miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Airbus pide un pacto nacional para apoyar al sector aeronáutico - El País.com (España) [feedly]

Airbus pide un pacto nacional para apoyar al sector aeronáutico - El País.com (España)
// alestis: Google Noticias

Airbus pide un pacto nacional para apoyar al sector aeronáutico
El País.com (España)
Sobre la reestructuración del grupo aeronáutico andaluz Alestis, Ureña ha confirmado que ya está terminado el plan para el reajuste de su accionariado y solo falta que la Comisión Europea confirme que se cumplen todas las reglamentaciones.
La industria pide alianzas con empresas extranjeras para hacer...


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Airbus pide a España subvenciones al mismo nivel que otros países ... - Europa Press [feedly]

Airbus pide a España subvenciones al mismo nivel que otros países ... - Europa Press
// airbus: Google Noticias

El Mundo

Airbus pide a España subvenciones al mismo nivel que otros países ...
Europa Press
El secretario general de Airbus Operaciones en España, Alfredo Martínez, ha criticado la falta de subvenciones específicas para el sector aeronáutico a nivel nacional, lo que ha llevado a reivindicarlas al mismo nivel que otros países en Europa como ...
Airbus pide un pacto nacional para mantener la aeronáutica en ...
Airbus advierte que España perderá contratos por la falta de...
Airbus pide al Gobierno nuevas ayudas para el sector aeronáutico


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Rolls-Royce conducts first run of Trent 1000-TEN engine [feedly]

Rolls-Royce conducts first run of Trent 1000-TEN engine


Rolls-Royce has carried out the first run of the Trent 1000-TEN, which is designed to power the Boeing 787 Dreamliner variants.

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U.S. deploys B-52s to Europe [feedly]

U.S. deploys B-52s to Europe
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The U.S. Air Force plans to temporarily deploy heavy bombers capable of delivering nuclear weapons to Europe one day after President Barack Obama announced he would increase the U.S. military presence in the region.

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First passengers experience A350 XWB [feedly]

First passengers experience A350 XWB
// Airbus All news

Airbus confirms A350 XWB maturity in typical airline operating conditions

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Airbus test its sub-orbital SpacePlane dropping it from an Airbus Helicopter AS350 B3e Ecureuil

Early last month, an AS350 B3e Ecureuil operated by Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia (AHSA) played an important role in a technology demonstration led by Airbus Group's Defence and Space division that may one day see tourists traveling to space.

The project, known as the SpacePlane, aims to take passengers on short trips above the atmosphere in a jet designed to take off from a standard runway and then rocket to heights of around 100 kilometers thanks to a methane-oxygen engine.

The demonstrator tests, conducted off the coast of Singapore, were carried out to help understand how the aircraft would perform during the end-of-flight phase following a return from space.

To do this, the quarter-scale demonstrator needed to be dropped from an altitude of 10,000 feet (approximately 3,000 meters or nearly two miles). Airbus Group decided to perform this feat with a helicopter and the design expertise of AHSA.

AHSA's design office conceived, produced and then tested the platform used to raise the SpacePlane from a barge located in the South China Sea. In addition, AHSA developed, planned and conducted the helicopter operations necessary to lift and carry the plane to the desired altitude before releasing it. (Watch video footage .)

The novel lifting and separation system designed by AHSA enabled the scaled model to be carried as a helicopter under-slung load and released upon command from a control panel in the helicopter cabin.

An AHSA pilot performed the actual maneuver flying an AS350 B3e and supported by a dedicated AHSA test team stationed both on the barge and in the helicopter.

The flight test campaign lasted approximately 12 flying hours and culminated in the successful drop. Feedback from the test will be used to advance the design process to the next pre-development phase.

The demonstrator used in the tests was built by Airbus Defence and Space, in partnership with HOPE Technik and Airbus Group Innovations, the corporate network of research centers of Airbus Group.


Tecnam P2012 Traveller production facility to open in 2015

Tecnam on April 10th has announced the start of construction of the P2012 Traveller production facility, located in Capua, Italy and opening in summer 2015.

The establishment of Tecnam P2012 Traveller production facility is a result of a significant investment that will include not only the new production hangar at Capua, Italy, but the creation of a number of new skilled aircraft engineering and support jobs.

The Tecnam P2012 Traveller is an eleven seat next generation twin designed to comply with both FAR part 23 and EASA CS-23.

Airlines have been demanding a replacement for the many hundreds of 'heritage' aeroplanes in the FAR23/CS23 category currently in service around the world, as many are now coming to the end of their useful commercial life. With the introduction of the P2012 Traveller, Tecnam is ensuring that not only are passenger demands for comfort and safety met, but that potential operators purchasing the P2012 Traveller are now able to afford an aeroplane with significantly improved direct operating costs, more efficient maintenance routines and an appreciation for ensuring that the industry takes into account global environmental considerations such as the need for lower fuel burn and less noise emissions.

