miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Emirates compraría más A380 si Airbus hiciera una version renovada, un "380neo"

Emirates compraría más A380 si Airbus reformara el avión

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China's Comac on track to deliver C919 jet in 2018 - Yahoo News [feedly]

China's Comac on track to deliver C919 jet in 2018 - Yahoo News
// comac c 919: Google Noticias

Yahoo News

China's Comac on track to deliver C919 jet in 2018
Yahoo News
SHANGHAI (AP) — A Chinese aircraft maker says it is ready to deliver the country's first homegrown regional airliner and is on track to complete a larger aircraft in 2018. Officials of Comac said Wednesday the first two ARJ21 jets are ready for delivery.
China's Comac Set to Deliver First Passenger Jets


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Más convenios de Ingeniería con empresas para hacer prácticas - Noticias de Álava [feedly]

Más convenios de Ingeniería con empresas para hacer prácticas - Noticias de Álava
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Más convenios de Ingeniería con empresas para hacer prácticas
Noticias de Álava
Entre ellas, las hay grandes, como Michelin, Mercedes-Benz, Iberdrola y Aernnova, y otras que no lo son tanto pero que resultan muy importantes para este centro, como Idom Ingeniería y Consultoría, Abgam Grupo Segula Tecnhologies, Ega Master, ...


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Boeing, Nok Air Finalize Order for 737 MAXs, Next-Generation 737s [feedly]

Boeing, Nok Air Finalize Order for 737 MAXs, Next-Generation 737s
// MediaRoom

Efficiency of 737 supports Nok Air's low-cost model

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Airbus Corporate Jets wins first in-service ACJ319 Sharklet retrofit [feedly]

Airbus Corporate Jets wins first in-service ACJ319 Sharklet retrofit
// Airbus All news

Sharklets save fuel and enhance appearance

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Russia, China to partner to develop new Mi-26 variant


Embraer, Brazilian Air Force sign KC-390 series production contract


Norwegian veut une base long-courrier à Barcelone | Air Journal


Gliders Collide During Competition In Britain


Study shows mallee based jet fuel has firm roots | Airbus News & Events


A two year study commissioned by Airbus and partners including Virgin Australia in 2012 into the practicability of using Australia's mallee trees to make biofuels suitable for powering passenger jets has reported encouraging results.
The report published by the Future Farm Industries Cooperative Centre (CRC) concludes that jet fuel made from the mallee tree will meet strict sustainability criteria determined by the Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) and will be suitable for commercial flights according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
The sustainability and life-cycle analysis covered the growing and harvesting of the mallee tree and its conversion into aviation grade biofuel via the pyrolysis thermal and upgrading processes developed by Dynamotive and IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN). Mallee trees flourish in regions of poor soil and do not directly compete for water nor with food production. The vast Great Southern region of Western Australia was used in the study, which included examining the viability of a complete industry supply chain from grower to aviation user.
"What this report demonstrates is that mallees can provide a future economic benefit to farmers and regional communities, with a viable industry possible by 2021 said Dr John McGrath, CRC Research Director. "Mallee integrates well with farm crop and livestock operations and can protect and enhance biodiversity, and contributing to rebalancing water tables."
The study shows that if all flights departing Perth airport were powered by locally sourced mallee biofuel, that emissions could be reduced by at least 40 per cent.
Virgin Australia Regional Airlines Group Executive, Merren McArthur, said, "Virgin Australia remains committed to supporting innovative Australian research into the feasibility of aviation biofuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Australia. The results show mallee jet fuel is a more sustainable option than our current fossil-based fuel supply while also providing valuable insights into potential new supply chains. We look forward to supporting the project and to getting closer to the commercial supply of biofuel in Western Australia," said Ms McArthur.
"The outcome of this report is positive and supports Airbus' global strategy of seeking the best local solutions for the development and commercialisation of sustainable fuels for aviation. Since 2008 Airbus has been engaged in a worldwide programme to develop solutions and this report is an important step towards achieving the goals the industry has set itself for carbon neutral growth," said Frederic Eychenne, Airbus New Energies Programme Manager.

