Turkish Air Force cleared to order Hurkus trainer aircraft

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Turkish Air Force cleared to order Hurkus trainer aircraft

The Turkish Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) has cleared the national air force's procurement of an initial batch of Hurkus trainer aircraft from Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

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Nordic Aviation Capital orders up to 40 more ATR 72-600s

Nordic Aviation Capital orders up to 40 more ATR 72-600s

Danish turboprop lessor Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) has added 15 firm ATR 72-600s and 25 options to its ATR order book, building on the deal for 35 firm orders and 55 options that was announced at this year's Paris Air Show.

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Anuncian para 2018 un drone de ataque Sukhoi de veinte toneladas - RIA Novosti

Anuncian para 2018 un drone de ataque Sukhoi de veinte toneladas - RIA Novosti

Anuncian para 2018 un drone de ataque Sukhoi de veinte toneladas
RIA Novosti
La empresa aeronáutica rusa Sukhoi presentará en cinco años el prototipo de un avión teledirigido de ataque, de 20 toneladas, comunicó hoy un ejecutivo de la industria de defensa. "El primer prototipo, cuyo desarrollo corre a cargo de Sukhoi, estará ...

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La UPM acoge la Semana del Espacio dedicada a Marte (4 a 10 octubre)

La UPM acoge la Semana del Espacio dedicada a Marte

La Escuela de Aeronáuticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid acoge cinco conferencias para apoyar la Semana del Espacio, que se celebra del 4 al 10 de octubre en todo el mundo.

La Escuela de Aeronáuticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid acoge cinco conferencias para apoyar la Semana del Espacio, que se celebra del 4 al 10 de octubre en todo el mundo. Cada mes de octubre desde 1999 se organizan múltiples eventos para celebrar la contribución de la ciencia y la tecnología espacial a la mejora de la condición humana.

Para 2013, señala la nota de prensa de la UPM, se ha elegido Marte como tema central de la Semana Mundial del Espacio, ya que, como indica el lema seleccionado, "Explorar Marte, descubrir la Tierra", conocer la exploración del planeta rojo nos permitirá conocer mejor el mundo en que vivimos.

La búsqueda de exoplanetas (planetas exteriores al Sistema Solar), la misión Mars Express, la misión Gaia sobre nuestra galaxia, Marte visto desde el punto de vista cultural, y una charla con el director de comunicación de la Agencia Espacial Europea en España, Javier Ventura, serán los temas de las actividades convocadas en la UPM. Los cinco eventos tendrán lugar en el salón de actos Juan de la Cierva de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos de la UPM a las 18.00 y la entrada es libre hasta completar aforo.

Fuente: Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

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Boeing 747 Orders Lag, Only 53 On The Books



El cierre de la Administración estadounidense no afecta a los aeropuertos



Inside Karem's Optimum-Speed Tilt Rotor for JMR

It was rumored, but never confirmed. Now we know - Karem Aircraft is one those in the running to build a demonstrator for the US Army's future utility rotorcraft. Karem is designing the TR36TD for the Joint Multi Role (JMR) demonstration, using its optimum-speed tiltrotor (OSTR) concept. JMR is the precursor to the planned Future Vertical Lift Medium replacement for the UH-60 Black Hawk.



Rolls-Royce to establish new service facility for USAF's Global Hawk engines



Airbus elected ‘most appealing employer in France’ for the third year running

A forward-looking company offering real career opportunities

2 October 2013 Press Release

The 'most appealing employer in France' prize has been awarded to Airbus for the third year running. The aircraft manufacturer is recognised as a major economic player: Airbus has an excellent image in its sector, and is recognised as being a forward-looking company, open to young people and offering real career perspectives.

Airbus was awarded with the title in the context of the "Palmarès Employeurs 2013" employer ranking that was drawn up at the request of RegionsJob and in partnership with 'L'Express' magazine, "Exclusive RH" website and "ANDRH" (a French association of HR directors) and under the supervision of the market research company BVA.

A panel of some 8,000 people, comprising employees and job-seekers, chose Airbus as the most appealing employer in France, and in the West and South-West regions of France where Airbus' industrial sites are located.

Airbus won first place out of some 14,000 companies that were assessed between March and May 2013. The 27 selection criteria covered human resources related topics such as career opportunities, employer image, diversity and management.

"This distinction which rewards our Human Resources activities for the third year running is an honour for us. We offer our employees an international working environment that is dynamic and stimulating. Knowing our employees, training them, qualifying them and helping them to develop is an integral part of our day-to-day life, enabling our company to be an innovative and high-performance business. These women and men are at the heart of our success and development," stated Thierry Baril, Chief Human Resources Officer EADS & Airbus.

Career development, training, diversity, mobility, the recognition of everyone's contribution and seeking staff engagement are the essential components of Airbus' human resources policy.

Airbus, the world's leading aircraft manufacturer, employs around 59,000 people of more than 100 different nationalities. Over the last two years, 2011 and 2012, Airbus hired nearly 10,000 employees around the world, including more than 4,000 in France.


It’s the seat: Airbus’ family of jetliners is setting the modern standard for comfort

Dating back to the beginning of Airbus' product line, the company has always championed the comfort of passengers travelling in all classes of service aboard its aircraft.

With more than 10 billion people having flown on the worldwide Airbus aircraft fleet since the A300's introduction in the 1970s, the company remains committed to one of the most important – and often overlooked – factors for passenger comfort: seat width.

This is the focus of Airbus' new "It's the seat" marketing campaign, which highlights today's standard for cabin comfort on long-haul travel – 18-inch  seat width in economy class, which is available throughout the company's entire product line of modern, efficient jetliners.

