jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Northrop Lifts Forecast as First-Quarter Profit Beats Estimates - Businessweek [feedly]


Northrop Lifts Forecast as First-Quarter Profit Beats Estimates - Businessweek
// northrop: Google Noticias

Northrop Lifts Forecast as First-Quarter Profit Beats Estimates
Northrop benefited from a tax benefit of $51 million, or 23 cents a share, in the quarter, along with higher operating profit in its aerospace unit. The maker of Global Hawk drones raised its 2014 profit forecast to $8.90 to $9.15 a share, from the ...


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Embraer forecasts Middle East/Africa demand for 530 jets of 70 to 130 seats ... - CAPA - Centre for Aviation [feedly]


Embraer forecasts Middle East/Africa demand for 530 jets of 70 to ... - CAPA - Centre for Aviation
// embraer: Google Noticias

Travel Daily News International

Embraer forecasts Middle East/Africa demand for 530 jets of 70 to ...
CAPA - Centre for Aviation
Embraer Commercial Aviation forecast (23-Apr-2014) airlines in Africa and the Middle East will take delivery of 530 new jets in the 70 to 130-seat segment over the next 20 years. The aircraft are valued at USD25 billion at list prices, representing 8 ...
Embraer: 530 new deliveries of 70 to 130-seat jets in Africa and the ...


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Fabrican en Vietnam componentes de aviones de Airbus - Vietnam+ [feedly]


Fabrican en Vietnam componentes de aviones de Airbus - Vietnam+
// airbus: Google Noticias

Fabrican en Vietnam componentes de aviones de Airbus
El conglomerado europeo de la industria aeronáutica, Airbus, anunció en Hanoi la selección de la filial vietnamita de la compañía japonesa Nikkiso, como un fabricante de sus componentes. A partir de agosto, la empresa producirá barras de composite y ...


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U2 Spy plane outlasts Cold War, but not defense cuts [feedly]


Spy plane outlasts Cold War, but not defense cuts
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The U-2 spy plane outlasted the Cold War, outlived its successor and proved crucial a half-century ago when two superpowers were on the brink of nuclear war.

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Sale del taller de motores de Iberia el primer motor FT8 reparado por Iberia Mantenimiento [feedly]


Sale del taller de motores de Iberia el primer motor FT8 reparado por Iberia Mantenimiento
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

El mantenimiento de esta turbina industrial, propiedad de Endesa, es fruto del acuerdo firmado en mayo de 2013 entre Iberia y Endesa para la reparación de turbinas industriales de la empresa eléctrica española por parte de Iberia Mantenimiento.

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Rolls-Royce secures engines support contract for US military V-22 aircraft [feedly]


Rolls-Royce secures engines support contract for US military V-22 aircraft
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

Rolls-Royce has secured a contract to support the AE 1107C Liberty turboshaft engines that power the US Air Force (USAF) and Marine Corps' V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft fleet.

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USAF receives first CONECT-upgraded B-52 Stratofortress bomber [feedly]


USAF receives first CONECT-upgraded B-52 Stratofortress bomber
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por www.noticias-aero.info

The US Air Force (USAF) has received the first upgraded B-52 Stratofortress bomber from the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex (OC-ALC) at Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB), Louisiana, US.

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Australian beach debris unrelated to MH370: ATSB [feedly]


Australian beach debris unrelated to MH370: ATSB
// Latest news

Australian investigators have dismissed the possibility that debris washed ashore from the Indian Ocean south of Perth is related to the lost Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

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Construction under way on MC-21 wing boxes [feedly]


Construction under way on MC-21 wing boxes
// Airlines news

Russian manufacturer AeroKompozit has started constructing the composite wing box panels for the Irkut MC-21 twinjet.

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Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general [feedly]


Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision 'clear': USAF general
// Aircraft news

For months, US Air Force officials have used the adjective "hard" to describe their decision to ground entire fleets of aircraft in respond to budget cuts.

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Forecast International: UAV Market to Double in 10 Years - ExecutiveGov [feedly]


Forecast International: UAV Market to Double in 10 Years - ExecutiveGov
// uav: Google Noticias

Forecast International: UAV Market to Double in 10 Years
drone Forecast International expects unmanned aerial vehicles to become a $2.3 billion industry by 2023 despite a slowdown in production in the coming years, Military Aerospace reported Monday. John Keller writes the market analyst predicted the global ...


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Los ingenieros asturianos crean un observatorio para prevenir la caída de las vocaciones


Los ingenieros asturianos crean un observatorio para prevenir la caída de las vocaciones
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

La Escuela Politécnica de Gijón, de la Universidad de Oviedo, y el Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Asturias y León han decidido crear un observatorio profesional, con el objetivo de evitar la caída de las vocaciones, que aún no ha llegado a la región pero que ya afecta al resto de España.

La Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón, de la Universidad de Oviedo, y el Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Asturias y León han decidido crear un observatorio profesional, cuyo acto oficial de constitución tendrá lugar la próxima semana, informa La Nueva España.

El objetivo es fomentar las vocaciones, dado que en la última década la matrícula en las escuelas de ingeniería de España ha caído un 21,3% y en el campus gijonés no quieren verse devorados por la estadística.

Por eso, aunque mantienen una tendencia alcista respecto a otras titulaciones ya trabajan en frenar la pérdida de alumnos respecto a antes de la crisis, cuando las ingenierías representaban un 22% de todas las matrículas de la Universidad de Oviedo respecto al 20,2% actual.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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Naval Air: AH-64s Join The Navy


Army helicopters operating from carriers and other warships is nothing new. It is an accepted practice when there is an emergency and in 1994 the navy took the air wing off one of its nuclear carriers and embarked fifty U.S. Army helicopters (from the 10th Mountain Division) for an operation in Haiti. At that time army AH-64s also operated from the helicopter pad on navy frigates. What the army proposes now is to set up a program to certify army helicopter pilots for regular operations from carriers. This means learning the navy procedures for helicopter operations on carriers and demonstrating the ability to do it the navy way.

StratoBus – halfway between a drone and a satellite [video]| Thales Group


Stratobus, l'incroyable dirigeable mi-drone, mi-satellite


Pilot reaction to flying the F-35B


BBC News - RAF fighter jets scrambled to investigate Russian planes


El Gobierno veta a Aena tomar el control del aeropuerto de Londres-Luton y el de Cali en Colombia

el Gobierno ha comunicado a Fomento y a Aena su veto a la operación por la que "una empresa pública y que además arrastra una deuda multimillonaria, pretende gastar una cantidad estimada en 502 millones de euros en la compra del aeropuerto londinense". El veto se ha hecho extensivo también a la operación por la que Aena pretendía tomar el control accionarial del aeródromo de Cali en Colombia.