martes, 18 de junio de 2013
Boeing Launches 787-10 Dreamliner
- 787-10 will be the most efficient jetliner in history
- ALC, GECAS, IAG/British Airways, Singapore Airlines and United Airlines commit to 787-10
LE BOURGET, France, June 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE:BA] announced today at the 2013 Paris Air Show that it has launched the 787-10 Dreamliner, the third member of the super-efficient 787 family. Commitments for 102 airplanes from five customers across Europe, Asia and North America provide a strong foundation to support development and production of the newest Dreamliner.
Customer launch commitments for the 787-10 include Air Lease Corporation, with 30 airplanes; GE Capital Aviation Services, with 10; International Airlines Group / British Airways, with 12 subject to shareholder approval; Singapore Airlines, with 30 and United Airlines, with 20 airplanes.
The new 787-10 will fly up to 7,000 nautical miles (12,964 km) — covering more than 90 percent of the world's twin-aisle routes — with seating for 300-330 passengers, depending on an airline's configuration choices. The second member of the family, the 787-9, is in final assembly in Everett, Wash., and is set to make its first flight later this year.
"The 787-10 Dreamliner will be the most-efficient jetliner in history. The airplane's operating economics are unmatched and it has all the incredible passenger-pleasing features that set the 787 family apart as truly special," said Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEO Ray Conner. "The 787-10 is 25 percent more efficient than airplanes of its size today and more than 10 percent better than anything being offered by the competition for the future."
Design of the 787-10 has already started at Boeing, and international partners will be involved in detailed design in the months ahead. Final assembly and flight test of the 787-10 are set to begin in 2017, with first delivery targeted for 2018.
"Our ongoing investment in the 787 family is well-founded," said Conner. "With the 787-10, we've designed an exceptional airplane supported by an efficient and integrated production system that can meet increasing demands and create new opportunities for us. Our team and our customers are excited about growing the product line and expanding our presence with this family of airplanes."
The 787 family's unique interior offers passengers technologies that make their flights more enjoyable, including large, dimmable windows; cleaner air; higher humidity; lower cabin altitude; bigger stowage bins; soothing LED lighting and a smoother ride. The 787-10 will share a common type rating not only with the 787-8 and 787-9 but also with the popular Boeing 777, giving airlines additional flexibility in scheduling and training flight crews.
Parrot aterriza en Le Bourget con sus drones de uso civil
La firma participa en Le Bourget presentando las nuevas funcionalidades de su famoso cuadricóptero AR.Drone 2.0. Flight Recorder, una caja negra que permite ver los vuelos del dispositivo en 3D y geoposicionarlo para que vuelva al punto de origen sólo, la funcionalidad Director Mode, para que cualquier piloto pueda convertirse automáticamente en un director de cine con el AR.Drone 2.0, y una nueva batería de alta densidad para que los vuelos no sólo sean mucho más divertidos, sino que también duren mucho más. Seguir leyendo:
Parrot aterriza en Le Bourget con sus drones de uso civil
EADS examina la propulsión eléctrica e híbrida para reducir más las emisiones de los aviones
EADS examina la propulsión eléctrica e híbrida para reducir más las emisiones de los aviones:
El Grupo no solo ha desarrollado y construido un avión eléctrico de entrenamiento, en cooperación con Aero Composites Saintonge (ACS), llamado E-Fan, sino que además EADS ha diseñado, junto con Diamond Aircraft y Siemens, un planeador actualizado con motor híbrido de propulsión eléctrica, el Diamond Aircraft DA36 E-Star 2.
El Grupo no solo ha desarrollado y construido un avión eléctrico de entrenamiento, en cooperación con Aero Composites Saintonge (ACS), llamado E-Fan, sino que además EADS ha diseñado, junto con Diamond Aircraft y Siemens, un planeador actualizado con motor híbrido de propulsión eléctrica, el Diamond Aircraft DA36 E-Star 2.
Paris Air Show 2013 – Day 1
Paris Air Show 2013 – Day 1: The AEROSPACE team report on the highlights of the first trade day at the Paris Air Show on 17-23 June
Airbus vende 170 aviones a tres compañías por 19.807 millones en Le Bourget
Airbus vende 170 aviones a tres compañías por 19.807 millones en … – RTVE: Airbus vende 170 aviones a tres compañías por 19.807 millones en …RTVEAirbus ha aprovechado el Salón Aeronáutico Internacional de París, en Le Bourget, para firmar tres contratos con Lufthansa, ILFC y Doric Lease Corp. Las compañías han encargado un total de 172 aviones por 19.807 millones de euros. El grupo Lufthansa …
La UPM concluye la revisión formal de su nuevo microsatélite
La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha concluido la revisión formal del diseño de su nuevo microsatélite, UPMSat-2. Liderado por el Instituto de Microgravedad Ignacio Da Riva (IDR), el equipo responsable de este proyecto ha realizado el proceso, de acuerdo con su propósito educacional, siguiendo los procedimientos y normas de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA). Seguir leyendo: La UPM concluye la revisión formal de su nuevo microsatélite
COMAC y Bombardier firman acuerdo definitivo estratégico en fase II de colaboración a largo plazo
COMAC y Bombardier firman acuerdo definitivo estratégico en fase ... -
COMAC y Bombardier firman acuerdo definitivo estratégico en fase ... La segunda fase de la cooperación de COMAC y Bombardier se espera que contribuya además de la optimización de la competitividad de los programas de aviones C919 y CSeries, también de los negocios generales de ambas COMAC y Bombardier, ... |
Embraer and Boeing Team to Market and Sell KC-390 Medium-Airlift Aircraft
PARIS, June 18, 2013 -- Embraer [NYSE: ERJ; BOVESPA: EMBR3] and Boeing [NYSE: BA] are partnering on the sales and marketing of Embraer's KC-390 – a multi-mission mobility and aerial refueling aircraft with advanced capabilities in the medium-sized airlift market.
Under the agreement, Boeing is the lead for KC-390 sales, sustainment and training opportunities in the U.S., UK and select Middle East markets. Embraer will manufacture the aircraft and collaborate on sales, sustainment and training.
