The first A350 XWB – MSN001 – now showing its completed wings, has moved to its next phase of ground testing, from Roger Béteille A350 XWB FAL "Station 30" to the Clément Ader area "Station 18" in Toulouse. The aircraft is structurally complete and shows the installed winglets, belly fairing panels, main landing gear doors.
The aircraft has recently completed successfully a series of indoor ground tests as well as stability tests on 'movable' elements such as rudder, elevators, ailerons and wing spoilers and landing gears extraction/retraction. The next steps which will take place outdoors at the Station 18 ground test station will include three planned families of tests: Fuel tanks testing – including levels, flows, sealing and internal fuel transfer functions; pressure testing of the fuselage; and radio equipment testing.
martes, 26 de febrero de 2013
Iberia implanta en Madrid-Barajas un nuevo sistema de Gestión de Deshielo de Aviones
A la vanguardia de los mejores proveedores de este servicio
- Ha desarrollado una herramienta basada en la tecnología 3G que le permitirá tener información de toda la operativa de deshielo en tiempo real.
- Solo otras tres aerolíneas en el mundo disponen de una herramienta similar para gestionar su base de deshielo.
- La implantación de este sistema de gestión de deshielo forma parte del proyecto Ágora, un plan estratégico de Iberia para mejorar la eficiencia en su hub de la T4 de Barajas.
Madrid, 26 de febrero de 2013
Iberia ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema de gestión del deshielo de aviones, que sitúa a la compañía aérea española a la vanguardia de los proveedores más especializados en este servicio. Se trata de una herramienta desarrollada sobre tecnología 3G, de la que muy pocas aerolíneas y aeropuertos en el mundo pueden beneficiarse (Lufthansa en Frankfurt, US Airways en Charlotte o Delta Airlines en Atlanta).
Los operadores de los equipos de deshielo disponen ahora de una PDA para informar sobre el grado de avance de las tareas asignadas; y los supervisores manejan un Tablet PC con toda la información necesaria para gestionar y controlar en tiempo real la operativa de la base de deshielo. Además tanto la Torre de Control de Barajas, como AENA y el hub control de Iberia –desde donde la compañía coordina todas las operaciones de handling-, tienen acceso a toda la información que se genere con esta herramienta. Entre otras ventajas, esto permite a la Torre de Control interactuar en tiempo real con el supervisor para coordinar mejor la entrada y salida de los aviones de las bases de deshielo, y facilita la implementación de las mejores prácticas aeroportuarias incluso en condiciones meteorológicas adversas.
Además, gracias a este nuevo sistema de gestión de deshielo, Iberia dispone ahora de toda la información de la operativa en tiempo real, lo que le permite optimizar el servicio y la infraestructura de deshielo, incrementar la puntualidad, ofrecer un mejor servicio a las aerolíneas asistidas y, en última estancia, también a los clientes.
La implantación de este sistema de gestión de deshielo forma parte del proyecto Ágora, un gran plan estratégico de Iberia con el triple objetivo de hacer más eficiente su hub de la T4 de Barajas, incrementar la puntualidad, y mejorar la experiencia de viaje de sus clientes.
Nota: Iberia es el primer grupo de transporte aéreo en España y es la compañía líder en el mercado Europa-América Latina, con la mayor oferta de destinos y frecuencias. El grupo formado por IBERIA y BA, tras su fusión en enero de 2011, es el tercero de Europa y el sexto del mundo en términos de facturación; ofrecen diariamente cerca de 1.750 vuelos a 204 destinos en 121 países, tienen una flota de 406 aviones y, en 2011 transportaron 51,6 millones de pasajeros. Más información en http://grupo.iberia.es.
Lockheed Martin Completes 400th MH-60 Digital Cockpit for Installation on First Australian Romeo Helicopter
AVALON, Australia, Feb. 25, 2013 — Lockheed Martin has completed the 400thCommon Cockpit™ avionics suite for the U.S. Navy’s MH-60 Seahawk helicopter program. The digital cockpit will be installed aboard the first of 24 MH-60R (Romeo) anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopters to be acquired by the Royal Australian Navy via the U.S. Government’s Foreign Military Sales program.
“The Common Cockpit avionics suite has proved to be a highly effective flight and mission systems hub during more than 600,000 flight hours aboard the U.S. Navy’s fleet of 360 MH-60R and MH-60S helicopters built and delivered to date,” said Capt. James Glass, program manager for H-60 Multi-Mission Helicopters. “A digital, all glass cockpit that’s common to both platforms and operationally proven will enable critical interoperability between MH-60 aircraft operated by both the Australian and U.S. navies.”
