercializar el E-fan 2.0 para final de 2017 o 2018. Este biplaza irá destinado al mercado de las escuelas de vuelo, e irá seguido por el desarrollo y comercialización del E-fan 4.0, cuatriplaza, y equipado tal vez con los nuevos motores de Siemens, capaces de dar más de 350CV con tan solo 50kg de peso.



vía Fly mag



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Russia to reestablish Tu-160 supersonic bomber production line [feedly]

Russia to reestablish Tu-160 supersonic bomber production line
// Aircraft news

​The Russian defense ministry has confirmed that it will restart the production line for the Soviet-era Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack" supersonic strategic bomber.

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Liebherr division to build 777X folding wing-tip systems [feedly]

Liebherr division to build 777X folding wing-tip systems
// Aircraft news

​German firm Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg is to supply crucial components for the folding wing-tip mechanism on the Boeing 777X.

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FAA orders new 787 electrical fix to prevent power failure [feedly]

FAA orders new 787 electrical fix to prevent power failure
// Aircraft news

All Boeing 787 operators will be required to periodically deactivate the electrical system to avoid a problem with a newly-discovered software bug that could cause the aircraft to lose alternating current (AC) power, the US Federal Aviation Administration says in a new airworthiness directive.

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Airbus give E-Fan electric project a jolt with factory in Pau [feedly]

Airbus give E-Fan electric project a jolt with factory in Pau
// Aircraft news

​Airbus's vision of an electric flight future is starting to shape up, with plans to build a final assembly line for its E-Fan light aircraft range in Pau, southeastern France.

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Qatar to acquire 24 Dassault Aviation-built Rafale jets for $7bn


Alenia unveils M-345 ground based training demonstrator device at ITEC 2015


French Hobbyist Wants To Make All Star Wars Ships Into UAVs
