lunes, 29 de abril de 2013
China’s CAS signs GTA with Airbus for 60 aircraft
Eco-efficient Airbus aircraft support fast growing Chinese civil aviation
China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CAS) has signed a General Terms Agreement (GTA) with Airbus for the purchase of 60 Airbus aircraft, which includes 42 A320 Family aircraft and 18 A330 aircraft.
The GTA was signed today at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing by Li Hai, President and CEO of CAS and Fabrice Brégier, President and CEO of Airbus in the presence of the visiting French President François Hollande and the Chinese President Xi Jinping. It was part of a series of France-China agreements signed today.
“We are delighted to receive a new order from our long-standing customer CAS for both the Airbus best-selling single aisle A320 Family and wide-body A330 Family,” said Fabrice Brégier, President and CEO of Airbus. “The A320’s high reliability and low operational cost has made it very popular with Chinese airlines. As congestion puts pressure on airports in large cities in China, the A330 is an excellent solution as larger aircraft can transport more passengers with less flights. The comfort of the A330’s spacious cabin is also appealing to passengers. These eco-efficient Airbus aircraft will contribute to the growth and success of China’s aviation sector,” said Fabrice Brégier.
By the end of March 2013, there were some 750 A320 Family aircraft in operation with 14 Chinese airlines and more than 110 A330s in operation with six operators.
More than 9,400 A320 Family aircraft have been ordered and more than 5,500 delivered to more than 385 customers and operators worldwide reaffirming its position as the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft Family. With 99.7 per cent reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single aisle aircraft. Uniquely, the A320 Family offers a containerized cargo system, which is compatible with the worldwide standard wide-body system.
The A330 Family, which spans 250 to 300 seats, and includes Freighter, VIP, and Military Transport/Tanker variants, has now attracted more than 1,200 orders, with around 900 aircraft flying with some 90 operators worldwide. Ever since the original version of the A330-300 entered service, the hallmark has been its very efficient operating economics. Thanks to the introduction of numerous product improvements, it still remains the most cost-efficient and capable aircraft in its class and the family is achieving average dispatch reliability above 99 percent.
ATR -600 aircraft, certified by the FAA
Turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR is pleased to announce that the newest ATR '-600 series' aircraft have just received their certification from the FAA, the American Federal Aviation Administration. This certification, for both the ATR 42-600 and the ATR 72-600, will enable the entry into service of these new aircraft in countries requiring FAA rather than EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) certification. Thanks to the cooperation between the two agencies, the FAA relied in part on the work done by EASA to grant certification to the two models of the ATR '-600 series'.
All of the tests done by EASA, supplemented by the flights conducted by the FAA test pilots, were used to validate proper operation of the new systems and equipment installed onboard the aircraft, notably its new avionics suite: a new “glass cockpit” with 5 LCD screens, as well as new communication, navigation and monitoring systems, flight management system (FMS), automatic pilot, alert management and multi-purpose computer (MPC), which integrates aircraft maintenance and protection functions in particular.
“Obtaining this new certification will allow us to expand the commercial and operational scope of our family of aircraft,” stated Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR. “Since their launch, the ATR -600s have become the best-selling under-90-seat regional aircraft in the world, a success furthermore confirmed by their excellent operational reliability and their popularity with passengers. We are convinced that the FAA certification is going to open doors for us in high-potential markets, to replace turboprop aircraft from previous generations as well as jets, which are less and less cost-effective.”
Since the new ATR 42-600 and ATR 72-600 program was launched in October 2007, ATR has received orders for more than 300 aircraft from this new series. At present, almost two thirds of the under-90-seat regional aircraft on order the world over are ATRs from the new “-600” series.
About the ATR 72-600:Passenger capacity: 68 to 74 seats
Engines: Pratt & Whitney Canada PW 127M
Maximum take-off power: 2,750 horsepower per engine
Maximum take-off weight: 23,000 kg
Maximum payload: 7,500 kg
Maximum range when fully loaded: 900 nautical miles (1,665 km)
About the ATR 42-600:Passenger capacity: 46 to 50 seats
Engines: Pratt & Whitney 127M
Maximum take-off power: 2,400 horsepower per engine
Maximum take-off weight: 18,600 kg
Maximum payload: 5,500 kg
Range when fully loaded: 800 nautical miles (1,483 km)
About ATR:
Founded in 1981, ATR has become the world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold over 1,200 aircraft. Its clientele now comprises 186 operators in 90 countries. ATR planes have totaled over 21 million flight hours. ATR is an equal partnership between two major European aeronautics players, Alenia Aermacchi (a Finmeccanica Group company) and EADS. Its head office is in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified. This is the international reference standard in the field of environmental friendliness
Cassidian CyberSecurity, part of the EADS Group, enhances its cyber-security portfolio with the acquisition of Arkoon Network Security
Arkoon Network Security is a European reference in network security, information systems protection and data confidentiality.