"The KC-390 is an extremely capable aircraft that continues to attract interest by several nations, and Boeing's military transport expertise is ideal for teaming in the international market," said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President and CEO of Embraer Defesa & Segurança. "This agreement strengthens the level of cooperation between both companies and the defense industries of Brazil and the United States."
The KC-390 originated as a defense project contracted by the Brazilian Air Force in 2009. The largest aircraft to be manufactured in Brazil, it features advanced capabilities in terms of performance, cargo, capacity, flexibility and life-cycle costs. Initial estimates of the potential market for KC-390 are approximately 700 aircraft, but that number is likely to increase after additional markets are analyzed. The project has completed the Critical Design Review and is on schedule.
Today's announcement builds upon the broad cooperation agreement Boeing and Embraer signed in 2012. The companies are collaborating on aircraft efficiency and safety, research and technology, defense products and sustainable aviation biofuels.
"Our relationship with Embraer continues to grow across Boeing and demonstrates our commitment to Brazil," Boeing Defense, Space & Security Business Development and Strategy Vice President Chris Raymond said today at the Paris Air Show. "KC-390 complements our mobility portfolio by providing a versatile, affordable aircraft."
About Boeing Defense, Space & Security
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $33 billion business with 59,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense.
About Embraer Defesa & Segurança
With over 40 years of experience in providing Armed Forces around the world with superior platforms and systems to aid in their defense and security, Embraer Defesa & Segurança has a growing presence in the global market, and plays a strategic role in Brazil's defense system. Embraer Defesa & Segurança´s product portfolio includes military airplanes, state-of-the-art radar technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and advanced information and communications systems, such as Command, Control, Communications, Computer, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) applications. Embraer's airplanes and military solutions are in service with more than 50 armed forces in 48 countries. Follow us on Twitter: @EmbraerSA.
Airbus Military has placed a third work package with South Africa’s Denel Aerostructures (DAe) for the manufacture of structural components for the A400M military transport programme.
This multi-million Rand contract was received at the Paris Airshow today on behalf of South Africa’s Minister for Public Enterprises, Mr Malusi Gigaba and Denel’s Group CEO, Mr Riaz Saloojee. It will see DAe producing the ribs, spars and swords (ie. the skeletal support structure) for the A400M’s vertical tail plane.
Airbus Military CEO, Mr Domingo Urena, said: “Denel, with its diverse set of expertise, capabilities and capacities, is central to Airbus Military’s ambition to develop an expanded and multi-faceted partnership with South Africa’s high-tech aerospace and defence industry, tied to South Africa’s military aircraft requirements and acquisitions”.
South Africa’s Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Malusi Gigaba, said: “The approximately ZAR200-million (€15.1m) work package is contracted to run over the entire life of the A400M programme and demonstrates Airbus Military’s confidence in Denel and South Africa’s design and manufacturing capabilities, coupled with our ability to deliver on time and within budgets.”
DAe has already begun preparing to launch production of the components at its plant near Johannesburg and will deliver the first finished shipset to Airbus’s specialised vertical tail plane factory at Stade, Germany in March 2014.
“Our success in establishing and maintaining partnerships like the one with Airbus Military is one of the pillars of our growth strategy, and it will make Denel profitable on a sustainable basis, improve our financial performance while also contributing to our national socio-economic imperatives. The contract strengthens Denel’s position in South Africa’s aerospace industry and reconfirms the company as a strategic national asset, its contribution to skills development and advanced manufacturing, as well as its potential to generate export revenue for the country,” Mr Saloojee said.
Under a renegotiated contract announced last September, the South African manufacturer is also responsible for two other A400M work packages involving the design, engineering and fabrication of the Wing-to-Fuselage Fairing and the fuselage Top Shells.
The wing-to-fuselage fairing is the largest single aerostructure component ever produced in South Africa and provides an aerodynamic shroud over sensitive equipment located in the centre wing part of the A400M. The fairing protects the equipment from lightning, hail damage and bird strikes.
The fuselage Top Shells are made up of more than 1 100 individual parts and a large machined skin, engineered out of an aluminium alloy. Each A400M is fitted with two Top Shells, positioned in front and behind the wings where they join the fuselage. They are also fitted with approximately 1 000 brackets which support electrical and electronic wiring, hot air and heat exchange pipes and the aircraft’s emergency life rafts.
Ukrainian-Russian testing of An-70 to finish soon, says Antonov head - Kyiv Post
Ukrainian-Russian testing of An-70 to finish soon, says Antonov head - Kyiv Post:
Kyiv Post | Ukrainian-Russian testing of An-70 to finish soon, says Antonov head Kyiv Post Ukraine and Russia are soon to finish joint state testing of the An-70 aircraft, President and Chief Designer of Antonov State Enterprise Dmytro Kiva has said. Announcement To Readers. Since 1995, the Kyiv Post has been the world's window on Ukraine. y más » |
Antonov, TAI in talks on development of aircraft based on An-158 - Kyiv Post
Antonov, TAI in talks on development of aircraft based on An-158 - Kyiv Post:
Kyiv Post | Antonov, TAI in talks on development of aircraft based on An-158 Kyiv Post Antonov State Enterprise and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) are negotiations the development of an aircraft based on the An-159 aircraft, President and Chief Designer of Antonov State Enterprise Dmytro Kiva has said. Announcement To Readers. |
Boeing lanza el 787-10 ´Dreamliner´, con pedidos para 102 aviones - El Semanal Digital
Boeing lanza el 787-10 ´Dreamliner´, con pedidos para 102 aviones - El Semanal Digital:
Boeing lanza el 787-10 ´Dreamliner´, con pedidos para 102 aviones El Semanal Digital Boeing ha lanzado la nueva versión de su avión estrella ´Dreamliner´, el 787-10, en el Salón Aeronáutico de París, el tercer modelo de la familia 787, que ha logrado ya compromisos en firme para 102 aviones, valorados a precio de catálogo en 30.000 ... |
Rosie la Remachadora ha regresado a su factoría, unos meses antes de ser demolida.
