martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Buckingham lowers Boeing to Underperform (sell), others increasingly bearish | Leeham News and Comment

Russia's Transaero orders B747-8s, defers Sukhoi order - ch-aviation [feedly]

Russia's Transaero orders B747-8s, defers Sukhoi order - ch-aviation
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Russia's Transaero orders B747-8s, defers Sukhoi order
Transaero has also deferred the delivery of six SSJ 100-95s from Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (Moscow Zhukovsky) to a later date. The aircraft, on lease from VEB Leasing, are to be based out of St. Petersburg for use on flights to Russia's north-western regions.


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Airbus’s A320neo to take maiden flight this month [feedly]

Airbus's A320neo to take maiden flight this month
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Airbus is reportedly planning to conduct the maiden flight of its fuel efficient new A320neo this month, ahead of its planned debut in October 2015.

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Lockheed, Warsaw University advance unmanned aircraft partnership [feedly]

Lockheed, Warsaw University advance unmanned aircraft partnership
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

A Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) team has successfully demonstrated the first phase of flight test and integration of unmanned aircraft platforms with an autonomous mission control system.

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Iberia retoma vuelos a Montevideo y Santo Domingo | Fly News

OPINION: Is there a commercial future for airships? [feedly]

OPINION: Is there a commercial future for airships?
// Aircraft news

​The five decades from 1914 saw heavier-than-air ­aviation evolve from basic biplanes to the jet age. The subsequent 50 years welcomed stealth, supersonic airliners, huge advances in aerostructures and mass air travel. However, lighter-than-air technology has moved somewhat more hesitantly in th

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Airbus ACJ319 offers largest cabin at Jet Expo [feedly]

Airbus ACJ319 offers largest cabin at Jet Expo
// Airbus All news

Delivers more of what customers want

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Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Systems, The National Aerospace Centre, and Airbus to research use of fuel cells for commercial airliners [feedly]

Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Systems, The National Aerospace Centre, and Airbus to research use of fuel cells for commercial airliners
// Airbus All news

A new chapter has been opened in the quest to make commercial air transport more environmentally...

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Francia reactiva un escuadrón para el A400M Atlas

El rediseño del motor del F-35 podría acarrear nuevos atrasos

El Gobierno británico rechaza el proyecto de aeropuerto sobre el Támesis

Robotic birds that look and fly like the real thing

Google Already Testing Delivery Robots In Australia

In rural Australia, a drone delivers dog treats to a farmer. The robot is a proof of concept, part of Project Wing by Google X. The program is designed to show that delivery drones are possible, and it seems to be doing just that. Next for Google: figuring out the path from proven prototype to ev...

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La NASA está desarrollando un sistema de control de tráfico de drones

Si el futuro que nos espera es un cielo plagado de drones de todo tipo, repartidores, de vigilancia, de ocio... tal vez sea buena idea empezar a pensar cómo gestionar ese tráfico aéreo igual que ya se gestionan los vuelos comerciales o el tráfico terrestre. Eso es justo lo que está intentando la ...

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PICTURE: Comac gears up on C919 iron bird work [feedly]

PICTURE: Comac gears up on C919 iron bird work
// Aircraft news

Comac has installed over 90% of the necessary structures and systems on the C919 iron bird test rig, as it works towards an end-2015 first flight target for its narrowbody programme.

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PICTURE: Comac on verge of starting C919 final assembly [feedly]

PICTURE: Comac on verge of starting C919 final assembly
// Aircraft news

Comac is expecting to start final assembly of its first C919 flight test aircraft at the end of the month.

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NASA's New Mega-Rocket for Deep Space Will Be Launch Ready by 2018