The acquisition of Arkoon Network Security represents a further step in the strategic development of Cassidian CyberSecurity to become a major European player in high-end cyber-security products and solutions following its acquisition of Netasq in November 2012.
Cassidian CyberSecurity signed an agreement to become the main shareholder of Arkoon Network Security, one of the recognised major European players in network security, information systems protection and data confidentiality.
Following the acquisition of Netasq on 16 November 2012, the acquisition of Arkoon Network Security represents a new strategic step in the creation of the European industrial base for cyber-security products and solutions. The extended portfolio constitutes a firm foundation for guaranteeing the security of IT networks for governments, critical infrastructures and strategic industries.
Jean-Michel Orozco, CEO of Cassidian CyberSecurity, said: “A global cyber-security offering must necessarily rely on an extensive range of products and solutions in order to meet the needs of our customers. The combination of Cassidian CyberSecurity, Netasq and Arkoon Network Security has created an industrial player with an international dimension, supplying trusted European solutions for guaranteeing the security of information systems”.
Thierry Rouquet, Chairman of the Board of Arkoon Network Security, adds: “This is excellent news for our customers, partners and staff, and it will enable Arkoon Network Security to benefit from new opportunities in terms of access to international markets”.
The share purchase agreement dated 26 April 2013 concerns the sale of approximately 83.9% of Arkoon Network Security shares to Cassidian CyberSecurity at a maximum price of 3.25 Euros per share.
The planned transaction concerns all the shares held by the major financial shareholders of Arkoon Network Security, the founders and the management.
The personnel representative bodies of both companies have been informed and consulted and this planned transaction remains subject to certain of the usual conditions precedent.
Subject to completion of the transaction, which should, in principle, take place in May 2013, and after effective transfer of the shares from the main shareholders of Arkoon Network Security as listed above, and taking account of the loss of the double voting rights from which some of the shares benefitted, Cassidian CyberSecurity will hold approximately 83.9% of the capital and voting rights of Arkoon Network Security.
Consequently, Cassidian CyberSecurity will, in compliance with articles 234-2 and 235-2 of the General Regulations of the French markets authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers - AMF), submit a simplified tender offer (OPAS) followed, if applicable, by a mandatory squeeze-out procedure should, subsequent to the OPAS, Cassidian CyberSecurity hold more than 95% of the share capital and voting rights of Arkoon Network Security, for all the outstanding Arkoon Network Security shares and voting rights. For both tender offer and mandatory squeeze-out procedure, the price per Arkoon Network Security share will be equal to the price per share paid during the above-mentioned operation, subject to obtaining the issuance of a statement of compliance by the AMF and subject to the findings of an independent expert who will assess the financial conditions of the OPAS and, as applicable, the mandatory squeeze-out procedure.
In this respect, the Supervisory Board of Arkoon Network Security appointed the firm Paper & Audit on 24th April 2013 as the independent expert, in accordance with article 261-1 and following of the AMF general regulations.
The Arkoon Network Security company asked that trading of its stocks be suspended as of close of business on 26 April 2013, a situation that is to be maintained until further notice.
About Cassidian CyberSecurity
Cassidian CyberSecurity is a 100% Cassidian company entirely devoted to addressing the cyber security market across Europe and the Middle-East, operating from France, the United Kingdom and Germany. Cassidian CyberSecurity’s high-grade expertise includes “Cyber Defence & Professional Services” focusing on high-grade professional services and establishing Security Operation Centres; “Trusted infrastructure” aiming at cryptography, digital identity management and high-security national solutions, and “Secure Mobility”, focused on services for mobile device security. To reinforce its solutions and establish a European cluster for cyber-security products and services, Cassidian CyberSecurity took over Netasq in November 2012. Cassidian CyberSecurity generated revenues of 80 million euros in 2012, with a workforce of 500 people, which it plans to double by 2017.