By offering an extra inch of width compared to the 1960s-era 17-inch standard – when people were smaller and long-haul flights were rarely more than five hours – Airbus is focused on meeting the modern requirements of travellers, as long-range flights are more frequent and cover greater distances.

 "One inch makes a huge difference for passengers in economy, particularly on modern long-haul flights that can be over 18 hours," said Kevin Keniston, an Airbus Long Term Concepts Manager specialising in cabin operations. "The logic for the 17-inch seat is outdated. With nearly 200,000 more flights over 4000nm scheduled this year than 10 years ago, it is important that Airbus continues to provide products that maximise passenger comfort today and well into the future."

Keniston noted that while passengers may not pay much attention to seat width, it is one of the most important factors for overall comfort in flight. This extra space allows passengers increased movement in the lateral direction, as well as additional room to avoid physical contact with neighbours.

To ensure future comfort on its widebody aircraft – the A330 Family, A380 and new A350 XWB – Keniston said Airbus is following the trend to accommodate people who are generally taller and wider than some 50 years ago, which also is seen in many industries, including sports arenas, theatres, cinemas, automobiles, trains, and more.

Airbus' complete modern product line offers at least a standard 18-inch seat width in economy class, from its widebody A350 XWB and A330 Families to the 21-century flagship A380 and its single-aisle A320 Family.

"For an aircraft like our new A350 XWB, this jetliner could be operating 100 years after the original 17-inch standard was set," he added. "By designing it for wider seats, Airbus is prepared to meet the requirements of passengers who are more and more sensitive to well-being onboard."

For more, visit airbus.com/comfort section


First Export of Korea’s Supersonic T-50i Aircraft to Indonesia

First Export of Korea's Supersonic T-50i Aircraft to Indonesia

A T-50i, which is a Korean-made supersonic aircraft being exported to Indonesia, took off at full speed at the Sacheon airfield on 10 September. This T-50i will first fly to Gaishung, Taiwan and then arrive at its final destination of […]

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Los UAV españoles tomarán Teruel en la gran cita del sector - Atenea Digital

Los UAV españoles tomarán Teruel en la gran cita del sector - Atenea Digital

Atenea Digital

Los UAV españoles tomarán Teruel en la gran cita del sector
Atenea Digital
Además, uno de los responsables de la empresa Aernnova, Federico Martín, explicará sus servicios en certificación de aeronaves no tripuladas. Durante las jornadas también se realizarán varias pruebas prácticas con algunos de los aviones no tripulados ...

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Delayed take-off: China cautious on large aircraft program - The West Australian

Delayed take-off: China cautious on large aircraft program - The West Australian

Delayed take-off: China cautious on large aircraft program
The West Australian
The Comac C919, which will compete with the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 family of aircraft, was scheduled for its first flight next year, but that has now been delayed until 2015, which pushes the first delivery to around 2017 or 2018, local media have ...

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GKN Aerospace officially opens new Bangalore engineering centre

Seventy highly qualified design and development engineers have transferred from Volvo's Bangalore facility to the new Centre located on the old Airport Road at the heart of Bangalore's aerospace and automotive activities. Volvo Aero was acquired by GKN in October, 2012 and incorporated into GKN Aerospace. Over the next eighteen months a local recruitment campaign will increase the workforce in Bangalore to over 100 individuals.



Airbus pide a Europa evitar en el futuro los errores del A400M - Diario de Cádiz

Airbus pide a Europa evitar en el futuro los errores del A400M - Diario de Cádiz

Airbus pide a Europa evitar en el futuro los errores del A400M
Diario de Cádiz
El presidente de Airbus Military, Domingo Ureña; la presidenta de la Junta, Susana Díaz; el ministro francés de Defensa, Jean-Yves Le Brian; el príncipe Felipe, y el alcalde de Sevilla, Juan Ignacio Zoido, ayer en Sevilla en la ceremonia de entrega del ...

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Airbus ampliará su planta de Puerto Real para asumir el A350 y el A330

La compañía aprobó la operación ayer Serán 3.000 metros junto a la nave en la que actualmente se producen las piezas del A380

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Boeing se centra en mejorar la fiabilidad de los B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial

Boeing se centra en mejorar la fiabilidad de los B787 - Actualidad Aeroespacial


Boeing se centra en mejorar la fiabilidad de los B787
Actualidad Aeroespacial
Santiago.- El constructor aeronáutico norteamericano Boeing quiere concentrar sus esfuerzos en mejorar la fiabilidad del B787 Dreamliner, siempre con problemas desde su paralización a nivel mundial el pasado mes de enero, según ha manifestado ...
Boeing prevé que mercado para aeronaves en América Latina se ...
Boeing alaba dinamismo de Latinoamérica y prevé alza de 6,9% de ...
El mercado aéreo comercial triplicará sus negocios en ...

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Japan awards first contracts to local companies for F-35 JSF production



Eurofighter formaliza su candidatura en la licitación de Emiratos Árabes Unidos para dotarse con 60 aviones de combate



Aena invertirá el año que viene menos que hace 14 años



Cost-effective laser-based asteroid defense system pitched to NASA



El Gobierno amenaza a Iberia con entregar la T4 de Barajas a compañías asiáticas

ministro de Industria y Turismo, José Manuel Soria, ha amenazado a la cúpula de Iberia (IAG tras su fusión con British Airways) de que el Gobierno de España está dispuesto a utilizar la llamada "quinta libertad del aire" para evitar que el aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas y sus flamantes nuevas terminales, T4 y satélite, se conviertan en un espacio huérfano de viajeros, tras haber costado al Estado más de 7.000 millones de euros. Soria realizó esta advertencia en un encuentro restringido celebrado esta semana en Madrid



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