lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Sukhoi attack drone “lit up” MAKS-2015 - Russia and India Report [feedly]

Sukhoi attack drone "lit up" MAKS-2015 - Russia and India Report
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Sukhoi attack drone "lit up" MAKS-2015
Russia and India Report
Yuri Slyusar, president of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), told reporters during the MAKS-2015 Air Show in Zhukovsky that the company was simultaneously developing several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the Ministry of Defence. He was not ...


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Minister says Iran negotiating with Russia for buying Sukhoi fighters - Tehran Times [feedly]

Minister says Iran negotiating with Russia for buying Sukhoi fighters - Tehran Times
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Tehran Times

Minister says Iran negotiating with Russia for buying Sukhoi fighters
Tehran Times
Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan says Tehran is in talks with Moscow for the purchase of Russian-made Sukhoi fighter jets. "We are discussing the purchase of Sukhoi fighter planes" from Russia, Dehqan said in an interview with the Lebanon-based ...

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Europe begins drone rules revamp [feedly]

Europe begins drone rules revamp
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has started the ball rolling in a process designed to bring in new rules to govern the use of drones, or UAVs, in the European Union (EU).

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Vintage Airplanes Being Sold At U.K. Auction [feedly]

Vintage Airplanes Being Sold At U.K. Auction
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Classic Air Force Charity Selling 36 Aircraft, Five In One Lot The founder of the Classic Air Force charity in the U.K. has placed his entire collection of airplane up for auction, five of which will be sold as a package at the Bohnams Goodwood auction September 12.

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North Dakota to use police drones with non-lethal weapons [feedly]

North Dakota to use police drones with non-lethal weapons
// Drone News Forums Pictures Sales

North Dakota police have been authorized to equip drones with Tasers, tear gas, and other …

The post North Dakota to use police drones with non-lethal weapons appeared first on Drone News Forums Pictures Sales.


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Boeing introduces portable laser weapon capable of destroying drones [feedly]

Boeing introduces portable laser weapon capable of destroying drones
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Chicago (UPI) Aug 28, 2015
Boeing this week introduced its Compact Laser Weapons System, a portable device capable of using an invisible laser to take down targets several hundreds of meters away. The aerospace company designed the device to focus energy on a small enough spot to heat and destroy targets, including moving ones, like drones. "Think of it like a welding torch being put on target but from man

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Boeing, Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries and Alsalam Aircraft Company to Establish Saudi Rotorcraft Support Center in Saudi Arabia [feedly]

Boeing, Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries and Alsalam Aircraft Company to Establish Saudi Rotorcraft Support Center in Saudi Arabia
// MediaRoom

Joint venture to bring proven sustainment capabilities for Kingdom's commercial and defense aircraft

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Boeing Completes 777X Firm Configuration [feedly]

Boeing Completes 777X Firm Configuration
// MediaRoom

Milestone establishes basic airplane design; program on track for first delivery in 2020

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Boeing-built Satellite Will Create First Global High-Speed Broadband Network [feedly]

Boeing-built Satellite Will Create First Global High-Speed Broadband Network
// MediaRoom

Third Inmarsat-5 satellite with new technology will allow global coverage

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Lanzar y recuperar UAVs desde un C130 Hércules (Portaaviones aéreos 7) [feedly]

Lanzar y recuperar UAVs desde un C130 Hércules (Portaaviones aéreos 7)





El sueño de tener un avión nodriza que lance y recoja a otros aviones más pequeños es viejo en el mundo de la aviación. ¿Será esta vez el intento definitivo?


DARPA ha emitido una convocatoria para recoger ideas y diseños, hasta Septiembre, para su programa Gremlins. Los Gremlins serían aviones no tripulados que se lanzarían/recuperarían desde un avión nodriza Hércules. Sería una forma rápida de desplegar grandes enjambres de aviones no tripulados, que podrían realizar distintos tipos de misiones, desde reconocimiento a ataque con armamento llevado por el UAV, o convirtiéndose el propio UAV en un UAV kamikaze.


Si estáis pensando en presentar alguna propuesta, os dejo el enlace, pero os aviso que piden como poco tener la Green Card



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Un ala volante para explorar Marte [feedly]

Un ala volante para explorar Marte

Si Northrop preparaba un ala volante para Venus, la NASA lo quiere poner en Marte.



