viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Vueling, Ryanair, Iberia y Air Europa concentraron mayoría de quejas en 2013 | Empresas | Móvil | Cinco Días

Mach 4 Bizjet Not Hard Enough? Try This...

Mach 4 Bizjet Not Hard Enough? Try This...
// Things With Wings
If you have heard of Richard Lugg, you probably know him as the man behind the HyperMach SonicStar supersonic business jet concept. And as if Mach 4 cruise, supersonic laminar flow, plasma drag and boom reduction, and superconducting electric propulsion were not enough, Lugg’s name appears on a new US patent (8,636,241, filed in 2006) for a hybrid jet/electric VTOL aircraft.

Graphics: USPTO

The design uses electric-powered lifting fans in the wing roots and canard foreplanes for vertical flight. The fans are powered by electricity generated by turbofans, which provide propulsion in forward flight. In vertical flight, residual thrust from the turbofans is vectored downwards to supplement lift from the fans. In forward flight, all engine power goes to thrust and louver doors close over the fans.

How much engine thrust needs to be vectored depends on the power of the lifting fans, which can range from 25% to 100% of the lift needed for VTOL, the patent says. The advantage of the fans is their exhaust flow is at ambient temperate and low velocity. The power extracted from the turbofans to generate electricity also reduces the temperature and velocity of the vectored engine thrust, allowing the aircraft to operate from unprepared surfaces, the patent claims.

Not surprisingly, there are echoes of the SonicStar and its SonicBlue H-Magjet (Hypersonic-Magnetic Advanced Generation Jet Electric Turbine) engine in the VTOL concept. In the H-Magjet, the fan and compressor stages are driven electrically from a superconducting generator embedded in the turbine, which is driven by burning fuel. This eliminates the shafts within a conventional turbofan and allows each individual stage to run at its optimum speed.

In the hybrid jet/electric VTOL concept, the turbofan drives a generator, “preferably superconducting”, attached to the turbine shaft via an electric clutch, producing megawatts of electrical power. Each fan is magnetically centered within a superconducting magnetic coil that drives it at speeds of 3,600-8,500rpm. Each has its own speed controller and, in a 10-fan aircraft, six are used for lift while four (in the canard) are also used for attitude control in vertical flight, the patent says.

SonicStar  (Concept: HyperMach)

HyperMach raised more than eyebrows when it unveiled the SonicStar concept in 2008 – its hybrid-electric jet propulsion and plasma-aerospike flow control seeming more science fiction than feasible technology. The company says it continues to refine the design, and look for a manufacturer to develop and build the aircraft. It hopes to fly by 2024, but no-one is holding their breath.The hybrid jet/electric VTOL design looks a bit more practical and, if not Lugg’s design, then some similar form of distributed-thrust, electric-propulsion VTOL is going to fly sooner rather than later, I am sure.

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Opinion: ATR Pursues 90-Seat Twin-Turboprop

Opinion: ATR Pursues 90-Seat Twin-Turboprop
// Defense Channel
Difficulties of cross-border industrialization highlighted in quest

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Teodoro Clavijo: «Hubo presiones para beneficiar a Alestis» - La Voz Digital (Cádiz)

Teodoro Clavijo: «Hubo presiones para beneficiar a Alestis» - La Voz Digital (Cádiz)
// alestis: Google Noticias

Teodoro Clavijo: «Hubo presiones para beneficiar a Alestis»
La Voz Digital (Cádiz)
El que fuera técnico de la Diputación de Cádiz y miembro de la comisión de evaluación de las ayudas del Plan Bahía Competitiva, Teodoro Clavijo, ha declarado este jueves en el marco de la instrucción del 'caso Bahía Competitiva' «que modificó la ...
Extécnico de Diputación declara que en Bahía Competitiva "hubo ...

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La UPM premia a Airbus Group por su apoyo a la investigación - Actualidad Aeroespacial

La UPM premia a Airbus Group por su apoyo a la investigación - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// airbus: Google Noticias

La UPM premia a Airbus Group por su apoyo a la investigación
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Con Airbus, la UPM mantiene muchos años de colaboración, especialmente en el ámbito de la aeronáutica a través de proyectos de investigación conjuntos, cátedra EADS-UPM, estancias en prácticas, desarrollo de seminarios para estudiantes y profesores ...

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Darwin Airline Saab 2000 loses nose wheel on landing

Darwin Airline Saab 2000 loses nose wheel on landing
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

French air accident authority BEA has launched an investigation after a Saab 2000 operated by Swiss regional Darwin Airline lost its nose wheel on landing at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Jan. 28.

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El presidente de Airbus tacha de "hipócrita" la postura de Boeing con las ayudas al B-777X

El presidente de Airbus tacha de “hipócrita” la postura de Boeing con las ayudas al B-777X
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

“Tremendamente hipócrita”. Esta es la expresión que el presidente y consejero delegado de Airbus, Fabrice Brégier, utilizó para describir

Preguntado sobre las diferencias entre estas exenciones fiscales y las ayudas que está recibiendo su propia empresa por la instalación de una FAL en Mobile, Estado de Alabama, Brégier precisó que: “La diferencia es que en Estados Unidos es legal que cuando inviertes en una nueva industria en un sitio recibas ayudas para formación u otras actividades. Esto es un apoyo clásico y normal que hay en todos los países. Lo que no es normal es que  tengas que invertir 5.000 millones de dólares en el desarrollo del  nuevo B-777X,  y obtengas  a cambio 8.700 millones de dólares en exenciones de impuestos. Esto parece un poco extraño. Este sistema se usó ya en el B-787 y fue declarado ilegal. Por eso sabemos que lo es, no es que lo digamos nosotros. Boeing  fue el que denunció el tema ante el WTO y fue a la que declararon las ayudas ilegales. Pero esto parece no importar. No puedes cambiar las reglas cuando quieras.”

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ARJ21 delayed again, due to enter service in April-May 2015

ARJ21 delayed again, due to enter service in April-May 2015
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Bradley Perrett

The Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) ARJ21 regional jet project has been delayed again, with the aircraft now due to enter service in April or May 2015, eight years later than scheduled early in the program and 13 years after development began.

