lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Another Amelia Earhart Will Try to Fly Around-the-World

Another Amelia Earhart Will Try to Fly Around-the-World

Amelia Rose Earhart announces that she will recreate her namesake's flight around the world in 2014 – Photo: Mal Muir |

In 1937, Amelia Earhart attempted to circumnavigate the globe; however, somewhere between Lae, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Howland Island she disappeared, never to be seen again.  The fate of Amelia Earhart has been speculated upon for nearly 3/4 of a century, fascinating and frustrating searchers as well.  Recently, another Amelia Earhart announced she would also circumnavigate the globe, recreating the original Amelia's original flight (this time hopefully completing the journey).

Amelia Rose Earhart (oddly, no actual relation), a traffic and weather TV personality in Denver, will set off with her copilot Patrick Carter from Oakland, California to recreate that fateful journey next summer.

Over 100 hours of flying time, and 14 stops, will be made along the route as they cover nearly 28,000 miles.  If successful, Amelia will achieve the honor of being the youngest female pilot to circumnavigate the globe in a single engine aircraft – the Pilatus PC-12NG.

Amelia Earhart's original flight is the solid red line…hopefully it will be complete this time – Image: Wikicommons – Herrick

"My passion for flight and adventure has driven me to explore new experiences I never would have imagined possible as a child," said Amelia.  "Hard work, persistence, and great role models have enabled me to fly outside the lines and achieve my dreams. Aviation plays an integral role in my life and I hope to share some of that joy with others through this adventure."

Since learning to fly in 2004, Amelia has taken her passion for flight and formed the Fly with Amelia Foundation, which helps other young women obtain flight scholarships and encourages them to further their passion for aviation.

Amelia Rose Earhart (left), Pilatus Business Aircraft CEO Thomas Bosshard (middle), and Patrick Carter (right) pose in front of a PC-12NG at EAA AirVenture.

The original flight was in 1937 using a Lockheed Model 10 Electra, an aircraft that was not pressurized and was designed in the 1930′s to compete with the DC2 and Boeing 247.

Given that there are not many flying examples of the Model 10 around these days, a new, more modern aircraft is being used.  Amelia and Patrick will attempt their flight around the globe in a single-engine Pilatus PC-12NG, an aircraft powered by Pratt & Whitney (the same engine company that powered the original Lockheed Model 10).

"Amelia and Patrick's love of flight, yearning for adventure, and dedication to safety and education make them great ambassadors for the Pilatus brand," said Thomas Bosshard, President and CEO for Pilatus Business Aircraft, Ltd. "The Pilatus PC-12 NG's unique combination of reliability, speed, range, and performance make it the perfect aircraft to complete this demanding flight. We look forward to helping The Amelia Project raise awareness for more young women to pursue a fulfilling career in aviation."

A Pilatus PC-12NG, like this one, will be the aircraft used as Amelia Rose Earhart and co-pilot Patrick Carter recreate that faithful journey around the world. – Photo: Mal Muir |

With a modern aircraft, state-of-the-art technology, and navigational aids, we hope to see a successful landing back in Oakland.  Hopefully, then, at least one Amelia will have the distinction of circumnavigating the globe.

Malcolm Muir – Lead Correspondent 

Mal is an Australian AvGeek now living and working in Seattle. With a passion for aircraft photography, traveling and the fun that combining the two can bring. Insights into the aviation world with a bit of a perspective thanks to working in the travel industry.

 @BigMalX | BigMal's World | Photos


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