La NASA ha ensayado un ala volante como prototipo del que quieren usar en Marte para explorarlo. Se llama Prandtl-m, Preliminary Research Aerodynamic Design to Land on Mars, y un homenaje a Ludwig Prandtl, pionero de la aerodinámica.

El Prandtl-m estará basado en el Prandtl-d, ensayado en vuelo en la tierra en Junio de 2015.

Para ensayar las condiciones de presión y densidad de la atmósfera marciana está previsto lanzar desde un globo a 100000ft de altitud un prototipo del Pradtl-m. Hasta ahora, todas las aeronaves que hemos diseñado los seres humanos han volado en la atmósfera terrestre. Y aunque las ecuaciones que gobiernan su aerodinámica no cambien, sí lo hacen las condiciones de contorno. Y esta prueba validaría la aerodinámica de esta aeronave en una atmósfera distinta.



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El submarino-avión de Boeing (Submarinos que vuelan V) [feedly]

El submarino-avión de Boeing (Submarinos que vuelan V)




 Parece que en los USA no solo se están resucitando viejas películas para hacer la nueva versión, sino también nuevos proyectos, como los aviones nodriza para llevar en su interior a otros aviones, o los submarinos que vuelan. De hecho os presentamos no hace mucho un avión-submarino no tripulado que ya ha realizado algunos vuelos y zambullidas/inmersiones.


El que os traemos esta vez no es un modelo que ya esté volando, sino la patente de un concepto, por parte de Boeing.



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MAKS: Is Russia developing an F-35-hunting UAV? [feedly]

MAKS: Is Russia developing an F-35-hunting UAV?
// Aircraft news

Russia could be working on a low-observable, F-35-hunting unmanned air vehicle that uses deeply-integrated electronic warfare systems to stay hidden from radars. The tip-off comes from electronic systems producer KRET, which has a curious UAV model on display at the MAKS air show in Moscow.

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MAKS: Can Russia’s ‘Caspian Sea Monster’ rise again? [feedly]

MAKS: Can Russia's 'Caspian Sea Monster' rise again?
// Aircraft news

The Soviet Union's once-secretive "Caspian Sea Monster" has resurfaced at the MAKS air show, minus the stacks of short-range nuclear missiles meant to obliterate Western defences in a sea-skimming sneak attack.

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MAKS: Germany’s hypersonic SpaceLiner concept solidifies [feedly]

MAKS: Germany's hypersonic SpaceLiner concept solidifies
// Aircraft news

​Ten years after the project was conceived, the German Aerospace Centre's SpaceLiner could soon enter a new design phase with a "mission definition review" planned for 2016.

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MAKS: Russia’s hypersonic scramjet experiment could fly by 2019 [feedly]

MAKS: Russia's hypersonic scramjet experiment could fly by 2019
// Aircraft news

Russia's Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII) expects its latest GLL-AP-02 hypersonic scramjet test vehicle to fly in "three or four years," with officials telling Flightglobal that funding constraints and technical issues have slowed progress.

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Fleets in Russia & CIS to more than double by 2034 [feedly]

Fleets in Russia & CIS to more than double by 2034
// Airbus All news

Traffic growth in the region will generate demand for over 1,280 new aircraft

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Invisible Cloak for Military UAV's, I'll Have Some - Armed with Science [feedly]

Invisible Cloak for Military UAV's, I'll Have Some - Armed with Science
// uav: Google Noticias

Armed with Science

Invisible Cloak for Military UAV's, I'll Have Some
Armed with Science
Researchers are working to create a new design for the Harry Potter-esque invisibility cloak, which will conceal objects, making them more difficult for adversaries to detect. By Homeland Defense & Security Information Analisys Center (HDIAC) Staff ...


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China ' s biggest UAV makes maiden flight - China Daily [feedly]

China ' s biggest UAV makes maiden flight - China Daily
// uav: Google Noticias

China Daily

China ' s biggest UAV makes maiden flight
China Daily
The country ' s biggest UAV , with a wingspan of 20 meters , has a maximum takeoff weight of 3 tons , maximum payload of around 900 kilograms and an endurance of more than 30 hours at low - and medium-altitude . According to the newspaper , CH- 5 is ...
largest UAV makes maiden flightAnhui News

los 3 artículos informativos »


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Hybrid artificial photosynthesis technique produces hydrogen and methane

Self-healing material could plug holes in space ships

Design Competition Shows Promising Future For '3D Printing' In Satellite Design

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

Changi vortex study to examine separation intervals

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will cooperate in a study of aircraft wake turbulence at Singapore's Changi Airport. If the study finds that current separation minima can be safely reduced, runway capacity at Changi—and other airports around the world—could be increased.

