viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

SkyProwler combines a quadcopter and a fixed-wing airplane in one device

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Here’s What You’ll Find on the Fighter Jet of 2030

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Sonex Aircraft Delivers First SubSonex Kit; Four New SubSonex Pilots Fly JSX-2; Bob Carlton Prepares SubSonex Air Show

Sonex Aircraft is excited to report the achievement of several major milestones in the SubSonex Personal Jet program during the month of February: The first SubSonex kit shipped from the Sonex factory; Four new SubSonex model JSX-2 pilots were minted in Moriarty, NM; and Bob Carlton received his Low-Level Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) card for the SubSonex, in-preparation for the 2015 air show season!

First SubSonex Kit Delivered:
On Thursday, February 12th, the first SubSonex kit left Sonex Aircraft headquarters in Oshkosh, destined for customer Redge Greenberg of Durango, Colorado. The Ultra-Quick Build Kit was transported in the optionally available Triton TC 167 enclosed trailer by Sonex staff to Greenberg's home. This is the first in a series of seven kit deliveries included in the first kit production run, and marks the conclusion of an intense six month effort to bring JSX-2 from prototype aircraft to a fully-developed quick build kit product.

"I hold commercial glider, helicopter & single engine land licenses, accumulating 4500+ hours in numerous aircraft," writes Greenberg, "but I never got the chance to fly a jet. I first saw the prototype of the SubSonex at Oshkosh, and followed the development for over a year. When Sonex offered the jet as a kit, I was first in line. Like my RV8, the SubSonex is aerobatic, but the Sonex company also included a ballistic parachute for extra safety. I'm looking forward to finishing my SubSonex soon and adding jet capability to my aviation skills."

This week, two more kits will be delivered to customers in Ontario Canada and Pennsylvania, with kit deliveries to Missouri, Kentucky, and Oklahoma to follow next week. The seventh kit will be delivered to New South Wales, Australia via 20' ocean container. Orders are now being accepted for the second run of SubSonex Quick Build Kit production, to commence in August, 2015.

SubSonex JSX-2 Pilot Population Increases by 400 Percent:
During the weekend of February 1st, four new pilots became qualified to fly SubSonex JSX-2. Sonex Aircraft President John Monnett and Sonex CEO Jeremy Monnett travelled to Moriarty, New Mexico to join Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) Bob O'Haver and BonusJet flight instructor Billy Hill in making their first flights in SubSonex JSX-2 and subsequent qualifying flights for SubSonex permanent Letters of Authorization (LOA). Moriarty airport, home of SubSonex chief test pilot and air show performer Bob Carlton, is also the base of Carlton's BonusJet training program through his company, Desert Aerospace. SubSonex customers can obtain dual instruction in the jet-powered TST-14 Bonus sailplane, dubbed the "BonusJet," using the same PBS TJ-100 turbojet systems used in the SubSonex to contribute toward their SubSonex LOA's. DPE O'Haver is available to the BonusJet program for issuance of SubSonex temporary and permanent LOA's to qualifying pilots.

On Saturday, all four pilots made their first flights of SubSonex JSX-2, all four with diverse flying backgrounds from highly-experienced jet pilots O'Haver and Hill, to JSX-1 qualified pilot John Monnett, to piston Sonex pilot Jeremy Monnett, who recently completed the BonusJet training program. "Remarkably, all four flights looked nearly identical," commented Jeremy Monnett, "which is a testament to SubSonex JSX-2's outstanding flying qualities."

The weekend's flying concluded on Sunday, with permanent LOA checkrides for Bob O'Haver (administered by another visiting DPE), and checkrides for John and Jeremy Monnett, with a check ride for Billy Hill taking place later in the week. Being a single-place aircraft, SubSonex permanent LOA checkrides are administered by observation from the ground via radio contact from the DPE with a GoPro video camera mount on-board to document the flight and review the demonstrated maneuvers. Two new videos have been published by Sonex Aircraft, LLC: the first showing highlights from everyone's first flights ( ), the second a cockpit-narrated video of Bob O'Haver's permanent LOA check ride ( ). "This is EASY to fly," remarks Jeremy Monnett on-camera after his first flight, joking to Bob Carlton, "sorry to burst your ego, Bob!" as Carlton was no longer the only SubSonex JSX-2 qualified pilot by the end of the day.

