martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Snecma Sees Open Rotor Decision As Early As 2017 | Aviation International News

As preparations proceed for running a full open rotor engine demonstrator in 2016 under Europe’s Clean Sky research effort, French engine maker Snecma sees the program’s participants reaching a consensus over whether or not to proceed in the 2017-to-2019 period. Clean Sky, which also involves Airbus, Rolls-Royce and French research center Onera, has provided a relatively unexpected discussion platform, thus facilitating a general agreement.

Airbus expands the A350 XWB's Catalogue offering for Economy with Recaro CL3710 seat [feedly]


Airbus expands the A350 XWB’s Catalogue offering for Economy with Recaro CL3710 seat
// Airbus All news

• Offering even more interior choices for A350 XWB operators • Recaro introduces new seat model...

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Harder to make American Eagle grow without Embraer jets: executive - Reuters [feedly]


Harder to make American Eagle grow without Embraer jets: executive - Reuters
// embraer: Google Noticias

Harder to make American Eagle grow without Embraer jets: executive
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Without new planes from Brazilian aircraft producer Embraer SA (EMBR3.SA), regional airline American Eagle will have a harder time growing, the chief executive of the carrier's parent, company American Airlines Group Inc (AAL.
American Eagle may struggle to grow without Embraer jets: CEO
American Eagle will have a hard time growing, American CEO ...
The Regional Airline Industry Suffers Yet Another Casualty


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US outlines possible $98 million South Korean Sidewinder deal [feedly]


US outlines possible $98 million South Korean Sidewinder deal
// Military news

The US State Department has notified congress of a possible sale of 76 Raytheon AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II infrared (IR) homing missiles.

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Airbus ACJ319 is exhibited at ABACE [feedly]


Airbus ACJ319 is exhibited at ABACE
// Airbus All news

Features modern design and large cabin

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El Diccionario de la Ingeniería ya está a disposición del público en la web de la RAI [feedly]


El Diccionario de la Ingeniería ya está a disposición del público en la web de la RAI
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

La web de la Real Academia de Ingeniería puso ayer a disposición del público el Diccionario de la Ingeniería, que incluye más de 50.000 entradas. Se trata del primer diccionario 'online' de una Real Academia que cumple los requisitos de accesibilidad y usabilidad, gracias a la colaboración de la Fundación ONCE.

La web de la Real Academia de Ingeniería puso ayer a disposición del público el Diccionario de la Ingeniería, que incluye más de 50.000 entradas, un corpus de referencia de 1.500 diccionarios y un corpus textual de 112 millones de palabras.

La elaboración de este glosario se ha gestado durante una década; tiene formato digital, de consulta abierta y gratuita para todos los ciudadanos, y se trata del primer diccionario online de una Real Academia que cumple los requisitos de accesibilidad y usabilidad, gracias a la colaboración de la Fundación ONCE, informa Europa Press.

El lexicón, presentado hace unas semanas, se dirige a ingenieros, científicos, técnicos y redactores técnicos, estudiantes de grado y postgrado, traductores, intérpretes, periodistas especializados, expertos en comunicación y ciudadanos en general.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España


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Scale Model WWII Craft Takes Flight With 'Fuel From The Sea' Concept

Ejercicio de reabastecimiento aéreo en Holanda. Europa y la OTAN buscan soluciones a la falta de capacidades

La nueva generación de drones tiene patas y vuela en bandada - Materia

US Navy to fly drone helicopters from tablet app - RT [feedly]


Navy to fly drone helicopters from tablet app - RT
// unmanned air system: Google Noticias


Navy to fly drone helicopters from tablet app
"It's taking unmanned aerial systems to the next level by introducing autonomy, and autonomy that works," he said in a separate statement offered to reporters this week. Still from YouTube video/U.S. Navy. According to Reuters journalist David ...
Navy Unveils New Remote Pilot Program for Real Helicopters
CORRECTED-US Navy testing more sophisticated pilotless helicopters
US Navy Funds Development of Next-Level Helicopter Drones


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Hungary Buys Mi-8 Helos, Eyes $470M Aircraft Procurement - [feedly]


Hungary Buys Mi-8 Helos, Eyes $470M Aircraft Procurement -
// antonov: Google Noticias

Hungary Buys Mi-8 Helos, Eyes $470M Aircraft Procurement
The helos were transported to the Kecskemét air base onboard an Antonov An-124 plane. The Hungarian government has postponed the launch of the aircraft acquisition program due to the April 6 parliamentary elections. With the ruling Fidesz Party of ...


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Airbus premia a Aciturri por sus mejoras en la cadena de suministro - El Norte de Castilla [feedly]


Airbus premia a Aciturri por sus mejoras en la cadena de suministro - El Norte de Castilla
// aciturri: Google Noticias

Airbus premia a Aciturri por sus mejoras en la cadena de suministro
El Norte de Castilla
La compañía de fabricación de aviones Airbus ha hecho entrega a la empresa Aciturri, con sede en Miranda de Ebro (Burgos), del Premio SQIP Best Improver Award 2013 en el transcurso de un acto institucional que se ha desarrollado en la ciudad de ...
Airbus premia a Aciturri por sus mejoras en la gestión de la cadena ...
Airbus distingue a Aciturri por las mejoras en su producción


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Report details US Air force plans for future drones [feedly]


Report details Air force plans for future drones
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

The Air Force next month will finally reach the target number of 65 combat air patrols for its Predator and Reaper fleet, while the administration seeks to cut back on its drone operations in theater.

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Boeing Updates Timing of C-17 Production Line Closure [feedly]


Boeing Updates Timing of C-17 Production Line Closure
// MediaRoom


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Boeing to Provide Maintenance Training Devices for US Navy P-8A Poseidon [feedly]


Boeing to Provide Maintenance Training Devices for US Navy P-8A Poseidon
// MediaRoom

Contract includes replica components and high-fidelity simulators

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Boeing Showcases Interior Upgrades for Next-Generation 737s at Aircraft Interiors Expo [feedly]


Boeing Showcases Interior Upgrades for Next-Generation 737s at Aircraft Interiors Expo
// MediaRoom

Modern cabin retrofit designed for total passenger satisfaction

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Israeli squadrons trial joint combat formation [feedly]


Israeli squadrons trial joint combat formation
// Latest news

The Israeli air force has unveiled a new strategy intended to increase the operational capabilities of its fighting squadrons at a time of war – operating two different types of aircraft very closely.

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Rafael targets Indian Rafale opportunity [feedly]


Rafael targets Indian Rafale opportunity
// Aircraft news

Israeli guided weapons manufacturer Rafael is offering its Python 5 and Derby air-to-air missiles for integration with some of the Dassault Rafales expected to enter service with the Indian air force.

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Navy pleased with "Advanced" Super Hornet tests, wants more Growlers [feedly]


Navy pleased with "Advanced" Super Hornet tests, wants more Growlers
// Aircraft news

The US Navy says it is pleased with results of recent flight tests of a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet that had been upgraded with conformal fuel tanks and an external weapons pod.

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US continues talks with Israel about V-22 sales [feedly]


US continues talks with Israel about V-22 sales
// Aircraft news

The US military continues talks with potential foreign buyers of Bell Boeing's V-22 Osprey as the service works to decrease the tiltrotor's costs.

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Altaeros set to break world record with 1,000 foot-high floating wind turbine

More American fighter planes heading East: U.S. F-16s to be deployed to Romania

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