Australia is the first international customer to buy the U.S. Navy’s MH-60R multi-mission helicopter, which became operational in January 2006. The U.S. Navy is expected to take delivery of the first mission-ready MH-60R helicopter in December 2013 for transfer to the Royal Australian Navy in early 2014. All 24 Australian aircraft are to be delivered by mid 2016.
“The MH-60R is a proven capability with the Common Cockpit at its core,” said Capt Scott Lockey, who is the Project Director for the Australian MH-60R program. “The Australian acquisition of 24 multi-mission Romeo helicopters means that we will have the capacity to provide at least eight warships with a combat helicopter at the same time, and we can rely on the Common Cockpit to successfully network and communicate with our fleet.”
The Common Cockpit avionics suite features four large, flat-panel, multi-function, night-vision-compatible, color displays. The suite processes and manages communications and sensor data streaming into MH-60 multi-mission helicopters, presenting to the crew of three actionable information that significantly reduces workload while increasing situational awareness.
Stratford, Connecticut-based Sikorsky builds the MH-60R and MH-60S aircraft. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems & Training in Owego, N.Y. delivered the first MH-60 Common Cockpit avionics suite in 2002 when U.S. Navy MH-60S helicopters became operational.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.
Otro punto de vista: El problema no es Ryanair, somos los pasajeros.
Hace algo mas de dos meses que empece a trabajar en Lesma, que es la compañía que lleva el handling de Ryanair en España. Ya he cambiado de trabajo pero en dos meses he sufrido vejaciones por parte de los pasajeros sin motivo alguno. A continuación os explico un poco sobre el funcionamiento de Ryanair
Cinco cosas que las aerolíneas podrían hacer para mejorar su servicio
Lo comentan en 5 Ways Airlines Can Improve Customer Service Now, y está muy enfocado a los Estados Unidos, pero siendo el mundo como es en la actualidad, también vale perfectamente en muchos otros sitios:
GMV ha diseñado para Hispasat una arquitectura de correo
con la máxima calidad, aportando a la solución una continuidad del servicio, seguridad y máximo aprovechamiento de sus infraestructuras
Madrid, 19 de febrero de 2013. – Hispasat, uno de los operadores de referencia en la prestación de servicios de comunicaciones por satélite con cobertura y servicios de calidad en Europa, América y Norte de África, ante la necesidad de evolucionar su sistema de correo electrónico, confía en la multinacional GMV para implantar un nuevo sistema basado en tecnología Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 migrándolo desde su antiguo sistema Novell Groupwise.
La nueva arquitectura ha sido diseñada para cubrir las necesidades de Hispasat, y uno de los aspectos en los que GMV ha enfocado el diseño de la nueva arquitectura es que sea integrable con el resto de sistemas e infraestructuras de Hispasat, aprovechando al máximo la capacidad tanto de sus sistemas como del resto de infraestructuras disponibles.
GMV realiza la propuesta de una arquitectura distribuida basada en tecnología Microsoft Exchange Server que permitirá el acceso, desde cualquier ubicación, de forma segura al correo electrónico, al sistema de archivado y realizando una monitorización del estado de la infraestructura. Se ha dimensionado bajo una solución virtualizada, flexible y de fácil escalado, que proporciona alta modularidad y longevidad, utilizando productos punteros.
GMV cuenta con un reconocido prestigio y una amplia experiencia en el ámbito de proyectos de diseño, definición, implantación y migración de arquitecturas de correo, habiendo realizado importantes proyectos de gran envergadura en dicho ámbito, adaptando cada proyecto según las características particulares de cada cliente y sus necesidades.
En definitiva, GMV ha puesto a disposición de Hispasat los recursos, políticas y experiencia necesarios para conseguir una exitosa migración de su arquitectura de correo con la máxima calidad, aportando a la solución una continuidad del servicio, seguridad y máximo aprovechamiento de sus infraestructuras.
GMV es un grupo tecnológico español fundado en 1984, de capital privado y con presencia internacional. Opera en los sectores: Aeroespacial, Defensa y Seguridad, Transporte, Sanidad, Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información para AAPP y grandes empresas. Obtuvo unos ingresos en 2012 de 110 millones de euros, con una plantilla de más de 1.100 profesionales. La estrategia de crecimiento de la compañía está basada en la innovación continua, dedicando un 10% de su facturación a I+D+i. GMV ha alcanzado el nivel 5 de CMMI, el modelo más prestigioso del mundo en cuanto a la mejora de la capacidad de los procesos de una organización y cuenta con numerosas patentes internacionales. En la actualidad GMV es el primer proveedor independiente del mundo de Sistemas de Control en Tierra para operadores de satélites comerciales de telecomunicaciones; la tercera empresa europea por volumen de participación en Galileo; el principal proveedor de sistemas de mando y control C3I del Ejército de Tierra español; el primer proveedor nacional sistemas telemáticos para el transporte público. En el sector TIC ha llevado a cabo proyectos emblemáticos en el desarrollo e implantación de portales y plataformas de correo, se ha constituido en referente nacional como proveedor de soluciones y servicios avanzados de seguridad en redes IP, aplicaciones de movilidad y aplicaciones TICs para las Administraciones Públicas y el desarrollo de la e-Administración.
