martes, 15 de abril de 2014

How GE Plans to Act Like a Startup and Crowdsource Breakthrough Ideas | Design | WIRED

El secretario de Defensa estadounidense visita el portaviones chino Liaoming

Japan's indigenous stealth jet prototype 'to fly this year' - IHS Jane's 360

Malaysia plane MH370: Robotic sub mission aborted

The robot submarine sent to search for wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has had its first mission cut short. It began scouring the bed of the southern Indian Ocean to try to determine whether signals detected last week by sound-locating equipment were from the plane's flight reco...

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Australia's Sydney gets second airport

Australia has approved the construction of a second international airport in Sydney at the cost of $2.4bn (£1.4bn). The new facility will be located at Badgerys Creek, in western Sydney. Planning and design work would start immediately, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said, with construction expected ...

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Ten ways 3D printing could change space / Space Engineering / Our Activities / ESA

Only Flying B-29 Superfortress Has Arrived At New Home [feedly]


Only Flying B-29 Superfortress Has Arrived At New Home
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Vintage Flying Museum At Fort Worth's Meacham Airport Will Be Home To The CAF's B-29 FIFI And B-24 Diamond Lil The Commemorative Air Force's (CAF) iconic B-29 Superfortress, FIFI, the only flying B-29 in the world, returned from her Florida tour on Monday to join the B-24, Diamond Lil, at their temporary new home in Fort Worth, Texas. The airplane arrived at the Vintage Flying Museum (VFM) at 1930 local time accompanied by the famous C-45 Expeditor, Bucket of Bolts, also making Meacham International Airport its new home.

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Russians Look To Colonize The Moon [feedly]


Russians Look To Colonize The Moon
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Says It Will Have A Permanent Base 'Up And Running' By 2040 As Russia was celebrating the anniversary of the first spaceflight of Yuri Gagarin on Saturday, Deputy Premier Dmitry Rogozin made a bold statement: "We are coming to the moon forever."

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Google continues robotic push with purchase of UAV company - Vision Systems Design [feedly]


Google continues robotic push with purchase of UAV company - Vision Systems Design
// uav: Google Noticias

Vision Systems Design

Google continues robotic push with purchase of UAV company
Vision Systems Design
In addition to using the UAVs for photography, however, Google has said that the Titan team will work closely with Project Loon, in which larger, high-altitude balloons will send Internet signals to areas of the world that are not currently online. The ...
Google enters UAV market by acquiring Raburn-led Titan Aerospace
Google Buys Solar-Powered UAV Firm Titan Aerospace
Google buys drone-maker Titan Aerospace, competing with Facebook


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FAA Fact Sheet Shows Alaska's Dependence On Aviation

Russians Look To Colonize The Moon

Aviastar produces first set of MC-21 fuselage panels [feedly]


Aviastar produces first set of MC-21 fuselage panels
// Airlines news

Russian airframer Aviastar has manufactured the first set of fuselage panels for the Irkut MC-21 twinjet.

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El tren vuelve a ganar al avión en viajes domésticos de larga distancia

Denmark Kicks Off Fighter Contest [feedly]


Denmark Kicks Off Fighter Contest
// Defense Channel

Officials are looking at the F/A-18F, Typhoon, F-35A and Gripen E

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«Cessna» Scorpion Eyed For RIAT, Farnborough Debut [feedly]


Scorpion Eyed For RIAT, Farnborough Debut
// Defense Channel

Textron eyes a July coming-out for its light attack/recce aircraft.

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Gripen vote: how people power could ruin Saab’s $3bn Swiss deal [feedly]


Gripen vote: how people power could ruin Saab's $3bn Swiss deal
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The Swiss Government has agreed to spend billions of dollars replacing the air force's 1970s-era fighters with modern Swedish jets. There is only one problem: the deal has to go to a referendum for the people to approve. Could a centuries-old politic…

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Google enters UAV market by acquiring Raburn-led Titan Aerospace [feedly]


Google enters UAV market by acquiring Raburn-led Titan Aerospace
// Military news

Online search and services company Google has acquired Titan Aerospace in a bid to develop a solar-powered unmanned air vehicle (UAV) designed to operate as a high-altitude communications relay and surveillance system.

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Boeing Business Jets Market Growing in China [feedly]


Boeing Business Jets Market Growing in China
// MediaRoom

BBJ leads global market in ultra-long range business jets

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New UAV spotted over Damascus - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]


New UAV spotted over Damascus - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias

IHS Jane's 360

New UAV spotted over Damascus
IHS Jane's 360
The UAV was featured in a video posted on YouTube by an opposition group on 10 April. The footage purportedly shows the aircraft carrying out surveillance over the eastern suburbs of Damascus during a heavy bombardment by government forces.
This Indigenous Iranian UAV Is the Poor Man's Predator Drone


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Microstructured materials as strong as steel yet less dense than water

El Bleriot XI de la FACV realizó su primer vuelo en la Base Aérea de Albacete | Aerotendencias