sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

New Twin Engined Chinese Jet Liner C919 Moves Forward - Popular Science (blog) [feedly]

New Twin Engined Chinese Jet Liner C919 Moves Forward - Popular Science (blog)
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Yahoo News

New Twin Engined Chinese Jet Liner C919 Moves Forward
Popular Science (blog)
The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) completed assembly of the forward fuselage section of the C919 jet airliner in May 2014. The twin engined C919 jetliner is expected to make its first flight in 2015, followed by entry into service in ...
China's Comac Set to Deliver First Passenger Jets
China's Comac on track to deliver C919 jet in 2018


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Can Made In China Planes Dominate the Skies? - Zacks.com [feedly]

Can Made In China Planes Dominate the Skies? - Zacks.com
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Can Made In China Planes Dominate the Skies?
The prices of Comac's C919 single-aisle airplanes are expected to be cheaper than the comparable models offered by Boeing and Airbus. Even then, we do not expect cheaper prices to translate into bulk orders for Comac. The safety and security of the ...


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Boeing explora posibles negocios satelitales con Google y Facebook - iprofesional.com [feedly]

Boeing explora posibles negocios satelitales con Google y Facebook - iprofesional.com
// boeing: Google Noticias


Boeing explora posibles negocios satelitales con Google y Facebook
Boeing, el principal productor de satélites comerciales del mundo, aseguró que una fuerte demanda en el mercado ayudará a que su división de satélites soporte el retroceso del gasto estadounidense en defensa y que los ingresos seguirán fortaleciéndose ...
Boeing ve una fuerte demanda comercial de satélites


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La Junta de Andalucía impulsa la promoción de seis empresas aeronáuticas ... - malagaes.com [feedly]

La Junta impulsa la promoción de seis empresas aeronáuticas ... - malagaes.com
// aciturri: Google Noticias

La Junta impulsa la promoción de seis empresas aeronáuticas ...
AIRBUS Group es el principal patrocinador del evento, al que también prestan un apoyo especial Alestis Aerospace, Aernnova y Aciturri, los tres Tier 1 españoles de aeroestructuras, y la compañía andaluza Sofitec. ADM Sevilla 2014 tiene, además, el ...


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Airbus readies for fifth A350 to fly; remains committed to -800 variant [feedly]

Airbus readies for fifth A350 to fly; remains committed to -800 variant
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Airbus has completed test flights of two A350 XWB aircraft on the same day, flying them side by side at one point, as the French manufacturer heads towards the entry-into-service date for launch customer Qatar Airways at the end of this year.

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Three 'miracles' required for mainstream electric-powered aircraft, says P&W [feedly]

Three 'miracles' required for mainstream electric-powered aircraft, says P&W
// Aircraft news

Though electric aircraft technology continues to improve, an engineer at Pratt & Whitney says the technology must make revolutionary leaps before being applicable to commercial or military aircraft.

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Airbus highlights Quadruiser UAV - UPI.com [feedly]

Airbus highlights Quadruiser UAV - UPI.com
// uav: Google Noticias


Airbus highlights Quadruiser UAV
Airbus highlights Quadruiser UAV. An electric-powered unmanned aerial vehicle demonstration that combines the hover and vertical takeoff and landing capabilities of a helicopter and the flight capabilities of a fixed-wing aircraft is being highlighted ...


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Russian Air Force likely to get PAK-DA bombers in 2023


Thales to supply second A400M full-flight simulator to RAF