con la máxima calidad, aportando a la solución una continuidad del servicio, seguridad y máximo aprovechamiento de sus infraestructuras
Madrid, 19 de febrero de 2013. – Hispasat, uno de los operadores de referencia en la prestación de servicios de comunicaciones por satélite con cobertura y servicios de calidad en Europa, América y Norte de África, ante la necesidad de evolucionar su sistema de correo electrónico, confía en la multinacional GMV para implantar un nuevo sistema basado en tecnología Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 migrándolo desde su antiguo sistema Novell Groupwise.
La nueva arquitectura ha sido diseñada para cubrir las necesidades de Hispasat, y uno de los aspectos en los que GMV ha enfocado el diseño de la nueva arquitectura es que sea integrable con el resto de sistemas e infraestructuras de Hispasat, aprovechando al máximo la capacidad tanto de sus sistemas como del resto de infraestructuras disponibles.
GMV realiza la propuesta de una arquitectura distribuida basada en tecnología Microsoft Exchange Server que permitirá el acceso, desde cualquier ubicación, de forma segura al correo electrónico, al sistema de archivado y realizando una monitorización del estado de la infraestructura. Se ha dimensionado bajo una solución virtualizada, flexible y de fácil escalado, que proporciona alta modularidad y longevidad, utilizando productos punteros.
GMV cuenta con un reconocido prestigio y una amplia experiencia en el ámbito de proyectos de diseño, definición, implantación y migración de arquitecturas de correo, habiendo realizado importantes proyectos de gran envergadura en dicho ámbito, adaptando cada proyecto según las características particulares de cada cliente y sus necesidades.
En definitiva, GMV ha puesto a disposición de Hispasat los recursos, políticas y experiencia necesarios para conseguir una exitosa migración de su arquitectura de correo con la máxima calidad, aportando a la solución una continuidad del servicio, seguridad y máximo aprovechamiento de sus infraestructuras.
GMV es un grupo tecnológico español fundado en 1984, de capital privado y con presencia internacional. Opera en los sectores: Aeroespacial, Defensa y Seguridad, Transporte, Sanidad, Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información para AAPP y grandes empresas. Obtuvo unos ingresos en 2012 de 110 millones de euros, con una plantilla de más de 1.100 profesionales. La estrategia de crecimiento de la compañía está basada en la innovación continua, dedicando un 10% de su facturación a I+D+i. GMV ha alcanzado el nivel 5 de CMMI, el modelo más prestigioso del mundo en cuanto a la mejora de la capacidad de los procesos de una organización y cuenta con numerosas patentes internacionales. En la actualidad GMV es el primer proveedor independiente del mundo de Sistemas de Control en Tierra para operadores de satélites comerciales de telecomunicaciones; la tercera empresa europea por volumen de participación en Galileo; el principal proveedor de sistemas de mando y control C3I del Ejército de Tierra español; el primer proveedor nacional sistemas telemáticos para el transporte público. En el sector TIC ha llevado a cabo proyectos emblemáticos en el desarrollo e implantación de portales y plataformas de correo, se ha constituido en referente nacional como proveedor de soluciones y servicios avanzados de seguridad en redes IP, aplicaciones de movilidad y aplicaciones TICs para las Administraciones Públicas y el desarrollo de la e-Administración.
Technology Report: EADS researchers battle against irksome winds
EADS researchers battle against irksome winds
Munich, February 2013 – At EADS Innovation Works, the company's research centre, scientists are working on a system that can identify turbulences and gusts already before the aircraft flies into it. It is based on the LIDAR sensor principle. LIDAR stands for LIght Detection And Ranging – using light to discover obstacles and measure how far away they are. To this end, the LIDAR sensor designed by EADS Innovation Works radiates ultra-violet (UV) light pulses, typically at a rate of 60 per second, which are scattered by the nitrogen and oxygen molecules present in the air. In this way, a total of four rays measure the motion vector of the air 50 to 200 metres in front of the aircraft's nose.
Any turbulence that may be present alters the motion profile of the molecules and thus the signature received by the system. In future, the LIDAR could send data to the flight control system, which would then actuate the wing control surfaces to counteract the effect. "We will send the signals to the flight control computer so the aircraft can automatically react." says Dr. Nikolaus Schmitt of EADS Innovation Works. "What our LIDAR sees is at most a second ahead. That's long enough for a machine, but not for the human brain. But our measurement of the airflow at that distance in front of the aircraft is extremely accurate, so the aircraft really will be able to automatically react to a vertical or horizontal draft on the basis of our advance information".
