miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

IAF likely to induct Tejas aircraft by late 2013 or early next year

IAF likely to induct Tejas aircraft by late 2013 or early next year

The Indian Air Force (IAF) will induct the indigenously manufactured Tejas light combat aircraft (LCA) into its operational service by the end of 2013 or early next year, the country's defence minister A.K. Antony has revealed.

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Next generation of unmanned aircraft to boost geoscientific research - Nanowerk

Next generation of unmanned aircraft to boost geoscientific research - Nanowerk

Next generation of unmanned aircraft to boost geoscientific research
Dr András Sóbester says: "The University is home to a wide range of activities in the field of Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) research. From the effective exploitation of state-of-the-art design and manufacturing technologies (including flying the world's ...

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Reguladores británicos descartan querella de Airbus contra Boeing - The Wall Street Journal Americas

Reguladores británicos descartan querella de Airbus contra Boeing - The Wall Street Journal Americas

The Wall Street Journal Americas

Reguladores británicos descartan querella de Airbus contra Boeing
The Wall Street Journal Americas
LONDRES--El organismo regulador de la publicidad de Reino Unido ha rechazado una queja del gigante aeronáutico europeo Airbus que acusaba a su rival estadounidense Boeing Co. de hacer comunicados engañosos en una campaña de publicidad ...

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Japón presenta el portahelicópteros "Izumo", el mayor buque que dotará a la Marina nipona desde el fin de la II Guerra Mundial


Polonia entra con 40 millones de euros en el proyecto de UAV de la OTAN


En el portaaviones «Harry S. Truman» (II): ¿nueva era de «portadrones»? | Por Tierra, Mar y Aire


Una mafia de gorrillas se adueña de carros portaequipaje Barajas


Super Hornet Flies With Conformal Fuel Tanks


Vídeo: Jetman vuela en formación con un B-17


Will Boeing's Tanker Destroy Lockheed Martin's F-35?

In a world where sequestration is the norm, and defense spending exists in a proverbial vice, one thing a company doesn't want to do is have a product that's too expensive. And $10 billion above budget is way, way too expensive. Unfortunately for Boeing's (NYSE: BA ) KC-46A tanker, that's exactly what's happening. But in a surprising twist, this actually may be bad news for Lockheed Martin's (NYSE: LMT ) F-35, not the tanker. Here's what you need to know. http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/08/06/will-boeings-tanker-destroy-lockheed-martins-f-35.aspx