martes, 1 de julio de 2014

NASA tests flying saucer designed to land heavier payloads on Mars

Unidentified customer orders up to 24 Bombardier CRJ900s [feedly]

Unidentified customer orders up to 24 Bombardier CRJ900s
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Bombardier has received a firm order for 16 CRJ900 NextGen regional jets, plus eight options, from an unidentified customer.

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US Navy awards Northrop Grumman multiyear contract for E-2D [feedly]

US Navy awards Northrop Grumman multiyear contract for E-2D
// Latest news

The US Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman a $3.6 billion multi-year contract to provide 25 new E-2D Advanced Hawkeye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system aircraft.

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Airbus’ leading wide-body aircraft Family on show at Farnborough [feedly]

Airbus' leading wide-body aircraft Family on show at Farnborough
// Airbus All news

The A350 XWB takes centre stage with UK airshow debut

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The first A320neo Family jetliner is readying for the company’s flight-test programme [feedly]

The first A320neo Family jetliner is readying for the company's flight-test programme
// Airbus All news

The highly-efficient NEO (new engine option) single-aisle jetliner project is another step closer...

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Airbus’ first A320neo roll out [feedly]

Airbus' first A320neo reaches completion
// Airbus All news

Gearing up to first flight in September 2014

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Una encuesta profundiza en la conciliación laboral y personal de los ingenieros [feedly]

Una encuesta profundiza en la conciliación laboral y personal de los ingenieros
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

La Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena ha puesto en marcha una investigación para profundizar en la conciliación laboral y personal en el sector de la ingeniería. Dirigida a ingenieros de entre 30 y 45 años, se puede participar respondiendo on line a una encuesta.

La Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena lidera un proyecto nacional de investigación, apoyado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, con el objetivo de profundizar en la conciliación laboral y personal en el sector de la ingeniería, compuesto por trabajadores de alta cualificación.

El estudio trata sobre conciliación de la vida laboral y personal porque la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena está convencida de que se puede conseguir ese equilibrio: tener empleos de calidad, aportando calidad de trabajo y compromiso con la empresa.

El estudio está dirigido a Ingenieros e Ingenieras en activo de 30 a 45 años, que pueden responder on line a una encuesta sobre la que se construirá la investigación. Los resultados serán difundidos oportunamente y serán de gran utilidad para ayudar a los ingenieros a la conciliación laboral y personal.

La encuesta puede contestarse en este enlace.

La encuesta es totalmente anónima, ya que no se solicitan datos de carácter personal.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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"Boeing Unveils America's First Space Taxi, Unlock…"

Boeing Unveils America's First Space Taxi, Unlock…:

Virgin Atlantic interested in Airbus A330neo, may delay A380s

Virgin Atlantic Airways threw its weight behind a possible revamp of the Airbus (AIR.PA) A330 jet on Tuesday, saying it would consider placing an order if the price and economics worked out correctly, but urged Airbus to make a rapid decision

Airbus crea Airbrás y apuesta por los grandes programas militares brasileños ... - [feedly]

Airbus crea Airbrás y apuesta por los grandes programas militares brasileños

Airbus crea Airbrás y apuesta por los grandes programas militares ... -
// airbus: Google Noticias

Airbus crea Airbrás y apuesta por los grandes programas militares ...
( El vicepresidente ejecutivo de ventas de Airbus Defence & Space, Christian Scherer, asegura que en los próximos diez años la industria aeroespacial y de defensa en América Latina representará un mercado de negocio de unos 48.000 ...


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Fwd: Iberia bautizará un avión con el nombre Felipe VI

Iberia bautizará un avión de su flota con el nombre de Felipe VI, como muestra, en palabras de Luis Gallego, presidente ejecutivo de la compañía, "de nuestro compromiso con nuestro país, con la Casa Real y con nuestras instituciones".

El pasado mes de noviembre, Iberia presentó el primer avión con su nueva imagen de marca, un Airbus A330-300, al que bautizó con el nombre de Juan Carlos I. La compañía está renovando totalmente su imagen de marca, que ha diseñado tomando como inspiración la cultura española y su influencia en el mundo. En la nueva imagen de Iberia cobra protagonismo el color rojo, símbolo de la vitalidad, expresividad, arte y carácter españoles.

Iberia es la aerolínea de referencia en España y en las rutas entre Europa y América Latina, y tanto su imagen de marca como su trayectoria ratifican el compromiso con los valores de nuestro país que se ve reforzado con esta iniciativa.