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Cirrus poised to fly first single engined personal jet Vision SF50

Cirrus poised to fly first Vision SF50
// Aircraft news
Cirrus Aircraft’s ambition to be the first to market with a single-engined personal jet looks set to become a reality, as it prepares its Vision SF50 prototype for first flight next month.

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Iraq requests Apache helicopter purchase

Iraq requests Apache helicopter purchase
// Aircraft news
Iraq’s continuing military transformation could be advanced further, through a potentially $4.8 billion deal for 24 Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters.

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Bangladesh signs contract for Yak-130 trainers

Bangladesh signs contract for Yak-130 trainers
// Aircraft news
Bangladesh has signed a deal to buy 24 Irkut-built Yak-130 combat trainers via Russian state arms export agency Rosoboronexport, with deliveries to start by late this year.

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3-D imaging system integrated on board T-20 UAV - IHS Jane's 360

3-D imaging system integrated on board T-20 UAV - IHS Jane's 360
// uav: Google Noticias

IHS Jane's 360

3-D imaging system integrated on board T-20 UAV
IHS Jane's 360
Eric Folkestad, an application engineer at Arcturus UAV, told IHS Jane's that the tests took place at the US Army's Fort Hunter Liggett, California, in September 2013, with the development programme for the integration of the payload commencing in ...
Arcturus UAV and Urban Robotics Fly 3-D Imager
GeoDragon Sensor System Integrated on Arcturus UAV

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Tata leads race to sell mini UAVs to Army - Times of India

Tata leads race to sell mini UAVs to Army - Times of India
// uav: Google Noticias

Economic Times

Tata leads race to sell mini UAVs to Army
Times of India
NEW DELHI: The Tata Group is set to ink an agreement with the government to sell 1,200 trucks to the defence forces in a deal valued at close to Rs 1,000 crore. In addition, it has emerged as the lowest bidder for a contract for mini-unmanned aerial ...
Tata Group looking for bigger defence sector pie
Tatas gear up for bigger defence pie with Rs 1000 cr combat vehicle ...
Tatas look for bigger pie in defence sector

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Iberdrola lanza un proyecto de I+D para abaratar los costes de los parques eólicos 'offshore'

Iberdrola lanza un proyecto de I+D para abaratar los costes de los parques eólicos 'offshore'
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España
Iberdrola Ingeniería acaba de lanzar, en colaboración con un grupo de empresas vascas, el proyecto de I+D denominado Marin-el, cuyo objetivo es diseñar un nuevo modelo de subestación marina para parques eólicos 'offshore' que facilite su instalación y logre abaratar significativamente los costes.

Iberdrola Ingeniería acaba de lanzar, en colaboración con un grupo de empresas vascas, el proyecto de I+D denominado Marin-el, cuyo objetivo es diseñar un nuevo modelo de subestación marina para parques eólicos offshore que facilite su instalación y logre abaratar significativamente los costes.

La iniciativa, que cuenta con un presupuesto de 10 millones de euros y el respaldo del Gobierno vasco, también pretende ofrecer una alternativa a las actuales subestaciones, demasiado voluminosas y pesadas. Este tipo de instalaciones marinas, informa la compañía en una nota de prensa, debe cumplir requisitos cada vez más exigentes, derivados no solo de la creciente potencia nominal de los parques eólicos offshore, sino de la necesidad de gestionar una energía eléctrica fiable y de tratar de reducir al mínimo las pérdidas provocadas por la lejanía de estas infraestructuras de la costa.

La propuesta cuya viabilidad técnica y económica va a analizar Marin-el se basa en la creación de una subestación autoinstalable que implicaría todo tipo de ventajas: tanto en la fase de construcción, dado que ésta se desarrollaría al 100% en tierra firme, como en las de transporte y, sobre todo, montaje. Su fijación al fondo marino no precisaría de la ayuda de barcos-grúa especiales, como sucede en la actualidad, que encarecen el proceso y tienen numerosas limitaciones técnicas.

Marin-el se desarrollará en principio hasta finales de 2015.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

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Renault enseñará Lean en la Universidad de Valladolid

Renault enseñará el método empresarial Lean en la Universidad de Valladolid
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España
La práctica Lean es una forma de trabajar y de organizarse en la empresas de origen japonés, muy extendida en el sector de la automoción, que busca maximizar el binomio eficiencia - satisfacción del cliente y conseguir la excelencia operacional. Ahora, Renault Consulting inaugura una Escuela Lean en la Escuela de Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid.

La práctica Lean es una forma de trabajar y de organizarse en la empresas de origen japonés que busca maximizar el binomio eficiencia - satisfacción del cliente y conseguir la excelencia operacional. Ahora, Renault Consulting inaugura una Escuela Lean en la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid.

El sistema, que tiene su origen en la industria del automóvil japonesa, está muy extendido en la actualidad en el sector automoción a nivel mundial y desde hace algunos años se está comenzando a aplicar, con gran éxito también, en otros sectores industriales e incluso, cada vez más, en empresas de servicios.

La fábrica-escuela dispone, según la nota de prensa de la universidad, de un aula de formación y dos talleres de producción, uno de ensamblado y otro de simulación de máquinas semiautomáticas. La Escuela Lean permitirá, por tanto, a los alumnos formarse en un ambiente próximo a una verdadera fábrica y practicar las técnicas y herramientas de mejora continua y resolución de problemas sobre el terreno.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

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Los controladores aéreos europeos contra el Cielo Único de la CE

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Comienzan las negociaciones entre el gobierno brasileño y Saab para el suministro de los Gripen

[Video] Ryanair's Boeing 737 no flap emergency landing in Warsaw

Despido fulminante por positivo de alcoholemia

El Colegio de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos tiene decana por primera vez en su historia

El Centro de Experimentación de aviones no tripulados CEUS deberá definirse este año

América Latina ya supone el 15% de las ventas totales de Airbus Helicopters y podría llegar al 20% en los próximos años

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Irlanda culpa a España de su mayor desastre aéreo en 50 años | Economía | EL MUNDO

Additive manufacturing will drive the next aerospace technology revolution

Additive manufacturing will drive the next aerospace technology revolution
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por
The race is on and the aerospace sector is leading the way as more aerospace companies wake up to the potential of additive manufacturing of lighter, cheaper engine parts, produced with minimum waste, using techniques spawned from the 3D printing rev…

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European Air traffic controllers warn of strike action

European Air traffic controllers warn of strike action
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Several European countries could be affected by air traffic controller strikes this week. Italy‘s ATM system could be affected tomorrow and Thursday, while strikes are also possible in Portugal tomorrow.

