lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Artículo: Gamesa despedirá a 394 trabajadores, un 6% de su plantilla

Gamesa ha comunicado a los representantes de los trabajadores un expediente de despido colectivo que afecta a 394 trabajadores, un 6% de la plantilla total, en sus planta …

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Terrafugia anuncia el TF-X, su coche volador VTOL

Como el Terrafugia Transition, el nuevo diseño de la compañía tiene un ala que se pliega a los laterales del fuselaje, lo que le permitiría circular con normalidad por las calles, con motores totalmente eléctricos. Para despegar las alas se desplegarían y los rotores bascularían hasta su posición vertical. En cada barquilla del motor hay 16 motores eléctricos, que le dan un total de 600HP a cada rotor.

Turkey’s Future Fifth Gen Fighter Fleet

Turkey’s aerospace industry is certainly an ambitious one and some of its ideas were on display at the IDEF defense show in Istanbul this week.
If building a MALE UAV, and a turboprop trainer – Hurkus, due to fly for the first time in the coming weeks – wasn’t enough, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has embarked on early studies for a national combat aircraft program. While it is only in the concept phase for the moment, with assistance from Swedish fighter manufacturer, Saab, senior officials will make significant decisions on the program at the end of the year.... Turkey’s Future Fifth Gen Fighter Fleet:

X-47B Heads For Final Tests

The Northrop Grumman X-47B program is expected to perform its first touch-and-go landings -- intentional bolters -- on the carrier George Bush within a few days, following its first at-sea catapult launch on Tuesday. A few first-hand observations: X-47B Heads For Final Tests