La antigua planta de bombarderos B-24 de Willow Run en Ypsilanti Township — construida por Henry Ford para fabricar aviones militares durante la SGM y más tarde usada por General Motors como planta de motores — será con casi toda seguridad demolida a finales de este año para hacer sitio al progreso.
Tres mujeres que trabajaron en la fábrica de bombarderos regresaron el sábado por primera vez desde la Guerra en un viaje organizado por la American Rosie the Riveter Association. Otras 27 “Rosies” que trabajaron en la guerra en otras plantas también asistieron. Seguir leyendo: Rosie la Remachadora ha regresado a su factoría, unos meses antes de ser demolida.
"First SSJ100 export certificate for Europe"
First SSJ100 export certificate for Europe
On June 11, 2013, IAC AR issued first export certificate for Europe for Sukhoi Superjet 100 MSN 95023.
Export certificate was issued basing on EASA official letter received by JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft".
In February 2012 EASA issued Type Certificate for Sukhoi Superjet 100. The certificate recognizes that the SSJ100 aircraft complies with EASA strict airworthiness and environmental requirements. The validation allows European airlines and carriers operating in countries using EASA regulations as reference standard, accept and operate the SSJ100 aircraft.
In order to solve all technical and operational issues connected with first deliveries of SSJ100 to Europe and customization at SuperJet International production sites and further delivery to Mexican carrier Interjet European, Russian and Mexican aviation authorities carried out outstanding post-certification actions. The work resulted in first export certificate issue by IAC AR for Europe.
"JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" and "SuperJet International" collaboration aimed at certification and preparation for entry into service provided high quality of the aircraft created by close and hard working international team, complying with highest standards of international market and aviation industry" - said first Vice-president for design and quality Igor Vinogradov.
In the nearest future the first Sukhoi Superjet 100 manufactured in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and customized according to requirements of the customers in Venice will be delivered to Mexican carrier Interjet.
The SSJ100 is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% – 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. SCAC is in charge of the aircraft production. The company is also responsible for SSJ100 sales in Russia, the CIS, China, India, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Moscow, SCAC has several production branches seated in Russian cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the Company's major project.
Contributing to helicopter flight safety: Helisim and Eurocopter log the 100,000th hour of simulator training for international customers
Helisim today celebrated the 100,000th hour milestone for flight simulator sessions with international customers, marking a key milestone in its training of pilots on Eurocopter helicopters that directly contributes to the safety of operators worldwide.
The value of Helisim's services is the highly realistic flight experience provided in its ground-based simulators, enabling pilots to encounter even the most extreme operating conditions across a full range of civil, parapublic, governmental and military missions.
Helisim operates two full-flight simulators with motion systems that accommodate roll-on/roll-off Level D cockpits for the following rotorcraft: the EC225, EC155, AS332 L1 and AS332 Super Puma/Cougar, along with the AS365 N2 Dauphin/Panther. It also has a full-flight simulator for the NH-90 TTH tactical transport helicopter, along with one multi-cockpit Level 3 flight training device.
(© Eurocopter)
"Our training places pilots in real-life scenarios that cover everything from routine flight to the most demanding situations – all within the safe environment of our ground-based simulators," said Helisim Chief Executive Officer Patrick Bourreau. "The commitment of our team is fully aligned with the goals of Eurocopter to ensure the safe operations of its customers – whatever type of missions they perform."
Helisim training includes courses for helicopter type ratings, instrument ratings, maintenance flight checks, glass cockpit familiarization, line-oriented flight training, multi-crew coordination and cockpit resource management, along with the qualification of simulator training operators.
Mission-oriented training offered by Helisim covers offshore procedures, flight with night vision goggles, tactical flight, government and VIP operations, as well as combat SAR (search and rescue). Recurrent courses include all possible emergency procedures, within flight profiles covering instrument flight rules (IFR) and mountainous terrain flying to operations at helipads, in confined areas and to offshore platforms.
Situated nearby Eurocopter's headquarters and production facility location in Marignane, France, Helisim trains an average of 3,000 pilots annually – performing approximately 14,000 hours of simulation per year. Helisim is co-owned by Eurocopter and Thales, with 45 percent shareholdings each, and Défense Conseil International, which holds the remaining 10 percent.
About Helisim (Website:
Founded in 2000, Helisim is dedicated to increasing flight safety through simulator-based training provided by a unique faculty of 15 highly-experienced instructors. Pioneering the Level "D" simulators, Helisim operates the high-end of rotary-wing simulation in which all possible emergency situations can be replicated. This unique feature allows pilots to safely master the entire flight envelope of their helicopters. Customers include trainees from the civilian, oil and gas, military and public services sectors. To date, Helisim has trained more than 22,500 pilots from 120 countries.
About Eurocopter
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 44 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter's strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries. Eurocopter's worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports more than 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
The value of Helisim's services is the highly realistic flight experience provided in its ground-based simulators, enabling pilots to encounter even the most extreme operating conditions across a full range of civil, parapublic, governmental and military missions.
Helisim operates two full-flight simulators with motion systems that accommodate roll-on/roll-off Level D cockpits for the following rotorcraft: the EC225, EC155, AS332 L1 and AS332 Super Puma/Cougar, along with the AS365 N2 Dauphin/Panther. It also has a full-flight simulator for the NH-90 TTH tactical transport helicopter, along with one multi-cockpit Level 3 flight training device.
(© Eurocopter)
"Our training places pilots in real-life scenarios that cover everything from routine flight to the most demanding situations – all within the safe environment of our ground-based simulators," said Helisim Chief Executive Officer Patrick Bourreau. "The commitment of our team is fully aligned with the goals of Eurocopter to ensure the safe operations of its customers – whatever type of missions they perform."
Helisim training includes courses for helicopter type ratings, instrument ratings, maintenance flight checks, glass cockpit familiarization, line-oriented flight training, multi-crew coordination and cockpit resource management, along with the qualification of simulator training operators.
