viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Israel Aerospace Industries unveils advanced intelligence system for unmanned platforms... - Jerusalem Post [feedly]

Israel Aerospace Industries unveils advanced intelligence system for unmanned ... - Jerusalem Post
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias


Israel Aerospace Industries unveils advanced intelligence system for unmanned ...
Jerusalem Post
Israel Aerospace Industries unveiled on Thursday a sensor system for air, sea, and groundbased unmanned platforms, which enables them to build up an intelligence picture of their surroundings based on the signals emitted from other military platforms.
IAI's Unmanned Platforms
UTC Aerospace Systems to Showcase Advanced Products for Unmanned ...
IAI showing off unmanned maritime vessel


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La SEPI ha firmado los protocolos para hacerse con el 24 % de Alestis - Expansió [feedly]

La SEPI ha firmado los protocolos para hacerse con el 24 % de Alestis - Expansió
// alestis: Google Noticias

La SEPI ha firmado los protocolos para hacerse con el 24 % de Alestis
El presidente de la Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Ramón Aguirre, ha recordado hoy que este organismo ha firmado los protocolos por los que entraría en el accionariado de Alestis "con un 24 por ciento". En una rueda de prensa ...


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Junta analiza con Aciturri el desarrollo del sector aeronáutico y la apuesta de la compañía por Andalucía ... - Europa Press [feedly]

Junta analiza con Aciturri el desarrollo del sector aeronáutico y la ... - Europa Press
// aciturri: Google Noticias

Europa Press

Junta analiza con Aciturri el desarrollo del sector aeronáutico y la ...
Europa Press
El consejero de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, José Sánchez Maldonado, ha mantenido un encuentro con el presidente de Aciturri, Francisco Fernández Sainz, y el consejero delegado de la firma, Ginés Clemente, en el que han analizado el ...
Junta y Aciturri apuestan por el impulso del sector aeronáutico ...


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Aciturri apuesta por Andalucía - Actualidad Aeroespacial [feedly]

Aciturri apuesta por Andalucía - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// aciturri: Google Noticias

Aciturri apuesta por Andalucía
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Directivos de Aciturri con el consejero andaluz Sevilla.- Aciturri, empresa proveedora de primer nivel, ha mostrado al consejero andaluz de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, José Sánchez Maldonado, su disposición a participar en iniciativas de ...


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Finnair to sell three Embraer E-170s [feedly]

Finnair to sell three Embraer E-170s
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Finnair has agreed to sell three of its Embraer E-170s to US lessor Infinity Aviation Capital in a deal valued at $40 million.

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Lufthansa pursues joint venture with Air China [feedly]

Lufthansa pursues joint venture with Air China
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Lufthansa and Air China are in talks that could lead the German and Chinese carriers to forming a revenue-sharing joint venture similar to those that Lufthansa has with United Airlines, Air Canada and All Nippon Airways.

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First Iraqi F-16 Completes First Flight [feedly]

First Iraqi F-16 Completes First Flight
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Lockheed Martin successfully completed the first flight of the inaugural F-16 Fighting Falcon for the Iraq Air Force. The jet is the first of 36 F-16 Block 52 aircraft on order through the U.S. Department of Defense for Iraq. With […]

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Elbit Systems lanza un “Head-Up Display para aviones comerciales [feedly]

Elbit Systems lanza un "Head-Up Display para aviones comerciales
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Elbit Systems anunció el lanzamiento del "Skylens", un sistema de presentación de datos a la altura de los ojos de los pilotos, o HUD (Head-Up Display) para aplicaciones como sistema de visión de vuelo mejorado EFVS (Enhanced Flight Vision System), empaquetado en un dispositivo ligero y fácil de instalar, similar a unas gafas. Está pensado para operaciones diurnas y nocturnas y con cualquier tipo de condiciones meteorológicas, minimizando la dependencia de la instrumentación del aeropuerto. Los aviones podrán con él despegar y aterrizar en condiciones de baja visibilidad y en lugares que sin EVS no podrían acceder.


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Airbus Defence and Space realiza un estudio para el ente de Aviación Civil británica sobre el uso de radares pasivos

Evektor EV-55 Outback Light Utility Aircraft [feedly]

Evektor EV-55 Outback Light Utility Aircraft
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

A twin-engine light utility aircraft, the EV-55 Outback was designed and is being manufactured by Evektor-Aerotechnik in the Czech Republic.

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Human powered flying club to maintain UK summer meet tradition with June-July Lasham event [feedly]

Human powered flying club to maintain UK summer meet tradition with June-July Lasham event
// Latest news

The newly formed British Human Powered Flying Club is calling for entries to its 28 June-6 July rally at Lasham airfield, Hampshire. The event, which will feature competition and technical workshops, follows the Icarus Cup events in 2012 (at Lasham) and 2013 (Sywell aerodrome, Northampton), organise

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ILFC becomes largest customer for 787-9 [feedly]

ILFC becomes largest customer for 787-9
// Airlines news

ILFC confirms that is has recently converted firm orders for eight Boeing 787-8s to the larger 787-9 model, making the lessor the single largest customer of the type.

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Boeing touts operational QF-16 UAV - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

Boeing touts operational QF-16 UAV - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias

IHS Jane's 360

Boeing touts operational QF-16 UAV
IHS Jane's 360
Boeing could potentially convert hundreds of retired F-16s into UAVs using aircraft stored at the USAF's 'boneyard' in Tuscon, Arizona, where thousands of disused airframes have lain dormant for years. To read the full article, Client Login. (123 of ...
Report: Small UAV Market Forecasts & Opportunities


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Commercial UAV regulations needed asap -- not expected until 2016 - San Diego Source (subscription) [feedly]

Commercial UAV regulations needed asap -- not expected until 2016 - San Diego Source (subscription)
// uav: Google Noticias

Commercial UAV regulations needed asap -- not expected until 2016
San Diego Source (subscription)
UAV hobbyists are able to fly these machines up to 400 feet with certain restrictions around airports; however, flying drones for commercial purposes -- that is, if any money is made off the endeavor whatsoever – is, for all intents and purposes, illegal.


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Ukroboronprom on track to complete Croatian MIG-21 fighters upgrade

Russia test launches ballistic missiles during nuclear response drills

Airliner and Russian spyplane nearly collide off Sweden

El Ejército turco acepta finalmente el primer helicóptero de ataque de fabricación turca T-129

Video (Fake?) shows triangular shaped aircraft attack Taliban camp in Afghanistan

ATC Equipment Market Expected To Top $4 Billion In 2019

Foam-squirting quadcopter becomes a flying 3D printer