Russia Developing Fifth Generation Lightweight Fighter Jet based on MiG 1.44

"We are using the experience gained in Project 1.44 in our new undertakings," MiG's CEO Sergei Korotkov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He added that the new aircraft will also use the technology developed for the Mikoyan MiG-35 (NATO reporting name: Fulcrum-F) multirole air superiority fighter.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Magnesium alloys to be used in aircraft seats as ban is lifted [feedly]

Magnesium alloys to be used in aircraft seats as ban is lifted
// Runway Girl

Aircraft seatmakers will soon start using lightweight, new-generation magnesium alloys in seat construction now that a long-standing ban has been lifted providing they meet strict flammability performance requirements.

On 14 August, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) – which develops standards for aviation – published SAE AS8049 Revision C, in which a key paragraph has been changed from reading that 'Magnesium alloys shall not be used' to the new wording:

Photo Release -- U.S. Navy Demonstrates Endurance on the MQ-8C Fire Scout [feedly]

Photo Release -- U.S. Navy Demonstrates Endurance on the MQ-8C Fire Scout
// Northrop Grumman Corp. News

Unmanned helicopter providing unprecedented maritime multiple intelligence persistence

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Sukhoi Superjet 100 at MAKS-2015 - BAVIATION Business Aviation News [feedly]

Sukhoi Superjet 100 at MAKS-2015 - BAVIATION Business Aviation News
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

BAVIATION Business Aviation News

Sukhoi Superjet 100 at MAKS-2015
BAVIATION Business Aviation News
This year visitors will see two Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft at the static display: one aircraft featuring enhanced comfort passenger cabin interior and the other one with the ordinary passenger cabin, while one of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 prototype ...

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Russia, Jordan negotiating Sukhoi Superjet 100 deal - Russia Beyond the Headlines [feedly]

Russia, Jordan negotiating Sukhoi Superjet 100 deal - Russia Beyond the Headlines
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Sputnik International

Russia, Jordan negotiating Sukhoi Superjet 100 deal
Russia Beyond the Headlines
Jordan and Russia are negotiating the procurement of several Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) passenger aircraft, Mark Voloshin, Chairman of the Jadara Equipment and Defense Company Board of Directors and King Abdullah II of Jordan's military affairs ...
OK, Boeing? Russia, Iran to Discuss Supply of Russian Sukhoi ...Sputnik International

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Russia to Unveil Naval Su-30SM Fighter Jet At MAKS 2015 Air Show [feedly]

Russia to Unveil Naval Su-30SM Fighter Jet At MAKS 2015 Air Show
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The flight program MAKS-2015 for the first time will participate double multipurpose fighter Su-30SM naval aviation of the Russian Navy. Unique features super-maneuverable fighter demonstrate a mixed crew of naval aviation pilots and test pilots Corporation "Irkut". Su-30SM will be...

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Boeing may cut hundreds of jobs in its satellite business [feedly]

Boeing may cut hundreds of jobs in its satellite business
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Boeing may soon announce job cuts in its satellite business due to a drop in US military spending and delays in orders for commercial satellites.

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Aerovironment to produce Raven UAVs for Spain [feedly]

Aerovironment to produce Raven UAVs for Spain
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Monrovia, Calif. (UPI) Aug 20, 2015
Aerovironment is to produce hand-launched RQ-11B Raven unmanned aerial vehicles for Spain. The contract issued by the U.S. Army is for a Foreign Military Sales program deal and is worth $3.4 million. "As the global leader in the design and manufacture of small unmanned aircraft systems, AeroVironment continues to set the standard for delivering increasingly valuable capabilities

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Russian Helicopters to Unveil Advanced High-Speed Chopper [feedly]

Russian Helicopters to Unveil Advanced High-Speed Chopper
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 25, 2015
The Russian Helicopters manufacturing company will unveil a full-scale model of an advanced high-speed helicopter at the opening of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS on Tuesday. Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of state technology corporation Rostec, said the flying lab was developed on the basis of the Mil Mi-24 (NATO reporting name Hind) attack helicopter. "The demon

