lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

The aircraft of the future: biomimicry and Airbus' vision — Allplane

Boeing B-29 Superfortress Doc Restoration Nearing Completion

You Can Hold Nissan’s New 400-HP Engine in Your Arms

Anyone can build a small engine. Hell, Ford's tiniest Ecoboost engine has the displacement of a soda bottle. And now Nissan's managed to build a wee little engine that puts out a stunning 400 horsepower with just three cylinders. And at 88 pounds, you could use it as part of your Cross …

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Snowden deja entrever que la NSA ha realizado espionaje industrial

El ex analista de la agencia de seguridad norteamericana afirmó que no quería "adelantarse al trabajo de los periodistas".

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Rise Of The Insect Drones

Insects Five years ago, Richard Guiler and Tom Vaneck were sitting at a bar a few blocks from their office, trying to take their minds off work. For nearly a year, the two engineers had been struggling to develop a durable drone that could dodge objects, navigate inside buildings, and fly in stor...

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AIRWORK BOEING GEAR COLLAPSE ON LANDING AT HONIARA AIRPORT | Article - Sun 26 Jan 2014 03:29:03 PM UTC |, reach for the sky.

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.Por encima del miedo

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.
Este taller-seminario forma parte de un elaborado proyecto, desde el que pretendemos ayudar, de un modo ameno y participativo, a superar los temores que tienen lugar a hora de tomar un vuelo.

Durante aproximadamente 3 horas, asistirás a una conferencia impartida por una técnico de vuelo que explicará los sistemas de seguridad, ruidos e incidencias técnicas habituales que pueden acontecer en vuelo, así como su sencilla resolución. Del mismo modo se indicará a los asistentes todos los servicios a los que tienen derecho en vuelo y se permitirá un espacio para dudas y consultas.

Tras su ponencia, una psicóloga-coach mostrará unas interesantes técnicas de relajación útiles para aplicar en la aeronave en caso de crisis de ansiedad, así como algunos otros métodos de control del miedo.

Precio de reservas:
Socios: GRATIS.
No socios: 3€ p/persona.

16:30 a 19:30 horas.

Puedes reservar una plaza en la actividad hasta 1 día antes del inicio del evento.

Will Boeing Embrace Braced WIngs?

Will Boeing Embrace Braced WIngs?
// Things With Wings
The cover story in the latest Aviation Week & Space Technology is an exclusive on tests of Boeing's Sugar truss-braced-wing (TBW) airliner concept in NASA Langley Research Center's Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.

Photo: NASA Langley

You can read how the expensive and flexible 13ft-span, 15%-scale model is being used to validate wing weight estimates for a full-size aircraft. These are critical to determining whether the fuel savings promised by the drag reductions possible with a high-aspect-ratio wing are achievable.

Boeing and NASA are pretty convinced the wing can be made light enough, and that a 737-size TBW airliner would have a 5-10% lower fuel burn, even with the same generation of engines. They are also pretty confident a truss-braced wing can be an option for the next generation of all-new airliners, expected somewhere around 2030. 

The study work, being conducted under NASA's N+3 project, is also looking at hybrid turbine-electric propulsion for Boeing's Sugar Volt concept, and in the same issue of AW&ST you can read my colleague Guy Norris's article on General Electric's work on the hFan gas-turbine/battery-electric engine concept.

Sugar Volt - the pods are battery packs (Concept: Boeing)

But why a high-aspect-ratio wing? Aspect ratio (span-squared divided by area) is a measure of a wing's slenderness. The more slender a wing is, the lower the lift-induced component of drag and the higher the lift-to-drag ratio (a measure of aerodynamic efficiency) -- think of a sailplane wing.

Most jetliner wings have an aspect ratio around 9. Thanks to their stiff carbon-fiber wings, the Boeing 787 and Bombardier CSeries push this to 11. With active flutter suppression and gust-load allevation to control the structural flexibility, you might get to 15 with a conventional "cantilevered" wing supported only at its roots.

To go higher and reduce drag further, to an aspect ratio of 20, or even 30, you need to support the wing with a strut (a single member) or truss (two or more members). Hurel-Dubois pioneered this with a series of designs in the late 1940s and 1950s - you can see our slideshow on the history of strut/truss-based wings here.

Hurel-Dubois HD.31 (Photo: Visschedijk Collection)

Hurel-Dubois' aircraft were successful technically, but not commercially. They were piston-powered and slow. To make TBW work for a future jetliner the structure must be light, and drag from aerodynamic interference between the struts and the wing must be minimized. That is what the Sugar study is working to validate.

Interestingly, the Sugar study involves not only Boeing Research & Technology but also Boeing Commercial Airplanes -- which has a tendency to keep unconventional configurations (like blended wing body) at arm's length. Perhaps its involvement with Sugar is a sign that TBW is a viable option for a future airliner.

Sugar Volt - with props (Concept: Boeing)

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Boeing aún no está satisfecho con la fiabilidad de sus B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial

Boeing aún no está satisfecho con el rendimiento de sus B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// boeing: Google Noticias

Boeing aún no está satisfecho con el rendimiento de sus B787
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Oslo.- La fiabilidad del 787 Dreamliner de Boeing mejora, pero aún no es satisfactoria, dijo el viernes el vicepresidente para apoyo y servicios de este programa, Mike Fleming, en la capital noruega, donde opera la aerolínea de bajo coste Norwegian Air ...

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Aeroflot Expands Fleet With New B737-800, A-320 Aircraft

Aeroflot Expands Fleet With New B737-800, A-320 Aircraft
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por
Airplanes Named For Luminaries In Soviet Literature And Academia Aeroflot has taken delivery of its fourth Boeing B737-800 Next Generation and its 91st Airbus A320. The airline has named the 737-800 NG in honor of Soviet and Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aytmatov, while the new A320 bears the name of the Soviet and Russian linguist, critic, writer and academician Dmitry Likhachev.

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Una avería en el avión oficial retuvo al Príncipe en Santo Domingo

Review: The camera-packin' Hubsan X4 FPV mini quadcopter