Air Force pilot flew a PAK FA test mission for the first time
Air Force pilot of the Chkalov Flight Test Center made a PAK FA test flight for the first time. The plane took off the airfield of the M.M.Gromov Flight Research Institute in the city of Zhukovsky (Moscow region). The system and equipment testing went on for two hours in accordance with the flight test program. The flight was a success, in full conformity with the flight mission.
Presently four planes undergo flight tests. Two more aircraft are engaged in ground experimental missions — one plane is a complex ground test stand and the other undergoes static tests. The fifth PAK FA aircraft will join the flight test program in the second half of 2013. Construction of that plane at the Sukhoi’s aircraft plant — Y.A.Gagarin KnAAZ in Komsomolsk-on-Amur is almost complete.
El lugar más silencioso de España, CEM
En el Laboratorio de Acústica del Centro Español de Metrología se ha terminado
recientemente la instalación de una cámara anecoica cuyo proyecto fue adjudicado a
la empresa Alava Ingenieros. En el interior de esta cámara toda onda sonora
producida es absorbida por las paredes de la misma, de forma que no hay reflexiones.
Este efecto se produce principalmente porque las paredes interiores están recubiertas
de unas cuñas fabricadas en material absorbente especial cuya forma ha sido
especialmente diseñada para este propósito. Por otra parte esta cámara, que tiene
un volumen interno de unos 35 m3, también funciona como una jaula de Faraday,
evitando que cualquier campo electromagnético externo penetre en su interior.
Interior de la cámara anecoica
En general una persona puede oír entre 20 Hz y 20 kHz. Esta cámara funciona de
forma óptima en la mayor parte de este rango, desde 160 Hz a 20 kHz. Para cubrir de
forma óptima el rango inferior se ha instalado también en el laboratorio un tubo de
onda plana que proporciona condiciones de anecoicidad en este rango inferior. Este
tubo es un conducto de sección cuadrada de unos 9 metros de longitud que dispone
de una cuña absorbente especialmente diseñada al efecto.
La necesidad de estas instalaciones es la de realizar mediciones acústicas a partir de
ondas sonoras plenamente conocidas, ya que en el interior de estas instalaciones
no hay ondas reflejas ni interferencias no deseadas que puedan perturbar dichas
recientemente la instalación de una cámara anecoica cuyo proyecto fue adjudicado a
la empresa Alava Ingenieros. En el interior de esta cámara toda onda sonora
producida es absorbida por las paredes de la misma, de forma que no hay reflexiones.
Este efecto se produce principalmente porque las paredes interiores están recubiertas
de unas cuñas fabricadas en material absorbente especial cuya forma ha sido
especialmente diseñada para este propósito. Por otra parte esta cámara, que tiene
un volumen interno de unos 35 m3, también funciona como una jaula de Faraday,
evitando que cualquier campo electromagnético externo penetre en su interior.
Interior de la cámara anecoica
En general una persona puede oír entre 20 Hz y 20 kHz. Esta cámara funciona de
forma óptima en la mayor parte de este rango, desde 160 Hz a 20 kHz. Para cubrir de
forma óptima el rango inferior se ha instalado también en el laboratorio un tubo de
onda plana que proporciona condiciones de anecoicidad en este rango inferior. Este
tubo es un conducto de sección cuadrada de unos 9 metros de longitud que dispone
de una cuña absorbente especialmente diseñada al efecto.
La necesidad de estas instalaciones es la de realizar mediciones acústicas a partir de
ondas sonoras plenamente conocidas, ya que en el interior de estas instalaciones
no hay ondas reflejas ni interferencias no deseadas que puedan perturbar dichas
Iberia pone Más máquinas de check-in en la T4
Iberia acaba de ampliar su zona de facturación de la T4 del aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas con más máquinas de check-in, donde sus clientes pueden emitir su tarjeta de embarque y la etiqueta para su equipaje en apenas 30 segundos. La aerolínea ofrece ahora 32 máquinas de check-in, de las cuales 4 están adaptadas para pasajeros con movilidad reducida.
Además, entre las máquinas de check-in, Iberia ha instalado unas nuevas básculas electrónicas con un indicador luminoso, que permite a los clientes conocer rápida y fácilmente si su maleta cumple o no con la franquicia de equipaje incluida en su billete. Estas básculas también pueden encontrarse en las áreas de reorganización del equipaje.