The announcement of the investment in the dedicated P2012 Traveller production is another critical step in the P2012 delivery programme that has seen Tecnam complete its first analysis, wing tunnel, flight and ground loads and preliminary design phases.

Tecnam are now initiating the P2012 Critical Design Review for both structure and systems.

''Ultimately operators have been demanding a next generation aeroplane that can deliver not only profits but reliability, efficiency and off course passenger comfort. The Tecnam design team have answered all these needs in developing the P2012 Traveller, one of the first new FAR23/CS23 aeroplane in 25 years!'' said Paolo Pascale, Tecnam's Managing Director. ''The P2012 Traveller builds on our commitment to continue to develop outstanding, stylish, innovative and affordable aeroplanes.''

The Tecnam P2012 Traveller will first see service as a passenger aeroplane but has been designed from the start to be a very versatile and flexible aerial platform, offering many multi role opportunities including Hydro, VIP, cargo shipping, parachuting and medevac services.

Tecnam P92 tail dragger fly over Aconcagua

At nearly 23,000 ft, Aconcagua is the highest mountain in both the Southern and Western hemispheres.

It has been a long held ambition of Mario Cardama, Tecnam's Argentina based dealer to fly over Mount Aconcagua. On the 24th of May, Mario achieved his lifelong ambition as he powered his Tecnam P92 Tail Dragger up to 22,840 ft and over the summit.

Here's an extract from Mario's flight commentary

After several months of planning, on the 24th of May conditions were such to make an attempt to fly over the summit of Aconagua possible.

So around noon I took off from RAE- Rivadavia Aerotec- Mendoza airport, Argentina, to heading for San Martin Airport (2100 ft.) to coordinate with friends (Alejo and Cayetano ) who would fly with me towards the Andes mountains to support my radio activity and watch for any developments!

At 13:05 we took off westbound climbing to reach the Potrerillos Dam in the Pre-Andes mountain range. We crossed at approx. 8,000 feet and continued to Cordón del Plata, exceeding 10,000 ft here. I then separated from the support aircraft that was accompanying me. Approaching the Uspallata Valley and across 12000 ft I begin to see the imposing Aconcagua in the distance and very high indeed. The Tecnam P92 Tail Dragger was performing perfectly.

At these altitudes it's necessary to use oxygen, so I connected my supply and I then began to monitor my body signs very carefully. I decided to cross the valley to the north and head in a more direct path to the Aconcagua and the Tecnam P92 continued to behave perfectly. It continue climbing smoothly as I got close to the mountains base at 18,000 ft. An altitude of 18,000 ft however was not enough, I had to proceed to the hardest part... to reach 22840 ft. and the summit.

By now I was very cold and 2 of the 3 cameras mounted outside stopped recording. The aircraft cabin was comfortable and there was the satisfaction that I didn't feel so cold even though after passing the 20,000 the cold had already started to penetrate into my feet but I did not give it much thought. After avoiding some turbulence and making some turns in the area I managed to reach the summit , and the excitement and the desire to record that moment I did not realize it was still rising , this aircraft had not reached its limit. But as the pilot I. knew I was close to my limit. The severe cold and oxygen deprivation was not enough to stop me and I decided to make a few turns around to capture different angles with my camera.

I communicated to friends who were down at a much lower altitude, with what to them seemed a strained voice that my mission was accomplished. I was descending through 24,000 ft. / 7340 mts. I 'm controlling all parameters of the Tecnam P92's Rotax 914 engine. I increased the RPM's but did not exceed 'max'. All aspect of P92's descent were very smooth.

As I descended, I remembered all the people who helped get me here; my family for the support that I always had, my father for infecting my passion for flying and of all Tecnam team back in Capua, Italy. A special mention must be made of Professor Luigi Pascale, who at 91 is still the inspiration for all the great designs at Tecnam and without who my personal mission would not have been possible.

U.S. RC-135U spyplane and Russian Su-27 in one of the most dangerous aerial encounters since the Cold War.


Tecnam P92 TailDragger Achieves Aconcagua Summit Overflight


Otro globo del Proyecto Loon de Google cae a tierra

El Proyecto Loon de Google, que busca llevar internet a zonas "no iluminadas", ha sufrido otro caído en combate. Casi literalmente, porque si bien los globos no van a la batalla, sí se caen; esta vez, el turno fue de uno que despegó en el estado de Nevada y terminó en el suelo de una zona rural u...


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Europa da inicio a su gran programa para impulsar la robótica en la región

Este martes en Alemania se dio inicio de manera oficial al nuevo programa SPARC, un proyecto europeo que busca empujar el desarrollo de la robótica en la región a modo de competir contra las inversiones en el rubro que hacen Estados Unidos, Japón y Corea del sur, fijando montos de dinero para pro...