FAA May Never Figure Out Drone Rules

According to plan, the Federal Aviation Administration will let drones into American skies by 2020. A report released last week by the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Transportation is very, very skeptical that all is going according to plan. Titled, subtly, "FAA Faces Signi...

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Abgam presenta Enovia V6, la solución PLM para el sector ... - Actualidad Aeroespacial [feedly]

Abgam presenta Enovia V6, la solución PLM para el sector ... - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Abgam presenta Enovia V6, la solución PLM para el sector ...
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Actualmente cuentan con cerca de medio centenar de empresas clientes pertenecientes al sector aeronáutico, tan relevantes como Aernnova, Alestis, Carbures, y otro gran número concentrado en Andalucía. La empresa celebra ahora su 25 aniversario ...


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Four things to know about unmanned aircraft - AOPA Pilot [feedly]

Four things to know about unmanned aircraft - AOPA Pilot
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias


Four things to know about unmanned aircraft
AOPA Pilot
They've gone by many names—drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, remotely piloted vehicles—but "drones" causes Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International President Michael Toscano the most angst. To the public, it connotes military, hostile, ...
Effort give drones access to US skies faces significant hurdles, inspector ...
Drone access to US skies faces significant hurdles


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Embraer concludes preliminary design review of the E190-E2 - High Performance Composites [feedly]

Embraer concludes preliminary design review of the E190-E2 - High Performance Composites
// embraer: Google Noticias

Embraer concludes preliminary design review of the E190-E2
High Performance Composites
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (São José dos Campos, Brazil) has concluded the preliminary design review, and thus the Joint Definition Phase (JDP) of the E190-E2 jet. It has also completed wind tunnel tests for this first model of the ...


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Airbus Helicopters Highlights Strategy Of Innovation, Cooperation With Poland [feedly]

Airbus Helicopters Highlights Strategy Of Innovation, Cooperation With Poland
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Participated In The Balt Military Expo And Natcon Conference The long-term partnership between Poland and Airbus Helicopters – built on the dual strengths of cooperation and the application of innovation – was spotlighted during the company's participation at the Balt Military Expo and Natcon Conference in Gdansk.

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Boeing Offers Next-Generation KC-46 Tanker in Republic of Korea Competition [feedly]

Boeing Offers Next-Generation KC-46 Tanker in Republic of Korea Competition
// MediaRoom

Features low lifecycle costs, high combat readiness, interoperability with U.S. Air Force

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Boeing Completes Delivery of Canadian CH-147F Chinooks [feedly]

Boeing Completes Delivery of Canadian CH-147F Chinooks
// MediaRoom

Canadian Chinook program delivers last aircraft ahead of schedule

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IAI offers 767 conversion for South Korean tanker contest [feedly]

IAI offers 767 conversion for South Korean tanker contest
// Aircraft news

Israel Aerospace Industries has joined the contest to supply four aerial refueling aircraft to the South Korean air force. The company will compete with Airbus and Boeing for the $1.4 billion contract, offering an advanced version of its Boeing 767-300ER-derived multi-mission tanker transport

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Eurofighter prepares Tranche 3A model for AESA upgrade [feedly]

Eurofighter prepares Tranche 3A model for AESA upgrade
// Aircraft news

Eurofighter's push to bolster its export sales prospects with an upgrade to active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar has taken a step forward, with the diversion from final assembly of a Tranche 3A aircraft, which will be fitted with the new system.

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Boeing, Airbus enter bids for $1.38b South Korean refuelling plane ... - The Daily Star [feedly]

Boeing, Airbus enter bids for $1.38b South Korean refuelling plane ... - The Daily Star
// A330 mrtt: Google Noticias

Boeing, Airbus enter bids for $1.38b South Korean refuelling plane ...
The Daily Star
Airbus' A330 MRTT has been selected by six countries including Australia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, with the latest choice by Singapore for six planes in March, according to the company. In 2011, the U.S. Air Force ...


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Boeing seeks S. Korea tanker contract - HeraldNet [feedly]

Boeing seeks S. Korea tanker contract - HeraldNet
// A330 mrtt: Google Noticias


Boeing seeks S. Korea tanker contract
At least five countries have ordered the A330 MRTT — Australia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom — while several other countries have said they intend to order the airplane, including France, India, Qatar and ...
Boeing, Airbus enter bids for $1.38b South Korean refuelling plane ...
Boeing, Airbus Vie For US$1.38bil S. Korean Refuelling Plane Order


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First production HondaJet takes-off

Philippines issues release order for FA-50 purchase from South Korea