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Russia's Seven 'Scariest Arms' Include Nuclear Subs, Hypersonic Missiles [feedly]

Russia's Seven 'Scariest Arms' Include Nuclear Subs, Hypersonic Missiles
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 24, 2015
In the coming years Russia is expected to introduce seven cutting-edge weapons as part of its massive modernization program of the military that will scare the living daylight out of any foe, defense analyst David Nye asserted. Not surprisingly, Russia's newest nuclear submarines, including the fifth generation submersible currently in development, topped the list. The National Interest ha

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Russian E-Warriors Render Aircraft Carriers Useless [feedly]

Russian E-Warriors Render Aircraft Carriers Useless
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 25, 2015
Russia has developed a "noiseless" system of neutralizing aircraft carrier battle groups without missiles or torpedoes. The notion of "unsinkable" aircraft carriers may soon become history for the simple reason that the planes they carry will be rendered totally useless. Aircraft carriers have long been considered the world's most powerful and deadliest weapons systems only a nuclear

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Camouflage Skill: Russian Armed Forces Made Airfield Disappear for Hours [feedly]

Camouflage Skill: Russian Armed Forces Made Airfield Disappear for Hours
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 24, 2015
During exercises of the chemical and biological corps in the Samara region, army forces managed to make a highly critical facility invisible for a long time period. It was made invisible against visual intelligence and missile detection systems. The 'critical facility' is a term used by specialists to describe a large military airfield, army headquarters and control bases, bridges of strat

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US Navy Starts Working on Next Nuclear Super Aircraft Carrier [feedly]

US Navy Starts Working on Next Nuclear Super Aircraft Carrier
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 24, 2015
Construction of a second nuclear-powered super aircraft carrier in the Gerald R Ford class will begin on Saturday, the US Navy said in a statement. The 100,000 ton ship will be the second US aircraft carrier named after former president Kennedy, who served as a naval officer during World War II. "The keel-laying for CVN-79 is an important milestone in returning a carrier named John F

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Boeing Sees Demand in China for 6,330 Airplanes Valued at Nearly $1 Trillion [feedly]

Boeing Sees Demand in China for 6,330 Airplanes Valued at Nearly $1 Trillion
// MediaRoom

- Chinese fleet will almost triple by 2034, with need for 4,630 single-aisle airplanes

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ALMOST GREAT: Nine legendary (but cancelled) Russian aircraft [feedly]

ALMOST GREAT: Nine legendary (but cancelled) Russian aircraft
// Aircraft news

As Russia's aerospace industry gets ready to stretch its wings at the MAKS air show in Moscow, we take a look at Russian aircraft programmes that would surely have been world-beaters – if they hadn't been cancelled.

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Bombardier launches CSeries production ramp-up [feedly]

Bombardier launches CSeries production ramp-up
// Aircraft news

​Bombardier has launched the CSeries production ramp-up with suppliers for the CS100 and CS300 aircraft after the former recently cleared a key milestone in certification testing, vice-president and general manager Rob Dewar confirms to Flightglobal.

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Italian Neuron testing ends as Swedish stint begins [feedly]

Italian Neuron testing ends as Swedish stint begins
// Aircraft news

Italy has completed its share of testing of the pan-European Neuron unmanned combat air vehicle, which saw it carry out 12 sorties from Decimomannu air base in Sardinia.

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MAKS: Best pictures of static and flying aircraft from Day 1 [feedly]

MAKS: Best pictures of static and flying aircraft from Day 1
// Aircraft news

Russian president Vladimir Putin personally kicked off the 12th annual MAKS air show near Moscow on 25 August, attending the show for the first time since 2011.

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Drones for good: 5 UAV applications changing the world - Computer Business Review [feedly]

Drones for good: 5 UAV applications changing the world - Computer Business Review
// uav: Google Noticias


Drones for good: 5 UAV applications changing the world
Computer Business Review
"Weed scouting, plant counting for yield forecasts and monitoring crop health, are just some of the many benefits that crop data collected by UAVs can provide. However this sector needs more people, more businesses and more professional UAV pilots to ...
Worldwide UAV market to triple over next decade, say analystsMilitary Embedded Systems
Discover the UAV industry for border security market research reportWhaTech
Technology: up, down and in handAgri-View
los 6 artículos informativos »


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VIDEO: Chinese Wing Loong UAV carries out weapon drops - Flightglobal [feedly]

VIDEO: Chinese Wing Loong UAV carries out weapon drops - Flightglobal
// uav: Google Noticias

VIDEO: Chinese Wing Loong UAV carries out weapon drops
The state-owned China Central Television (CCTV) news channel has released a previously unseen video of Beijing's AVIC Wing Loong unmanned air vehicle carrying out weapons testing. Conducted in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in northern ...