Mission-oriented training offered by Helisim covers offshore procedures, flight with night vision goggles, tactical flight, government and VIP operations, as well as combat SAR (search and rescue). Recurrent courses include all possible emergency procedures, within flight profiles covering instrument flight rules (IFR) and mountainous terrain flying to operations at helipads, in confined areas and to offshore platforms.
Situated nearby Eurocopter's headquarters and production facility location in Marignane, France, Helisim trains an average of 3,000 pilots annually – performing approximately 14,000 hours of simulation per year. Helisim is co-owned by Eurocopter and Thales, with 45 percent shareholdings each, and Défense Conseil International, which holds the remaining 10 percent.
About Helisim (Website:
Founded in 2000, Helisim is dedicated to increasing flight safety through simulator-based training provided by a unique faculty of 15 highly-experienced instructors. Pioneering the Level "D" simulators, Helisim operates the high-end of rotary-wing simulation in which all possible emergency situations can be replicated. This unique feature allows pilots to safely master the entire flight envelope of their helicopters. Customers include trainees from the civilian, oil and gas, military and public services sectors. To date, Helisim has trained more than 22,500 pilots from 120 countries.
About Eurocopter
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 44 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter's strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries. Eurocopter's worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports more than 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
Le Bourget: PC-Aero and EADCO present the Elektro E6-electric aircraft
EADCO and PC-Aero present at the Paris Airshow for the first time the full electric 6seats, two engines aircraft project "Elektro E6".
The countdown has been started for opening the gates again for the worldwide leading aviation and space event in Le Bourget, Paris from June 17th - 23rd, 2013.
EADCO & PC-Aero will present at the Paris Air Show in Hall H4 booth F-7 their new future aircraft and innovative project: Elektro E6.
The Elektro E6 is the technology platform for a future, all electric, transport aircraft. Low CO2 emission, noise and vibration: Full Carbon Composite structure, Two Electric Engines, high wing propeller, Solar Cells Technology, 6 seats, 480 kg payload & 500 km range (in 6 years).
Goals: Build a Proof of Concept in 3 years& Certification CS23 in 10 years.
The Elektro E6 will include in the final certified version, all systems of a normal commercial aircraft including retractable landing gear, anti-ice system, cabin pressure and air conditioning.
ELEKTRO E6 Project …reaching for the future!
The countdown has been started for opening the gates again for the worldwide leading aviation and space event in Le Bourget, Paris from June 17th - 23rd, 2013.
EADCO & PC-Aero will present at the Paris Air Show in Hall H4 booth F-7 their new future aircraft and innovative project: Elektro E6.
The Elektro E6 is the technology platform for a future, all electric, transport aircraft. Low CO2 emission, noise and vibration: Full Carbon Composite structure, Two Electric Engines, high wing propeller, Solar Cells Technology, 6 seats, 480 kg payload & 500 km range (in 6 years).
Goals: Build a Proof of Concept in 3 years& Certification CS23 in 10 years.
The Elektro E6 will include in the final certified version, all systems of a normal commercial aircraft including retractable landing gear, anti-ice system, cabin pressure and air conditioning.
ELEKTRO E6 Project …reaching for the future!
French Minister for Higher Education and Research Visits EADS at Paris Air Show 2013
Paris/Le Bourget, 18 June 2013 – French Minister for Higher Education and
Research Geneviève Fioraso visits the EADS Pavilion at the Paris Air Show. Ms
Fioraso has been pictured in the cockpit of the E-Fan electric plane developed by
EADS Innovation Works together with EADS Chief Technical Officer Jean Botti.
Research Geneviève Fioraso visits the EADS Pavilion at the Paris Air Show. Ms
Fioraso has been pictured in the cockpit of the E-Fan electric plane developed by
EADS Innovation Works together with EADS Chief Technical Officer Jean Botti.
ON-WINGS takes ice detection to the next level
ON-WINGS takes ice detection to the next level:

On most aircraft ice-detection systems, the sensors can’t be located right on the aerofoil surfaces that most need to be kept ice-free – the addition of a protruding sensor would ruin their aerodynamics. Now, however, UK-based GKN Aerospace has announced the new ON-WINGS system. It mounts completely flush with the skin of the aircraft, allowing it to be integrated directly onto wings, rotor blades, or anyplace else that needs to be kept sleek and free of ice.
Continue Reading ON-WINGS takes ice detection to the next level

On most aircraft ice-detection systems, the sensors can’t be located right on the aerofoil surfaces that most need to be kept ice-free – the addition of a protruding sensor would ruin their aerodynamics. Now, however, UK-based GKN Aerospace has announced the new ON-WINGS system. It mounts completely flush with the skin of the aircraft, allowing it to be integrated directly onto wings, rotor blades, or anyplace else that needs to be kept sleek and free of ice.
Continue Reading ON-WINGS takes ice detection to the next level
Sagita's hot air-powered Sherpa rethinks the ultra-light helicopter
Sagita's hot air-powered Sherpa rethinks the ultra-light helicopter:

Certainly one of the more intriguing things on display at this year's Paris Air Show, the Sherpa by Belgian startup Sagita aims to make the helicopter simpler, more efficient, more reliable and more affordable. The helicopter's rotors are directly driven by turbines which are themselves powered by hot air and fumes from the helicopter's power plant. Sagita claims that this makes the the aircraft approximately 85 percent efficient while doing away with the need for a tail rotor...
Continue Reading Sagita's hot air-powered Sherpa rethinks the ultra-light helicopter

Certainly one of the more intriguing things on display at this year's Paris Air Show, the Sherpa by Belgian startup Sagita aims to make the helicopter simpler, more efficient, more reliable and more affordable. The helicopter's rotors are directly driven by turbines which are themselves powered by hot air and fumes from the helicopter's power plant. Sagita claims that this makes the the aircraft approximately 85 percent efficient while doing away with the need for a tail rotor...
Continue Reading Sagita's hot air-powered Sherpa rethinks the ultra-light helicopter
La española SCR logra el certificado OTAN para poder operar con sus UAVs en la base militar de NAMFI
La española SCR logra el certificado OTAN para poder operar con sus UAVs en la base militar de NAMFI:

La empresa podrá tener operativos a partir de ahora sus UAVs blanco “Scrab” y “Alba”, de forma que cualquier Ejército que realice pruebas en el complejo pueda trabajar con ellos.