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Airbus, Provincial Aerospace join forces for Canadian Fixed Wing SAR project


Los proyectos de Boeing en Rusia no están afectados por la crisis ucraniana ... - RIA Novosti [feedly]

Los proyectos de Boeing en Rusia no están afectados por las ... - RIA Novosti
// boeing: Google Noticias

Los proyectos de Boeing en Rusia no están afectados por las ...
RIA Novosti
Las sanciones de EEUU y la UE no afectaron por el momento los programas de producción de titanio y un centro de ingeniería de Boeing en Rusia pero aumentan el nerviosismo y perjudican los negocios, señaló el presidente de Boeing en Rusia, Serguéi ...


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Antonov Successfully Tests New Long-Haul An-70 - Ukrainian News Agency [feedly]

Antonov Successfully Tests New Long-Haul An-70 - Ukrainian News Agency
// antonov: Google Noticias

Ukrainian News Agency

Antonov Successfully Tests New Long-Haul An-70
Ukrainian News Agency
Kyiv-based Antonov state-run enterprise have successfully tested an An-70 long-haul wide body short take-off and landing medium airlifter, the press-service of Antonov enterprise said in the press-release. The joint crew of Antonov state enterprise and ...


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Ukraine-Russia Crisis May Hurt Maker of World's Biggest Plane - Investing.com [feedly]

Ukraine-Russia Crisis May Hurt Maker of World's Biggest Plane - Investing.com
// antonov: Google Noticias


Ukraine-Russia Crisis May Hurt Maker of World's Biggest Plane
By Avedis Hadjian - KIEV, Ukraine -- Ukraine is a country on the verge of bankruptcy, struggling to contain an uprising and to remain united. It's also an aviation superpower in its own right, punching way above its size -- thanks to its Antonov flying ...


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Airbus reclama al Gobierno español estrategia de apoyo al sector - El Confidencial [feedly]

Airbus reclama al Gobierno español estrategia de apoyo al sector ... - El Confidencial
// airbus: Google Noticias

Europa Press

Airbus reclama al Gobierno español estrategia de apoyo al sector ...
El Confidencial
Sevilla, 3 jun (EFECOM).- El secretario general de Airbus Operaciones en España, Alfredo Martínez, ha reclamado hoy al Gobierno una "estrategia estatal" con medidas de apoyo al desarrollo tecnológico y a la innovación del sector aeronáutico para ...
Airbus pide a España subvenciones al mismo nivel que otros países ...
Airbus agradece a Junta que industria aeroespacial sea un sector ...
Segunda edición del 'Aerospace and Defense Meetings Sevilla 2014'


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Airbus pide al Gobierno nuevas ayudas para el sector aeronáutico - El Mundo [feedly]

Airbus pide al Gobierno nuevas ayudas para el sector aeronáutico - El Mundo
// airbus: Google Noticias

El Mundo

Airbus pide al Gobierno nuevas ayudas para el sector aeronáutico
El Mundo
El secretario general de Airbus Operaciones en España, Alfredo Martínez, criticó en las jornadas técnicas en el mercado del encuentro Aerospace and Defense Meetings, que se celebra en Sevilla hasta el viernes la falta de subvenciones específicas para ...
Airbus reclama al Gobierno español estrategia de apoyo al sector ...
Airbus pide a España subvenciones al mismo nivel que otros países ...
Airbus agradece a Junta Andalucía que industria aeroespacial sea ...


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Sector pide a proveedores concentración y buscar sinergias en el exterior · Andalucía Información


La industria pide alianzas con empresas extranjeras para hacer ofertas conjuntas

La industria pide alianzas con empresas extranjeras para hacer... - Diario de Sevilla
// aciturri: Google Noticias

La industria pide alianzas con empresas extranjeras para hacer...
Diario de Sevilla
El resto de peticiones las pusieron sobre la mesa los responsables de las otras tier one españolas Aciturri, Cesa y Alestis: menos empresas y más potentes, con capacidad de desarrollo y pulmón financiero. "La cadena de suministro debe ser una extensión ...


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Russian jet flew within 100 feet of U.S. aircraft, official says [feedly]

Russian jet flew within 100 feet of U.S. aircraft, official says

At the height of recent tensions between the U.S. and Russia in April, an armed Russian fighter jet flew within 100 feet of a U.S.

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New Serbian charter carrier launched [feedly]

New Serbian charter carrier launched
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Air Serbia has launched a new charter subsidiary, Aviolet.

