viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

3D-printed composite is lighter than wood and stiffer than concrete [feedly]

3D-printed composite is lighter than wood and stiffer than concrete

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Miniature radar may put UAVs in the air -- GCN

The biggest hurdle for unmanned aerial vehicles to clear in order to gain Federal Aviation Administration approval for use in the national airspace is development of systems to prevent them from crashing into each other and, even more important, into manned aircraft.  And the key challenge in developing such a "sense-and-avoid" system has been developing technology that can reliably detect the presence – and the course – of other aircraft and to engineer it into a package small enough and light enough for UAVs.

Researchers at the University of Denver's Unmanned Systems Research Institute may have the answer.  The group has developed a phased-array radar system that weighs only 12 ounces and is small enough to fit in the palm of one's hand.   

Cessna Achieves Certification on the Fastest Civilian Aircraft, The Citation X+

Sikorsky to Build New Air Force Combat Helicopter - NBC Connecticut [feedly]

Sikorsky to Build New Air Force Combat Helicopter - NBC Connecticut
// sikorsky: Google Noticias

NBC Connecticut

Sikorsky to Build New Air Force Combat Helicopter
NBC Connecticut
Connecticut-based aircraft maker Sikorsky says it received a $1.28 billion contract to build a new combat rescue helicopter for the Air Force. The company says it will develop a new version of the Black Hawk helicopter and deliver four helicopters to ...


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Embraer's E190-E2 Cruises Through Joint Definition Phase - Aviation International News [feedly]

Embraer's E190-E2 Cruises Through Joint Definition Phase - Aviation International News
// embraer: Google Noticias

Aviation International News

Embraer's E190-E2 Cruises Through Joint Definition Phase
Aviation International News
Embraer's preliminary design review of the E190-E2 at the end of May marked the completion of the project's joint definition, the company announced on Tuesday. Embraer has also completed wind tunnel tests on the 106-seat jet, scheduled to enter ...


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Virgin Australia fault discovery prompts global alert on Embraer 190 ... - Herald Sun [feedly]

Virgin Australia fault discovery prompts global alert on Embraer 190 ... - Herald Sun
// embraer: Google Noticias

The Australian Financial Review

Virgin Australia fault discovery prompts global alert on Embraer 190 ...
Herald Sun
VIRGIN has returned nine of its Embraer 190 aircraft to service after they were grounded on the discovery of a fault with bolts that hold the plane's engine in place, which in turn prompted a worldwide alert. The fault, which was discovered during ...
Embraer Welcomes Tianjin Airlines as AHEAD-PRO System Launch ...
Virgin discovery prompts global alert
Nine Virgin airline planes back in service after faulty bolts repaired


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Ukraine-Russia cooperation freeze gives opportunities for Antonov planes on EU and US market Kyiv Post [feedly]

Ukraine-Russia cooperation freeze gives opportunities for Antonov ... - Kyiv Post
// antonov: Google Noticias

Kyiv Post

Ukraine-Russia cooperation freeze gives opportunities for Antonov ...
Kyiv Post
The curtailing of Ukrainian-Russian cooperation is opening up new opportunities for the Ukrainian aircraft industry and Antonov planes on the European Union and U.S. markets, according to former first deputy industrial policy minister of Ukraine ...


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Airbus quiere vender su filial Cimpa - Actualidad Aeroespacial [feedly]

Airbus quiere vender su filial de ingeniería Cimpa - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// airbus: Google Noticias

Airbus quiere vender su filial de ingeniería Cimpa
Actualidad Aeroespacial
París.- El Grupo Airbus pretende vender su filial Cimpa, empresa líder en consultoría y servicios de ciclo de vida de producto (PLM), con una fuerte presencia en Francia, Alemania y Reino Unido, donde ya cuenta con 8 sedes operacionales, y desde hace ...


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Aernnova Composites expands Madrid facility - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Aernnova Composites expands Madrid facility - IHS Jane's 360
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Aernnova Composites expands Madrid facility
IHS Jane's 360
Spanish aircraft components manufacturer Aernnova Composites is to extend its factory at Illescas, south of Madrid, with a new 1,031 m 2 building, it was revealed on 25 June. The company, which has plants in six countries, including Brazil, India, and ...


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Aciturri suministrará marcos de la puerta de pasajeros para Boeing - [feedly]

Aciturri suministrará marcos de la puerta de pasajeros para Boeing -
// aciturri: Google Noticias

Aciturri suministrará marcos de la puerta de pasajeros para Boeing
Boeing ha asignado a Aciturri el contrato para el suministro de los marcos de la puerta central de pasajeros del B787 Dreamliner, según informaron a Ical fuentes de la compañía burgalesa. El acuerdo incluye la fabricación de componentes metálicos y en ...
Boeing asigna a Aciturri un nuevo contrato para el B787 Dreamliner
Boeing asigna un nuevo contrato a Aciturri
Boing asigna a Aciturri un contrato para su avión de pasajeros B787 ...