En la T4, Iberia ofrece también 4 mostradores de entrega rápida de equipajes (810-811 y 850-851), que complementan la facturación en las máquinas de check-in y agilizan considerablemente el proceso.
Esta iniciativa forma parte del proyecto de Iberia para mejorar la experiencia de viaje de sus clientes en la T4. Recientemente, la T4 de Madrid-Barajas ha sido considerada la tercera mejor terminal aérea del mundo por la prestigiosa consultora Skytrax, a partir de una encuesta realizada entre más de 12 millones de pasajeros en cerca de 400 aeropuertos de todo el mundo.
Eurocopter validates its optionally piloted helicopter capabilities with successful unmanned EC145 demonstration flights at Istres, France
Eurocopter's ability to integrate unmanned flight capabilities into its helicopter family has been validated by an optionally piloted vehicle (OPV) demonstration program, which used an EC145 to fly routes that included deployment of an external sling load and a representative observation mission.
Conducted at the French Air Force base in Istres, France, this program was revealed today with an unmanned demonstration, which followed similar flights performed earlier in April.
With this capability fully validated, Eurocopter is now positioned to pursue OPV flight capabilities for its product line of light, medium and heavy-lift helicopters – enabling these rotorcraft to be flown by pilots or in an unmanned mode.
"Eurocopter innovation is once again expanding the mission capabilities of helicopters, and we are ready to apply the proven optionally piloted vehicle competence in meeting customers' needs," explained Eurocopter Chief Technical Officer Jean-Brice Dumont. "This latest achievement results from our company's expertise in flight control and autopilot systems, human-machine interface, system architecture and integration."
Today's unmanned demonstration – along with the previous flights– used a four-dimensional flight plan that was uploaded to the helicopter, with its starting and completion points situated on the Istres Air Force Base's Runway 15/33. After an automatic takeoff, the EC145 flew the circuit via multiple pre-programmed waypoints, during which the helicopter performed a mid-route hover to deploy a load from the external sling. The EC145 continued on a return route segment representing a typical observation mission, followed by an automatic landing.
For delivery of the external load, the helicopter entered a planned hover – enabling the ground station controller to provide flight control inputs in orienting the EC145 over the drop point. The ground controller then transmitted a command to release load once the helicopter and load were correctly positioned.
The OPV flight capability was developed in an internally-funded Eurocopter program, and was coordinated by a team at the company's Donauwörth, Germany facility. Initial tests with a monitoring pilot aboard the EC145 were flown from Donauwörth and then at Istres.
The EC145 demonstrator is a Eurocopter testbed helicopter with an enhanced dual-duplex four-axis automatic flight control system (AFCS) and the latest navigation systems. In addition, the helicopter is fitted with the "plug-in" OPV avionics rack in its cabin behind the pilot seats, which contains the data link subsystems.
Visibility during the EC145's unmanned flights was provided to the ground station via onboard cameras. They were complemented by an external gimbaled camera on the helicopter for infrared and daylight mission imaging.
Eurocopter's OPV system was configured to enable uploading of the four-dimensional flight plans to the helicopter via data link from the ground station. The system included an automatic hover-to-land capability in case of major system degradation.
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Conducted at the French Air Force base in Istres, France, this program was revealed today with an unmanned demonstration, which followed similar flights performed earlier in April.
With this capability fully validated, Eurocopter is now positioned to pursue OPV flight capabilities for its product line of light, medium and heavy-lift helicopters – enabling these rotorcraft to be flown by pilots or in an unmanned mode.
"Eurocopter innovation is once again expanding the mission capabilities of helicopters, and we are ready to apply the proven optionally piloted vehicle competence in meeting customers' needs," explained Eurocopter Chief Technical Officer Jean-Brice Dumont. "This latest achievement results from our company's expertise in flight control and autopilot systems, human-machine interface, system architecture and integration."
Today's unmanned demonstration – along with the previous flights– used a four-dimensional flight plan that was uploaded to the helicopter, with its starting and completion points situated on the Istres Air Force Base's Runway 15/33. After an automatic takeoff, the EC145 flew the circuit via multiple pre-programmed waypoints, during which the helicopter performed a mid-route hover to deploy a load from the external sling. The EC145 continued on a return route segment representing a typical observation mission, followed by an automatic landing.
