sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

It’s Not Surprising Two Harrier Jets Have Crashed in a Month | Autopia

An AV-8B Harrier jet crashed into a strip of residential homes in Imperial, California this week, destroying three houses. Last month, another Harrier crashed in the desert south of Phoenix. Both pilots ejected safely and no one was injured in either crash. The Harrier is among th …


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CSeries engine had problems prior to failure, Bombardier tells analysts [feedly]

CSeries engine had problems prior to failure, Bombardier tells analysts
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The Pratt & Whitney PW1500G geared turbofan (GTF) engine that malfunctioned on Bombardier CSeries flight test aircraft FTV1 had been having problems and was repaired just before the low-pressure turbine failed during ground tests, Bombardier executives have told analysts from UBS.

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Russia selects engine supplier for new bomber: report [feedly]

Russia selects engine supplier for new bomber: report
// Military news

Russia has turned to a familiar source – the Kuznetsov Design Bureau – to develop the engines for a next-generation bomber, according to a report dated 6 June in a state-run newspaper.

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Prorrusos derriban avión de Ejército ucraniano en Slaviansk con un manpad - Hispan TV [feedly]

Prorrusos derriban avión de Ejército ucraniano en Slaviansk - Hispan TV
// antonov: Google Noticias


Prorrusos derriban avión de Ejército ucraniano en Slaviansk
Hispan TV
Las fuerzas prorrusas derribaron el viernes un avión de reconocimiento del Ejército ucraniano, tipo Antonov 30, cerca de la ciudad Slaviansk, en la parte oriental de Ucrania. "El avión volaba sobre el centro de la ciudad y fue alcanzado por disparos de ...
Milicias prorrusas derribaron un avión militar ucraniano
Las milicias prorrusas derriban un avión militar ucraniano en ...
Separatistas derriban avión del gobierno de Ucrania


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Irkut still contemplating MC-21 name change [feedly]

Irkut still contemplating MC-21 name change
// Airlines news

Renaming the developmental MC-21 narrowbody is still under consideration by Russian manufacturer Irkut, although it will wait until first flight is achieved before making a firm decision.

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Boeing tweaks 777X wingspan, preserves folded length [feedly]

Boeing tweaks 777X wingspan, preserves folded length
// Aircraft news

Boeing has slightly increased the in-flight wingspan and the length of the wing-fold on the 777X.

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PICTURE: Mitsubishi Aircraft unveils first P&W engine [feedly]

PICTURE: Mitsubishi Aircraft unveils first P&W engine
// Aircraft news

Japanese airframer Mitsubishi Aircraft has published an image of the first Pratt & Whitney PW1200G geared turbofan engine for its MRJ regional jet.

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