This not only makes it possible to avoid sudden loss of height (clear air turbulences, so called "air pockets"). Equipped with such an early warning system, the aircraft would also be exposed to less stress, as air turbulence causes strong forces to act on the fuselage and the wings.
The system is currently still in the test phase, and Nikolaus Schmitt estimates that it might be ready for series production in about ten years' time. The LIDAR was successfully tested in flight on an Airbus A340. The researchers are now looking into the possibility of miniaturising the sensors and integrating them in the flight control system. Aircraft builders from Europe as well as the United States are interested in such technology. However, it is open to conjecture who will be the first to deploy the systemIn future the system might not only be used to measure air pockets, but also wake vortices (turbulences caused by aircraft). Thus, LIDAR could help to gauge the position and distance of planes from the wake vortices of aircraft taking off ahead of them. Aircraft typically maintain a prescribed distance from one another in order to avoid encountering the wake vortex produced by the aircraft in front. However, these distances are not based on real-time measurements and presently can vary from one airworthiness authority's jurisdiction to another. Like air pockets, vortices are invisible. LIDAR technology would make it possible to discern how far the vortices actually extend. This could enable the required safety spacing between take-offs and landings to be accurately determined in real time based on a common global standard.
Furthermore, at some airports this could allow the distances to be safely reduced, thus enabling an increase in air traffic frequency. The researchers at EADS Innovation Works are currently examining how the light pulses must be aligned in order to yield a full picture of the position of a wake vortex.
LIDAR technology could also be used to measure key data such as speed, temperature or air pressure and density during flight. Today these parameters are determined by various mechanical methods. Optical data acquisition would provide an additional measuring technique, providing greater safety through additional systems redundancy. Moreover, particles in the air, such as volcanic ash, could be identified and their concentration determined, enabling safe operation in low ash concentration areas in case of volcanic explosions.
Fwd: FL Technics, SCAC and SuperJet International sign M.o.U for MRO Services on SSJ100 fleet
FL Technics, SCAC and SuperJet International sign M.o.U for MRO Services on SSJ100 fleet
FL Technics, a global provider of integrated aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul services, and Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), the Russian civil aviation manufacturer and the developer of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 project, along with SuperJet International, a joint venture between Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, (51%) and Sukhoi Holding (49%), managing SSJ100 sales and support in the Western markets, earlier today have announced about the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (M.o.U) for Sukhoi Superjet 100 technical support in Europe and Asia.
According to the agreement FL Technics will become a partner of the SuperJet International Airframe Authorized Service Centers Network and will provide SSJ100 operators with line and base airframe maintenance services. In the nearest future FL Technics will be dedicated to provide line maintenance support to SSJ100 operators located in the South-East Asia.
"We are proud to become a part of the SuperJet International' Network of dedicated MRO providers. Sharing our experience and supporting the newest SSJ100 aircraft fleet is an important step in our company's development, particularly in the Asian region. We are positive that the latest agreement will result in a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership among FL Tehcnics, SuperJet International and SSJ100 aircraft operators from around the world," – said Jonas Butautis, the CEO of FL Technics.
"This is a significant milestone in the establishment of the SuperJet International MRO network. The cooperation with FL Technics will ensure world-class and cost-efficient support to the SSJ100 operators in Eastern Europe and South-East Asia - said Giovanni Simonetti, Senior Vice President of Customer Services with SuperJet International – this agreement confirms SuperJet International's comittment in providing SSJ100 worlwide customers with a first-class and full spectrum of after-sales services " added Simonetti.
"We recognize that a prompt and comprehensive aftermarket support is a major task for the success of the SSJ100 program and for Customers' satisfaction. This agreement between FL Technics, SCAC and SuperJet International will allow to maximize maintenance efficiency and ensure high-quality servises through the SuperJet International's MRO network" commented Andrey Nedosekin, SCAC Vice-President on After-Sales Support.
SSJ100 operators can rely on the SuperJet International MRO network for first class line and base on-wing maintenance services. SJI network is built on partnerships with well recognized MRO providers worldwide.
About Sukhoi Superjet 100:
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a state-of-the-art 100-seat new generation jet. Designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), a Sukhoi and Alenia Aermacchi company. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In January 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. In February 2012, the SSJ100 achieved the EASA Type Certificate.
About Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company:
The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% – 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. SCAC is in charge of the aircraft production. The company is also responsible for SSJ100 sales in Russia, the CIS, China, India, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Moscow, SCAC has several production branches seated in Russian cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the Company's major project.