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F-16 upgrade dropped from U.S. budget proposal, sources say

F-16 upgrade dropped from U.S. budget proposal, sources say
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por
A major F-16 upgrade program is likely to be left out of the president's fiscal 2015 budget request, according to multiple sources.

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Power asymmetry triggered Cork Metro's fatal roll

Power asymmetry triggered Cork Metro's fatal roll
// Airlines news
Significant torque split between the throttle levers of a Fairchild Metro contributed to the pilots’ losing control of the aircraft during a low-visibility approach to Cork, a fatal accident inquiry has disclosed.

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A350 XWB MSN3 commences cold weather testing in Iqaluit Canada

A350 XWB MSN3 commences cold weather testing in Iqaluit Canada
// Airbus All news
Airbus’ A350 XWB MSN3 development aircraft with a team of 48 Airbus specialists have arrived at...

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Europe Looks for Lead in Fast Rotors

Europe Looks for Lead in Fast Rotors
// Things With Wings
Europe's rotorcraft industry has high hopes for the planned Clean Sky 2 public-private research program. Clean Sky 2 is expected to include not one, but two fast rotorcraft flight demonstrators, one led by AgustaWestland and the other by the company formerly known as Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters).

Clean Sky 2 is planned to run from 2014 to 2023 with €4.05 billion ($5.55 billion) in funding -- €1.8 billion from the European Union and the rest from industry. For both manufacturers, the program is a chance to keep pace in fast-rotorcraft development with the U.S., which plans to fly two demonstrators under the Army's Joint Multi Role (JMR) program.

As Clean Sky managers tour Europe briefing industry and academia on the plans for Clean Sky 2, now in the political approval phase, leaders of the proposed fast-rotorcraft integrated aircraft demonstrator program (IADP) are providing glimpses into the different objectives behind the two vehicles they plan to fly before the end of this decade.

Outer wings and proprotors tilt, engines remain fixed (Concepts: Clean Sky)

AgustaWestland will lead design of a second-generation tiltrotor -- the first generation being the company's AW609, a design acquired from former partner Bell Helicopter. The flight demonstrator will aim to validate a tiltorotor configuration in which the outer wing panels tilt with the proprotors while the inner wing sections stay fixed. The engines may or may not remain fixed while the proprotors tilt.

This configuration promises to increase efficiency in both helicopter and aeroplane modes, allowing a longer-span wing for lower drag in cruise flight while minimizing rotor download on the wing in vertical flight. Karem Aircraft uses a similar approach in its tiltrotor for JMR, while Bell uses fixed engines/tilting proprotors in its design for the US Army program.

Or tip-mounted nacelles tilt with outer wings (Concept: Clean Sky)

AgustaWestland is aiming for a cruise speed exceeding 300kt, allowing the pressurized aircraft to fly 250nm in under 1hr 45min on search-and-rescue and medical missions. The proposed schedule calls for a critical design review in first-half 2016, demonstrator first flight in mid-2019, reaching TRL 6 by the end of 2022 ready to transition to a certification program beginning in 2033.

Airbus Helicopters' concept artwork for the second fast-rotorcraft demonstrator, LifeRCraft, is more generic, showing a swoopy notional follow-on Eurocopter's X3 compound-helicopter testbed. The objectives under the IADP include combining a cruise speed of 220kt with hover performance as least as good as a conventional helicopter, while lowering noise and emissions.

Tractor- (top) or pusher-prop compound configurations (Concepts: Clean Sky)

LifeRCraft has the same architecture as the X3, with two (tractor or pusher) propellers at the tips of short wings driven from the same gearbox as the single main rotor. Sikorsky's compound helicopter for JMR has coaxial rigid main rotors and a single rear propulsor, while AVX's has coaxial rotors and ducted fans. The goal under Clean Sky 2 is to take the Eurocopter/Airbus compound helicopter to TRL 6 by 2020.

More X3-like LifeRCraft in action (Concept: Clean Sky)

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Behind The Threatened F-35 Delays

Behind The Threatened F-35 Delays
// Ares

“Could have been worse” is probably a good four-word summary of the latest Joint Strike Fighter report by the director of operational test and evaluation, Michael Gilmore. If you paid attention to Gilmore’s congressional testimony on June 19 (too few people did), or to our coverage, there is little shocking news. 

On the other hand, if you were confidently expecting the program to make the scheduled initial operational capability dates announced last May (too many people were), the report is a cold shower, making a strong case that those dates may be missed by a year or more.  

Gilmore’s team is most specific on the first planned IOC, for the Marine Corps. The current objective date is July 2015 (objective) and December 2015 (threshold). The report predicts that the necessary software, Block 2B, will not complete developmental testing until November 2015 or be released to the fleet until July 2016, 13 months late. Since an operational utility evaluation (originally set for May 2015) will then be needed before IOC, the aircraft would not be operational with the Marines until late 2016 or early 2017.

The report also gives new detail on the strong linkage between Block 2B and Blocks 3i and 3F. Block 3i supports the US Air Force IOC (objective August 2016, December 2016) and basically re-hosts the Block 2B’s capabilities on a the new Technology Refresh 2 integrated processor, which is installed on Lot 6 and later F-35s. Block 3F provides full operational capability (that is, compliant with the key performance parameters established when the program started) for Navy IOC, with an objective of August 2018 and a threshold of February 2019. It is also the supported configuration for most international operators.

Most Block 3i/3F testing cannot start until Block 2B developmental testing is completed, which (according to the official schedule) is due to happen in October. “All program plans and schedules [for 3i/3F] depend on this happening so that the development laboratories and test venues can be converted and devoted to testing the Block 3 hardware,” the report says, but predicts that the switch will start more than a year late.

A complication is that the Lot 6 aircraft with the new processor start to roll off the production line in the middle of this year, but cannot be accepted without certified Block 3i software. To avoid the problems associated with a pile-up of grounded jets at Fort Worth, the program office is modifying three mission systems test aircraft (one of each variant) with TR-2 processors to test an early increment of 3i. However, these aircraft will then be unavailable to support Block 2B development.

