History: Eugen Sänger: Germany’s Other Rocket Genius

Of all the scientists who brought rocketry to maturity during the Second World War, Eugen Sänger is not a figure who stands out. But he is an interesting and important historical figure. Like his more familiar contemporary Wernher von Braun, Sänger worked on developing liquid propulsion for vehic...


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Google Buys A Maker Of Small Satellites

So now Google can operate satellites in space. Google is buying Skybox Imaging, a Silicon Valley-based startup that makes small, cheap satellites that take photos at high resolution. Google plans to use photos from the one Skybox satellite now in orbit for Google Maps, the Associated Press report...


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MiG se sube al carro de los cazas de quinta generación - RT en Español - Noticias internacionales [feedly]

MiG se sube al carro de los cazas de quinta generación - RT en Español - Noticias internacionales
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

RT en Español - Noticias internacionales

MiG se sube al carro de los cazas de quinta generación
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales
El consorcio aeronáutico ruso MiG está desarrollando el concepto de un caza de quinta generación distinto al T-50 (PAK-FA) de Sukhoi y niega que sea una competidor del avanzado cazabombardero ruso, ya desarrollado.


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Sikorsky challenges youths to create helicopter of the future - Danbury News Times [feedly]

Sikorsky challenges youths to create helicopter of the future - Danbury News Times
// sikorsky: Google Noticias

Sikorsky challenges youths to create helicopter of the future
Danbury News Times
Sikorsky Aircraft is inviting youths across the country to have the same opportunity a Tennessee teenager had last year to win a $1,000 scholarship through the Sikorsky Helicopter 2050 Program and Challenge. For the fourth consecutive year, Sikorsky, ...
Sikorsky Challenges Kids to Create Helicopter of the Future in ...


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Aernnova ampliará planta de estructuras aeronáuticas en Querétaro - El Financiero [feedly]

Aernnova ampliará planta de estructuras aeronáuticas en Querétaro - El Financiero
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Periodico a.m.

Aernnova ampliará planta de estructuras aeronáuticas en Querétaro
El Financiero
Aernnova, de capital español, uno de los cinco grupos más importantes del clúster aeronáutico de Querétaro, ampliará su planta de estructuras aeronáuticas, ubicada en el Parque Industrial Querétaro. Al término de una reunión con directivos de la ...
Aernnova, con vuelo firme
Aernnova incrementa sus operaciones en Querétaro


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Russian firms developing Superjet electric-taxi drive [feedly]

Russian firms developing Superjet electric-taxi drive
// Airlines news

Russian aerospace firms United Aircraft and Aviation Equipment are jointly developing an electric-drive system for the Sukhoi Superjet 100, designed to reduce fuel-burn while taxiing.

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Airbus discloses 20x C295 orders [feedly]

Airbus discloses multiple C295 orders
// Aircraft news

Airbus Defence & Space has disclosed its receipt of orders for a combined 20 C295 medium transports from multiple customers so far this year, and confirmed the delivery of a first example to a new Latin American operator.

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Airbus and Emirates Airline agree to cancel 70xA350 XWB order [feedly]

Airbus and Emirates Airline agree to cancel A350 XWB order
// Airbus All news

Airbus confirms that Emirates Airline has decided to cancel its order of 70 A350 XWB aircraft*. The...

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Airbus Defence To Test-Fly Upgraded A330 Tanker in 2016 - DefenseNews.com [feedly]

Airbus Defence To Test-Fly Upgraded A330 Tanker in 2016 - DefenseNews.com
// A330 mrtt: Google Noticias

Airbus Defence To Test-Fly Upgraded A330 Tanker in 2016
MADRID — The military aircraft arm of Airbus Defence and Security will start test-flying an enhanced version of the A330 MRTT tanker transport in the second half of 2016 and intends to adopt the new standard with the delivery of the first platform to ...


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