About SuperJet International:
SuperJet International, a joint venture between Alenia Aermacchi (51%) and Sukhoi Holding (49%), is in charge of marketing, sales, customization and delivery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet in Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa and Japan. The Company is also responsible for the training and worldwide after-sales support, as well as the design and development of VIP and cargo variants. A SuperJet International branch is active in Moscow, together with a sales office in Washington, DC, USA.
About FL Technics:
FL Technics is a global provider of tailor-made solutions for aircraft maintenance and repair. Company specializes in base and line maintenance, full aircraft engineering, engine management, spare parts and components support, logistics and distribution, technical training and consulting services, landing gear overhaul, delivery and redelivery support.
FL Technics acts as one-stop-shop maintenance solutions' provider for Commercial and Business aviation, serving customers from Europe, the CIS and Asia-Pacific. With offices in Lithuania, Russia, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy and Malaysia, the company provides services in base maintenance facility in Lithuania, as well as a combined network of 32 Line Stations across Europe, the CIS and Asia-Pacific. FL Technics is an EASA Part-145, Part-M, Part-147, Part-21 certified company, as well as a Boeing GoldCare Program partner, with certificate approvals in Russia, Bermuda and other countries.
FL Technics provides integrated technical services for Airbus A300/A310/A320/A330/A340/A380, Boeing 737 CL/ 737 NG/ 747/ 757/ 767/ 777; Bombardier CL600-2B19; ATR 42/72; EMB 135/145; MD 80; FOKKER 50/70/100 and SAAB 2000/340 types of aircraft.
FL Technics is a member of the Avia Solutions Group family – WSE listed provider of the integrated aviation services.
Eurocopter's EC175 takes on the world: Global tour to demonstrate the performance capabilities of this next-generation medium-sized helicopter
The next-generation Eurocopter EC175, which sets new standards in the medium-sized twin-engine helicopter market segment, is starting an international demonstration tour that enables operators to experience first-hand its exceptional performance, flight characteristics and operational flexibility.
This tour uses Eurocopter's no. 1 series production EC175 – which is configured for oil and gas operations – and kicks off with a two-week U.S. visit starting today at New Iberia, Louisiana in the U.S. Gulf Coast region.
It is the first of multiple stopovers across the country through March 15 that enables the helicopter's evaluation by companies specialized in passenger transport and supply missions for the off-shore oil and gas industry. These visits will underscore Eurocopter's development of the EC175 through extensive consultation with operators and end-users, ensuring their needs and requirements were incorporated into the design at an early stage – resulting in an optimized rotary-wing aircraft with the latest state-of-the-art technology.
Included on the EC175's U.S. demonstration circuit is a March 5-7 appearance at the Heli-Expo helicopter industry convention in Las Vegas, where the helicopter will be shown on Eurocopter's exhibit stand (Booth #C2922). Follow-on segments of the demonstration tour are planned later this year, bringing the EC175 to several additional regions in the world.
During these stopovers, the operators' field visits will include flights with pilots and passengers, accompanied by presentations on topics that range from operations and performance to Eurocopter's innovative support and services available for the EC175.
"This remarkable aircraft is living up to its promise, confirming the full capabilities in range, cruise speed and payload lift – all with high comfort levels for passengers and the most interior volume, along with the latest in avionics for pilots," said Eurocopter President & CEO Lutz Bertling.
Bertling added that Eurocopter's process of early consultation and analysis with the user community – combined with the latest-generation computer-aided design and virtual simulation mock-up – has established its EC175 as the medium-twin helicopter category's reference.
"The result is the best-performing, easiest-to-fly, and most cost-effective helicopter in the medium-sized category," he stated. "We also have undertaken unprecedented actions in optimizing aircraft maturity and ensuring a successful entry in service for the EC175, which is supported by a dedicated task force and tools that include validated support and services deliverables, along with the establishment of training capabilities."
Contributing to the EC175's competitive edge is its recommended cruise speed of 150 kts. (10 kts. faster than the previous figure, without affecting payload range), while the maximum cruise speed exceeds 165 kts. – all achieved at extremely low vibration levels.
The helicopter's range provides the reach needed by off-shore service providers and other operators, transporting 16 passengers in an oil and gas-configured EC175 to distances of 140 naut. mi., with the range approaching 200 naut. mi. when 12 passengers are carried.
The EC175 also has validated its excellent power performance, including hover out of ground effect (HOGE) at maximum 7.5-metric-ton take-off weight at 4,500 ft. at ISA+20°C conditions; excellent one engine inoperative (OEI) hover performance, which ensures safety during hoisting for search and rescue missions; extensive power reserve and heli-deck performance (PC1) at maximum take-off weight in ISA+20°C conditions.