For delivery of the external load, the helicopter entered a planned hover – enabling the ground station controller to provide flight control inputs in orienting the EC145 over the drop point. The ground controller then transmitted a command to release load once the helicopter and load were correctly positioned.
The OPV flight capability was developed in an internally-funded Eurocopter program, and was coordinated by a team at the company's Donauwörth, Germany facility. Initial tests with a monitoring pilot aboard the EC145 were flown from Donauwörth and then at Istres.
The EC145 demonstrator is a Eurocopter testbed helicopter with an enhanced dual-duplex four-axis automatic flight control system (AFCS) and the latest navigation systems. In addition, the helicopter is fitted with the "plug-in" OPV avionics rack in its cabin behind the pilot seats, which contains the data link subsystems.
Visibility during the EC145's unmanned flights was provided to the ground station via onboard cameras. They were complemented by an external gimbaled camera on the helicopter for infrared and daylight mission imaging.
Eurocopter's OPV system was configured to enable uploading of the four-dimensional flight plans to the helicopter via data link from the ground station. The system included an automatic hover-to-land capability in case of major system degradation.
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Eurocopter revela nuevas capacidades de vuelo con o sin piloto en una demostración realizada con un EC145 de serie
La capacidad de Eurocopter para dotar a su familia de helicópteros de una tecnología de vuelo sin tripulación ha quedado validada en un programa de demostración de vehículo con pilotaje opcional (OPV, por sus siglas en inglés). A ese fin se ha utilizado un EC145, que durante los vuelos ha llevado a cabo operaciones con carga externa en eslinga y una misión representativa de observación.
Istres, Francia, 25 abril 2013
El programa desarrollado en la base del Ejército del Aire francés de Istres ha concluido hoy con una demostración de vuelo con y sin piloto, tras un vuelo similar llevado a cabo a mediados de abril.
Habiendo validado plenamente esta tecnología, Eurocopter se encuentra en condiciones de seguir desarrollando capacidades de vuelo OPV para su gama de productos, que abarca helicópteros ligeros, de peso medio y pesados. Estas aeronaves podrán de este modo volar con piloto a los mandos o bien en modo no tripulado.
"La estrategia de innovación puesta en marcha por Eurocopter permite expandir las capacidades de misión de los helicópteros y estamos preparados para aprovechar nuestra probada competencia en vehículos de pilotaje opcional a la hora de satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes", explicó Jean-Brice Dumont, delegado técnico (Chief Technical Officer) de Eurocopter "El reciente logro es fruto de la experiencia de nuestra empresa en sistemas de control de vuelo y de piloto automático, interfaces hombre-máquina, además de en arquitectura e integración de sistemas".
En la demostración de vuelo no tripulado llevada a cabo hoy – y también en un vuelo anterior – se ha utilizado un plan de vuelo cuatridimensional introducido en el helicóptero, con punto de partida y punto final situados en la pista 15/33 de la base del Ejército del Aire de Istres. Tras un despegue automático, el EC145 voló en un circuito marcado con puntos múltiples intermedios (waypoints) programados de antemano. A mitad de trayecto, el helicóptero efectuó primero una maniobra de vuelo estacionario para depositar una carga de 100 kg, colgada de la eslinga externa, continuando luego el vuelo por un segmento de regreso, que representaba una misión característica de observación, para finalizar con un aterrizaje automático. En el momento de depositar la carga externa el helicóptero se situó en vuelo estacionario, conforme a lo programado, lo que hizo posible al puesto de control en tierra enviar señales de mando para guiar al EC145 hasta el punto de bajada de la carga. Una vez situados correctamente helicóptero y carga, el controlador en tierra transmitió la señal para soltarla.
El desarrollo de capacidad de vuelo OPV se ha hecho posible con un programa de financiación interna de Eurocopter llamado Aflight, coordinado por un equipo de la planta de Eurocopter de Donauwörth, Alemania. Las pruebas iniciales con un piloto a bordo del EC145 para supervisar el proceso tuvieron lugar partiendo primero de Donauwörth y luego de Istres.
El demostrador EC145 es un helicóptero bimotor sirviendo de banco de pruebas y provisto de un doble sistema de piloto automático dual de cuatro ejes (AFCS, por sus siglas en inglés) y de los más modernos sistemas de navegación. Por añadidura, el helicóptero dispone de un conjunto de aviónica conectable OPV, situada en una caja instalada detrás de los asientos del piloto, que contiene los subsistemas de enlace de datos.