Gilmore’s predictions about testing schedules are more specific than those he advanced in June, when he first noted that the then-new IOC dates were at risk. The report is based on the actual growth rate – in testing needed to accomplish specific tasks – between January and October 2013. It separates testing of the helmet-mounted display system from other things that needed more testing than predicted – “regression testing” of seven different software loads and issues with the radar and electro-optical targeting system, among others. If that historical growth rate of 40 per cent is maintained, the predicted delay will occur, the report says.

Other problems noted in the report:

One reason for delays in Block 2B was that the first training standard package for use by the US Air Force at Nellis AFB and the Marines at MCAS Yuma, Block 2AS3, was rejected by flight test teams as being unsuitable for night and instrument flying, and the program “had to make adjustments to Block 2B” while another 2A version was developed.

The first attempt to load Block 3i on an F-35C, in October, failed.

So far, the highly touted Distributed Aperture System (comprising six infra-red cameras covering an entire sphere around the aircraft, and intended to track aircraft and missiles while delivering imagery to the helmet) has failed in its most basic function as a missile warning system, being unable to tell missiles from decoy flares.

The program is still dealing with poor target track quality from the EOTS and radar, which is causing problems with demonstrating simulated weapon engagements.

Development of “enhanced diagnostics (model-based reasoning)” for the Autonomous Logistics Information System (Alis) has been cancelled for the rest of the system development and demonstration phase, because the current diagnostic system has, so far, “failed to meet basic functional requirements, including fault detection, fault isolation and false alarm rates.” (These are otherwise known as “what diagnostic systems do.”)

The reliability of the training fleet is well behind predicted levels.

Despite these and other issues, software is still the critical issue for this program, and the corrective actions taken since 2010 (including added flight test time, new laboratories and more engineers) do not seem to have resulted in a stable and predictable schedule.

The report does not go into root causes, but I believe that (ultimately) there are two big issues that will be identified.

One of these is that sensor fusion – taking targets from radar, electro-optical, passive electronic and other sensors, together with datalink information and databases, and fusing them into a single set of targets – is extremely difficult. Every program that does this has had problems, and the transition from ground-based laboratories, through a flying test bed, to real-world operations seldom goes smoothly. Unlike software-intensive ground-based computer systems, the initial inputs are unstable and unpredictable analog signals, and airborne sensor-fusion systems can’t be tested on hundreds of PCs running 24/7.

The other issue is that the F-35 system is highly integrated, with its higher functions concentrated in the integrated core processor banks in the forward fuselage. This was an architecture inherited in 1995 from the F-22, because, at the time, a shared-processor approach appeared to be the only way to provide enough horsepower for sensor fusion in a fighter aircraft. But it may mean that regression testing – that is, making sure that a change in software has not impacted another function – becomes more extensive and complicated. The need to do more regression testing than predicted has been a recurring factor in F-35 delays.

As for fixes: Is the Block 2B configuration holding the entire program up? In some ways it is clearly doing so (by hogging laboratories that are needed for 3/3i). Its military value is strictly limited: It allows the Marines to field one squadron of aircraft with a limited operational capability (they are not compatible with the Rover video datalink, near-essential for close air support, and do not have a gun or AIM-9 provisions) a year before 3i would be available. On the other hand, an early operational capability could be a valuable way of surfacing unexpected snags.

In the long run, however, what will be most important is for the program to fully understand and manage the writing and testing of software for the F-35 platform, because development does not stop with Block 3. If cost overruns, delays and the consequent deferment of new capabilities from one block to the next are not contained, there is little chance that the fighter’s sustainment will be affordable. 

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Shuttle replacement spacecraft's development, testing and manufacturing video

Iraq to get 24 AH-64E Apache gunships in a deal worth 4.8 billion USD

Ryanair se incorpora a Google Flight Search

Multas de hasta 600.000 euros por deslumbrar con punteros láser a los pilotos de avión

US$5,000 for the world's first 3D carbon fiber printer

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

El Jefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa anunciará hoy la reestructuración de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas

Defensa y Airbus investigarán las averías del A310-300 de uso oficial

La Justicia europea declara legal el recargo por equipaje

Arcturus UAV And Urban Robotics Fly 3-D Imager

P-8A Aircraft Gets Green Light To Enter Full Rate Production

Stratasys creates world's first color multi-material 3D printer

FAA Ordena inspeccionar todos los Boeing 767 - Travel Update

FAA Ordena inspeccionar todos los Boeing 767 - Travel Update
// boeing: Google Noticias

FAA Ordena inspeccionar todos los Boeing 767
Travel Update
La Agencia Federal de Aviación de Estados Unidos –FAA- anunció hoy que todos los aviones Boeing 767 deben ser revisados por problemas de remaches que harían que la nave perdiera el control. La FAA explicó que las clavijas de los mecanismos ...

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Airbus Studies A Mega-Twin

Airbus Studies A Mega-Twin
// Commercial Aviation Channel
Toulouse is considering a response to Boeing's 777X

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Boeing, Ethiopian Airlines Partner with Non-Profits to Deliver Medical, Educational Supplies

Boeing, Ethiopian Airlines Partner with Non-Profits to Deliver Medical, Educational Supplies
// MediaRoom
Airline's 19th flight is most of any carrier involved in Boeing's Humanitarian Delivery Flight program

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US air traffic controllers discuss challenges, solutions to UAS integration

US air traffic controllers discuss challenges, solutions to UAS integration
// Aircraft news
Integrating unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into US airspace is one of the toughest jobs the US aviation industry has ever faced, according to the head of the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA).

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USAF reveals plan to replace JSTARS with business jets by 2022

USAF reveals plan to replace JSTARS with business jets by 2022
// Aircraft news
The US Air Force has taken the first step in an eight-year process to develop and field a business jet-sized replacement for its Northrop Grumman E-8C JSTARS surveillance aircraft

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Greenpoint secures patent for first BBJ 747-8 elevator - 1/27/2014 - Flight Global

Greenpoint secures patent for first BBJ 747-8 elevator - 1/27/2014 - Flight Globa

e Aerolift provides a unique entry and exit to the widebody airliner, says Greenpoint, by transporting up to four passengers from the tarmac to the main deck via the cargo hold. Greenpoint provides the Aerolift as a complete installation for the BBJ 747-8, which comprises a lift carriage, an automatic door on the fuselage, a power unit and lift structure, as well as significant structural modifications to the main, lower and upper deck.