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Commentary: UAV use in ag being derailed by hobbyists - [feedly]

Commentary: UAV use in ag being derailed by hobbyists -
// uav: Google Noticias

Commentary: UAV use in ag being derailed by hobbyists
How in the world are we going to receive agricultural use approval for drones/unmanned aerial vehicles with all the knuckleheads buying small UAVs over the internet or at the hobby store and flying them around like kids playing with Matchbox toy cars?

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Indian Army Wants 600 Mini-UAV Systems - Aviation International News [feedly]

Indian Army Wants 600 Mini-UAV Systems - Aviation International News
// uav: Google Noticias

Aviation International News

Indian Army Wants 600 Mini-UAV Systems
Aviation International News
An Indian Army requirement for approximately 600 sets of mini-UAVs is attracting interest from various manufacturers, who must partner with Indian companies to comply with the government's "Make in India" industrial strategy. The Directorate General of ...


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HyperSolar Sees Growing Market For Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft

British Air Display Association Provides Actual Facts To Counter Media Hysterics

Skydivers Survive Mid-Air Collision By Bailing Out Of Airplane

U.S. ready to deploy B-52 bombers to South Korea amid escalating crisis in the peninsula

USAF to deploy F-22 fighter jets to Europe

Aerosense drones take to the skies

Copenhagen Suborbitals dreams big with Spica rocket

U-2 pilots wear pressurized space suits, eat liquidized food | Ares

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Sikorsky R-6 — vintage helo from WW II being renewed - (blog) [feedly]

Sikorsky R-6 — vintage helo from WW II being renewed - (blog)
// sikorsky: Google Noticias (blog)

Sikorsky R-6 — vintage helo from WW II being renewed (blog)
Helicopters first saw military service during World War II and this Sikorsky R-6 Hoverfly II could have been one of them. The American Helicopter Museum is again showing its ambition in its airframe-up restoration of an R-6 — one which had been a ...


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Boeing KC-46 aircraft's first flight to be delayed by a month

This cool infographic shows all weapons carried by Russia’s next generation fighter

Carbures diseña plataformas petrolíferas para Pemex en fibra de carbono

  • La Compañía firma un contrato de ingeniería de €11 millones con el gigante mexicano
  • La ingeniería de plataformas petrolíferas es el primer paso para comenzar a construirlas con materiales compuestos que reemplazan al metal por su capacidad anticorrosiva y duración.
  • El contrato con Pemex tiene una duración de 27 meses. Carbures prevé diversificar su actividad en México hacia los sectores de automoción y aeronáutico.


Madrid, 17 de agosto de 2015. Carbures abre la vía para profundizar en el negocio del crudo. La Compañía especializada en el diseño y fabricación de estructuras en materiales compuestos ha firmado un contrato de 200 millones de pesos mexicanos (11 millones de euros) para el desarrollo de plataformas y otras infraestructuras petrolíferas con Petróleos Mexicanos, Pemex. Carbures firma el contrato con Pemex mediante su filial mexicana de Carbures, PYPSA, y las tareas de ingeniería se circunscriben a los activos petrolíferos que la petrolera mexicana tiene en las regiones marinas Norte y Sur de México.


El contrato se ha puesto en marcha en agosto de 2015 y tiene una duración de 27 meses, lo que permite asegurar a la compañía PYPSA unos ingresos recurrentes hasta finales de 2017. La relevancia de este contrato es que se trata del paso previo a la fabricación de plataformas petrolíferas con materiales compuestos, que reemplacen a las actuales de metal, mucho menos resistentes a la corrosión del agua marina y, en general, a las inclemencias meteorológicas. Esta es otra de las aplicaciones de los materiales compuestos para obra civil que Carbures desarrolla. Carbures ya construyó, para Acciona Infraestructuras, unos pilares en materiales compuestos que soportaban el peso de un nuevo espigón de unos 100 metros de longitud para la ejecución de la obra de ampliación de un puerto canario. Se trató de un modelo de obra marítima pionero en el mundo, cuyo potencial para los materiales compuestos es enorme.