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Air Berlin podría separarse en dos compañías [feedly]

Air Berlin podría separarse en dos compañías

Air Berlin podría separarse en dos compañías, una enfocada a vuelos regulares tradicionales y otra centrada en destinos turísticos, para luchar contra las pérdidas operativas, que en el año financiero de 2013 fueron de 231,9 millones,

Air Europa vende y alquila sus 787 [feedly]

Air Europa vende y alquila sus 787

Como era previsible por las tensiones financieras de su matriz, Globalia, Air Europa firmó un contrato de venta y alquier (Sale and Leaseback) con la firma irlandesa SMBC Aviation Capital que afecta a sus 5 primeros Boeing 787-8, de los 8 que había pedido a Boeing y cuyas entregas están previstas entre marzo y diciembre de 2016.

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Boeing Miami Hosts Career Expo for Aviation Students [feedly]

Boeing Miami Hosts Career Expo for Aviation Students
// MediaRoom

STEM education experiences on display with product demonstrations

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Russian Helicopters, AgustaWestland shelve joint development [feedly]

Russian Helicopters, AgustaWestland shelve joint development
// Aircraft news

Russian Helicopters and AgustaWestland have quietly shelved plans to jointly develop a 2.5t rotorcraft, a senior executive from the Moscow-headquartered manufacturer has revealed.

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PICTURES: Ryanair hails coach partner with special livery [feedly]

PICTURES: Ryanair hails coach partner with special livery
// Aircraft news

Ryanair has painted three of its Boeing 737-800s in a special livery highlighting its partnership with coach operator National Express.

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SOFIA telescope declared operational, but funding threat looms [feedly]

SOFIA telescope declared operational, but funding threat looms
// Aircraft news

Three months after announcing plans to ground the aircraft, NASA has declared the stratospheric observatory of infrared astronomy (SOFIA) operational after 18 years in development.

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Italian Navy starts technical assessment of Camcopter S-100 UAV - Naval Technology [feedly]

Italian Navy starts technical assessment of Camcopter S-100 UAV - Naval Technology
// uav: Google Noticias

Italian Navy starts technical assessment of Camcopter S-100 UAV
Naval Technology
The Italian Navy has begun technical assessments of Schiebel's Camcopter S-100 unmanned-aerial vehicle (UAV) on the San Giusto (L89894) landing helicopter dock. The week-long evaluation trials are being carried out together with pilots from the navy's ...


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X-47B UAV To Conduct Test Flights With F-18s - Ottawa Citizen [feedly]

X-47B UAV To Conduct Test Flights With F-18s - Ottawa Citizen
// uav: Google Noticias

X-47B UAV To Conduct Test Flights With F-18s
Ottawa Citizen
X-47B UAV To Conduct Test Flights With F-18s. David Pugliese More from David Pugliese. Published on: June 3, 2014 Last Updated: June 3, 2014 9:55 AM EDT. Share Adjust Comment Print. Navy Times has this article on the U.S. Navy's X-47B which heads ...


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FAA May Exempt Film Industry from UAV Rules - Flying Magazine [feedly]

FAA May Exempt Film Industry from UAV Rules - Flying Magazine
// uav: Google Noticias

FAA May Exempt Film Industry from UAV Rules
Flying Magazine
The FAA says it is considering granting an exemption to the film and television industry that would allow commercial UAV operations with the government's blessing after the Motion Picture Association of America filed a petition on behalf of its members.


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Commercial/Civil UAV runs primarily on solar power. - ThomasNet News (press release) [feedly]

Commercial/Civil UAV runs primarily on solar power. - ThomasNet News (press release)
// uav: Google Noticias

ThomasNet News (press release)

Commercial/Civil UAV runs primarily on solar power.
ThomasNet News (press release)
June 3, 2014 - Able to carry up to 5 kg payloads and provide ~100 W of electrical power, SUNLINK-5 UAV (unmanned airborne vehicle) is capable of working at altitudes to 10,000 ft, can operate exclusively on solar power, and provides persistent presence ...


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Prueban en el Mar del Sur de China el demostrador del SpacePlane de Airbus D&S


Presentada la nueva base de operaciones de Norwegian en Madrid


Rajoy no tiene clara la privatización de Aena


Scientists teleport quantum information across the room


Celebradas las jornadas para spotters en los aeropuertos de La Coruña y Madrid


FBI cracks down on laser attacks on aircraft

The FBI has said it will expand a reward programme offering $10,000 (£6,000) for information leading to arrests over "lasing" incidents. Laser pointers directed at helicopter and aeroplane pilots can temporarily blind those piloting the aircraft. The FBI says it has seen a sharp increase in such ...


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Heathrow airport's new Terminal 2 opening to passengers

Heathrow's new Terminal 2 opens on Wednesday, with the airline insisting it has learned lessons from the opening of Terminal 5 six years ago. Staff struggled to cope with T5's computer systems when it opened, while the baggage system also broke down. But the airport believes by moving airlines to...


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