viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013
Cassidian entrega al Ejército del Aire español un nuevo simulador de vuelo de Eurofighter
Cassidian entrega al Ejército del Aire español un nuevo simulador de vuelo de Eurofighter:
Cassidian ha entregado un nuevo simulador de vuelo de Eurofighter que dará servicio a las tripulaciones del ALA 14, destinadas en la Base Aérea de Albacete y que se suma a los dos ya instalados en la Base Aérea de Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla).

Foto-nota de prensa: llega el primer Airbus A330 de Iberia
Pincha aquí para ver estas fotos en alta calidad.
Su nombre es "Tikal", su matrícula EC-LUB y viene equipado con los nuevos interiores Business y turista de largo radio.
Los nuevos interiores. Una Business Plus excelente.
Los nuevos interiores: nueva clase Turista, la mejor del mercado.
Spanish hydro-unmanned-aircraft Singular Aircraft assembly is finished
Singular Aircraft wrote:
"We ended the month of January 2013 with the satisfaction of seeing the prototype of the SA-03 fully assembled.
After static testing & control of all moving surfaces, brakes and engines it’s time for the Singular Aircraft to begin a new test phase. On this phase we will see which is the behavior of this magnificent amphibious UAV during taxi, rolling, and in flight."
More info about this aircraft that their manufacturers and designers are proposing as future of SAR, fire figthing and surveilance: http://www.singularaircraft.com/?lang=en
Colaboración en el campo de Defensa entre España y Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Colaboración en el campo de Defensa entre España y Emiratos Árabes Unidos:
Emiratos Árabes Unidos ha encontrado en España un importante socio en el ámbito de su defensa, tanto como proveedor de material aeronáutico, como por ser punto de enlace para sus despliegues a los Estados Unidos. Este encuentro se ha materializado con la firma de un acuerdo de colaboración entre sus dos ministerios de Defensa que facilitará el repliegue español de Afganistán.

El SAR Canarias bate el récord mundial de distancia de rescate con 730 millas
El SAR Canarias bate el récord mundial de distancia de rescate con 730 millas
El helicóptero del Ejército del Aire que ayer auxilió a dos remeros en el Atlántico batió en esa operación el récord mundial de distancia en rescate al volar sin escalas durante 730 millas náuticas (1.352 kilómetros), según ha señalado a Efe el comandante de la nave, Jesús Ramos.
Eurocopter highlights its 30 years of commitment in the Middle East Region during IDEX 2013
During the International Defence Exhibition and Conference - IDEX, Eurocopter is set to showcase more than three decades of experience acquired in the military helicopter sector. Benefiting from its wide diversity of rotary- wing aircraft and their ability to adapt to a broad spectrum of missions, Eurocopter’s product line represents a benchmark – with operational uses ranging from reconnaissance, identification and tracking to deterrence, escort, attack, rescue and survey and troop transportation. The company military capabilities and expertise are displayed at the EADS booth in Hall 8, stand B05 with mock-ups of the NH90 in the naval version, the AS565 Panther and the EC145T2.
Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13 February 2013
Currently more than 650 Eurocopter helicopters fly in the Arab world, with more than 80 percent of them for military use. Eurocopter is supporting the region's armed forces for missions including combat, transport, Search and Rescue (SAR), counter-terrorism, special missions and training. Eurocopter also remains active in providing the best support to its customers, thanks to a maintenance center in the United Arab Emirates with long-standing partner Falcon Aviation Services (FAS). Through an operating agreement that was renewed last month, this center provides full maintenance and revision services, reinforcing the company’s customer support network in the region and supplementing Eurocopter’s platform in Abu Dhabi. In addition, a Eurocopter technical office has been opened in Islamabad for the daily support of its long-standing customers in Pakistan.