Boeing, Embraer's KC-390 Flirting Gets Serious
Boeing, Embraer's KC-390 Flirting Gets Serious:
Boeing will lead sales, marketing, training and sustainment of the KC-390 in the Untied States, United Kingdom and two unmanned Middle East countries....
Boeing will lead sales, marketing, training and sustainment of the KC-390 in the Untied States, United Kingdom and two unmanned Middle East countries....
El P.3 Orión del Ejército del Aire desplegado en Yibuti cumple 45 años
l día 13 de junio se cumplieron 45 años de la entrada en servicio del avión P.3 Orión del Ejército del Aire, con número de fuselaje 22-31, que actualmente está desplegado en Yibuti formando parte de la Operación Atalanta de la Unión Europea.
De aquel primitivo avión, construido en 1958 en Estados Unidos, apenas queda el fuselaje. Todos sus sistemas operativos han sido modernizados por la empresa aeronáutica española EADS-CASA, finalizando la última de ellas en mayo de 2012. Sus continuas puestas al día le han convertido en un referente entre los aviones de patrulla marítima.
El P.3B, con número de serie 154583, perteneció anteriormente a la Fuerza Aérea de Noruega. Llegó a la Base Aérea de Jerez el 7 de junio de 1989, donde se encontraba el Grupo 22, antes de su traslado a la Base Aérea de Morón, en noviembre de 1992. A su llegada a la unidad se le asignó el número de cola P.3B-08, que tras su última modernización fue cambiado por P.3M-08. Hasta la celebración de su 45 cumpleaños ha efectuado un total de 19.887,45 horas de vuelo y totaliza 5.897 aterrizajes.
La fecha conmemorativa coincidió con la misión número 660 encomendada al Destacamento Orión del Ejército del Aire en Yibuti, de las cuales 535 han sido realizadas con un avión P.3 del Grupo 22, encuadrado en el Ala 11. A la finalización con éxito de la misión, las horas totales realizadas por el Ejército del Aire en la Operación Atalanta han sido 4.867,30 de las cuales 3.883,25 horas las ha realizado este avión.
La Operación Atalanta de lucha contra la piratería en el Océano Índico y costas de Somalia se inició el 23 de enero de 2009. Durante estos más de cuatro años han sido destacados casi 800 hombres y mujeres de diferentes unidades del Ejército del Aire a esta zona de operaciones a 5.500 kilómetros de España. Tras estos años de operación puede afirmarse que la piratería ha disminuido de forma notable, no registrándose ningún ataque exitoso por parte de los grupos de acción pirata en los últimos trece meses.
Además de las misiones de patrulla marítima, específicas de la unidad, el avión P.3M-08 ha participado en las operaciones reales Libertad Duradera, Noble Centinela y Atalanta. En Yibuti, en concreto, ha realizado un total de 151 misiones y 1.138,50 horas de vuelo, teniendo previsto su regreso a territorio nacional el día 19 de este mes, cumplimentando durante su vuelo de regreso una misión para la Operación Active Endevour.
De aquel primitivo avión, construido en 1958 en Estados Unidos, apenas queda el fuselaje. Todos sus sistemas operativos han sido modernizados por la empresa aeronáutica española EADS-CASA, finalizando la última de ellas en mayo de 2012. Sus continuas puestas al día le han convertido en un referente entre los aviones de patrulla marítima.
El P.3B, con número de serie 154583, perteneció anteriormente a la Fuerza Aérea de Noruega. Llegó a la Base Aérea de Jerez el 7 de junio de 1989, donde se encontraba el Grupo 22, antes de su traslado a la Base Aérea de Morón, en noviembre de 1992. A su llegada a la unidad se le asignó el número de cola P.3B-08, que tras su última modernización fue cambiado por P.3M-08. Hasta la celebración de su 45 cumpleaños ha efectuado un total de 19.887,45 horas de vuelo y totaliza 5.897 aterrizajes.
La fecha conmemorativa coincidió con la misión número 660 encomendada al Destacamento Orión del Ejército del Aire en Yibuti, de las cuales 535 han sido realizadas con un avión P.3 del Grupo 22, encuadrado en el Ala 11. A la finalización con éxito de la misión, las horas totales realizadas por el Ejército del Aire en la Operación Atalanta han sido 4.867,30 de las cuales 3.883,25 horas las ha realizado este avión.
La Operación Atalanta de lucha contra la piratería en el Océano Índico y costas de Somalia se inició el 23 de enero de 2009. Durante estos más de cuatro años han sido destacados casi 800 hombres y mujeres de diferentes unidades del Ejército del Aire a esta zona de operaciones a 5.500 kilómetros de España. Tras estos años de operación puede afirmarse que la piratería ha disminuido de forma notable, no registrándose ningún ataque exitoso por parte de los grupos de acción pirata en los últimos trece meses.
Además de las misiones de patrulla marítima, específicas de la unidad, el avión P.3M-08 ha participado en las operaciones reales Libertad Duradera, Noble Centinela y Atalanta. En Yibuti, en concreto, ha realizado un total de 151 misiones y 1.138,50 horas de vuelo, teniendo previsto su regreso a territorio nacional el día 19 de este mes, cumplimentando durante su vuelo de regreso una misión para la Operación Active Endevour.
La Patrulla Águila se cuela en la película de Disney «Aviones» -
La patrulla acrobática del Ejército del Aire, La
Patrulla Águila, va a colaborar con Disney revisando
la traducción de los términos de aviación y poniendo
su voz en los aviones militares que aparecen en la
película. Este miércoles se desplazarán a Madrid para
grabar este cameo en el estudio de doblaje.
Extensive collaboration between ERDF and Cassidian/Survey Copter for civil uses of UAVs
- Cooperation between ERDF and Cassidian Survey Copter to develop UAV inspection of medium-high-voltage power lines (20,000 V).