El enlace visual con el puesto durante los vuelos no tripulados del EC145 tuvo lugar a través de cámaras instaladas a bordo del aparato, complementadas con una cámara de suspensión cardánica externa que capta imágenes de infrarrojos y de misiones diurnas.
El sistema OPV de Eurocopter está configurado para descargar planes de vuelo cuatridimensionales desde el puesto de tierra. También incluye capacidades automáticas de aterrizaje desde vuelo estacionario en caso de degradación importante.
Encontrarán todos los detalles de la demostración en :
Istres, Francia, 25 abril 2013
El programa desarrollado en la base del Ejército del Aire francés de Istres ha concluido hoy con una demostración de vuelo con y sin piloto, tras un vuelo similar llevado a cabo a mediados de abril.
Habiendo validado plenamente esta tecnología, Eurocopter se encuentra en condiciones de seguir desarrollando capacidades de vuelo OPV para su gama de productos, que abarca helicópteros ligeros, de peso medio y pesados. Estas aeronaves podrán de este modo volar con piloto a los mandos o bien en modo no tripulado.
"La estrategia de innovación puesta en marcha por Eurocopter permite expandir las capacidades de misión de los helicópteros y estamos preparados para aprovechar nuestra probada competencia en vehículos de pilotaje opcional a la hora de satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes", explicó Jean-Brice Dumont, delegado técnico (Chief Technical Officer) de Eurocopter "El reciente logro es fruto de la experiencia de nuestra empresa en sistemas de control de vuelo y de piloto automático, interfaces hombre-máquina, además de en arquitectura e integración de sistemas".
En la demostración de vuelo no tripulado llevada a cabo hoy – y también en un vuelo anterior – se ha utilizado un plan de vuelo cuatridimensional introducido en el helicóptero, con punto de partida y punto final situados en la pista 15/33 de la base del Ejército del Aire de Istres. Tras un despegue automático, el EC145 voló en un circuito marcado con puntos múltiples intermedios (waypoints) programados de antemano. A mitad de trayecto, el helicóptero efectuó primero una maniobra de vuelo estacionario para depositar una carga de 100 kg, colgada de la eslinga externa, continuando luego el vuelo por un segmento de regreso, que representaba una misión característica de observación, para finalizar con un aterrizaje automático. En el momento de depositar la carga externa el helicóptero se situó en vuelo estacionario, conforme a lo programado, lo que hizo posible al puesto de control en tierra enviar señales de mando para guiar al EC145 hasta el punto de bajada de la carga. Una vez situados correctamente helicóptero y carga, el controlador en tierra transmitió la señal para soltarla.
El desarrollo de capacidad de vuelo OPV se ha hecho posible con un programa de financiación interna de Eurocopter llamado Aflight, coordinado por un equipo de la planta de Eurocopter de Donauwörth, Alemania. Las pruebas iniciales con un piloto a bordo del EC145 para supervisar el proceso tuvieron lugar partiendo primero de Donauwörth y luego de Istres.
El demostrador EC145 es un helicóptero bimotor sirviendo de banco de pruebas y provisto de un doble sistema de piloto automático dual de cuatro ejes (AFCS, por sus siglas en inglés) y de los más modernos sistemas de navegación. Por añadidura, el helicóptero dispone de un conjunto de aviónica conectable OPV, situada en una caja instalada detrás de los asientos del piloto, que contiene los subsistemas de enlace de datos.
El enlace visual con el puesto durante los vuelos no tripulados del EC145 tuvo lugar a través de cámaras instaladas a bordo del aparato, complementadas con una cámara de suspensión cardánica externa que capta imágenes de infrarrojos y de misiones diurnas.
El sistema OPV de Eurocopter está configurado para descargar planes de vuelo cuatridimensionales desde el puesto de tierra. También incluye capacidades automáticas de aterrizaje desde vuelo estacionario en caso de degradación importante.
Encontrarán todos los detalles de la demostración en :
"EADS North America delivers 250th on-time, on-budget UH-72A Lakota helicopter to U.S. Army"
The U.S. Army has fielded the 250th UH-72A Lakota helicopter delivered to Army and National Guard units by EADS North America since 2006. Every Lakota – including an additional five produced for the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School – has been delivered on time and on budget, by an American workforce that is more than 50 percent U.S. military veterans.
