miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

La UPM lidera el proyecto Fly Higher para promover la aeronáutica entre escolares


New Draganflyer X4-ES Ultra Portable UAV Released


Airbus Military lanza el C295W


Airbus raises 2013 order guidance from 700 to 800 aircraft


Northrop and EADS in rescue call for Euro Hawk - Financial Times


No competition for A400M, even in the US


Rapid Fire May 28, 2013: Another Round of Chinese Hacks Revealed, Denied


Warplanes: MiG-21 Production Finally Ends

China recently ended production of its
MiG-21 clone (the J7) after nearly fifty years of
manufacturing what evolved into an advanced version of
the original Russian design. China began licensed
production of the Russian MiG-21 in 1964, but it took
another decade for that to evolve into the J7 and for mass
production to really get started.


Google blimps will bring the web to Africa


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Artículo: Fuelling the dream of clean engines


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Artículo: Viewpoint: Mars - what we've learnt in five years


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Artículo: Soyuz takes new crew to International Space Station

Three new crew members have arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) after launching from Kazakhstan.

The Soyuz rocket carrying Fyodor Yurchikhin, Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano lifted …


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Artículo: The Worlds Largest Amateur Rocket – HEAT 1600 / Tycho Deep Space II

A couple of blogs ago I presented the final and locked design of our major 60 feet tall rocket HEAT1600/TychoDeepSpace-II

Claus Mejling has produces yet another video with thoughts by Peter Madsen on the engine side and more on the new test cell VTC-3 – capable of holding the test-engines fo …


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El Museo de la RAF de Hendon se prepara para restaurar un Dornier 17

Un equipo especializado se está preparando para salvar un Do 17 que estaba en fondo del Canal de la Mancha, una pieza única. Esperan poder restaurarlo y ponerlo en exposición en solo dos años, utilizando las más avanzadas técnicas de restauración.