PYPSA, filial de Carbures en México, es una empresa de consultoría mexicana con X años de experiencia en la ejecución de este tipo de servicios de ingeniería. Los servicios objeto del contrato consisten en ingeniería de proyectos de infraestructura, investigación, estudios, dictámenes y/o análisis técnicos y estudios de factibilidad técnico – económica, y se prestarán en la sede de las oficinas centrales de PYPSA, en Ciudad de México y en la ciudad de Poza Rica, Estado de Veracruz.


"Como todas las operaciones de crecimiento inorgánico, la adquisición de PYPSA se hizo por motivos estratégicos para darnos entrada a nuevos mercados y líneas de actividad en los que el potencial de crecimiento es tremendo por la gran aplicabilidad y conveniencia de los materiales compuestos", explica el Presidente de Carbures, Rafael Contreras.


"Además de plataformas petrolíferas, México es un país que nos ofrece una gran variedad de líneas de actividad, además de en las plataformas petrolíferas, en los sectores de automoción y aeronáutico", añade Contreras.


El Consejero Delegado de Carbures, José María Tarragó, afirma que "este contrato con Pemex es el inicio de un camino que, estamos plenamente convencidos, nos va a llevar muy lejos en México y nos va a permitir la entrada en otros sectores estratégicos para la compañía".





Sobre Carbures


Carbures es un grupo industrial especializado en la ingeniería y fabricación de estructuras con materiales compuestos, como la fibra de carbono, para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, como el aeronáutico, la automoción, el ferroviario, el deportivo y el de obra civil. A lo largo de una década, Carbures ha desarrollado una tecnología propia que le posiciona como la compañía líder en Europa en la fabricación, tanto en series largas como cortas, de piezas de fibra de carbono para aviones, coches, trenes, bicicletas y estructuras y vigas de construcción.



Boeing patents a drone that turns into a submarine

Famous Boeing 707 Barrel Roll Was 60 Years Ago This Month

Airborne Laser Concept Gets Reboot | Long Range Strike Bomber Program Exceeds Budget | Pentagon to Increase Military UAV Flights

Croatia receives MiG-21bis-Ds and UMD-model trainers from Ukraine [feedly]

Croatia receives MiG-21bis-Ds and UMD-model trainers from Ukraine
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The Croatian Air Force has taken delivery of its final refurbished Mikoyan MiG-21bis-D fighters and UMD-model trainers from the Ukraine's State Company, Ukrspecexport.

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Air Force Upgrades 100-Year-Old Technology [feedly]

Air Force Upgrades 100-Year-Old Technology
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

New Simulator Focuses On Spatial Disorientation Spatial disorientation, the inability to determine one's position in an open space, can lead to a dangerous scenario inside a cockpit.

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54 feared dead as ATR 42-300 twin turboprop crashes in Indonesia [feedly]

54 feared dead as ATR 42-300 twin turboprop crashes in Indonesia
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

An ATR 42-300 twin turboprop aircraft of Trigana Air Service has crashed in a remote region of the Papua province in Indonesia, with 54 passengers and crew members on-board.

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Electric aircraft sparks imagination [feedly]

Electric aircraft sparks imagination
// Royal Aeronautical News

Recent high-profile record-breaking attempts, including the Solar Impulse 2 round the world flight and the Airbus E-Fan cross-Channel flight, have inspired public interest in the potential of electrically-powered aircraft. BILL READ looks at how the electric aircraft concept is moving from technological niche to greener, cleaner future flight.

Given the remarkable progress made in this sector over the past ten years, who knows what the future may hold? 


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What are the future certification trends for advanced technology structures? [feedly]

What are the future certification trends for advanced technology structures?
// Royal Aeronautical News

The programme has just been released for the Structures & Materials Group's 'Future Trends in Certification of Advanced Technology Structures' conference and can be viewed here

NASA test flies Mars flying wing [feedly]

NASA test flies Mars flying wing
// Royal Aeronautical News

Artist's impression of the Prandtl-m flying wing gliding over the surface of Mars (NASA).

This summer, NASA Armstrong has begun flight testing a prototype of a flying wing glider which could eventually be used for mapping the surface of Mars to look for potential landing sites for future manned missions.

