martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Russia's first new-generation Il-76 nears delivery [feedly]

Russia's first new-generation Il-76 nears delivery
// Aircraft news

The Russian air force's first of an eventual 39 Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A transports has emerged from the Aviastar SP production plant in Ulyanovsk, following the completion of equipment installation and fuel system tests.

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Aeroflot pide autorización para contratar al menos 80 pilotos extranjeros

Hunt for MH370 could take ‘decades’, admits airline chief

In a rare interview, the British commercial chief of Malaysia Airlines criticises the government response to MH370's disappearance and admits it could take 'decades' to find the missing jet The hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 could take "decades", the company's British commercial ...

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Thomas Cook to lease A330 from AirTanker [feedly]

Thomas Cook to lease A330 from AirTanker
// Airlines news

Thomas Cook Airlines has entered into an agreement to lease the first Airbus A330-200 which will form part of AirTanker's "surge" fleet of Voyager tanker/transports for the UK Ministry of Defence.

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Clean sky: ITP reúne en Bilbao a las principales empresas motoristas europeas | Fly News

US suspends F-35A operations after fire mishap at Eglin base

Lockheed's Vision: Autonomous Drones With Lasers

Popular Science sat down with Lockheed Martin's Chief Technology Officer Ray Johnson to talk about the future of war and the future of technology. The conversation started with lasers, worked its way through 3-D printing, and ended with a perspective on the military aircraft of the future. Popula...

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Bird-inspired drones may be able to perch on power lines to recharge

Georgia planea vender sus aviones de asalto Su-25 - RIA Novosti [feedly]

Georgia planea vender sus aviones de asalto Su-25 - RIA Novosti
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Georgia planea vender sus aviones de asalto Su-25
RIA Novosti
El Ministerio de Defensa de Georgia planea vender seis aviones de asalto Sukhoi Su-25 e invertir el dinero embolsado en el desarrollo de las Fuerzas Armadas. "El parque de aviones de combate necesita renovación. Hay seis aviones Su-25 que ya no ...


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Northrop Expecting Multiyear, $4B Navy Contract for Hawkeye Aircraft - GovConWire [feedly]

Northrop Expecting Multiyear, $4B Navy Contract for Hawkeye Aircraft - GovConWire
// northrop: Google Noticias


Northrop Expecting Multiyear, $4B Navy Contract for Hawkeye Aircraft
northrop Grumman_BLUE Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) is set to receive a five-year, $3.86 billion contract by the end of June to provide the U.S. Navy with 25 new carrier-based surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft, Bloomberg Businessweek reported ...


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Honeywell plans 2017 green taxiing system in-service date; talks ... - ATWOnline [feedly]

Honeywell plans 2017 green taxiing system in-service date; talks ... - ATWOnline
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Honeywell plans 2017 green taxiing system in-service date; talks ...
Honeywell is moving ahead with development of its Electric Green Taxiing System (EGTS) for narrowbody aircraft and is talking to COMAC about potentially making the system an option on the C919. Briefing journalists Thursday at Honeywell's Deer Park ...


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Inside the Factory: Photo Tour of Where Boeing 747s are Born [feedly]

Inside the Factory: Photo Tour of Where Boeing 747s are Born
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The money shot: 747 line inside the Boeing factory

Back in the 1960s Boeing made a big gamble. They decided to build the world's largest airliner, the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. To build such a beast, they would need a large facility. After careful consideration, Boeing decided to build a large factory in Everett.

Since the first 747 rolled off the line in 1968, every other 747 has been built under the same roof. Even today, the 747-8 is built in the same factory.

In case you didn't know the aircraft type, there is a large sign on the wall.

Although Boeing offers public tours of the facility, they do not allow cameras. I was lucky enough to participate in a media event and take photos of the 747 line in the factory and I wanted to be able to share. Enjoy…

This 747-8 is looking forward to a nose job

Boeing 747-8F about to be complete

Check out all the tails on the hangar door.

View of the 747 line from the factory floor

The wingtip is put on while at the second to the last step

Building the 747′s wings in the factory

Working on the upper section of the 747

The front and rear are side by side

Working on that GEnx 2b engine


Want even more 747-8 factory photos? Then check out our Flickr album.


  David Parker Brown – Editor-in-Chief & Founder 

David started AirlineReporter in the summer of 2008, but has had a passion for aviation since he was a kid. Born and raised in the Seattle area (where he is currently based) has surely had an influence and he couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world.

 @ARdpb | Flickr |YouTube |



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More than 400 US military drones lost in crashes: report [feedly]

More than 400 US military drones lost in crashes: report
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The United States has lost more than 400 military drones in major crashes worldwide since 2001, The Washington Post said Friday in a report questioning the safety and reliability of the unmanned aircraft. Citing 50,000 pages of accident investigation reports, […]

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DHL to move A320 family aircraft components from Germany to Alabama [feedly]

DHL to move A320 family aircraft components from Germany to Alabama
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Airbus has contracted DHL to transport A319, A320 and A321 aircraft components and general cargo from an Airbus production site in Hamburg to Mobile, Alabama.

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Lockheed Targets Denmark for F-35 [feedly]

Lockheed Targets Denmark for F-35
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Designed to defeat both existing and emerging threats, the F-35 Lightning II represents a quantum leap in air dominance and international partnership for the Royal Danish Air Force. An aircraft so advanced, it sets new global standards for multi-mission capability […]

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Boeing Signs Rotorcraft Maintenance Agreements with Royal Netherlands Air Force, Fokker [feedly]

Boeing Signs Rotorcraft Maintenance Agreements with Royal Netherlands Air Force, Fokker
// MediaRoom


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Boeing Board Approves Quarterly Dividend [feedly]

Boeing Board Approves Quarterly Dividend
// MediaRoom


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F-35A sustains fire damage during aborted take-off [feedly]

F-35A sustains fire damage during aborted take-off
// Aircraft news

A Lockheed Martin F-35A was damaged on 23 June after a fire erupted in the aft section of the fuselage during a take-off attempt from Eglin AFB, Florida, says a base spokeswoman.

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Airbus hosts the third edition of “Carnet de Vol Alternance” [feedly]

Airbus hosts the third edition of "Carnet de Vol Alternance"
// Airbus All news

Job dating days for some 350 Airbus apprentices

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