martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Hackers chinos habrían robado tecnología de la "Cúpula de hierro" de Israel

Elisra Group, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) y Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, son tres compañías de defensa militar que habrían sido víctimas de un importante ataque informático durante el último par de años, afectando nada menos que al sistema de defensa israelí "Cúpula de hierro" que inter...

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Navy planning to put laser weapons on helicopters - Defense Systems [feedly]

Navy planning to put laser weapons on helicopters - Defense Systems
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias

Navy planning to put laser weapons on helicopters
Defense Systems
In a presolicitation released yesterday, the Navy announced that the High Energy Fiber Laser (HELF) Project Office of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division is looking to procure systems engineering and technical assistance for the development ...


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Tethered Blimps Could Be Legal Alternative to Drones - [feedly]

Tethered Blimps Could Be Legal Alternative to Drones -
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias

Tethered Blimps Could Be Legal Alternative to Drones
A company that makes tethered blimps for the military is now developing them for commercial uses, from surveillance of bridges and roadways to assistance after natural disasters. Free-flying drones, or unmanned aircraft systems, have also been proposed ...


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Are Mind-Powered Drones Next? - Worldcrunch [feedly]

Are Mind-Powered Drones Next? - Worldcrunch
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias


Are Mind-Powered Drones Next?
MUNICH — As the pilot sits in the cockpit with his hands in his lap, the airplane's control stick moves all by itself. The plane lands perfectly. Automatic pilot? No, the pilot controls the flight simulator — using only the power of thought. From ...


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Aviation to boost Dubai’s GDP 32% by 2020 [feedly]

Aviation to boost Dubai's GDP 32% by 2020
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Aviation and aviation-related activities will derive nearly one-third of Dubai's entire gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020, according to the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA).

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Boeing, All Nippon Airways Finalize Order for 40 Widebody Airplanes [feedly]

Boeing, All Nippon Airways Finalize Order for 40 Widebody Airplanes
// MediaRoom

ANA renews long-haul fleet with 777X, 787-9, 777-300ER

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Unidentified A320 order includes 28 re-engined jets [feedly]

Unidentified A320 order includes 28 re-engined jets
// Airlines news

​Airbus's newly-disclosed order for 45 A320-family aircraft, attributed to unidentified customers, includes 28 re-engined models.

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The A350 XWB makes its debut in Australia [feedly]

The A350 XWB makes its debut in Australia
// Airbus All news

World tour is final phase of testing to reach certification

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Red Bull air race: el español Juan Velarde a un paso de la final en la Challenger Class

Francia evalúa el Tiger HAD en las duras condiciones desérticas del Cuerno de África

Bombardier In Talks with Chinese about Q400 Production - Aviation International News [feedly]

Bombardier In Talks with Chinese about Q400 Production - Aviation International News
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Aviation International News

Bombardier In Talks with Chinese about Q400 Production
Aviation International News
Bombardier already participates in a partnership with Chinese state-controlled Comac, under which the companies collaborate on advancing program commonalities between the C919 and CSeries. Roughly a year ago Bombardier announced it had reached ...


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Is China’s State-Owned Aircraft Manufacturing Company A Threat to Boeing? : Roll Call

Antonov reports second quarter loss - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Antonov reports second quarter loss - IHS Jane's 360
// antonov: Google Noticias

Antonov reports second quarter loss
IHS Jane's 360
Ukrainian aerospace group Antonov has reported a loss of UAH16.4 million for the second quarter of the year, although it claimed that revenue climbed 84% year-on-year to UAH885.79 million (USD71.1592). The loss in the second quarter follows a strong ...


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PICTURES: Pilatus PC-24 is rolled out at Stans ceremony [feedly]

PICTURES: Pilatus PC-24 is rolled out at Stans ceremony
// Aircraft news

​Switzerland's Pilatus has rolled out the first example of its new PC-24 business aircraft - kicking off an anticipated two year certification campaign for the airframer's first jet-powered type.

