domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013
New materials shaping better performing aero-structures | Clean Sky
Developing a new process and technique to improve the
mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of CFRP
(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) laminates : This was the
challenge met by the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics (BME) supported by the 3rd Call for proposals of
Clean Sky as part of 'Green Regional Aircraft '.
To achieve this, BME added nanoparticles into the carbon
fibre itself and into the epoxy resin matrix to obtain a fully
nanoparticle filled material.This will be used in carbon fibre
reinforced aeronautical structures. As a result of the
research project, two patent applications have been filled
China Developing Four High-Bypass Turbofans
China is developing four high-bypass turbofans, only two of
which were previously known. All four have potential
military and civil applications.
X-51A Waverider Achieves History In Final Flight | Aero-News Network
Hypersonic Scramjet Achieves Speed Of Mach 5.1
The final flight of the X-51A Waverider test program has
accomplished a breakthrough in the development of flight
reaching Mach 5.1 over the Pacific Ocean on May 1 a little
after 10 a.m. Pacific Time. "It was a full mission success,"
said Charlie Brink, X-51A program manager for the Air
Force Research Laboratory Aerospace Systems Directorate.
Boeing Gives Go-Ahead For 777X Marketing | Aero-News Network
No Final Decision Yet On Whether The Aircraft Will Actually
Be Built
Boeing has reportedly begun talks with potential customers
for its next-generation triple-7 airplane, for now called the
777X. And while the board has not yet given a green light
for production of the new model, it has started a marketing
effort to generate interest in the plane.
Los insectos drones ya pueden volar
Ha tardado diez años pero RoboBee ha volado. Fue en verano, necesitó de una conexión física para poder alimentarse y ser controlado, pero ha volado.Este logro no es uno cualquiera. RoboBee es un insecto artificial con menos de 0.1 gramos de peso y el tamaño de medio clip con los que...
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Artículo: La flotilla de sondas y rovers marcianos, listos para volver a trabajar tras la conjunción Tierra-Sol-Marte
Aproimadamente cada 26 meses la Tierra y Marte se colocan en lados opuestos del Sol, lo que hace que sea sino imposible sí poco recomendable intentar comunicarse con la flotilla de sondas y rovers que tenemos dando vueltas por allí.No sólo los datos que intenten enviar pueden llegar corrompidos, ...
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Artículo: Esta es la primera pistola impresa totalmente en 3D
Finalmente ha sucedido. Tras meses de noticias un tanto amarillistas precognizando la invasión de las armas de fuego caseras impresas en 3D, Cody Wilson, el enfant terrible tra …
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Artículo: Bodies of two US pilots found after Kyrgyzstan crash
The Kyrgyz government says it has found the bodies of two US pilots after a military refuelling plane crashed in the Central Asian state on Friday.
Search teams found the remains on Saturday morning …
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