- The ability to fly in unfavourable weather conditions, carry large numbers of various types of sensors and provide an overall service including data post-processing are decisive factors in the choice of Survey Copter UAVs.
- The UAV is an industrial solution offering highly competitive economic operating conditions, thanks to the automation of the inspection flights.
This type of mission is also of particular importance in the event of major meteorological events or climatic hazards leading to fallen power lines. The speed of diagnosis and rapid detection of the affected areas is a key element in restoring power. The use of a DVF 2000 UAV from Survey Copter allows rapid inspection of the aerial lines, with identification of any damage, as well as the condition of the road infrastructures allowing access to the damaged lines.
ERDF and Survey Copter cooperation on the choice of UAV for this type of mission will also lead to a rise in the number of automated operations, offering a solution that is technically and economically far more competitive.
"Rapidly obtaining extremely precise images of locations that are often inaccessible, thus speeding up repairs and restoration of the networks following meteorological events, is a real need for ERDF and our collaboration with Survey Copter would seem to demonstrate that UAVs give a clear edge in this sector. The purpose of the experiments currently under way is to validate the feasibility and economic conditions of this innovative technique," states Claude Dubreuil, Deputy Director of ERDF for the Sillon Rhodanien region.
"The aim of our cooperation with ERDF is to implement real industrial solutions able to meet the need for inspection not only of the aerial lines, but also of other electricity production infrastructure: dams, nuclear power plants, wind farms, photovoltaic plants, etc. The variety of our UAVs and the sensors we can install on them means that we can address all these requirements. The roadmap we have established with ERDF will enable us to develop and then gradually deploy these solutions, involving other partners so that eventually a complete service can be provided, including not only data collection by the UAV, but also its post-processing and formatting. Our vision is a global one and ERDF will need robust partners for the long term; Survey Copter and Cassidian have both the capacity and the desire to become these partners," adds Jean-Marc Masenelli, CEO of Survey Copter.
Cassidian, the defence division of EADS, is a worldwide leader in defence and security solutions. The company delivers advanced defence systems along the whole action chain from sensors through command & control systems to combat aircraft and unmanned air systems. In the area of security, Cassidian provides customers worldwide with border surveillance systems, cyber security solutions and secure communications. In 2012, Cassidian – with around 23,000 employees – achieved revenues of € 5.7 billion.
EADS y Siemens formalizan una asociación de investigación a largo plazo y firman un acuerdo con Diamond Aircraft sobre un sistema de propulsión eléctrica
París/Le Bourget, 18 junio 2013
Los CEO firman un acuerdo de cooperación en materia de tecnologías de propulsión eléctrica para reducir el coste del combustible y las emisiones
EADS y Siemens cooperarán a largo plazo para introducir tecnologías de centrales eléctricas híbridas en helicópteros y aviones de gran tamaño
El éxito en el vuelo inicial del avión de pruebas de segunda generación demuestra un gran ahorro potencial para las compañías aéreas
EADS y Siemens están formalizando una asociación de investigación a largo plazo para introducir nuevos sistemas de propulsión eléctrica que podrían ayudar a las compañías aéreas a rebajar sus facturas de combustible e impulsar el comportamiento medioambiental. Junto con su socio, la empresa austriaca Diamond Aircraft, las compañías exhiben un avión híbrido eléctrico de serie de segunda generación en Le Bourget.
El Consejero Delegado (CEO) de EADS, Tom Enders, el CEO de Siemens, Peter Löscher, y el propietario de Diamond Aircraft, Christian Dries, han firmado un Memorando de Entendimiento en Le Bourget para establecer el rumbo de su futura cooperación sobre el desarrollo de aviones eléctricos.
"Hoy en día, la aviación se vuelve eléctrica a medida que nos embarcamos en el viaje hacia la propulsión eléctrica del futuro. Los aviones eléctricos constituyen un elemento clave de nuestra investigación para el futuro de la aviación", señala el CEO de EADS, Tom Enders. "Tendrán que pasar décadas para que sepamos a dónde nos llevará el viaje y qué configuración adoptará la propulsión eléctrica. Pero sabemos que no tenemos tiempo que perder en cuanto a probar alternativas a los combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, hay algo que está claro: los aviones tendrán que seguir volando con menos combustible, menos emisiones y menos ruido cada vez. Trabajar juntos en los sistemas de propulsión del futuro es lo mejor que nuestro sector puede aportar para unos cielos más verdes."
Los costes totales de combustible ascenderán a un tercio de los gastos de explotación del sector de las compañías aéreas este año, según la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA). El transporte aéreo en conjunto emite actualmente un 2% de las emisiones de carbono a escala mundial y está en vías de aumentar al 3% para 2050, según el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC).
"La innovación es lo único que puede ayudarnos a resolver el problema de la subida del coste del combustible, el aumento en la demanda de pasajeros y la creciente regulación medioambiental. Esto es lo que hace tan importante la asociación entre EADS y Siemens", señala Peter Löscher, CEO de Siemens AG. "Las innovaciones utilizadas en este avión híbrido serán esenciales para hacer el transporte más sostenible a largo plazo, sea por aire, tierra o mar." El objetivo de la colaboración en materia de investigación es llegar a introducir sistemas híbridos de propulsión para los helicópteros y los aviones de mayor tamaño, mientras que el certificado de aeronavegabilidad en la categoría de aviación general se logrará dentro de los tres a cinco próximos años. Hoy en día, Siemens ya genera ventas cercanas a los mil millones de euros con su software industrial, que está ayudando a los fabricantes de aviones a desarrollar productos con más rapidez y eficiencia, pero también con unas tecnologías punteras de producción o las más avanzadas soluciones de infraestructuras para aeropuertos.
Siemens ha desarrollado un tren de propulsión integrado para la segunda generación del avión DA36 E-Star 2. Está compuesto por dos componentes principales. La unidad impulsora eléctrica y un generador, propulsado por un pequeño motor Wankel. El planeador con motor híbrido realizó un exitoso vuelo inicial de una hora de duración en el campo de aviación Wiener Neustadt en Viena (Austria) el 1 de junio de 2013.
