jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

microCHP: El nuevo motor de vapor ultraeficiente

El mundo siempre está en busca de nuevas y más baratas formas de generar energía, desde turbinas gigantes que se elevan hasta combustibles alternativos a los hidrocarburos. Tenemos una necesidad por la energía y necesitamos saciarla a como de lugar. Hoy, desde Noruega, llega un startup de nombre ...


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Bruselas empieza a desplegar el sistema de gestión del tráfico aéreo del futuro


Denel Aerostructures to supply parts to Airbus A400M transport aircraft


Ex-contractor charged with trying send F-35 docs to Iran seeks release [feedly]

Ex-contractor charged with trying send F-35 docs to Iran seeks release
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

A former defense contractor engineer charged with trying to ship sensitive military documents to Iran last year had already provided people in the country with information about a U.S. Air Force fighter jet program, federal prosecutors say.

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Russia to supply additional Su-25 fighters to Iraq by September [feedly]

Russia to supply additional Su-25 fighters to Iraq by September
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Russia is likely to deliver additional Su-25 Frogfoot ground attack aircraft to the Iraqi Ministry of Defence (MoD) by September this year.

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Future vertical lift capability focuses on tech demo [feedly]

Future vertical lift capability focuses on tech demo
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The Army-led Future Vertical Lift program is being developed to replace the service's aging helicopter fleet, and the aircraft of other services, at some point in the future. The need for Future Vertical Lift, known as FVL, was explained by […]

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Boeing Reports Second-Quarter Deliveries [feedly]

Boeing Reports Second-Quarter Deliveries
// MediaRoom


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Microscopically Structuring Steel Like Bamboo Makes It Stronger Yet More Flexible | Popular Science


Microscopically Structuring Steel Like Bamboo Makes It Stronger Yet More Flexible | Popular Science


Cassini set to begin its grand finale