» Paravelo, la bicicleta voladora


Aerion's AS2 supersonic business jet gets extra engine and cabin space


La Festa del Cel se celebrará este año en Mataró


Airbus teme que crisis de Ucrania impida acceder a fuentes de titanio... - La Vanguardia [feedly]

Airbus teme que crisis de Ucrania impida acceder a fuentes de ... - La Vanguardia
// airbus: Google Noticias


Airbus teme que crisis de Ucrania impida acceder a fuentes de ...
La Vanguardia
Berlín, 20 may (EFECOM).- El consorcio aeronáutico europeo, Airbus, reconoció hoy que están buscando nuevos suministradores de titanio en previsión de que la crisis originada con Rusia a causa de Ucrania dificulte la obtención de este material ...
El gigante aeronáutico Airbus busca alternativas al titanio ruso
Berlín, París, Londres y Madrid avanzan un frente contra las ayudas ...


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El gigante aeronáutico Airbus busca alternativas al titanio ruso - RIA Novosti [feedly]

El gigante aeronáutico Airbus busca alternativas al titanio ruso - RIA Novosti
// airbus: Google Noticias


El gigante aeronáutico Airbus busca alternativas al titanio ruso
RIA Novosti
La multinacional Airbus examina fuentes alternativas de titanio por si la UE prohíbe importar de Rusia ese metal imprescindible para la industria aeronáutica, declaró el director de operaciones de la empresa, Günter Butschek. La compañía rusa ...
Airbus teme que crisis de Ucrania impida acceder a fuentes de ...
Berlín, París, Londres y Madrid avanzan un frente contra las ayudas ...


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El euro debe reducir su valor, dice presidente ejecutivo de Airbus - The Wall Street Journal Americas [feedly]

El euro debe reducir su valor, dice presidente ejecutivo de Airbus - The Wall Street Journal Americas
// airbus: Google Noticias

El euro debe reducir su valor, dice presidente ejecutivo de Airbus
The Wall Street Journal Americas
Europa "debe ganar credibilidad" sobre cómo maneja su divisa, dijo Fabrice Brégier en Berlín la víspera de la feria del sector en Berlín. Estas medidas son especialmente necesarias porque otros países, como Japón, buscan reducir el valor de sus monedas ...


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Fokker and Boeing Business Jets to introduce innovative panoramic window design [feedly]

Fokker and Boeing Business Jets to introduce innovative window design
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Dutch firm Fokker Technologies has collaborated with Boeing Business Jets (BBJ) to develop panoramic windows for aircraft.

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Pratt & Whitney delivers first A320neo engines to Airbus [feedly]

Pratt & Whitney delivers first A320neo engines to Airbus
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Pratt & Whitney has delivered the first PW1100G engines designated to power the Airbus A320neo to Airbus, which is expected to begin flight testing the re-engined narrowbody later this year.

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Embraer inagurua la FAL del KC-39 | Fly News


European airlines lobby for legislation to control airport charges [feedly]

European airlines lobby for legislation to control airport charges
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

In response to the European Commission's (EC) report on the application of the airport charges directive, four European airline associations said they are "deeply disappointed" the EC does not propose enough concrete steps to address the failings identified in the report.

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Airbus: German airlines to need more than 800 new aircraft by 2032 [feedly]

Airbus: German airlines to need more than 800 new aircraft by 2032
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Airbus has predicted German airlines will operate a collective fleet of 1,821 aircraft by 2032, according to its latest Global Market Forecast (GMF).

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Qatar’s second A380 destination will be Paris [feedly]

Qatar's second A380 destination will be Paris
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Qatar Airways has announced Paris Charles de Gaulle as its second Airbus A380 destination after London Heathrow.

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Boeing 737 MAX Surpasses 2,000 Orders [feedly]

Boeing 737 MAX Surpasses 2,000 Orders
// MediaRoom

Total orders worth $209 billion at list prices

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Boeing and Samsung to Evaluate Mobile Technology for New Spacecraft [feedly]

Boeing and Samsung to Evaluate Mobile Technology for New Spacecraft
// MediaRoom

Goal is enhancing connectivity, passenger experience

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Boeing Launches New MicroTAC Tactical Data Analytic Platform [feedly]

Boeing Launches New MicroTAC Tactical Data Analytic Platform
// MediaRoom

Field deployment allows data-management capability anytime, anywhere

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Boeing Announces New Leader for Korea [feedly]

Boeing Announces New Leader for Korea
// MediaRoom


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DLR looks to the future with LamAiR fordward swept wing concept [feedly]

ILA: DLR looks to the future with LamAiR concept
// Latest news

At German aerospace research agency DLR, modern composite technology is finally catching up with a 1970s fast jet vision of the future – to slash airliner fuel burn by up to 13% by using forward-swept wings.