"La propulsión eléctrica de serie nos permite diseñar aviones con unas características totalmente diferentes de las actuales. El despegue vertical y la alta velocidad de crucero pueden lograrse de un modo mucho más eficiente. El DA36 E-Star 2 era el paso siguiente para demostrar esta tecnología y, mediante sus resultados positivos, continuar con nuevos desarrollos", ha afirmado el propietario de Diamond Aircraft, Christian Dries, en Le Bourget. La nueva tecnología de propulsión da lugar a unas emisiones de ruido drásticamente menores durante el despegue y recortará el consumo de combustible y las emisiones en general en un 25% aproximadamente en comparación con los sistemas de transmisión de los aviones más eficientes de hoy en día. Este primer acuerdo entre las tres compañías confirma la colaboración en el proyecto que existe desde 2011.
Acerca de EADS
EADS es líder mundial en aeronáutica, defensa y servicios relacionados. En 2012, el Grupo – compuesto por Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian y Eurocopter– generó unos ingresos de 56.500 millones de euros con una plantilla de más de 140.000 empleados.
Los CEO firman un acuerdo de cooperación en materia de tecnologías de propulsión eléctrica para reducir el coste del combustible y las emisiones
EADS y Siemens cooperarán a largo plazo para introducir tecnologías de centrales eléctricas híbridas en helicópteros y aviones de gran tamaño
El éxito en el vuelo inicial del avión de pruebas de segunda generación demuestra un gran ahorro potencial para las compañías aéreas
EADS y Siemens están formalizando una asociación de investigación a largo plazo para introducir nuevos sistemas de propulsión eléctrica que podrían ayudar a las compañías aéreas a rebajar sus facturas de combustible e impulsar el comportamiento medioambiental. Junto con su socio, la empresa austriaca Diamond Aircraft, las compañías exhiben un avión híbrido eléctrico de serie de segunda generación en Le Bourget.
El Consejero Delegado (CEO) de EADS, Tom Enders, el CEO de Siemens, Peter Löscher, y el propietario de Diamond Aircraft, Christian Dries, han firmado un Memorando de Entendimiento en Le Bourget para establecer el rumbo de su futura cooperación sobre el desarrollo de aviones eléctricos.
"Hoy en día, la aviación se vuelve eléctrica a medida que nos embarcamos en el viaje hacia la propulsión eléctrica del futuro. Los aviones eléctricos constituyen un elemento clave de nuestra investigación para el futuro de la aviación", señala el CEO de EADS, Tom Enders. "Tendrán que pasar décadas para que sepamos a dónde nos llevará el viaje y qué configuración adoptará la propulsión eléctrica. Pero sabemos que no tenemos tiempo que perder en cuanto a probar alternativas a los combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, hay algo que está claro: los aviones tendrán que seguir volando con menos combustible, menos emisiones y menos ruido cada vez. Trabajar juntos en los sistemas de propulsión del futuro es lo mejor que nuestro sector puede aportar para unos cielos más verdes."
Los costes totales de combustible ascenderán a un tercio de los gastos de explotación del sector de las compañías aéreas este año, según la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA). El transporte aéreo en conjunto emite actualmente un 2% de las emisiones de carbono a escala mundial y está en vías de aumentar al 3% para 2050, según el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC).
"La innovación es lo único que puede ayudarnos a resolver el problema de la subida del coste del combustible, el aumento en la demanda de pasajeros y la creciente regulación medioambiental. Esto es lo que hace tan importante la asociación entre EADS y Siemens", señala Peter Löscher, CEO de Siemens AG. "Las innovaciones utilizadas en este avión híbrido serán esenciales para hacer el transporte más sostenible a largo plazo, sea por aire, tierra o mar." El objetivo de la colaboración en materia de investigación es llegar a introducir sistemas híbridos de propulsión para los helicópteros y los aviones de mayor tamaño, mientras que el certificado de aeronavegabilidad en la categoría de aviación general se logrará dentro de los tres a cinco próximos años. Hoy en día, Siemens ya genera ventas cercanas a los mil millones de euros con su software industrial, que está ayudando a los fabricantes de aviones a desarrollar productos con más rapidez y eficiencia, pero también con unas tecnologías punteras de producción o las más avanzadas soluciones de infraestructuras para aeropuertos.
Siemens ha desarrollado un tren de propulsión integrado para la segunda generación del avión DA36 E-Star 2. Está compuesto por dos componentes principales. La unidad impulsora eléctrica y un generador, propulsado por un pequeño motor Wankel. El planeador con motor híbrido realizó un exitoso vuelo inicial de una hora de duración en el campo de aviación Wiener Neustadt en Viena (Austria) el 1 de junio de 2013.
"La propulsión eléctrica de serie nos permite diseñar aviones con unas características totalmente diferentes de las actuales. El despegue vertical y la alta velocidad de crucero pueden lograrse de un modo mucho más eficiente. El DA36 E-Star 2 era el paso siguiente para demostrar esta tecnología y, mediante sus resultados positivos, continuar con nuevos desarrollos", ha afirmado el propietario de Diamond Aircraft, Christian Dries, en Le Bourget. La nueva tecnología de propulsión da lugar a unas emisiones de ruido drásticamente menores durante el despegue y recortará el consumo de combustible y las emisiones en general en un 25% aproximadamente en comparación con los sistemas de transmisión de los aviones más eficientes de hoy en día. Este primer acuerdo entre las tres compañías confirma la colaboración en el proyecto que existe desde 2011.
Acerca de EADS
EADS es líder mundial en aeronáutica, defensa y servicios relacionados. En 2012, el Grupo – compuesto por Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian y Eurocopter– generó unos ingresos de 56.500 millones de euros con una plantilla de más de 140.000 empleados.
EADS And Siemens Enter Long-Term Research Partnership, Sign MoU With Diamond Aircraft On Electric Propulsion System
Paris/Le Bourget,, 18 June 2013
CEOs sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on electric propulsion technologies to lower fuel costs and emissions
EADS and Siemens to cooperate long-term to introduce hybrid power plant technologies on helicopters and large airplanes
Successful maiden flight of second generation test airplane demonstrates large savings potential for airlines
EADS and Siemens are entering into a long-term research partnership to introduce new electric propulsion systems that could help airlines lower their fuel bills and drive environmental performance. Together with their partner, Austria-based Diamond Aircraft, the companies are showcasing a second generation serial hybrid electric airplane at Le Bourget.