The highest levels of mission flexibility and safety are provided by the EC175's new Helionix avionics, which extends the undisputed superiority of in-flight envelope protection, pilot assistance and situational awareness that have been proven on Eurocopter's EC225 helicopter. Meeting the latest international avionics standards, the Helionix avionics suite incorporates the most innovative alerting and self-monitoring system.
With designed-in attributes that meet the full range of operating conditions – combined with its speed and range – the EC175 is the best choice to address all missions, including search and rescue, emergency medical services, public services, VIP and executive transport.
To follow the EC175's demonstration tour, EC175.eurocopter.com (#EC175DemoTour on social networks)
About Eurocopter (www.eurocopter.com)
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services.
The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 38 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter's strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries.
Eurocopter's worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports some 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
This tour uses Eurocopter's no. 1 series production EC175 – which is configured for oil and gas operations – and kicks off with a two-week U.S. visit starting today at New Iberia, Louisiana in the U.S. Gulf Coast region.
It is the first of multiple stopovers across the country through March 15 that enables the helicopter's evaluation by companies specialized in passenger transport and supply missions for the off-shore oil and gas industry. These visits will underscore Eurocopter's development of the EC175 through extensive consultation with operators and end-users, ensuring their needs and requirements were incorporated into the design at an early stage – resulting in an optimized rotary-wing aircraft with the latest state-of-the-art technology.
Included on the EC175's U.S. demonstration circuit is a March 5-7 appearance at the Heli-Expo helicopter industry convention in Las Vegas, where the helicopter will be shown on Eurocopter's exhibit stand (Booth #C2922). Follow-on segments of the demonstration tour are planned later this year, bringing the EC175 to several additional regions in the world.
During these stopovers, the operators' field visits will include flights with pilots and passengers, accompanied by presentations on topics that range from operations and performance to Eurocopter's innovative support and services available for the EC175.
"This remarkable aircraft is living up to its promise, confirming the full capabilities in range, cruise speed and payload lift – all with high comfort levels for passengers and the most interior volume, along with the latest in avionics for pilots," said Eurocopter President & CEO Lutz Bertling.
Bertling added that Eurocopter's process of early consultation and analysis with the user community – combined with the latest-generation computer-aided design and virtual simulation mock-up – has established its EC175 as the medium-twin helicopter category's reference.
"The result is the best-performing, easiest-to-fly, and most cost-effective helicopter in the medium-sized category," he stated. "We also have undertaken unprecedented actions in optimizing aircraft maturity and ensuring a successful entry in service for the EC175, which is supported by a dedicated task force and tools that include validated support and services deliverables, along with the establishment of training capabilities."
Contributing to the EC175's competitive edge is its recommended cruise speed of 150 kts. (10 kts. faster than the previous figure, without affecting payload range), while the maximum cruise speed exceeds 165 kts. – all achieved at extremely low vibration levels.
The helicopter's range provides the reach needed by off-shore service providers and other operators, transporting 16 passengers in an oil and gas-configured EC175 to distances of 140 naut. mi., with the range approaching 200 naut. mi. when 12 passengers are carried.
The EC175 also has validated its excellent power performance, including hover out of ground effect (HOGE) at maximum 7.5-metric-ton take-off weight at 4,500 ft. at ISA+20°C conditions; excellent one engine inoperative (OEI) hover performance, which ensures safety during hoisting for search and rescue missions; extensive power reserve and heli-deck performance (PC1) at maximum take-off weight in ISA+20°C conditions.
The highest levels of mission flexibility and safety are provided by the EC175's new Helionix avionics, which extends the undisputed superiority of in-flight envelope protection, pilot assistance and situational awareness that have been proven on Eurocopter's EC225 helicopter. Meeting the latest international avionics standards, the Helionix avionics suite incorporates the most innovative alerting and self-monitoring system.
With designed-in attributes that meet the full range of operating conditions – combined with its speed and range – the EC175 is the best choice to address all missions, including search and rescue, emergency medical services, public services, VIP and executive transport.
To follow the EC175's demonstration tour, EC175.eurocopter.com (#EC175DemoTour on social networks)
About Eurocopter (www.eurocopter.com)
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services.
The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 38 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter's strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries.
Eurocopter's worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports some 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
Eurocopter further expands its enhanced product line and brings a vision for the helicopter industry's future to Heli-Expo 2013
Photo © Copyright Eurocopter, Anthony Pecchi.