Northrop demonstrates multiple-UAS control with Global Hawk - Defense Systems [feedly]

Northrop demonstrates multiple-UAS control with Global Hawk - Defense Systems
// northrop: Google Noticias

Northrop demonstrates multiple-UAS control with Global Hawk
Defense Systems
Northrop Grumman recently demonstrated a mission management system for unmanned aircraft that can give one controller command over more than one RQ-4 Global Hawks. In the demonstration, the Global Hawk, a high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) ...


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Is the U.S. Air Force Looking For Another All-New Airplane? - 24/7 Wall St. [feedly]

Is the U.S. Air Force Looking For Another All-New Airplane? - 24/7 Wall St.
// northrop: Google Noticias

24/7 Wall St.

Is the U.S. Air Force Looking For Another All-New Airplane?
24/7 Wall St.
The current Air Force CAS platform is the A-10 Thunderbolt (aka, the Warthog) from Northrop Grumman Corp. (NYSE: NOC) which entered service in 1976 and the last one was built in 1984. The proposed replacement has been the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ...

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Ariane 6 and Vega C begin development [feedly]

Ariane 6 and Vega C begin development
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Paris (ESA) Aug 13, 2015
ESA has signed contracts for the development of the Ariane 6 new-generation launcher, its launch base and the Vega C evolution of the current small launcher. The contracts, signed at ESA's Paris Head Office with Airbus Safran Launchers (ASL), France's CNES space agency and ELV, respectively, cover all development work on Ariane 6 and its launch base for a maiden flight in 2020, and on Vega

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Chinese motorists spot new missile transport and launch vehicle [feedly]

Chinese motorists spot new missile transport and launch vehicle
// Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Moscow, Russia (Sputnik) Aug 14, 2015
Pictures have surfaced of what is believed to be the largest ever Chinese military vehicle for transporting and launching missiles. Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) vehicles are used to quickly transport and fire surface-to-air, cruise and ballistic missiles. Chinese drivers have recently spotted a new version of the vehicle, which appears similar to the military's standard TEL, except t

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TAI completes deliveries of first T129 attack helicopter batch to Turkish army [feedly]

TAI completes deliveries of first T129 batch to Turkish army
// Latest news

The Turkish army has received its first nine-strong fleet of Turkish Aerospace Industries T129 ATAK helicopters, the last of which was delivered on 31 July.

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From Planes to Cafes, Brazil's Economy on Hold as Crisis Deepens - Bloomberg [feedly]

From Planes to Cafes, Brazil's Economy on Hold as Crisis Deepens - Bloomberg
// embraer: Google Noticias

From Planes to Cafes, Brazil's Economy on Hold as Crisis Deepens
In Brazil, General Motors Co. has been halting factories and laying off thousands. Latam Airlines, the region's biggest, is cutting flights. And the world's third-largest planemaker, Embraer SA, is delaying its biggest new aircraft. In the midst of its ...

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FAA automation failure affects nearly 1,000 flights [feedly]

FAA automation failure affects nearly 1,000 flights
// Airlines news

​The Federal Aviation Administration's long-troubled En Route Automation Modernisation (ERAM) system suffered another setback on 15 August, when a software update sparked computer problems that resulted in hundreds of delays and cancellations, the FAA says.

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Lockheed Skunk Works designing next-gen U-2 spy plane [feedly]

Lockheed Skunk Works designing next-gen U-2 spy plane
// Aircraft news

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works is designing a next-generation high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) surveillance airplane, known internally as RQ-X or UQ-2, as an optionally-manned successor to the U-2 and Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk.

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Boeing prepara un nuevo lanzador no tripulado de satélites [feedly]

Boeing prepara un nuevo lanzador no tripulado de satélites


DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) ha seleccionado a Boeing de entre tres compañías para desarrollar un a nave autónoma capaz de lanzar diez satélites en diez días por menos de 5 millones de dólares por lanzamiento.


El proyecto fue iniciado en 2013. El concepto es similar a los fallidos X-30 de los 80 y X-33 de los 90, utilizando nuevos materiales y tecnologías propulsivas que no estaban disponibles entonces.Tres compañías han estado trabajando en el desarrollo de la nave. Las compañías son Boeing, trabajando con Blue Origin, Master Space Systems con XCOR Aerospace y Northrop Grumman con Virgin Galactic. Finalmente, en 2015, Boeing ha sido declarada la ganadora del proyecto. 



