miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013
Sobrevuelos militares... sin ánimo de molestar
En 18 días, el Ejército del Aire tiene que demostrar que está preparado para la protección del espacio aéreo español. ¿Cómo? A través de un ejercicio de defensa aérea que simula la existencia de tres bandos enfrentados y en el que participan prácticamente todas las unidades de combate de la Fuerza Aérea y diferentes medios de Tierra y de la Armada. Se trata del denominado «Ejercicio Sirio», las maniobras más importantes que se realizan anualmente y que buscan adiestrar y evaluar a los participantes a lo largo y ancho del espacio aéreo peninsular. Un ejercicio de «planeamiento y toma de decisiones» que cubre numerosas operaciones y posibles situaciones «que un Estado Mayor podría encontrase en una operación de respuesta a una crisis», asegura el Ejército del Aire en un comunicado.
Sukhoi Superjet100 Long Range performed its maiden flight 12/02/2013
Moscow. February 12. On February 12, 2013 Sukhoi Superjet100 Long Range performed its maiden flight.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 MSN 95032 will start test program in the nearest future. The test program will last for 3-4 months and after the tests are over the documents to be submitted to IAC AR. SSJ100LR is supposed to receive certification in 2014.
SSJ100LR maximum range is 4 578 km. SSJ100 range is 3 048 km. Required runway length for SSJ100LR is 2 052 meters.
The SSJ100 is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC). The Company’s shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% — 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. SCAC is in charge of the aircraft production. The company is also responsible for SSJ100 sales in Russia, the CIS, China, India, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Moscow, SCAC has several production branches seated in Russian cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh.
Lufthansa opens tender for 100 narrowbodies, eight widebodies
Boeing and Airbus are now entering into discussions with Lufthansa to claim newly-authorised orders for eight widebody aircraft and 100 single-aisle aircraft, the German flag carrier says today.
Lufthansa's supervisory board in a meeting earlier today cleared the company's executives to begin the negotiations with the airframers.
Lufthansa currently operates a mix of Airbus and Boeing widebodies and narrowbodies, but plans to phase out a fleet of 17 Boeing 737-300s and 22 737-500s by 2016.
Connecticut Senator visits Airbus
Richard Blumenthal, the United States Senator for the state of Connecticut, led a delegation of home-state aerospace manufacturers in a visit to Airbus, in Toulouse, France. Airbus is the largest export customer of the U.S. aerospace industry. At Airbus the delegation met with Airbus President and CEO Fabrice Brégier, Executive Vice President for Procurement Klaus Richter and other procurement officials. The delegation also toured the state-of-the-art A350 XWB and A380 Final Assembly Lines.
Formerly Connecticut’s Attorney General, the Senator was elected to the Senate in 2010. He is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and also of the Senate Commerce Committee, which has responsibility over FAA and other transportation matters.
Richard Blumenthal, the United States Senator for the state of Connecticut, led a delegation of home-state aerospace manufacturers in a visit to Airbus, in Toulouse, France. Airbus is the largest export customer of the U.S. aerospace industry. At Airbus the delegation met with Airbus President and CEO Fabrice Brégier, Executive Vice President for Procurement Klaus Richter and other procurement officials. The delegation also toured the state-of-the-art A350 XWB and A380 Final Assembly Lines.
Formerly Connecticut’s Attorney General, the Senator was elected to the Senate in 2010. He is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and also of the Senate Commerce Committee, which has responsibility over FAA and other transportation matters.
Jetstar Japan takes delivery of its first A320 with Sharklet
Carrier becomes the first operator of the new fuel saving devices in Japan
Jetstar Japan, one of Japan’s low-cost carriers (LCC), has taken delivery of its first Airbus A320 aircraft equipped with Sharklet fuel saving wing tip devices, becoming the first Japanese carrier for the type.
Sharklets are an option on new-build A320 Family aircraft, and standard on all members of the A320neo Family. The new wingtip devices measure 2.4 metres tall, replacing A320’s current wingtip fence. They offer the flexibility to A320 Family operators of either adding around 100 nautical miles more range or increased payload capability of up to 450 kilogrammes.