More related pictures in: http://press.eurocopter.com/en/press-categories/heli-expo-2013
"At Heli-Expo 2013, Eurocopter will highlight how we are meeting our vision of transitioning from an industry-leading helicopter manufacturer to the no. 1 vertical lift mission solutions provider," said President & CEO Lutz Bertling. "We will achieve this vision through the evolution of our current product line, the introduction of a next-generation rotorcraft family and in particular the expansion of innovative services offerings, thus delivering an unrivalled mission capability to our customers."
On Heli-Expo's opening day, Eurocopter will unveil another new addition to its evolved product line in the light-twin engine category.
Also heading the product line-up at Heli-Expo will be Eurocopter's next-generation EC175 medium-sized twin-engine rotorcraft, whose unrivalled performance recently was confirmed during flight testing with the first production helicopter. This EC175 will be displayed in the oil and gas configuration on Eurocopter's exhibit (Stand #C2922), providing a stopover on a two-week U.S. visit that kicks off its global demonstration tour.
Showcased as well at Las Vegas is the enhanced twin-engine version of Eurocopter's EC145 – the EC145 T2, to be presented in an emergency medical services customization. EC145 T2 deliveries are to begin this year, integrating such technologies as the Fenestron tail rotor, advanced cockpit design, modern avionics and 4-axis autopilot.
Joining the company's display at Las Vegas will be the single-engine AS350 B3e evolved member of Eurocopter's Ecureuil family, powered by a Turbomeca Arriel 2D turboshaft engine with a new-generation digital FADEC, and an engine data recorder for condition monitoring.
Completing the helicopter line-up on Eurocopter's exhibit stand is an EC225 Super Puma in the oil and gas configuration.
Represented in model form with an accompanying video is the Eurocopter X3, whose full-scale demonstrator has validated its capabilities as a highly productive hybrid aircraft – offering the speed of a turboprop-powered aircraft and the full hover flight capabilities of a helicopter, as demonstrated during its U.S. tour in 2012.
Eurocopter's strategy to become the reference in customer support and services is to be highlighted at Heli-Expo with examples from its existing range of services, including demonstrations of the company's Keycopter on-line customer services portal; along with future tools such as "e-TechPub" – a new generation of interactive electronic technical publications, and PC2-DLE – an application designed to help operators computing weight or exposure time for takeoff and landing.
Exhibited as well at Heli-Expo 2013 will be Eurocopter's Helionix avionics suite, which brings together such features as LED (light-emitting diode) displays, an innovative crew alerting concept with an on-demand vehicle monitoring system, a 4-axis dual-duplex automatic flight control system, and enhanced situational awareness.
Rounding out the company's exhibit stand presence is a virtual configurator that realistically renders Eurocopter's helicopter family members in a 3D representation with multiple options and paint schemes. The configurator provides internal and external views from various angles, and presents the 3D visualization on a large showroom screen.
Also, an EC130 T2 will be flying in the Las Vegas sky during Heli-Expo 2013. This popular member of Eurocopter's lightweight single-engine product line – which incorporates changes to approximately 70 percent of the helicopter's airframe structure – was introduced at last year's Heli-Expo event, and is now in operational service.
Follow all of Eurocopter's activities at this major helicopter industry gathering, including its daily announcements and feature stories, by visiting the dedicated Heli-Expo 2013 website atevents.eurocopter.com (#EXPO13 on social networks)
To follow the EC175's demonstration tour, EC175.eurocopter.com (#EC175DemoTour on social networks)
About Eurocopter (www.eurocopter.com)
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services.
The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 38 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter's strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries.
Eurocopter's worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports some 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
SSJ100 Full Flight Simulator in Venice achieves EASA Certification
SSJ100 Full Flight Simulator in Venice achieves EASA Certification
The new Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for training on the SSJ100 aircraft, installed at the SuperJet International (SJI) Training Center in Venice (Italy), has been successfully certified by EASA and it is now Ready For Training with the registration number IT-069.
This SSJ100 FFS is the first simulator for a Russian civil aircraft that achieved the certification by the European Aviation Safety Agency EASA.
This certification is closing the STD (Synthetic Training Device) Evaluation Team (SET) process for the development of the device, which has seen the joint participation of EASA, the training provider SuperJet International, the aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company and the simulator manufacturer L3.
This simulator, which arrived in Venice for installation last December, was submitted to an extensive phase of on-site testing and finally to the approval of the EASA SET, which has confirmed the compliance of the device with the level D certification's requirements, in accordance with EASA-FSTD A.
The FFS will provide SSJ100 Customers with Type Rating courses as well as recurrent training. Interjet pilots will be the first to start training in Venice on the new simulator at the end of February. 6 pilots and 4 technicians have already started the ground course managed by SuperJet International's instructors.
The first Interjet B1/B2 maintenance type training course is also underway involving 15 engineers, as 7 cabin attendant's training will start soon with the auxiliary of the CEET installed in Venice.
