martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Indian Air Force likely to get entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet by 2019 - Business Standard [feedly]


Air Force likely to get entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet by 2019 - Business Standard
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Air Force likely to get entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet by 2019
Business Standard
Walking along the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) production line at its Nashik plant is a good way to realise how gargantuan the Sukhoi-30MKI fighter is. Yet, its sheer size, the sleekness of its lines and the menacing "bird-of-prey" droop of its ...


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Northrop Opens Aircraft Integration Center in Florida; Tom Vice Comments - ExecutiveBiz (blog) [feedly]


Northrop Opens Aircraft Integration Center in Florida; Tom Vice Comments - ExecutiveBiz (blog)
// northrop: Google Noticias

ExecutiveBiz (blog)

Northrop Opens Aircraft Integration Center in Florida; Tom Vice Comments
ExecutiveBiz (blog)
Tom Vice, Northrop Grumman corporate vice president and president of aerospace systems, said the new facility is intended to combine the company's workforce and manufacturing technologies to serve customers and the state. The building will be renovated ...
Northrop Grumman Dedicates St. Augustine, Florida, Aircraft Integration Center ...
Gov. Scott to talk tuition and college in Jacksonville on Monday


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DHL Express renovará cinco aeronaves Boeing 737-400 - Notisistema [feedly]


DHL Express renovará cinco aeronaves Boeing 737-400 - Notisistema
// boeing: Google Noticias

DHL Express renovará cinco aeronaves Boeing 737-400
DHL Express renovará cinco aeronaves Boeing 737-400. La empresa de servicios exprés DHL, renovará cinco aeronaves Boeing 737-400 para rutas en las Américas, las cuales se integrarán durante los próximos meses, en acuerdo con Southern Air.


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Boeing aventaja a Airbus con 132 pedidos más en el primer trimestre - Europa Press [feedly]


Boeing aventaja a Airbus con 132 pedidos más en el primer trimestre - Europa Press
// airbus: Google Noticias

Europa Press

Boeing aventaja a Airbus con 132 pedidos más en el primer trimestre
Europa Press
Boeing ha logrado pedidos para la fabricación de 235 aviones en el primer trimestre del año, excluidas 40 cancelaciones, frente a los 103 pedidos netos de su rival Airbus, que sufrió 55 anulaciones hasta marzo, según la información aportada por ambos ...
La tecnología de punta surca los cielos del mundo


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Piqué, ex presidente de Vueling, planea abandonar Airbus - Preferente [feedly]


Piqué, ex presidente de Vueling, planea abandonar Airbus - Preferente
// airbus: Google Noticias

Piqué, ex presidente de Vueling, planea abandonar Airbus
Josep Piqué, que dejó la presidencia de Vueling en el verano de 2013, tiene previsto renunciar a su sillón en el consejo de administración de Airbus, donde representa a la Sociedad Española de Participaciones Industriales (Sepi). El Economista afirma ...


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After Northwest Merger, Delta’s Next Move [feedly]


After Northwest Merger, Delta's Next Move
// Commercial Aviation Channel

Richard Anderson transformed Delta and the U.S. airline industry

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Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2014 cuenta ya con 277 ... - Empresa Exterior [feedly]


Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2014 cuenta ya con 277 ... - Empresa Exterior
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Empresa Exterior

Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2014 cuenta ya con 277 ...
Empresa Exterior
AIRBUS Group es el principal patrocinador, acompañado por Alestis Aerospace, Aernnova y Aciturri, los tres Tier 1 españoles de aeroestructuras (proveedores de primer nivel), así como compañía andaluza Sofitec. En su segunda edición, ADM Sevilla se ...
La cumbre aeroespacial ADM Sevilla 2014 cuenta ya con 277 ...


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Sevilla prepara su segundo encuentro aeroespacial y de defensa - [feedly]


Sevilla prepara su segundo encuentro aeroespacial y de defensa -
// aciturri: Google Noticias

Sevilla prepara su segundo encuentro aeroespacial y de defensa
El principal patrocinador de este encuentro financiado en su mayor parte con fondos europeos es el Grupo Airbus, al que acompañan los proveedores españoles de primer nivel de aeroestructuras Alestis Aerospace, Aernnova y Aciturri, y la compañía ...
ADM Sevilla 2014 cuenta ya con 277 empresas inscritas


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Japan defense chief puzzled by Russian warplanes [feedly]


Japan defense chief puzzled by Russian warplanes
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Japan's defence minister said Sunday there have been an "abnormal" number of flights by Russian military aircraft close to Japanese islands in recent days. The country's air defence force scrambled fighter jets for seven days in a row through Saturday […]

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F-35 Fleet Surpasses 15,000 Flying Hours [feedly]


F-35 Fleet Surpasses 15,000 Flying Hours
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fleet recently surpassed 15,000 flight hours, marking a major milestone for the program. "Flying 15,000 hours itself demonstrates that the program is maturing, but what I think is even more impressive is the fact […]

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FAA: First unmanned aerial vehicle systems test site goes live [feedly]


FAA: First unmanned aerial vehicle systems test site goes live
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

FAA has announced the first of six test sites chosen to perform unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research is operational, more than two-and-a -half months ahead of a congressionally mandated deadline.

