jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

EADS to reorganize in 3 units, combine defence assets


Unmanned aircraft carrier that travels beneath the waves may be in the Navy's future - Military & Aerospace Electronics

Electronic warfare programs kick into high gear with a flurry of contract activity »
Unmanned aircraft carrier that travels beneath the waves may be in the Navy's future
By John Keller

Posted by John Keller

THE MIL & AERO BLOG, 23 July 2013. Imagine a big unmanned submarine designed to operate covertly for long periods, lurking silently off an enemy's shore. At a command from military leaders, this submersible mothership ejects pods that float to the surface and launch surveillance unmanned aircraft in all directions. At the same time, small unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) deploy from docks hidden in the big submarine's belly on secret reconnaissance missions of the enemy's submarine forces, shipping activity, and overall maritime readiness.


Airbus Pushes Higher-Density A380s, Luxury Image Hits Sales - Bloomberg

Airbus SAS (EAD) is pushing airlines to view its A380 superjumbo as a high-density workhorse rather than a luxury flagship as it targets orders from mass-market carriers in countries such as China, Japan and Indonesia.


Boeing eleva su beneficio en la primera mitad del año - Dinero.com

Boeing eleva su beneficio en la primera mitad del año - Dinero.com

Boeing eleva su beneficio en la primera mitad del año
Esos resultados eran bien recibidos entre los inversores y en las operaciones electrónicas previas a la apertura de la bolsa de Nueva York las acciones de Boeing subían el 2,02 % para cambiarse por 109,97 dólares cada una, de forma que en lo que va de ...

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