Bob Carlton Prepares for 2015 Air Show Season in JSX-2:
Not to be out-done by Jeremy, Bob Carlton has been practicing a new air show routine in SubSonex JSX-2 for the 2015 season! Currently booked at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015 and the 2015 Rocky Mountain Air Show with more show dates pending, Carlton has put-together a SubSonex show unparalleled by jet acts of the past including maneuvers such as tail slides (usually taboo in a jet), hammerheads and non-stop action with tight turns inside the typical piston aircraft air show box. Carlton has been practicing the show extensively over the past month, and obtained his Low-Level Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) card for the SubSonex on February 12th in Phoenix, Arizona. "Thanks to Tim Weber for the use of his hangar, Bill Cornick for coming from California to do the evaluation and Bob Bishop for coaching me last weekend in Tucson," writes Bob. Two more videos were released today featuring Bob's air show practice in the SubSonex: one with outstanding multicam video showing Bob's practice in Moriarty ( ), the other showing exciting footage of his low-level practice in Tucson ( ).

SubSonex JSX-2 is a highly refined version of the original proof-of-concept aircraft, JSX-1. Like JSX-1, the new JSX-2 model is powered by the PBS TJ-100 engine, producing 247 lbs of thrust in an advanced, fully integrated package. The new jet features a larger, more comfortable cockpit, a larger instrument panel, fully retractable landing gear, a BRS full-aircraft recovery parachute, higher fuel capacity in a rotationally molded cross-linked polyethylene fuel cell, easily removable wings, and a more sculpted and aesthetically pleasing nose section. Sold only as a Quick Build Kit, the SubSonex includes almost everything required to fly with the exception of avionics and paint. Available options for the SubSonex Personal Jet include MGL iEFIS touchscreen avionics, a Mountain High oxygen system, Aveo PowerBurst LED position and strobe lighting, heated leather upholstery, cabin heat, and a Triton TC 167 enclosed trailer modified to transport the SubSonex.

Sonex Aircraft, LLC is a leader in the experimental kit aircraft industry, providing a series of sport aircraft along with the AeroConversions line of products, which include the AeroVee engine, AeroVee Turbo, AeroInjector and ancillary aviation products. Sonex Aircraft's Sonex, Waiex, and Onex sport planes, the Xenos sport motorglider, and the SubSonex Personal Jet, offer outstanding performance in an easy to build, easy to fly kit package that can be purchased and completed with full technical support at an unrivaled price. Sonex and AeroConversions continue to invest heavily in developing new products. Our team is committed to providing simple, elegant and low-cost solutions for sport flying. Simply put, Sonex Aircraft and AeroConversions products provide the Best Performance Per Dollar. Check us out at and

VIDEO - SubSonex Low-Level Show Practice 2015:




Gulfstream G650ER Circumnavigates The Globe In One Stop

"There isn't another business jet capable of this mission," said Scott Neal, senior vice president, Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Gulfstream. "This flight proves just how powerful a machine the G650ER is. We promised customers an aircraft that could take them farther faster than any other; we delivered on that promise. The G650ER provides a combination of speed and range that is creating history and setting records."

Madrid: La Sociedad Aeronautica Española os invita a su nueva Conferencia "¿Por qué me hice...?

Os invita a la Conferencia
"Las Profesiones Aeronáuticas
en España 
¿Por qué me hice….?"

Lunes, 23 de Febrero, a las 19.00 horas
c/ Castelló 76, 28006 Madrid

D.  Manuel Hita
Presidente de la  SAE
19:15h Presentaciones
¿Por qué me hice Piloto? Por  Juan Velarde (Piloto Acrobático).

 ¿Por qué me hice  Controlador Aéreo? Por Carmen López Montero (Controladora Aérea)
¿Por qué me hice Tripulante de Cabina de Pasajeros? Por Cristina Fernández (TPC)
¿Por qué me hice Médico Aeronáutico? Por Beatriz Puente (Doctora en Medicina)
¿Por qué me hice Ingeniero Aeronáutico? Por Rafael Alonso (Ingeniero Aeronáutico)
   ¿Por qué me hice Técnico de Mantenimiento Aeronáutico? Por Miguel Angel Tristán (TMA)
       Modera, Periodista Aeronáutica
20:30h Debate/ Coloquio
21:00h Clausura