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No breakthrough in underwater search for MH370 [feedly]


No breakthrough in underwater search for MH370
// Airlines news

An underwater vehicle searching for the lost Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has completed eight missions with no finds of interest.

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Shandong Airlines signs for 50 737s [feedly]


Shandong Airlines signs for 50 737s
// Airlines news

Shandong Airlines has placed an order for 50 Boeing 737 aircraft, in a deal worth $4.65 billion at list price.

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Un ingeniero de la UPM, premiado por su investigación en el espacio [feedly]


Un ingeniero de la UPM, premiado por su investigación en el espacio
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

José Miguel Ezquerro Navarro, ingeniero aeronáutico por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), ha recibido una Medalla Zeldóvich de la Academia de Ciencias Rusa y de la organización internacional Cospar, que se concede a científicos menores de 36 años que destaquen en la investigación espacial.

José Miguel Ezquerro Navarro, ingeniero aeronáutico por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), ha recibido una Medalla Zeldóvich de la Academia de Ciencias Rusa y de la organización internacional Cospar (Commitee on Space Research), que se concede a científicos menores de 36 años que destaquen en la investigación espacial.

Ezquerro es ingeniero investigador en el Centro Español de Operaciones y Soporte a Usuarios (E-USOC, en sus siglas en inglés) de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), situado en el Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Montegancedo de la UPM. Desde este centro, ha participado en numerosos experimentos de mecánica de fluidos a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS). Entre los más recientes destaca el GeoFlow, que tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de algunas de las características esenciales que rigen la convección del manto terrestre.

Ezquerro es uno de los 13 investigadores de la UPM que trabajan en el E-USOC, un equipo cuya edad media se sitúa alrededor de los 30 años, informa la Universidad en una nota de prensa.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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Optionally Piloted Black Hawk Demonstrator Helicopter Takes Successful First Flight

pril 21, 2014
  WEST PALM BEACH, Florida - In cooperation with the U.S. Army, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. has successfully demonstrated optionally piloted flight of a Black Hawk helicopter, a significant step toward providing autonomous cargo delivery functionality to the U.S. Army. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

The Optionally Piloted Black Hawk (OPBH) Demonstrator, known as Sikorsky's Manned/Unmanned Resupply Aerial Lifter (MURAL) Program, conducted the successful first flight demonstration on March 11 at Sikorsky's Development Flight Center. The demonstration was conducted through the use of Sikorsky's Matrix™ Technologies and advanced Ground Control Station (GCS) Technologies.

The OPBH demonstrated autonomous hover and flight operations while under the control of a man-portable GCS, demonstrating the capability for expeditionary operations and critical cargo resupply.

"The autonomous Black Hawk helicopter provides the commander with the flexibility to determine crewed or un-crewed operations, increasing sorties while maintaining crew rest requirements. This allows the crew to focus on the more 'sensitive' operations, and leaves the critical resupply missions for autonomous operations without increasing fleet size or mix," said Mark Miller, Sikorsky Vice President of Research & Engineering.

The MURAL Program is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Army Aviation Development Directorate (ADD), the U.S. Army Utility Helicopters Project Office (UH PO) and Sikorsky. The UH PO is providing access to two UH-60MU Black Hawk helicopters and Sikorsky is applying the technology it has developed with Internal Research and Development funding.

Sikorsky has been developing the technology since 2007, and signed a Cooperative Research & Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Army in 2013 to advance the program to a formal effort to demonstrate the full flexibility and value of a full authority flight control system. The effort includes demonstration of expeditionary ground control systems and precision control.

"The ADD's mission is to focus on developing, demonstrating and applying critical technologies that enhance the capability, affordability, readiness and safety of Department of Defense aviation systems," said Dr. William Lewis, Director, ADD. "The optionally piloted Black Hawk helicopter functionality stands to bring added value to DoD aviation systems, through the innovations being tested on the Black Hawk helicopter in the MURAL program."
According to COL Thomas Todd, the Utility Helicopters Project Manager, "MURAL technology will advance material solutions related to Degraded Visual Environment operations. These solutions will provide critical flight control and flight handling quality improvements."
Sikorsky introduced its Matrix™ Technology, a major research program, in July 2013 to develop, test and field systems and software that will improve significantly the capability, reliability and safety of flight for autonomous, optionally piloted, and piloted vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. The Sikorsky Autonomy Research Aircraft (SARA) flew its first flight on July 26, 2013 and continues to explore new functionality in that portion of the program.

The application of Matrix Technology to the OPBH is an initial step toward demonstrating the flexibility, adaptability and capability to a range of aircraft systems. "Applying Matrix Technology to an already robust, reliable, and safe platform leverages these capabilities while expanding the system's effectiveness," Miller added.
Matrix™ aims to give rotary and fixed wing VTOL aircraft a high level of system intelligence needed to complete complex missions with minimal human oversight and at low altitudes where obstacles abound.
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in aircraft design, manufacture and service. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

Ju52/3m Found in the Black Sea