viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Three Northrop Grumman-Built Spacecraft Mark On Orbit Anniversaries In 2014 ... - Space Ref (press release) [feedly]

Three Northrop Grumman-Built Spacecraft Mark On Orbit Anniversaries In 2014 ... - Space Ref (press release)
// northrop: Google Noticias

SatNews Publishers

Three Northrop Grumman-Built Spacecraft Mark On Orbit Anniversaries In 2014 ...
Space Ref (press release)
Two scientific spacecraft and a military communications payload produced by Northrop Grumman Corporation (NOC) are observing major on orbit anniversaries this year as they continue to perform for many additional years beyond their design lives.
Northrop Grumman builds up UK business development organization
Northrop Grumman, Air Force Complete Successful Critical Design Review of ...


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Nuevo acuerdo entre Ansys y GE Aviation para innovar en el futuro

La china COMAC adjudica un nuevo contrato a la española Tecnatom

Internet de banda ancha llega a la Luna

Australia estudia desplegar F-35B desde sus buques LHD Camberra

Pratt & Whitney Unveils Higher Thrust PurePower Engine

BO105 Helicopters Rack Up Eight Million Flight Hours

Rolls-Royce To Strengthen R&D For Future Aero Engines In Dahlewitz, Germany

Quadrotor gets autonomous navigation capabilities with Google's Project Tango

Korean Air Refueling: $1.8billion Competition

Antonov workers march for deposed chairman - IHS Jane's 360 #Ucrania

Antonov workers march for deposed chairman - IHS Jane's 360
// antonov: Google Noticias

Antonov workers march for deposed chairman
IHS Jane's 360
The action on 21 May ended with an appeal signed by 9,000 Antonov employees (and addressed to the country's acting president, Oleksandr Turchinov) being delivered to the Cabinet of Ministers in Kiev. The action, led by Antonov trade union ...


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Airbus Defence firma un acuerdo con Qatar para el desarrollo de comunicaciones Tetra - Noticias Infodefensa España

Venezuela venderá un Airbus presidencial para comprar dos aviones para la aerolínea CONVIASA – RT

G Air adquiere Gestair Flying Academy Madrid, convirtiendose en el mayor grupo de formación del Sur de Europa [feedly]

G Air adquiere Gestair Flying Academy Madrid, convirtiendose en el mayor grupo de formación del Sur de Europa
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

G Air, multinacional portuguesa experta en formación de pilotos, ha comprado lo que hasta ahora era Gestair Flying Academy Madrid. De esta forma completa un proceso que comenzó hace ya dos años, al comprar la filial portuguesa de la escuela de pilotos del Grupo Gestair.

Honeywell plans 2017 green taxiing system in-service date; talks with COMAC [feedly]

Honeywell plans 2017 green taxiing system in-service date; talks with COMAC
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Honeywell is moving ahead with development of its Electric Green Taxiing System (EGTS) for narrowbody aircraft and is talking to COMAC about potentially making the system an option on the C919.

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Boeing Expands Customers' Fuel-Efficiency Capabilities by Acquiring ETS Aviation [feedly]

Boeing Expands Customers' Fuel-Efficiency Capabilities by Acquiring ETS Aviation
// MediaRoom


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Sobrevolar Manhattan solo con un "wingsuit" [feedly]

Sobrevolar Manhattan solo con un "wingsuit"

¿Alguna vez has soñado con volar sobre Manhattan? ¿En Helicóptero? ¿Tal vez avión? Estos paracaidístas (Jon Devore, Jeff Provenzano, Amy Chmelecki, Sean MacCormac y Andy Farrington) de la Red Bull Air Force  lo han hecho con sus wingsuit. Alguno de ellos nació y se crió en la ciudad de Nueva York, así que ha sido casi un sueño cumplido ("volar sobre Nueva York es un sueño que he tenido desde que era niño", declaraba el saltador Jeff Provenzano).



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Fotos: Eurofighter pintado con bandas de invasión del día D [feedly]

Fotos: Eurofighter pintado con bandas de invasión del día D



Spitfire y Typhoon en formación


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987 toneles consecutivos: nuevo record mundial [feedly]

987 toneles consecutivos: nuevo record mundial


El vuelo rompe-récord se realizó el 1 de marzo de 2014 en Lethbridge, Victoria (Australia). El piloto, Kingsley, controlador aéreo de profesión, realizó 987 toneles consecutivos con su biplano Pitts, pulverizando así el anterior récord que estaba en "sólo" 408 toneles consecutivos.

FAA should re-evaluate risk on lithium ion batteries: NTSB [feedly]

FAA should re-evaluate risk on lithium ion batteries: NTSB
// Aircraft news

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) should re-evaluate the risk of internal short circuits within permanently installed lithium-ion batteries on commercial aircraft, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says in new recommendations released on 22 May.

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The A350 XWB is proving itself in flight evaluations leading to certification this year [feedly]

The A350 XWB is proving itself in flight evaluations leading to certification this year
// Airbus All news

Airbus is continuing the "no surprise" flight programme for its A350 XWB, with more than 1,700...

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Carbures concentra su producción para el sector aeronáutico en Jerez [feedly]

Carbures concentra su producción para el sector aeronáutico en... - Diario de Jerez
// A330 mrtt: Google Noticias

Carbures concentra su producción para el sector aeronáutico en...
Diario de Jerez
En concreto, la planta jerezana suministra componentes al A400M -la mayor aeronave de transporte militar-, al A380 -el mayor avión comercial-, el avión cisterna A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport), y el A320 NEO -aeronave de gran demanda futura ...


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New Chinese 5th Generation Fighter Jet--J31 Performs More Flight Tests

The J-31 continues flight testing at a Shenyang Aircraft Corporation research facility in northern China. As China's second fifth generation fighter, the J-31 makes China the second nation in the world, after the United States, to have flown two fifth generation fighters. With a length of about 1...

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