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A350 VMU test: Determinando la velocidad mínima de despegue del A350

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

The aircraft of the future: biomimicry and Airbus' vision — Allplane

Boeing B-29 Superfortress Doc Restoration Nearing Completion

You Can Hold Nissan’s New 400-HP Engine in Your Arms

Anyone can build a small engine. Hell, Ford's tiniest Ecoboost engine has the displacement of a soda bottle. And now Nissan's managed to build a wee little engine that puts out a stunning 400 horsepower with just three cylinders. And at 88 pounds, you could use it as part of your Cross …

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Snowden deja entrever que la NSA ha realizado espionaje industrial

El ex analista de la agencia de seguridad norteamericana afirmó que no quería "adelantarse al trabajo de los periodistas".

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Rise Of The Insect Drones

Insects Five years ago, Richard Guiler and Tom Vaneck were sitting at a bar a few blocks from their office, trying to take their minds off work. For nearly a year, the two engineers had been struggling to develop a durable drone that could dodge objects, navigate inside buildings, and fly in stor...

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AIRWORK BOEING GEAR COLLAPSE ON LANDING AT HONIARA AIRPORT | Article - Sun 26 Jan 2014 03:29:03 PM UTC |, reach for the sky.

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.Por encima del miedo

Taller-Seminario. Técnicas para combatir la aerofobia.
Este taller-seminario forma parte de un elaborado proyecto, desde el que pretendemos ayudar, de un modo ameno y participativo, a superar los temores que tienen lugar a hora de tomar un vuelo.

Durante aproximadamente 3 horas, asistirás a una conferencia impartida por una técnico de vuelo que explicará los sistemas de seguridad, ruidos e incidencias técnicas habituales que pueden acontecer en vuelo, así como su sencilla resolución. Del mismo modo se indicará a los asistentes todos los servicios a los que tienen derecho en vuelo y se permitirá un espacio para dudas y consultas.

Tras su ponencia, una psicóloga-coach mostrará unas interesantes técnicas de relajación útiles para aplicar en la aeronave en caso de crisis de ansiedad, así como algunos otros métodos de control del miedo.

Precio de reservas:
Socios: GRATIS.
No socios: 3€ p/persona.

16:30 a 19:30 horas.

Puedes reservar una plaza en la actividad hasta 1 día antes del inicio del evento.

Will Boeing Embrace Braced WIngs?

Will Boeing Embrace Braced WIngs?
// Things With Wings
The cover story in the latest Aviation Week & Space Technology is an exclusive on tests of Boeing's Sugar truss-braced-wing (TBW) airliner concept in NASA Langley Research Center's Transonic Dynamics Tunnel.

Photo: NASA Langley

You can read how the expensive and flexible 13ft-span, 15%-scale model is being used to validate wing weight estimates for a full-size aircraft. These are critical to determining whether the fuel savings promised by the drag reductions possible with a high-aspect-ratio wing are achievable.

Boeing and NASA are pretty convinced the wing can be made light enough, and that a 737-size TBW airliner would have a 5-10% lower fuel burn, even with the same generation of engines. They are also pretty confident a truss-braced wing can be an option for the next generation of all-new airliners, expected somewhere around 2030. 

The study work, being conducted under NASA's N+3 project, is also looking at hybrid turbine-electric propulsion for Boeing's Sugar Volt concept, and in the same issue of AW&ST you can read my colleague Guy Norris's article on General Electric's work on the hFan gas-turbine/battery-electric engine concept.

Sugar Volt - the pods are battery packs (Concept: Boeing)

But why a high-aspect-ratio wing? Aspect ratio (span-squared divided by area) is a measure of a wing's slenderness. The more slender a wing is, the lower the lift-induced component of drag and the higher the lift-to-drag ratio (a measure of aerodynamic efficiency) -- think of a sailplane wing.

Most jetliner wings have an aspect ratio around 9. Thanks to their stiff carbon-fiber wings, the Boeing 787 and Bombardier CSeries push this to 11. With active flutter suppression and gust-load allevation to control the structural flexibility, you might get to 15 with a conventional "cantilevered" wing supported only at its roots.

To go higher and reduce drag further, to an aspect ratio of 20, or even 30, you need to support the wing with a strut (a single member) or truss (two or more members). Hurel-Dubois pioneered this with a series of designs in the late 1940s and 1950s - you can see our slideshow on the history of strut/truss-based wings here.

Hurel-Dubois HD.31 (Photo: Visschedijk Collection)

Hurel-Dubois' aircraft were successful technically, but not commercially. They were piston-powered and slow. To make TBW work for a future jetliner the structure must be light, and drag from aerodynamic interference between the struts and the wing must be minimized. That is what the Sugar study is working to validate.

Interestingly, the Sugar study involves not only Boeing Research & Technology but also Boeing Commercial Airplanes -- which has a tendency to keep unconventional configurations (like blended wing body) at arm's length. Perhaps its involvement with Sugar is a sign that TBW is a viable option for a future airliner.

Sugar Volt - with props (Concept: Boeing)

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Boeing aún no está satisfecho con la fiabilidad de sus B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial

Boeing aún no está satisfecho con el rendimiento de sus B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// boeing: Google Noticias

Boeing aún no está satisfecho con el rendimiento de sus B787
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Oslo.- La fiabilidad del 787 Dreamliner de Boeing mejora, pero aún no es satisfactoria, dijo el viernes el vicepresidente para apoyo y servicios de este programa, Mike Fleming, en la capital noruega, donde opera la aerolínea de bajo coste Norwegian Air ...

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Aeroflot Expands Fleet With New B737-800, A-320 Aircraft

Aeroflot Expands Fleet With New B737-800, A-320 Aircraft
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por
Airplanes Named For Luminaries In Soviet Literature And Academia Aeroflot has taken delivery of its fourth Boeing B737-800 Next Generation and its 91st Airbus A320. The airline has named the 737-800 NG in honor of Soviet and Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aytmatov, while the new A320 bears the name of the Soviet and Russian linguist, critic, writer and academician Dmitry Likhachev.

