viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Muere Álvaro Bultó practicando wingfly

El aventurero y presentador de TV Álvaro Bultó ha fallecido esta mañana en los alpes suizos cuando practicaba wingsuit flying o wingfly (el hombre pájaro o salto con traje de alas), según ha informado a La Vanguardia un empresario español que se hallaba en el lugar.

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Titan Aerospace readies solar-powered, long-endurance UAVs - Phys.Org

Titan Aerospace readies solar-powered, long-endurance UAVs - Phys.Org

IEEE Spectrum

Titan Aerospace readies solar-powered, long-endurance UAVs
They are powered by solar energy and capable of staying in high altitudes for weeks, even years. Coming up with a high-altitude, extreme-endurance solar UAV has required skills and expertise and this company thinks it has a solid answer in the Solara.
Giant Solar-Powered UAVs Are Atmospheric Satellites
Titan Solara 50 - Solar Powered Atmospheric Satellite
These Solar-Powered Giant Winged Drones Could Replace Satellites

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GE Aviation begins testing composite fan blades for GE9X

GE Aviation begins testing composite fan blades for GE9X

GE Aviation has begun testing on its new composite fan blades for the GE9X, the next-generation GE90 engine that will power the Boeing 777X.

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Turbulence study aims to reduce global fuel bills

Turbulence study aims to reduce global fuel bills

Researchers from the University of Southampton could be a step closer to understanding how turbulent air flows influence the performance of aircraft. A new study looks at new and improved ways of predicting the structure of turbulence, which could gr…

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Mitsubishi again delays MRJ program by over a year

Mitsubishi again delays MRJ program by over a year

Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. (MITAC) has announced a second major delay to its Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) program, postponing its first flight and entry into service by over a year.

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Sukhoi T-50 Shows Flight-Control Innovations - Aviation Week

Sukhoi T-50 Shows Flight-Control Innovations - Aviation Week

Aviation Week

Sukhoi T-50 Shows Flight-Control Innovations
Aviation Week
A highlight of the MAKS air show, which opens at Zhukovsky Airport near Moscow next week, is likely to be the demonstration of the Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA (Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii—Future Tactical Air System) fighter. The T-50 ...
Russia to Showcase T-50, Su-35S Aerobatics at MAKS-2013

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Sukhoi hará acrobacias con cazas T-50 y Su-35S en el MAKS 2013- RT en Español - Noticias internacionales

Sukhoi hará acrobacias con cazas T-50 y Su-35S en el salón ... - RT en Español - Noticias internacionales

Sukhoi hará acrobacias con cazas T-50 y Su-35S en el salón ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales
El consorcio ruso Sukhoi hará una muestra de acrobacias aéreas con el avanzado cazabombardero de quinta generación ruso T-50 (PAK-FA) y el más moderno caza polivalente de cuarta generación Su-35S en el salón aeroespacial internacional ...

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Northrop says progress in talks on German Euro Hawk drones - Reuters

Northrop says progress in talks on German Euro Hawk drones - Reuters

National Defense Magazine (blog)

Northrop says progress in talks on German Euro Hawk drones
WASHINGTON Aug 20 (Reuters) - A top Northrop Grumman Corp official said on Tuesday that his company was making "a lot of progress" in talks with the German government about the country's stalled purchase of four Euro Hawk drones, and what is ...
Northrop Grumman Still Hoping for Reversal of Euro Hawk Cancelation
Global Hawk Variants Face Airspace Showstoppers

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Northrop Eyes 'Really Large' Unmanned Airships For Freight - Aviation Week

Northrop Eyes 'Really Large' Unmanned Airships For Freight - Aviation Week

Aviation Week

Northrop Eyes 'Really Large' Unmanned Airships For Freight
Aviation Week
Northrop Grumman is looking at the potential of "really large" unmanned airships for commercial freight transport, Tom Vice, president of the company's Aerospace Systems segment, said in Washington Aug. 20. Comparing the effect of such a system on air ...

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Northrop looks at potential of "really large" unmanned airships - Washington Business Journal (blog)

Northrop looks at potential of "really large" unmanned airships - Washington Business Journal (blog)

Northrop looks at potential of "really large" unmanned airships
Washington Business Journal (blog)
Falls Church-based Northrop Grumman is looking at the potential of "really large" unmanned airships for commercial freight transport, Aviation Week reports. Tom Vice, president of the company's Aerospace Systems segment, said that while there is "a lot ...

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Mitsubishi Delays Delivery of Regional Aircraft on Certification - Bloomberg

Mitsubishi Delays Delivery of Regional Aircraft on Certification - Bloomberg


Mitsubishi Delays Delivery of Regional Aircraft on Certification
Comac delayed the flight of C919, a 168-seat aircraft, because of certain procedures that aren't linked to technical matters, four company officials familiar with the plan said this month. In November, the Chinese planemaker said its smaller ARJ21 may ...

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Japón podría adquirir Osprey "MV-22" en 2015

J31:Amateur video of J-31 test flight in Feb. 2013

Why is Poland purchasing Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles for its F-16s?

Japan accuses Russia: “two Tu-95 bombers have violated our airspace”

Madrid Barajas y Palma de Mallorca los aeropuertos con más reclamos

Beyond the hype of Hyperloop: An analysis of Elon Musk's proposed transit system

F-35B makes first vertical night landing at sea