jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

WingBoarding: An extreme aerial sport inspired by a Disney cartoon


El gobierno brasileño solicita la primer partida financiera para los Gripen y el estudio de su navalización


New and Derivative Airplanes: Some good, some not: Part 2 | Leeham News and Comment


Japan, U.S. revising defense plans with eye on China [feedly]

Japan, U.S. revising defense plans with eye on China
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Japan and the United States are revising their mutual defense guidelines for the first time in nearly two decades to respond to China's military expansion and increase Japan's role in regional defense.

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Airbus aims Polish Orlik MPT at export market [feedly]

Airbus aims Polish Orlik MPT at export market
// Latest news

More than four months after it performed the debut flight of Poland's enhanced PZL-130 Orlik MPT multipurpose trainer, Airbus Defence & Space has formally presented the aircraft for the first time.

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At Comac, ambition and challenge are both on a large scale - Flightglobal [feedly]

At Comac, ambition and challenge are both on a large scale - Flightglobal
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

At Comac, ambition and challenge are both on a large scale
With the Comac C919, China intends to make its mark in the large airliner business dominated globally by industry heavyweights Airbus and Boeing. The scale of that ambition is evident in the fact that the company dates only to 2008, when it was formed ...


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El Regimiento de Inteligencia organiza el primer seminario sobre UAV - www.infodefensa.com [feedly]

El Regimiento de Inteligencia organiza el primer seminario sobre UAV - www.infodefensa.com
// uav: Google Noticias


El Regimiento de Inteligencia organiza el primer seminario sobre UAV
(Infodefensa.com) Madrid – El Regimiento de Inteligencia (RINT) nº 1 ha organizado en Valencia el primer seminario sobre vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV), en el que se analiza la situación actual y las perspectivas de futuro de estos sistemas.


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La ARTC de Colombia presenta dos modelos de UAV de ala variable - www.infodefensa.com [feedly]

La ARTC de Colombia presenta dos modelos de UAV de ala variable - www.infodefensa.com
// uav: Google Noticias


La ARTC de Colombia presenta dos modelos de UAV de ala variable
(Infodefensa.com) E. Saumeth, Bogotá – La Asociación de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas de Colombia ARTC, ha realizado la presentación de dos modelos de UAV (o ART en castellano) de ala variable, de la compañía china Shenzhen AEE ...


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Argentina announces SARA UAV first flight - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Argentina announces SARA UAV first flight - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias

Argentina announces SARA UAV first flight
IHS Jane's 360
The Sistema Aéreo Robótico Argentino (Argentine Air Robotics System: SARA) initial Technology Evaluation Model (MET 1) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) undertook its first flight, according to data published by San Martin University on 29 September.


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Justicia ucraniana investiga al exjefe del consorcio aeronáutico Antónov | Mundo | RIA Novosti


Extenda organiza la participación de ocho firmas andaluzas en un encuentro del sector aeroespacial en EEUU