EADS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tom Enders, Siemens CEO Peter Löscher and Diamond Aircraft owner Christian Dries signed a MoU at Le Bourget to set the course for their future cooperation on electric aircraft development. "Today, aviation goes electric as we embark on the journey towards future electric propulsion. Electric aircraft are a key element in our research for the future of aviation," EADS CEO Tom Enders said. "Only over the decades to come we will learn where the journey will take us, what shape and form electric propulsion will take. But we know we have no time to lose in terms of testing alternatives to fossil fuel. One thing is clear though: aviation will need to continue to fly with ever less fuel, less emissions and less noise. Working together on future propulsion systems is the best our industry can contribute to greener skies."
Total fuel costs will amount to a third of operating expenses of the airline industry this year, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Air transport as a whole currently emits 2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions and is set to increase to 3 percent by 2050, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
"Only with innovation we can solve the conundrum of rising fuel costs, rising passenger demand and rising environmental regulations. This makes the research partnership between EADS and Siemens so important," Peter Löscher, CEO of Siemens AG, said. "Innovations used in this hybrid plane will be instrumental in making transportation more sustainable in the long run, whether in the air, on land or at sea."
The research partnership aims to ultimately introduce hybrid drive systems for both helicopters and large airplanes, while the airworthiness certification of full-electric and hybrid aircraft in the General Aviation category is to be achieved within the next three-to-five years. Already today, Siemens generates sales in the upper three-digit million euros range from industrial software that is helping plane makers develop their products more quickly and efficiently, but also with state-of-the-art production technologies or infrastructure solutions for airports. Siemens developed an integrated drive train for the second generation of the airplane, DA36 E-Star 2. It consists of two main components: The electric drive and a generator, which is powered by a small Wankel engine. The hybrid motor glider made a successful 1-hour maiden flight at the Wiener Neustadt airfield in Vienna, Austria on June 1, 2013.
"The serial electric propulsion allows us to design airplanes with totally different characteristics than today. Vertical take-off and high-speed cruise can be realized in a much more efficient way. The DA36 E-Star 2 was the next step to prove this technology and through its positive results to continue further developments," Diamond Aircraft owner Christian Dries said at Le Bourget. The new propulsion technology leads to drastically reduced noise emissions during take-off and will cut fuel consumption and overall emissions by about 25 percent compared to today's most efficient aircraft drivers. This first MoU between the three companies confirms the collaboration on the project which has existed since 2011.
CEOs sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on electric propulsion technologies to lower fuel costs and emissions
EADS and Siemens to cooperate long-term to introduce hybrid power plant technologies on helicopters and large airplanes
Successful maiden flight of second generation test airplane demonstrates large savings potential for airlines
EADS and Siemens are entering into a long-term research partnership to introduce new electric propulsion systems that could help airlines lower their fuel bills and drive environmental performance. Together with their partner, Austria-based Diamond Aircraft, the companies are showcasing a second generation serial hybrid electric airplane at Le Bourget.
EADS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tom Enders, Siemens CEO Peter Löscher and Diamond Aircraft owner Christian Dries signed a MoU at Le Bourget to set the course for their future cooperation on electric aircraft development. "Today, aviation goes electric as we embark on the journey towards future electric propulsion. Electric aircraft are a key element in our research for the future of aviation," EADS CEO Tom Enders said. "Only over the decades to come we will learn where the journey will take us, what shape and form electric propulsion will take. But we know we have no time to lose in terms of testing alternatives to fossil fuel. One thing is clear though: aviation will need to continue to fly with ever less fuel, less emissions and less noise. Working together on future propulsion systems is the best our industry can contribute to greener skies."
Total fuel costs will amount to a third of operating expenses of the airline industry this year, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Air transport as a whole currently emits 2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions and is set to increase to 3 percent by 2050, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
"Only with innovation we can solve the conundrum of rising fuel costs, rising passenger demand and rising environmental regulations. This makes the research partnership between EADS and Siemens so important," Peter Löscher, CEO of Siemens AG, said. "Innovations used in this hybrid plane will be instrumental in making transportation more sustainable in the long run, whether in the air, on land or at sea."
The research partnership aims to ultimately introduce hybrid drive systems for both helicopters and large airplanes, while the airworthiness certification of full-electric and hybrid aircraft in the General Aviation category is to be achieved within the next three-to-five years. Already today, Siemens generates sales in the upper three-digit million euros range from industrial software that is helping plane makers develop their products more quickly and efficiently, but also with state-of-the-art production technologies or infrastructure solutions for airports. Siemens developed an integrated drive train for the second generation of the airplane, DA36 E-Star 2. It consists of two main components: The electric drive and a generator, which is powered by a small Wankel engine. The hybrid motor glider made a successful 1-hour maiden flight at the Wiener Neustadt airfield in Vienna, Austria on June 1, 2013.
"The serial electric propulsion allows us to design airplanes with totally different characteristics than today. Vertical take-off and high-speed cruise can be realized in a much more efficient way. The DA36 E-Star 2 was the next step to prove this technology and through its positive results to continue further developments," Diamond Aircraft owner Christian Dries said at Le Bourget. The new propulsion technology leads to drastically reduced noise emissions during take-off and will cut fuel consumption and overall emissions by about 25 percent compared to today's most efficient aircraft drivers. This first MoU between the three companies confirms the collaboration on the project which has existed since 2011.
A400M succesfully demonstrates flares release
Airbus Military has successfully demonstrated the release of decoy flares from the A400M new generation airlifter as part of the development of the aircraft´s self-protection systems. The flares are designed to mislead heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles, particularly surface-to-air missiles (SAM). They are a crucial part of the self-protection system because of the A400M´s ability to operate from short and unpaved airstrips close to the scene of military action where SAMs may be fielded by an enemy.
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