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Northrop quiere poner un ala volante inflable en Venus [feedly]

Northrop quiere poner un ala volante inflable en Venus



Northrop está trabajando en un ala volante. Teniendo en cuenta que Northrop es una de las compañías pioneras en este tipo de aviones no debería ser algo extraño. Lo peculiar es la misión que desea darle: explorar Venus. Lo han llamado VAMP (Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform).



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Una "Gran Ala" volverá a los cielos británicos 75 años espués de la Batalla de Inglaterra [feedly]

Una "Gran Ala" volverá a los cielos británicos 75 años espués de la Batalla de Inglaterra





La mayor formación de cazas de la IIGM volará el mes que viene sobre los cielos británicos para conmemorar el 75 aniversario de la Batalla de Inglaterra.


Cincuenta Spitfires y Hurricanes, el 70% de estos aviones históricos que quedan en vuelo, formarán sobre el sur de Inglaterra el mes que viene. Y será la mayor formación de estas características que volará sobre Reino Unido desde hace 75 años, y las famosas "grandes alas" de Mallory.



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The New Flying Cars: How They Work [feedly]

The New Flying Cars: How They Work
// Aviation Week

A closer look at the new crop of flying car designs.

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Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife? - Christian Science Monitor [feedly]

Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife? - Christian Science Monitor
// uav: Google Noticias

Christian Science Monitor

Angry eagle attacks UAV: How do drones affect wildlife?
Christian Science Monitor
Two months later, footage surfaced from Australia's Hunter Valley of a kangaroo punching a UAV that was getting a little too close for comfort. And in April, a chimpanzee at the Royal Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands slapped a drone out of the sky with ...
When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?Phys.Org
Drones Spook BearsLive Science
Drones could be stressing out wildlife, scientists suggestWashington Post
RedOrbit -Science News (blog)
los 43 artículos informativos »


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Samsung joins Google, Facebook, SpaceX in satellite, UAV vision - FierceWireless [feedly]

Samsung joins Google, Facebook, SpaceX in satellite, UAV vision - FierceWireless
// uav: Google Noticias


Samsung joins Google, Facebook, SpaceX in satellite, UAV vision
Samsung is the latest to outline a vision using satellites to deliver wireless Internet to the unconnected around the world, but it's also proposing the satellite system be used to meet the needs of developed nations as well. In a paper published last ...

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Boeing sees demand for 1,740 new commercial aircraft in India [feedly]

Boeing sees demand for 1,740 new commercial aircraft in India
// Aircraft news

Boeing is forecasting demand for 1,740 new commercial aircraft in India over the next 20 years, with the majority of the requirements in the narrowbody market segment.

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VIDEO: European UAV lands on moving platform without GPS [feedly]

VIDEO: European UAV lands on moving platform without GPS
// Aircraft news

​A European Commission-funded study has successfully demonstrated the ability of a tethered unmanned air vehicle to land on a moving 3D platform without the aid of GPS.

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Review of Boeing Current Market Outlook 2015 [feedly]

Review of Boeing Current Market Outlook 2015
// The Blog by Javier

Just ahead of Paris air show, Boeing Commercial published its yearly update of the Current Market Outlook (CMO) for the next 20 years of commercial aircraft market (2015-2034).

I have just compared the figures for passenger aircraft of the last two years' CMOs:

CMO 2015 vs 2014 comparison.

Some comments to it:

Google Drone Project Skirts US Regulations With Help From NASA [feedly]

Google Drone Project Skirts US Regulations With Help From NASA
// Drone News Forums Pictures Sales

Google has been quietly testing its drone delivery program outside the watchful eyes of US …

The post Google Drone Project Skirts US Regulations With Help From NASA appeared first on Drone News Forums Pictures Sales.


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Taiwan unveils MALE UAV, small arms, coastal rockets and more at ... - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Taiwan unveils MALE UAV, small arms, coastal rockets and more at ... - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias

IHS Jane's 360

Taiwan unveils MALE UAV, small arms, coastal rockets and more at ...
IHS Jane's 360
The Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) exhibited its largest-ever developed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at TADTE 2015. It is capable of carrying multi-payloads for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance purposes. (Gavin ...
Taiwan-made UAV goes on display at Taipei exhibitionWantChinaTimes
New home-developed UAV, weaponry to be shown at defense exhibitFocus Taiwan News Channel
Taiwan Defense Show Exhibits New
China Post
los 25 artículos informativos »


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