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Una avería en el avión oficial retuvo al Príncipe en Santo Domingo

Review: The camera-packin' Hubsan X4 FPV mini quadcopter

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Airbus logra un contrato con Francia para la gestión de satélites militares.

Airbus logra un contrato con Francia para la gestión de satélites militares.

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Aernnova presenta un ERE de suspensión para 600 trabajadores - Cinco Días

Aernnova presenta un ERE de suspensión para sus 600 trabajadores - Cinco Días
// aernnova: Google Noticias


Aernnova presenta un ERE de suspensión para sus 600 trabajadores
Cinco Días
En este último año también está llevando a cabo la externalización de toda la sección de logística de sus plantas de montaje, ahora agrupadas en Aernnova Aeroestructuras Álava (otros 100 puestos de trabajo). "En definitiva, se desvía carga de trabajo ...
Aernnova Aeroestructuras Álava presenta un ERE de suspensión ...

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Boeing rolls out first 787 at new production rate

Boeing rolls out first 787 at new production rate
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Boeing has rolled out the first 787 built at the increased production rate of 10 aircraft per month.

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French, German ATCs postpone strikes over Single European Sky

French, German ATCs postpone strikes over Single European Sky
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

French air traffic controllers SNCTA and German Gdf unions have postponed their strikes originally called for next week.

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A350 heads to Canada for cold-weather tests

A350 heads to Canada for cold-weather tests
// Aircraft news
Airbus's second flight-test A350 aircraft has departed Toulouse on a transatlantic sortie to Canada where it will undergo cold-weather testing.

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Singapour choisit l'A330 MRTT d'Airbus - Air & Cosmos

Singapour choisit l'A330 MRTT d'Airbus - Air & Cosmos
// A330 mrtt: Google Noticias

Air & Cosmos

Singapour choisit l'A330 MRTT d'Airbus
Air & Cosmos
De sources gouvernementales et industrielles concordantes, Singapour aurait signé courant 2013 un contrat pour l'achat de six ravitailleurs A330 MRTT. L'appareil, fourni par Airbus Defence & Space, a été préféré par l'île-Etat devant ses concurrents ...

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P-8, U.S. Navy’s new surveillance plane is full of flaws and not yet effective

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Casi 25.000 ingenieros españoles pre-Bolonia reclaman al Gobierno una regulación profesional

China inicia la construcción de su segundo portaaviones

A380 Meets Tu-95 = a Regional Widebody?

A380 Meets Tu-95 = a Regional Widebody?
// Things With Wings
Could there be a market for a very large aircraft on relatively short routes, and what would it look like? The Technical University of Munich (TUM) presented its idea at last week's AIAA SciTech conference, and it looks like an Airbus A380 mated with a Tupolev Tu-95 Bear.

Tu-95 (Photo: Sergey Krivchikov, via Wikipedia)

I love the sausage-making of conceptual design, the way configurations evolve, and the paper presented at SciTech, authored by TUM researchers Michael Iwanizki, Niclas Randt and Sky Sartorius (who gets my Best Name for an Aircraft Designer award), shows how they started with a market analysis and ended up with a four-turboprop, double-deck, 420-passenger short/medium-range airliner.

Concept: Technical University of Munich

They picked 3,000km (1,620nm) as the design range after a route analysis showed 90% of flights (in June 2008) were 3,000km or shorter. The majority were flown by Airbus A320s and Boeing 737s, so they started with a 300-seat design capacity, which would allow one aircraft to replace two A320s or 737s.

They chose a turboprop for its short take-off capability and fuel efficiency -- its lower speed compared with turbofans was less of an issue on shorter routes. Span was constrained to within 52m (170ft) and length to within 48.5m to allow the aircraft to use shorter runways (a field length of 1.8km) than conventional widebody aircraft.

The researchers expected to need at least 10,000kW (13,400shp) of take-off power from each engine -- only Russian turboprops get that big, so they looked at the Tu-95's Kuznetsov NK-12 and the Antonov An-70's D-27 "propfan".

An-70 (Photo: Oleg Belyakov, via Wikipedia)

TUM started out with a high-wing concept resembling the An-70 airlifter, but the design evolved into a low-wing configuration with a double-bubble, double-deck fuselage. That way the wing structure passes through the lower cargo compartment, rather than one of the passenger decks. Nine-abreast seating on the main deck kept the fuselage as short and light as possible.

The researchers looked at various engine locations, pusher and puller, on the wing, fuselage and tail before deciding to go with conventional tractor turboprops mounted on the wing. This creates some drag from immersing the wing in the propwash, but improves high-lift performance. The inner nacelles were moved up in line with the wing to provide prop clearance with a shorter, lighter landing gear.

Concept: Technical University of Munich

The result of all this conceptual design work is a 420-seat aircraft with a 163-tonne (390,350lb) maximum takeoff weight and a 380kt/Mach 0.64 cruise speed powered by four 12,700shp D-27s. Wingspan is 51.65m and fuselage length is 47.7m. Fuel burn is 3.4liters (0.9gal) per 100 passenger-kilometers at 80% load factor.

The TUM researchers acknowledge the higher noise of turboprops versus turbofans is a critical challenge to the concept, but conclude that growth of global air traffic volume in the face of rising energy costs "is likely to make high-capacity turboprop aircraft ... more attractive."

Well, attactiveness might be in the eye of the beholder but I rather like the Tu-95...

(Photo: Marina Lystseva, via Wikipedia)

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Greening the Desert, for Biofuel

Greening the Desert, for Biofuel
// Things With Wings
I can never quite shake a lingering worry over the unintended consequences of developing ways to turn almost anything into biofuel - I imagine driving through and flying over a world stripped bare of other living things to meet our energy needs...but finding a way to grow feedstocks for fuels in the desert can't be that bad, can it?

Boeing says research conducted in the United Arab Emirates shows that halophytes - saltwater-tolerant plants - grown in coastal desert and irrigated with seawater can be effectively converted into biomass from which aviation biofuel can be produced. Funded by Boeing, Etihad and Honeywell UOP, the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Constorium plans test the concept this year in Abu Dhabi.