“We are very happy to be the first operator of the latest version of the cost efficient A320 in Japan” Jetstar Japan President Miyuki Suzuki said. “The new Sharklet-equipped A320 will help us to save on fuel costs and allow us to continue to offer low fares to our customer.”
“We are delighted that Jetstar Japan has joined a growing list of operators of our A320 equipped with new fuel-saving Sharklet wing-tip devices”, said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “With a four percent fuel burn reduction, the A320 with Sharklets makes Jetstar Japan one of the most fuel efficient airlines and gives it huge competitive advantages in one of the world’s most challenging markets.”
Jetstar Japan started operations in July 2012. The company is a joint venture between the Qantas Group, Japan Airlines (JAL), Mitsubishi Corporation and Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation. Jetstar Japan operates an all-Airbus fleet of seven leased A320s, and this will grow to 24 aircraft by the end of 2014.
As of today, over 9,000 Airbus A320 Family aircraft have been sold worldwide and over 5,400 aircraft delivered to more than 380 customers and operators, making it the world’s best selling commercial jetliner ever. With proven reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft.
Warganing.net se retira de la búsqueda de Spitfires enterrados
Warganing.net se retira de la búsqueda de Spitfires enterrados. Dice en un comunicado que no existe evidencia documentada de aviones en Myanmar
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Los vuelos de prueba de un 787 no aportan pistas sobre el problema de las baterías
Los vuelos de prueba de un 787 no aportan pistas sobre el problema de las baterías: El ZA005 en uno de los vuelos de prueba - BoeingDos vuelos de prueba en el ZA005 no han ayudado a Boeing a conseguir más pistas acerca de por qué se incendian las baterías de iones de litio de los Boeing 787, que por de pronto siguen sin volar y seguirán sin hacerlo en un futuro cercano.
Cuento como está la investigación enDos vuelos de prueba de Boeing 787 concluyen sin nuevas pistas sobre
Cuento como está la investigación enDos vuelos de prueba de Boeing 787 concluyen sin nuevas pistas sobre
Iberia y el comité de huelga se reúnen con voluntad de acercar posturas
Iberia y el comité de huelga se reúnen con voluntad de acercar posturas:
Madrid.- La compañía Iberia ha respondido a la llamada al diálogo del Gobierno convocando al comité de huelga para el mediodía de hoy, tercera jornada de paro, después de un día de escasas incidencias y cumplimiento de los servicios mínimos.
Los sindicatos anuncian que acuden al encuentro de hoy con ánimo de intentar llegar a un acuerdo y confían en que por parte de los representantes de Iberia se les haga alguna propuesta en este sentido. La compañía coincide en su intención de "acercar posturas", al considerar que existe "obligación" de negociar por ambas partes, según ha señalado el director de Comunicación de la aerolínea, Luis Díaz Güell.
Madrid.- La compañía Iberia ha respondido a la llamada al diálogo del Gobierno convocando al comité de huelga para el mediodía de hoy, tercera jornada de paro, después de un día de escasas incidencias y cumplimiento de los servicios mínimos.
Los sindicatos anuncian que acuden al encuentro de hoy con ánimo de intentar llegar a un acuerdo y confían en que por parte de los representantes de Iberia se les haga alguna propuesta en este sentido. La compañía coincide en su intención de "acercar posturas", al considerar que existe "obligación" de negociar por ambas partes, según ha señalado el director de Comunicación de la aerolínea, Luis Díaz Güell.
Chinese carriers report $158.9 million net loss in January | ATWOnline
Chinese carriers reported a net loss of
CNY1 billion ($158.9 million) in January,
reversed from a net profit of CNY1.7 billion
in the year-ago period .
Ping An Securities Aviation Analyst Sun Chao
said the loss was due to the oversupply of
domestic capacity before the Spring
Festival, a slowdown of premium market
demand and the impact of high-speed rail.
Swelling found in ANA 787’s APU battery | ATWOnline
The ANA 787 made an emergency landing
after its main battery—a lithium ion battery
—failed and overheated. Japan Transport
Safety Board accident investigator Masahiro
Kudo told reporters during a Tuesday
briefing that the aircraft's APU battery, also
a lithium ion battery, had "slight swelling"
in two of its eight cells, according to
multiple reports from Tokyo.
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