Para más información:
para reunir y divulgar el conocimiento aeronáutico







Así será el Airbus A350 XWB de Iberia

Nota de prensa

  • Un avión del mismo modelo que los que se incorporarán a la flota de Iberia ha aterrizado en Madrid por primera vez.
  • La división de aeropuertos de Iberia ha atendido a este Airbus A350 XWB, y cuenta con los equipos para prestar servicios de handling de pasajeros, rampa y carga a este avión.
  • Desde finales de este año y hasta 2020, Iberia recibirá 16 nuevos aviones de largo radio, ocho Airbus A330/200 y ocho Airbus A350.
  • Según estudios del fabricante, el Airbus A350 XWB consume hasta un 25% menos de combustible y tiene unos costes menores de mantenimiento que otros modelos similares. Además, permite la comunalidad con los pilotos de la flota Airbus A330, lo que reduce hasta un 65% los costes de formación y aporta mayor flexibilidad a la operación.

Iberia ha recibido hoy en sus hangares de mantenimiento de La Muñoza en Madrid la visita de un Airbus A350 XWB, el mismo modelo con los que la aerolínea va a renovar su flota de largo radio. Es la primera vez que este modelo de avión aterriza en Madrid y lo ha hecho procedente de Toulouse en un vuelo de pruebas.

A su llegada a Madrid, este Airbus A350 XWB ha sido atendido por Iberia Airport Services. La división de handling de Iberia cuenta con los equipos –escaleras, push back, plataformas, APU, etc- para prestar servicios de pasajeros, rampa y carga a los aviones de este modelo que en un futuro reciba Iberia y el resto de sus aerolíneas-clientes.

Renovación de la flota
En agosto de 2014, IAG anunció el pedido para Iberia de 16 nuevos aviones de largo radio, ocho Airbus A330/200 y ocho Airbus A350 XWB, que se incorporarán desde finales de este año y hasta 2020.

A su vez, en los dos últimos años Iberia ha recibido ocho A330/300 y renovado los interiores de los A340/600 para equiparlos con el nuevo producto de largo radio, uno de los mejores del mercado.

11% fabricado en España
Iberia ha apostado en su renovación de flota por un modelo de avión fabricado en más de un diez por ciento por la industria española que, entre otros, aporta a este proyecto su fortaleza como país de referencia en la utilización de la fibra de carbono en la industria aeronáutica. Airbus en España es responsable de la fabricación del estabilizador horizontal, cono de cola o sección 19, revestimiento inferior del ala o wing lower cover. Entre otros, cuenta con la colaboración de sus principales Tier 1, como Alestis que fabrica la carena ventral o belly fayring del avión además de la última sección del fuselaje trasero o sección 19.1 y Socata que es responsable de las trampas del tren principal de aterrizaje o main landing gear doors.


Aviones más eficientes y más cómodos.-
Los Airbus A350 XWB que Iberia incorporará a su flota son aviones bimotores muy eficientes que, según datos del propio fabricante, consumen hasta un 25% menos de combustible, emiten también un 25% menos de CO2-, y tienen menores costes de mantenimiento que otros modelos similares.

Para Iberia, este avión tiene la ventaja adicional de que permite la comunalidad con sus pilotos de la flota A330, lo que reduce también los costes en formación de tripulaciones hasta un 65%, y confiere gran flexibilidad en la operación diaria.

Los Airbus A350 XWB tienen un alcance de 15.580 kilómetros y, además, han sido certificados para realizar rutas ETOPS- como las que Iberia ya realiza con sus Airbus A330- pero aún más largas. Esto permite a los Airbus A350 XWB desviarse hasta 2.500 millas náuticas durante 370 minutos y, por tanto, operar en cualquiera de las rutas que Iberia ofrece en la actualidad.


A350 XWB  - Datos técnicos básicos    


66,8 metros


64,75 metros

Anchura fuselaje

5,96 metros


17,5 metros


8.500 millas náuticas / 15.580 kilómetros

Capacidad combustible

130.000 litros

Empuje motores (lbx 1000)

Trent XWB-84 84 (374 kN)



Mayor comodidad a bordo.-
La estructura del Airbus A350 XWB está fabricada con materiales avanzados –fibra de carbono, titanio y aleaciones de aluminio-, que no sufren corrosión ni fatiga. A bordo, los pasajeros disfrutarán de una cabina muy silenciosa y extremadamente confortable, más ancha que la de modelos similares, con mayor espacio vertical, ventanas panorámicas más grandes y portaequipajes de gran capacidad.