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Hybrid airship flight test campaign to begin next year [feedly]

Hybrid airship flight test campaign to begin next year
// Aircraft news

​Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) is to begin the flight test campaign of its Airlander 10 hybrid airship in the May timeframe following a delay in raising the required funds to support the effort.

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​China TA-600 amphibian eyes first flight in 2015 [feedly]

​China TA-600 amphibian eyes first flight in 2015
// Aircraft news

China could conduct a maiden flight for the developmental AVIC TA-600 amphibious aircraft in 2015.

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One Year of Success with Airbus Managed Inventory for Latin America MRO Aeroman [feedly]

One Year of Success with Airbus Managed Inventory for Latin America MRO Aeroman
// Airbus All news

Aeroman, an El Salvador based Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) operation, is celebrating its...

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ANA Holdings firms up order for A320neo Family [feedly]

ANA Holdings firms up order for A320neo Family
// Airbus All news

ANA to become first A320neo operator in Japan

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IAG firms up for 8 Airbus A350-900 [feedly]

IAG firms up for 8 Airbus A350-900
// Airbus All news

World's most modern Widebody airliner joins Iberia's long-haul fleet

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The A350 XWB arrived in Johannesburg for the first time ever [feedly]

The A350 XWB arrived in Johannesburg for the first time ever
// Airbus All news

The world's newest, most modern and efficient aircraft, the Airbus A350 XWB, has just wrapped up...

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Springwater cierra la compra de Daorje para crecer en ingeniería - Cinco Días [feedly]

Springwater cierra la compra de Daorje para crecer en ingeniería - Cinco Días
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Springwater cierra la compra de Daorje para crecer en ingeniería
Cinco Días
Junto a esto, también se ha hecho con un 30% del capital del grupo aeronáutico Aernnova a Banco Espírito Santo. Junto a todas estas inversiones, el presidente de Springwater, ha asegurado que no descarta entrar en otros sectores, como los medios de ...


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Brazilian company Flight Tech claims country's first UAV export deal - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Brazilian company Flight Tech claims country's first UAV export deal - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias


Brazilian company Flight Tech claims country's first UAV export deal
IHS Jane's 360
Joining an increasingly crowded field of countries vying for sales in the international unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) market, São Paulo based Flight Tech (FT Sistemas) announced a deal to provide Horus FT-100 Mini-UAVs to an undisclosed African nation.
Brazil sells UAV to Africa


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Italy ponders Hammerhead UAV as Predator replacement - Flightglobal [feedly]

Italy ponders Hammerhead UAV as Predator replacement - Flightglobal
// uav: Google Noticias

Italy ponders Hammerhead UAV as Predator replacement
Italy is evaluating the Piaggio Aero P1HH Hammerhead unmanned air vehicle (UAV) as a likely replacement for its air force's fleet of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Predator As from later this decade. The medium-altitude, long-endurance type is ...


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Brazil sells UAV to Africa - defenceWeb [feedly]

Brazil sells UAV to Africa - defenceWeb
// uav: Google Noticias


Brazil sells UAV to Africa
A Horus FT-100 UAV. Brazilian company Flight Tech has sold Horus FT-100 mini-unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to an African country, in a first for Brazil. The three UAVs will be delivered late this year to the undisclosed customer, with options for ...
Brazilian company Flight Tech claims country's first UAV export deal


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Pro-Russian Militants Shot Down This Soviet-Era UAV Over Ukraine - Gizmodo Australia [feedly]

Pro-Russian Militants Shot Down This Soviet-Era UAV Over Ukraine - Gizmodo Australia
// uav: Google Noticias

Pro-Russian Militants Shot Down This Soviet-Era UAV Over Ukraine
Gizmodo Australia
This weekend, Ukraine's band of pro-Russian militants bagged themselves a big old bird when they knocked this Soviet-era reconnaissance UAV out of the skies over Shahtersk. "Today we have shot down 'something' over our skies," an unidentified fighter ...


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Japón y la EDA se postulan como candidatos a quedarse con los Mistral rusos

Russian Air Force begins military exercises near Ukrainian border

New Chinese Ballistic Missile Accidentally Pops up on Environmental Website | Popular Science