The goal is to demonstrate an integrated ecosystem that minimizes land use, carbon emissions and waste discharge. Here is how it will work:

Graphic: Boeing

Seawater is pumped from the ocean into an existing fish and shrimp farm. Waste water from this aquaculture operation, enriched with fish-wates nutriets, is used to irrigate a field of shrub-like halophytes called salicornia. The water is cleaned by these plants, then drains into a mangrove wetland before returing to the oceans. Both the halophytes and mangrives will be converted to biomass for aviation biofuel.

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Pentagon Report Faults F-35

Pentagon Report Faults F-35
// Defense Channel
Warns software, maintenance and reliability problems could delay use

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Government, Contractors Reach Deal In A-12 Dispute

Government, Contractors Reach Deal In A-12 Dispute
// Defense Channel
The $400 million agreement would bring an end to a 23-year saga

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No worries - we know Sukhoi's stealth secrets - Australian Defence Magazine

No worries - we know Sukhoi's stealth secrets - Australian Defence Magazine
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

No worries - we know Sukhoi's stealth secrets
Australian Defence Magazine
While Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney and others, may be wringing their hands over news that 44 boxes of documents and plans relating to the F-35 JSF were found from shipping containers destined for Iran, Russia appears much less concerned about ...

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Natixis arrange le premier financement en crédit export d'un Sukhoi 100 ... -

Natixis arrange le premier financement en crédit export d'un Sukhoi ... -
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Natixis arrange le premier financement en crédit export d'un Sukhoi ...
Natixis a dirigé, en qualité d'arrangeur mandaté et d'agent global des facilités, le premier financement en crédit export d'un Sukhoi Superjet 100. L'acheteur est la compagnie aérienne mexicaine Interjet (ABC Aerolineas, S.A. de C.V.).

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Embraer May See 150 Regional-Jet Orders Through 2015 - Bloomberg

Embraer May See 150 Regional-Jet Orders Through 2015 - Bloomberg
// embraer: Google Noticias

Embraer May See 150 Regional-Jet Orders Through 2015
Embraer SA (EMBR3), fresh off leading a round of U.S. regional jet orders, may sell as many as 150 planes through 2015 as carriers seek more economic upgrades, said Chief Executive Officer Frederico Curado. The planemaker's strategy of updating its ...

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Una delegación rusa visita el Clúster Aeroespacial de Madrid - Actualidad Aeroespacial

Una delegación rusa visita el Clúster Aeroespacial de Madrid - Actualidad Aeroespacial
// aernnova: Google Noticias

Una delegación rusa visita el Clúster Aeroespacial de Madrid
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Durante su estancia en la capital, el grupo ha visitado las instalaciones de diferentes empresas como Airbus Defence and Space, CESA, Avansis y Aernnova Composites, todas ellas asociadas al Clúster Aeroespacial de Madrid. La delegación encabezada ...

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Russia to invest $708 million in SSJ100 through 2019

Russia to invest $708 million in SSJ100 through 2019
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Russia's Ministry of Industry and Trade will invest RUB24 billion ($708.6 million) in the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co. Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) program in 2014 to 2019.

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PICTURE: United’s new higher density 737

PICTURE: United's new higher density 737
// Airline Business

United Airlines has received its first Boeing 737-900ER with slimline seats, allowing it to add up to 12 seats to the type.

The new 179-seat configuration includes new Priestmangoode-designed blue economy seats that will grace the economy cabins of roughly 500 narrowbody aircraft in the Chicago-based carrier's fleet by the end of 2015.

Economy cabin of United's new higher density 737-900ER. (Source: United)

United says that the new higher density configuration will allow it to better match "capacity to customer demand", in an employee newsletter on 21 January. It also allows it to more closely match the capacity of its 182-seat Boeing 757-200s, which the 737-900ERs are replacing.

The airline's existing fleet of 737-900ERs have between 167 and 173 seats.

All future 737 and Embraer 175 deliveries will have the new slimline seats and reconfigurations of United's existing fleet of 737-800s and 737-900ERs will begin in the third quarter, the airline says.

United is also adding up to 12 seats to its Airbus A320 and A319 fleet, a programme that began in 2012. It has completed installations of Recaro slimline seats on 44 Airbus aircraft, it says.

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Dassult completes first test flights of new 'heavily armed' Rafale

Dassult completes first test flights of new 'heavily armed' Rafale
// Aircraft news
Dassault has completed the first test flights of its Rafale combat type in what it describes as a "heavily armed" configuration, featuring a number of new weapons and larger fuel tanks.

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A350 XWB to take centre stage at Singapore Airshow

A350 XWB to take centre stage at Singapore Airshow
// Airbus All news
First full air show display for world's most modern mid-size widebody

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jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Sener, premiada por la revista alemana 'The European'

Sener, premiada por la revista alemana 'The European'
// Instituto de la Ingeniería de España
El grupo de ingeniería y tecnología Sener ha recibido el premio a la Empresa de ingeniería del año en la primera edición de los galardones del sector energético The European Energy Awards 2013, concedidos por la revista alemana 'The European'.

El grupo de ingeniería y tecnología Sener ha recibido el premio a la Empresa de ingeniería del año en la primera edición de los galardones del sector energético The European Energy Awards 2013, concedidos por la revista alemana The European.

La publicación, como señala la empresa premiada en una nota de prensa, ha destacado el espíritu innovador de este grupo de tecnología, que cuenta con cerca de 5.500 profesionales en 50 oficinas por todo el mundo, y que "proporciona soluciones y productos que representan la vanguardia de la innovación en una variedad de sectores".

Sener ha recibido este premio por proyectos de energía como la planta solar térmica Gemasolar, ubicada en Sevilla. Se trata de la primera central comercial del mundo con tecnología de torre central y sistema de almacenamiento en sales fundidas y la única planta solar capaz de producir electricidad durante 24 horas ininterrumpidas.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

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Air Europa realizará trayectos interinsulares en 2015

La aviación comercial cumple un siglo de vida

Ryanair se prepara para volver a crecer en España,Sector transporte. Expansió

UAS | A la armada española no le convence el Skeldar y estudia el Pelícano, drone de fabricación nacional

Air Nostrum abre convocatoria para TCPs chicos y chicas

Airbus continues its TAPAS partnership with the Dutch thermoplastic composite sector

Airbus continues its TAPAS partnership with the Dutch thermoplastic composite sector
// Airbus All news
The Thermoplastic Affordable Primary Aircraft Structure (TAPAS) programme's second phase was...