The combined Lakota fleet's operations have now exceeded 150,000 flight hours, while maintaining greater than 90 percent availability. The Lakota is the Army's newest helicopter, with the lowest cost to fly, own and operate of any U.S. military helicopter in production.
The Lakota is manufactured at EADS North America's American Eurocopter facility in Columbus, Miss.
"In today's budget environment, the Pentagon needs programs that deliver what's been promised, and we're proud to have worked with the Army to field this capability unfailingly on schedule and on cost," said Sean O'Keefe, EADS North America Chairman and CEO.
Army Lt. Col. David Cheney, the UH-72A Product Manager, stated, "The UH-72A Lakota helicopter program continues on schedule, within budget and is serving the Soldier very well. The success of this aircraft and program is a testament to EADS North America's team's determination to provide the best support for the Army and homeland security missions."
The 250th Army Lakota will be operated out of Oklahoma City by the Oklahoma National Guard. It is the latest of 54 Lakotas delivered with the Security and Support (S&S) Battalion mission equipment package, which expands the Lakota's capabilities for missions ranging from disaster response to border security operations.
The S&S configuration includes a moving map, EO/IR sensor, digital video recording capability, digital and analog downlink, and a searchlight. Army National Guard units across the country currently operate Lakotas equipped with the S&S Battalion MEP, including extensive operations along the U.S. southwest border for border security and drug interdiction.
A combination of full contractor logistics support (CLS) for the active Army and hybrid CLS for the Army National Guard enables the units to operate the Lakota in accordance with their flying hour plan. The Army program office, military units, and the industry team of EADS North America, American Eurocopter and Helicopter Support International has provided tailored program logistics to the Army and Army National Guard since 2006.
The UH-72A Lakota is manufactured in Columbus, Mississippi,
by a workforce that is more than 50 percent military veterans.
The Lakota fleet has averaged an operational availability rate greater than 90 percent for locations with full contractor logistics support, encompassing 21 different military units. Spare parts fill rate under the hybrid CLS concept supporting 33 units has averaged 97 percent.
The UH-72A is a Defense Acquisition Category (ACAT) I major defense acquisition program, and was one of the most rapid introductions of a new aircraft in the U.S. Army's history. Deliveries of the aircraft to National Guard units allow aging OH-58 and UH-1 rotary-wing aircraft to be retired, while UH-72As assigned to the active component of the U.S. Army free up UH-60 Black Hawks for assignment to combat missions.
About EADS North America
EADS North America is the U.S.-based operation of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense, and related services. EADS contributes more than $13 billion to the U.S. economy annually and supports over 225,000 American jobs through its network of suppliers. EADS North America, headquartered in Herndon, Va., offers a broad array of advanced solutions to meet U.S. military and commercial requirements, including fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, homeland security systems, public safety communications, defense electronics and avionics, and threat detection systems.
About American Eurocopter
American Eurocopter is a helicopter manufacturer that produces, markets, sells and supports the broadest range of civil and para-public helicopters offered by any manufacturer in the United States. The company is a subsidiary of EADS North America Holdings, the North American operations of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services, and is an affiliate of Eurocopter, the largest helicopter manufacturer in the world. American Eurocopter's product line represents the most cost-effective, technologically-advanced helicopters, ranging from light single to heavy twin, serving all markets and missions. Company headquarters and main facilities are located in Grand Prairie, Texas, with a large manufacturing and production facility in Columbus, Miss., that produces the UH-72A for the U.S. Army's Lakota program.
About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services. In 2012, the Group – comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of € 56.5 billion and employed a workforce of over 140,000.
The combined Lakota fleet's operations have now exceeded 150,000 flight hours, while maintaining greater than 90 percent availability. The Lakota is the Army's newest helicopter, with the lowest cost to fly, own and operate of any U.S. military helicopter in production.
The Lakota is manufactured at EADS North America's American Eurocopter facility in Columbus, Miss.
"In today's budget environment, the Pentagon needs programs that deliver what's been promised, and we're proud to have worked with the Army to field this capability unfailingly on schedule and on cost," said Sean O'Keefe, EADS North America Chairman and CEO.
Army Lt. Col. David Cheney, the UH-72A Product Manager, stated, "The UH-72A Lakota helicopter program continues on schedule, within budget and is serving the Soldier very well. The success of this aircraft and program is a testament to EADS North America's team's determination to provide the best support for the Army and homeland security missions."