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US Navy funds additional X-47B development [feedly]

US Navy funds additional X-47B development
// Latest news

Northrop Grumman has received an additional $63 million in funding from the US Navy to carry out "post-demonstration" development of its X-47B carrier-based unmanned air vehicle.

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Los pilotos con más de 1.500 horas de vuelo podrán ser graduados universitarios en un solo curso en Adventia

Sikorsky, Lockheed awarded Combat Rescue Helo contract [feedly]

Sikorsky, Lockheed awarded Combat Rescue Helo contract
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The Air Force awarded Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin a $1.3 billion contract Thursday for the Combat Rescue Helicopter program.

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New search area for MH370 announced; aircraft believed to be on autopilot before crash [feedly]

New search area for MH370 announced; aircraft believed to be on autopilot before crash
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The new search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER that vanished in March has been announced and Australian officials have said the aircraft was "highly likely" to have been on autopilot before it crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

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Boeing, Belavia Airlines Announce Order for Three Next-Generation 737-800s [feedly]

Boeing, Belavia Airlines Announce Order for Three Next-Generation 737-800s
// MediaRoom

Airline's first direct purchase of Boeing airplanes

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Boeing Acquires Government Software Development and Services Firm Ventura Solutions [feedly]

Boeing Acquires Government Software Development and Services Firm Ventura Solutions
// MediaRoom


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Boeing plots hybrid Super Hornet/Growler future [feedly]

Boeing plots hybrid Super Hornet/Growler future
// Aircraft news

Boeing is formulating a concept for a hybrid variant of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet equipped with the electronic signal detection capabilities of the EA-18G Growler as it seeks to attract orders for new aircraft and upgrades to older models.

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Eurofighter: new aerodynamics set for 2014 test flight [feedly]

Eurofighter: new aerodynamics set for 2014 test flight
// Aircraft news

Eurofighter will by year-end make is final proof-of-concept test flight on an aerodynamic modification kit that promises to improve the combat aircraft's subsonic turn rate by 15%.

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PICTURES: Mitsubishi mounts engines on first MRJ flight test aircraft [feedly]

PICTURES: Mitsubishi mounts engines on first MRJ flight test aircraft
// Aircraft news

Mitsubishi Aircraft has mounted the Pratt & Whitney PW1200G engines onto its first MRJ regional jet flight test aircraft.

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La UPC organiza vuelos parabólicos para realizar experimentos sin gravedad [feedly]

La UPC organiza vuelos parabólicos para realizar experimentos sin gravedad
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

La Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña organiza este sábado varios vuelos parabólicos para estudiar el comportamiento del cuerpo humano en ausencia de gravedad. En ellos participa una estudiante de Ingeniería Industrial y Aeronática de la facultad, entre otros.

Este sábado 28 de junio, a partir de las 10 de la mañana, la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña · BarcelonaTech (UPC) y el Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell realizarán vuelos parabólicos en gravedad cero para estudiar el comportamiento del cuerpo humano en ausencia de gravedad, informa la UPC en una nota de prensa.

Uno de los experimentos es de la Universidad Rovira y Virgili, se llama Bilogía-1, y su objetivo es analizar la respuesta combinada cerebro-corazón bajo condiciones de hipergravedad y gravedad reducida durante cortos periodos de tiempo. Además, se comprobará si ante un estímulo de tipo sonoro se mitigan las posibles alteraciones observadas. Se prevé que las conclusiones obtenidas puedan aplicarse a minimizar los efectos nocivos en personas que tienen pánico a volar, entre otras aplicaciones.

En los experimentos participarán una estudiante de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Industrial y Aeronáutica de Terrassa, y un estudiante de doctorado de la UPC.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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Upgrading and Innovating – Developing The Rotax 912iS

Irak compra cazas rusos, cansado de esperar los aviones F-16 de EE.UU. – RT

Los aviones de combate "llegarán a Irak en dos o tres días", aseguró Al Maliki, que agregó que ayudarán a destruir los refugios de los terroristas.

El primer ministro iraquí afirmó que EE.UU. se está demorando demasiado en la entrega a Irak de 36 aviones de combate y lamentó que el retraso haya dejado a sus tropas sin apoyo aéreo.

"Sinceramente, nos engañaron cuando firmamos el contrato [con EE.UU.]", dijo Al Maliki. 

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Track Amelia Earhart's Flight Around the World - NBC

A 31-year-old pilot took off from Oakland, California, Thursday, flying a single-engine plane and hoping to make history. And her name just happens to be Amelia Earhart (no relation to her famous namesake).

The modern-day Earhart is planning to recreate the same journey; an around-the-world flight that's expected to take nearly three weeks.