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Con más personal, Boeing espera reducir los problemas de producción del Dreamliner -

Con más personal, Boeing espera reducir los problemas de producción del Dreamliner -

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French ATC strike could affect European operations

French ATC strike could affect European operations
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

French air traffic controls have called a five-day strike from Jan. 27-31, which could cause major traffic interruptions for European passengers.

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PICTURES & VIDEO: Cessna rolls out the Citation Latitude for ground tests

PICTURES & VIDEO: Cessna rolls out the Citation Latitude for ground tests
// Aircraft news
Cessna quietly rolled out the first Citation Latitude jet from the company's Wichita factory on 20 January and ran initial taxi and installed engine tests. A picture of the unpainted aircraft undergoing testing first appeared on the aviation subpage of the Reddit online community site. Cessna c

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India’s Light Helicopter Contract Hits Turbulence, Stalls

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Boeing suministra cifra récord de aviones a China en 2013 - Centro de Información por Internet de China

Boeing suministra cifra récord de aviones a China en 2013 - Centro de Información por Internet de China
// boeing: Google Noticias

Boeing suministra cifra récord de aviones a China en 2013
Centro de Información por Internet de China
La compañía Boeing Co. suministró un récord de 143 aviones a China el año pasado, de acuerdo con datos publicados hoy. La cifra representa un crecimiento anual de 60 por ciento, informó Boeing en un comunicado. La compañía aseguró 230 pedidos ...

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Boeing, United Arab Emirates Partners Look to Harvest Biofuel from Desert Plants

Boeing, United Arab Emirates Partners Look to Harvest Biofuel from Desert Plants
// MediaRoom
- Innovation will make biofuel production more efficient for aviation, vehicles - Pilot project will test desert plants grown with seawater, relevant to many dry regions

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P&W verifies cooling fix for A320neo engine, begins Block 2 tests

P&W verifies cooling fix for A320neo engine, begins Block 2 tests
// Aircraft news
Pratt & Whitney has verified that a modified cooling flow corrects a potential over-heating problem on an engine for the Airbus A320neo.

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Tecnam seeks government loan to bring P2012 Traveller to market

Tecnam seeks government loan to bring P2012 Traveller to market
// Aircraft news
Italian general aviation aircraft manufacturer Tecnam is hoping to secure a loan from the Italian government next month to help fund development of its P2012 Traveller piston-twin.

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CadTech Ibérica organiza el ‘webinar’ Mecanizado con CATIA para el sector aeronáutico

Saudia selecciona comandantes y pilotos en España

Morphing: Shape-Shifting Wing Design Prepares For Testing

For over a century, airplane wings have used flaps to alter their shape for better flight performance: extending to generate more climb during takeoff, tilting to stall and generate more breaking power during landings, and staying neutral during normal flight. Yet flaps, as discrete parts, are im...

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Researchers Create Micro-Flyer That "Swims" like a jellyfish in Air

Lief Ristroph and Stephen Childress of New York University have taken an alternate route around evolution's highway: They've created a miniature flying machine that moves not like a bird or insect, but a jellyfish. Rather than flapping its four wings up and down, this micro-ornithopter's wings us...

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The Week In Drones: A Military Transformer, An App For Aerial Photos, And More

Testing An Anti-Poaching Drone In KwaZulu-Natal Welcome to the drone age! Six U.S. states are now testing drones for the FAA, and there are new developments in unmanned aerial vehicle technology daily. Here's a round-up of the week's best drone news, designed to capture the military, commercial, ...

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BAE Systems Produces 3D Printed Part For Use On BAe 146

Una turbulencia arranca parte del slat a un B767

Bombardier misses 2013 business jet delivery forecast

Bombardier misses 2013 business jet delivery forecast
// Aircraft news
Fragile demand for business jets, coupled with the "sluggish" global economy, resulted in falling orders and lower than expected deliveries for Bombardier in 2013.

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Sukhoi va offrir un Superjet Stretch d'ici 2017 - Le Journal de l'Aviation

Sukhoi va offrir un Superjet Stretch d'ici 2017 - Le Journal de l'Aviation
// sukhoi: Google Noticias

Sukhoi va offrir un Superjet Stretch d'ici 2017
Le Journal de l'Aviation
Selon l'agence russe Ria Novosti, le président de Sukhoi Civil Aircraft a révélé le 17 janvier que l'avionneur avait prévu de proposer un Superjet Stretch qui pourrait entrer en service d'ici trois ou quatre ans. Andreï Kalinovsky a précisé que l ...

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Suecia elige a Airbus Defence and Space para un proyecto piloto de servicios de datos seguros en la red nacional de radiocomunicaciones Rakel

Suecia elige a Airbus Defence and Space para un proyecto piloto de servicios de datos seguros en la red nacional de radiocomunicaciones Rakel

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Qatar Airways plans new regional carrier with 50-strong fleet

Qatar Airways plans new regional carrier with 50-strong fleet
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Qatar Airways will take one of the two new licences being granted by the Saudi Arabian civil aviation regulator, GACA, to create a regional carrier operating domestic services in the country.

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La española Aertec Solutions desarrolla con Airbus un proyecto pionero para aplicar la tecnología de videojuegos en la industria aeronáutica

La española Aertec Solutions desarrolla con Airbus un proyecto pionero para aplicar la tecnología de videojuegos en la industria aeronáutica
// Revista de prensa aeronáutica: Feed de feeds de Revistas Aeronáuticas | recopiladas por

Aertec Solutions está desarrollando junto a Innovation Works, la filial tecnológica de Airbus, y la Universidad de Cranfield, una de las más prestigiosas y con mayor tradición de investigación en el ámbito aeronáutico del país, un proyecto que pretende aplicar la tecnología de los videojuegos a nuevos entornos industriales, entre ellos la industria aeronáutica.  El proyecto tiene como objetivo adaptar la tecnología y entornos de realidad virtual que actualmente se aplican en el campo de los videojuegos para digitalizar los procesos de conocimiento y gestión en las plantas de fabricación de aeronaves. La iniciativa busca proporcionar un marco para el desarrollo de algunas de las tecnologías de próxima generación enfocadas al sector aeroespacial.

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