The SSJ100 simulator "Reality 7", produced by L3 Communications, replicates the aircraft cockpit with state-of-the-art visual and motion system, enabling pilots to achieve the SSJ100 Type Rating training without using the real aircraft.
"We are very proud of this milestone. The new FFS will immediately permit the Mexican carrier's pilots to start their training in Venice - states Nazario Cauceglia, Chief Executive Officer of SuperJet International – while completion activities are in progress to deliver the first aircraft to Interjet in spring".
SJI has established a Training Center consisting of two facilities based in Venice and Moscow. Both of them are equipped with the same training devices and tools, allowing high quality training services in compliance with safety regulations.
Up to end of January 2013 140 pilots, 82 cabin attendants and more than 530 technicians completed successfully the courses currently delivered both in Venice and Moscow SJI Training Centers.
Sukhoi Superjet Takeoff Abandoned In Moscow
A Sukhoi Superjet 100 failed to take off from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport after one of its engines malfunctioned, Interfax reported, further clouding the future of Russia's first post-Soviet civil aircraft project.
The Superjet programme hit uncertainty last year after one plane crashed in Indonesia during a promotional flight, which investigators said was due to pilot error and Jakarta air traffic control's lack of a minimum safe altitude system.
Russia's Aeroflot, the only airline operating the aircraft so far, also grounded four of its 10 Superjets earlier this month due to technical problems.
Recycled plastic waste to fuel Sydney to London Cessna flight
Recycled plastic waste to fuel Sydney to London Cessna flight: 
British pilot Jeremy Rowsell is set to fly solo from Sydney to London in a Cessna 182 aircraft powered solely by diesel derived from "end-of-life" plastic (ELP) waste. If all goes to plan, the endeavor will set a new record time for the journey in a single-engine piston plane, and represent a compelling argument for the viability of ELP as a fuel source.
Continue Reading Recycled plastic waste to fuel Sydney to London Cessna flight
British pilot Jeremy Rowsell is set to fly solo from Sydney to London in a Cessna 182 aircraft powered solely by diesel derived from "end-of-life" plastic (ELP) waste. If all goes to plan, the endeavor will set a new record time for the journey in a single-engine piston plane, and represent a compelling argument for the viability of ELP as a fuel source.
Continue Reading Recycled plastic waste to fuel Sydney to London Cessna flight
SkyFlash: ¿el avión a reacción más pequeño o un "jet-pack" con ruedas?
A Yves Rossy "Jet Man" le ha salido competencia. Se trata de la gente de SkyFlash y su proyecto de alas con motores a reacción para llevar a la espalda, como si fuera una mochila. Aunque éstos, además, le han puesto un tren de aterrizaje de cuatro ruedas de 25.4cm de diámetro.
- Prestaciones calculadas:
- Alcance de 100km
- Autonomía de 1h
- Velocidad de crucero de 126km/hm
- Techo 11800ft
Leer más aquí: http://blog.sandglasspatrol.com/index.php/blog/36-general/1204-skyflash-iel-avion-a-reaccion-mas-pequeno-o-un-qjet-packq-con-ruedas
ANA assuming 787 will be grounded through end of May
Boeing 787 launch customer All Nippon Airways (ANA) said it is operating under the assumption the Dreamliner will be grounded through the end of May.
ANA issued a revised schedule on Monday that includes the suspension of a number of routes through May 31 owing to the unavailability of the 787. These include Tokyo Narita-Seattle, Narita-San Jose, Kansai-Seoul and Nagoya-Seoul.
“Additionally, on some limited days, the [Tokyo] Haneda-Frankfurt route will be affected by cancellations and/or aircraft type changes,” ANA said.
Huelga de Iberia vuelos cancelados los días 4 al 8 de marzo
Los vuelos cancelados por la huelga de Iberia son los siguientes:
Lunes 4 de marzo de 2013
Martes 5 de marzo de 2013
Miércoles 6 de marzo de 2013
Jueves 7 de marzo de 2013
Viernes 8 de marzo de 2013
Japanese probe identifies cause of 787 Dreamliner fuel leak problems
Japanese regulators have identified the reasons for the fuel leaks and other problems that occurred on Japan Airlines' (JAL) 787 Dreamliner jets in January but are still investigating battery problems that caused worldwide grounding of the aircraft.
Japan's Transport Ministry concluded that the fuel leak which occured on 9 January, prior to the takeoff of JAL 787 in Boston, was due to a foreign material 1.5mm big that was stuck to fuel valves and caused them to remain partially open.
In addition, a fuel leak on the same aircraft at Tokyo's Narita airport, on 13 January, was caused by an improperly applied electrical-insulating coating material.
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