The 250th Army Lakota will be operated out of Oklahoma City by the Oklahoma National Guard. It is the latest of 54 Lakotas delivered with the Security and Support (S&S) Battalion mission equipment package, which expands the Lakota's capabilities for missions ranging from disaster response to border security operations.
The S&S configuration includes a moving map, EO/IR sensor, digital video recording capability, digital and analog downlink, and a searchlight. Army National Guard units across the country currently operate Lakotas equipped with the S&S Battalion MEP, including extensive operations along the U.S. southwest border for border security and drug interdiction.
A combination of full contractor logistics support (CLS) for the active Army and hybrid CLS for the Army National Guard enables the units to operate the Lakota in accordance with their flying hour plan. The Army program office, military units, and the industry team of EADS North America, American Eurocopter and Helicopter Support International has provided tailored program logistics to the Army and Army National Guard since 2006.
The UH-72A Lakota is manufactured in Columbus, Mississippi,
by a workforce that is more than 50 percent military veterans.
The Lakota fleet has averaged an operational availability rate greater than 90 percent for locations with full contractor logistics support, encompassing 21 different military units. Spare parts fill rate under the hybrid CLS concept supporting 33 units has averaged 97 percent.
The UH-72A is a Defense Acquisition Category (ACAT) I major defense acquisition program, and was one of the most rapid introductions of a new aircraft in the U.S. Army's history. Deliveries of the aircraft to National Guard units allow aging OH-58 and UH-1 rotary-wing aircraft to be retired, while UH-72As assigned to the active component of the U.S. Army free up UH-60 Black Hawks for assignment to combat missions.
About EADS North America
EADS North America is the U.S.-based operation of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense, and related services. EADS contributes more than $13 billion to the U.S. economy annually and supports over 225,000 American jobs through its network of suppliers. EADS North America, headquartered in Herndon, Va., offers a broad array of advanced solutions to meet U.S. military and commercial requirements, including fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, homeland security systems, public safety communications, defense electronics and avionics, and threat detection systems.
About American Eurocopter
American Eurocopter is a helicopter manufacturer that produces, markets, sells and supports the broadest range of civil and para-public helicopters offered by any manufacturer in the United States. The company is a subsidiary of EADS North America Holdings, the North American operations of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services, and is an affiliate of Eurocopter, the largest helicopter manufacturer in the world. American Eurocopter's product line represents the most cost-effective, technologically-advanced helicopters, ranging from light single to heavy twin, serving all markets and missions. Company headquarters and main facilities are located in Grand Prairie, Texas, with a large manufacturing and production facility in Columbus, Miss., that produces the UH-72A for the U.S. Army's Lakota program.
About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services. In 2012, the Group – comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of € 56.5 billion and employed a workforce of over 140,000.
La española Elimco se adjudica un contrato para el suministro de UAVs en Australia
La española Elimco se adjudica un contrato para el suministro de UAVs en Australia:
El acuerdo también incluye la formación de los operadores que trabajarán con la aeronave en dicho país, que se desplazarán a España para llevar a cabo tareas de aprendizaje. Según señalan fuentes de Elimco a, estas regiones se perfilan como fuertes mercados potenciales para estos sistemas por “las grandes extensiones de terreno que existen en estas áreas, propensas a ser controladas por UAVs”.
El acuerdo también incluye la formación de los operadores que trabajarán con la aeronave en dicho país, que se desplazarán a España para llevar a cabo tareas de aprendizaje. Según señalan fuentes de Elimco a, estas regiones se perfilan como fuertes mercados potenciales para estos sistemas por “las grandes extensiones de terreno que existen en estas áreas, propensas a ser controladas por UAVs”.
Las pruebas de la ESA y la EDA para integrar aviones sin piloto en el espacio aéreo civil culminan con éxito
Las pruebas de la ESA y la EDA para integrar aviones sin piloto en el espacio aéreo civil culminan con éxito:
La Base Aérea de San Javier (Murcia) fue seleccionada para llevar adelante el ejercicio para demostrar que las comunicaciones vía satélite son adecuadas para operar e integrar en el espacio aéreo civil las aeronaves tripuladas remotamente, o RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft). Para su realización, Indra (España) ha liderado un consorcio industrial europeo constituido por AT-One (Alemania y Holanda), SES Astra (Luxemburgo), Thales Alenia Space (Italia y Francia) y CIRA (Italia).
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