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IAE ships first KC-390 engines to Embraer [feedly]

IAE ships first KC-390 engines to Embraer
// Aircraft news

International Aero Engines has shipped to Embraer the first six prototypes of its V2500-E5 engines, which will power Embraer's KC-390 multi-role tanker and transport.

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The Airbus ProSky-led CANARIAS project marks key milestone in effort to improve two Canary Islands airports’ approach procedures [feedly]

The Airbus ProSky-led CANARIAS project marks key milestone in effort to improve two Canary Islands airports' approach procedures
// Airbus All news

The first successful flight in Spain using Required Navigation Performance – Authorization Required...

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Airbus and Germany: A long, and important relationship [feedly]

Airbus and Germany: A long, and important relationship
// Airbus All news

Today's A350 XWB appearance at the 2014 ILA Berlin Air Show has the dual role of spotlighting...

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Aircraft serving Germany to nearly double by 2032 [feedly]

Aircraft serving Germany to nearly double by 2032
// Airbus All news

Germany remains top aviation market, but growth less than world average

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Airbus wins ACJ320 order from Middle East customer [feedly]

Airbus wins ACJ320 order from Middle East customer
// Airbus All news

Aviation Link managing the aircraft

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Cuarto UAV abatido en Brasil por llevar celulares o drogas a presos. - Defensa.com [feedly]

Cuarto UAV abatido en Brasil por llevar celulares o drogas a presos ... - Defensa.com
// uav: Google Noticias

Cuarto UAV abatido en Brasil por llevar celulares o drogas a presos ...
(defensa.com) Con cinco tiros fue derribado un mini UAV que sobrevolaba la cárcel paulista de Potim transportando, en una caja adosada en su parte inferior, algunos teléfonos móviles. Los celulares terminaron por caer en el patio del complejo, entre ...


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Italy May Build UAV School - DefenseNews.com [feedly]

Italy May Build UAV School - DefenseNews.com
// uav: Google Noticias

Italy May Build UAV School
ROME — The Italian Air Force, which has largely relied on US training for its UAV pilots, may build its own school — and open it to other air forces, officials said. "Considering current trends, we will have more requests for unmanned aircraft ...


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Consiguen identificar explosivos una vez detonados mediante imágenes por terahercio [feedly]

Consiguen identificar explosivos una vez detonados mediante imágenes por terahercio
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

Un ingeniero de telecomunicación por la Universidad Pública de Navarra ha desarrollado en su tesis un sistema de detección mediante imágenes de terahercios que permite identificar componentes explosivos no sólo en su estado puro sino también, por primera vez, tras haberse producido la detonación.

Hay objetos que no podemos ver en el rango de lo visible, pero sí con sistemas de imagen que utilizan la longitud del terahercio (THz). En ese rango, podemos detectar por ejemplo un cuerpo extraño, oculto bajo la ropa, pero también determinar el material del que está compuesto. David Etayo, ingeniero de telecomunicación y doctor por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, ha podido identificar componentes explosivos no sólo en su estado puro sino también, por primera vez, tras haberse producido la detonación.

Según explica el investigador en la nota de prensa de la UPNA, han ido "un paso más allá en el sistema de imagen". Además de detectar que hay un objeto, han caracterizado distintos materiales para ver cómo reaccionan en el rango del THz.

Uno de los logros de la tesis doctoral ha sido caracterizar explosivos ya detonados. "Lo habitual es caracterizar los explosivos en su forma de laboratorio, recién producidos, cuando son seguros, pero lo que ocurre, por ejemplo después de un atentado, es que sólo quedan unos restos y son totalmente distintos a los materiales de origen".

El uso de esta tecnología podría permitir también incorporar estos sistemas a los robots-oruga utilizados para desactivar artefactos, de manera que pudieran detectar el explosivo del que se trate.

Otra parte de la tesis se centró en aplicaciones de la tecnología de THz en los campos de la agricultura e industria alimentaria. En el primer caso, se trabajó con vides, ya que los THz son muy sensibles al contenido en agua de la muestra: "Aunque a simple vista no se aprecien variaciones, si analizas la imagen de una hoja de vid en terahercios se ve perfectamente cómo el contenido de agua varía día a día. Esto permite tener un mayor control de las plantas, reducir costes de riego, poder mejorar la calidad del vino, etc.".

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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