“In a region where loyalty and confidence are important qualities, Eurocopter will build on its proven relationship of more than 30 years with governmental, military, parapublic and civilian operators throughout the region,” explained Olivier Lambert, Eurocopter’s Senior Vice President for Sales and Customer Relations. “With a strong footprint in the Middle East, we continue to see a demand for our helicopters for military use. Equipped with the latest technology, they are able to perform all their missions in the most severe operational environment and critical situations”. Built by NHIndustries, a consortium formed by Eurocopter, AgustaWestland and Fokker, the NH90 is just one of the models on show. To date, 136 NH90s have been delivered to customers, including 18 NH90s in the naval version. The fleet has now clocked up more than 30,000 flight hours, mainly in SAR missions performed in especially demanding environments and also in the Afghan theater of operations. Compatible with 80 types of NATO frigates, the naval version of the NH90 has fully demonstrated its capabilities in a wide range of missions, from reconnaissance, ship identification and tracking to rescue and transportation of passengers and troops.
The first customer of the NH90 in the Middle East is the Sultanate of Oman with an order of 20 helicopters. Today, 12 NH90s have been delivered to operate especially in utility missions.
Eurocopter’s display of the AS565 Panther in scale model form at IDEX underscores this helicopter’s attributes of speed and maneuverability for security and defense missions, with its operational credentials further enhanced by the twin-engine helicopter’s endurance, range and capabilities in overwater surveillance, tracking and search & rescue. The AS565 has been proven in Middle East operations for the protection of coastlines and surveillance of offshore economic zones with countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
The EC145 T2 is Eurocopter’s evolved version of the popular twin-engine EC145, incorporating new Arriel 2E engines, along with the company’s Fenestron shrouded tail rotor, upgraded main and tail rotor gear boxes, new digital avionics suite and a 4-axis autopilot. It is tailored for the Middle East’s emerging needs in law enforcement, border surveillance, medical airlift and other missions.
The EC145 helicopter family scored a major success when it was selected by the U.S. Army for its Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) program, with the contract comprising nearly 350 aircraft in total. More than 250 of these helicopters, which are designated the UH-72A in their U.S. Army configuration, have now been received by the customer – with all delivered on time and on cost from the production line of Eurocopter’s American Eurocopter subsidiary in the state of Mississippi. Feedback on the operational use of this fleet has been incorporated into the new T2 version now available to armed forces.
Avianca takes delivery of Sharklet equipped A320
Avianca, the Colombia-based airline, has taken delivery of its first Sharklet equipped A320 becoming the first Latin American carrier to take benefit of the new fuel-saving wing-tip devices. The A320, powered by CFM engines, was delivered in Toulouse, France.
Sharklets are made from light-weight composites and are 2.4 meters tall. They are an option on new-build A320 Family aircraft and allow Airbus’ airline customers to reduce fuel burn by up to four per cent and CO2 emissions by approximately 1,000 tons per aircraft and year. Sharklets offer operators the flexibility of either adding an additional 100 nautical miles range or increased payload capability of up to 450 kilograms.
"With the delivery of this new aircraft equipped with Sharklets, Avianca advances the process of modernizing its fleet, while improving efficiency, reducing fuel burn and increasing range," said Fabio Villegas, CEO of Avianca.
“With the Sharklets, Avianca will be the first airline in the region to benefit from much lower operating costs,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “In addition, Avianca’s passengers can fly assured that they are travelling on board the world’s most eco-efficient single aisle aircraft.”
Avianca currently operates 98 A320 Family aircraft, and has 70 on order with the option to be Sharklet equipped. Sharklets are standard on all members of the A320neo Family. In 2012, Avianca placed an order for 33 eco-efficient A320neo aircraft along with 18 incremental A320ceos. With nearly an all-Airbus fleet, Avianca Taca has purchased 190 aircraft and has a backlog of 74 Airbus aircraft.
The A320 Family is the world’s best-selling and most modern single aisle aircraft Family. To date, over 9,100 aircraft have been ordered and over 5,400 delivered to more than 380 customers and operators worldwide. Airbus has sold more than 750 aircraft throughout Latin America and the Caribbean and currently holds a backlog that exceeds 370.
Eurocopter grows in Mexico with the inauguration of a production center for high-technology aircraft components
- Eurocopter expanded its global industrial footprint and enhanced the company’s presence in Mexico with today’s inauguration of a new manufacturing center of excellence at Querétaro, which is to produce high-technology aircraft structural metallic components. The event was attended by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, along with other key government, local and Eurocopter officials.
Querétaro, Mexico, 14 February 2013
Located at the Aerotech Industrial Park adjacent to Querétaro Intercontinental Airport, this 12,000-square-meter facility will be the single-source production site for structures used in jetliner doors that the company manufactures for Airbus, along with tail booms to equip Eurocopter Ecureuil helicopters. The site also is home to a recently-opened 1,000-square-meter maintenance center specialized in the Ecureuil family of helicopters, which serves the region’s Eurocopter clients operating the popular lightweight rotorcraft.
“Today’s inauguration underscores Eurocopter’s strategy of being present in key geographical regions for its customers, and developing manufacturing capabilities where technological and industrial infrastructure supports value-added production,” said Eurocopter President & CEO Lutz Bertling during comments at the opening ceremony. “In addition, this marks the 30th anniversary of our Eurocopter de México subsidiary, which continues our nearly 50-year presence in the country.”
Also joining invited guests at the Querétaro facility inauguration event were Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, Mexico’s Minister of Transportation and Communications; Idelfonso Guajardo Villareal, Minister of Economy, Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, Minister of Tourism, and José E. Calzada Rovirosa, Governor of the Mexican state of Querétaro.
“The importance of Eurocopter’s industrial commitment to Mexico is demonstrated by the role of Querétaro’s as the sole manufacturing source for all the aircraft components it will produce,” said Serge Durand, the CEO of Eurocopter de México. “This makes the new facility a vital element in Eurocopter’s global supply chain.”
Construction of the Querétaro manufacturing center began early 2012, followed by the hiring and training of personnel during the year. It will create approximately 200 specialized jobs, enabling the plant to generate 200,000 production hours annually during its initial phase of activity. Eurocopter’s market presence in Mexico began in 1964, when the first Alouette helicopters arrived to serve the Mexican Air Force and the country’s Presidential Air Transport Unit. Based on the company’s business growth and its policy of developing regional resources for marketing, maintenance, technical and support services, as well as training, the Eurocopter de México subsidiary was established in 1982.
Today, more than 450 Eurocopter helicopters are flying with operators in Eurocopter de México’s area of responsibility, covering Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the northern sector of South America. This inventory includes the AS350 B3, utilized in public services, private transportation and aerial utility work; the EC145, deployed for oil and gas airlift; the Dauphin family for private transportation, along with oil and gas missions; and the EC725/EC225, deployed in air force, navy and governmental duties.
In addition, all Mexican presidents since the 1960s have flown in Eurocopter-built helicopters, which are operated by the country’s Presidential Air Transport Unit.
Airbus supports new noise standard
Industry to further reduce aircraft noise by seven decibels
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) has adopted a new noise stringency level for commercial airplanes. The milestone achieved at the CAEP meeting last week lowers the current standard by seven decibels. Having now been agreed by the ICAO CAEP, the new stringent noise standard will be presented for final review and approval by the ICAO Council later in 2013. This new standard will come into force on the 31st December 2017.
“Over the past 40 years, Airbus has put a lot of effort into reducing noise at source and to bringing the quietest aircraft to the market. This new standard is another major step in how the global commercial aviation industry is pro-actively addressing environmental protection,” said Fabrice Brégier, Airbus President and CEO.
At Airbus, innovation and technology are key to provide aircraft that generate fewer emissions and less noise while carrying a maximum payload over the mission range. All Airbus development aircraft (NEO and A350 XWB) are designed to be compliant with the new noise standard.
In addition, Airbus continues developing new solutions to further reduce the operational noise. Several functionalities are available such as the Automatic Noise Abatement Departure Procedure (NADP) that optimises the thrust and flight path to reduce noise over populated areas.
In the UK, which has the strictest noise regulations in the world, the A380 was given an award for its quiet operations by the UK Noise Abatement Society in 2012.
The A380 carries 42 percent more passengers than its nearest competitor but produces half the noise energy when taking off, and three to four times less noise energy when landing. The A350 XWB, the aircraft with the leading environmental performance in the long-range market is up to 16 decibels below the current standard requirement.
Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and comprehensive family of airliners on the market, ranging in capacity from 100 to more than 500 seats. Airbus is known to offer innovative technologies as soon as they become available and has sold over 12.400 aircraft to almost 350 customers worldwide. Airbus has achieved more than 7,600 deliveries since the first Airbus aircraft entered service. Headquartered in Toulouse, France, Airbus is an EADS company.
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