lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013
Bombardier Aerospace Begins Production Of Its First Components In Morocco
Bombardier Aerospace Begins Production Of Its First Components In Morocco: Facility Was Announced In 2011 Production is underway at the new Bombardier Aerospace transitional facility in Morocco. Following a graduation ceremony held on February 1 at the Institut des Metiers de l'Aeronautique (IMA), 18 aircraft assemblers began production of the first Bombardier components to come out of its Moroccan manufacturing facility.
Boeing's Dreamliner Starts Flying Again... Test Flights Only
Boeing's Dreamliner Starts Flying Again... Test Flights Only: FAA Sanctioned Test Flights Resume Over the weekend Boeing performed a successful test flight with one of its 787 test flight aircraft as part of the ongoing investigation into the Dreamliner's APU battery issues. Test flights with the 787 were authorized Thursday by FAA Administrator Michael Huerta and DOT Secretary Ray LaHood. The flight departed from Boeing Field at 12:32 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday, Feb. 9, with a crew of 13 onboard (Boeing pilots and flight test personnel). The flight lasted 2 hours and 19 minutes, landing back at Boeing Field at 2:51 p.m. Pacific time. The crew reports that the flight was uneventful.
Eurocopter India retains the market lead in 2012, contributing to its parent company’s strong annual performance
Paced by the sales of light helicopters in 2012, Eurocopter India continued its leadership role in the Indian market last year – capturing a 70 percent share of the new civilian helicopter bookings and 43 percent of registered deliveries in this key geographical region.
Eurocopter India recorded an impressive 2012 bookings of 12 helicopters, driven largely by the outstanding sale of nine light twin-engine EC135. This represents a 70 percent market share for the two-year-old Indian subsidiary in a fledging civilian helicopter market that is making steady progress as the country begins to realize the potential and benefits of helicopter operations.
On the deliveries front, Eurocopter India is again leading for the third consecutive year with a total of six registered helicopter deliveries last year, for an overall 43 percent market share. The company performed very well in the light- and medium-category, where every three out of four rotorcraft delivered were Eurocopter products.
“Eurocopter has a 50-plus year relationship with India, and the Eurocopter India affiliate’s performance last year underscores the value of our company’s ability to provide proximity services to meet customers’ needs,” explained Eurocopter President & CEO Lutz Bertling. “We will continue developing our presence in this market, building on the strengths of Eurocopter India as the only full-fledged subsidiary to be established in the country, with plans to expand organically and through co-operations with local partners.”
In addition to Eurocopter India’s headquarters in New Delhi, the company has an office in Bangalore, and it expanded the footprint during 2012 with the opening of a new Mumbai location.
Industrial co-operation remains a focal strategy for the company, with many local partnerships formed to boost the local aviation industry. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. has been the global supplier of composite chipsets for Eurocopter’s Ecureuil/Fennec helicopter family; Pawan Hans Helicopters, who owns the largest Dauphin fleet in the world, operates the only Eurocopter-approved MRO (maintenance, repairs and overhaul) centre for Dauphin helicopters in India; and Mahindra & Mahindra has come on board as a commercial partner in the joint development of new market segments.
The sales and deliveries performance of Eurocopter India last year contributed to the Eurocopter parent company’s all-time record turnover of 6.3 billion euros in 2012, while its annual bookings of 5.4 billion euros marked the company’s third consecutive yearly increase since 2010.
- Innovative Virtual Rock Drill shown for the first time in the Middle East
- New Integrated Battle Management Software
- Booth No B 05, Hall 8, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, 17 – 21 February 2013
Cassidian, a leading global provider of cutting edge technology in defence and security, will showcase its innovative and high quality products and solutions at IDEX 2013.
For the first time, Cassidian presents its Virtual Rock Drill (VRD) to the public in the Middle East. The VRD, an interactive terrain sand table that can be used for training purposes and mission planning, is an absolute innovation in this area. For the first time, a product has been developed that combines the military training tried and tested over decades using a sand table with the technical possibilities of computer-supported training forms.
Cassidian presents its new version of Integrated Battle Management Software (IBMS). It is a consequent evolution of Cassidian Air Defence capabilities, which allows the commander to seamlessly integrate existing Air & Missile Defence assets, manage battle operations and tailor the force package to mission-specific needs. IBMS is designed for multiple operation concepts from small point defence operations up to large scale joint and combined missions.
Cassidian provides a complete and complementary range of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), from tactical to strategic products, developed in partnership with its customers. This guarantees the success of all types of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions on the battlefield or in civil operations. As a system integrator for 30 years, Cassidian has experience in all aspects of UAS from development up to in-service support.
Furthermore, Cassidian showcases the SPEXERTM security radar family, a series of high-performance surveillance radars providing automatic detection, classification and tracking of numerous objects on the ground, in the air or at sea at the same time. Combined with optronic sensors, objects can easily be detected even under the harshest conditions. This new generation of radar and optronic sensors provides early warnings and offers a clear overview of situations, thereby enabling security forces to act very efficiently at an early stage.
In the field of Cyber Security, Cassidian is presenting Cymerius, the solution for Security Operation Centres, that ensures business continuity in all situations by monitoring both ICS and business IT. Beside this Cassidian offers a broad range of services and associated solutions to audit IT systems, build appropriate architecture, define security procedures, perform penetration tests and advanced persistent threats (APT) checks. Cassidian is introducing as well an advanced range of multifunctional firewalls for IP network protection.
Los descuentos del AVE amenazan a los vuelos domésticos
Los descuentos del AVE amenazan a los vuelos domésticos:
Josep piqué, que fuera ministro de Industria, de Asuntos Exteriores, de Ciencia y Tecnología y portavoz del Gobierno del PP con José María Aznar, ha calificado el pasado fin de semana de “competencia desleal” los descuentos del AVE que, dijo, “van a cargo de los impuestos de todos los españoles”.
Trenes de Alta velocidad vs Aviones
El transporte aéreo nacional cayó un 18,2%
Josep piqué, que fuera ministro de Industria, de Asuntos Exteriores, de Ciencia y Tecnología y portavoz del Gobierno del PP con José María Aznar, ha calificado el pasado fin de semana de “competencia desleal” los descuentos del AVE que, dijo, “van a cargo de los impuestos de todos los españoles”.
Trenes de Alta velocidad vs Aviones
El transporte aéreo nacional cayó un 18,2%
Acusan a la FAA de haber confiado a Boeing la inspección del B787
Acusan a la FAA de haber confiado a Boeing la inspección del B787:
Kyung M. Song firmó el pasado lunes en “Seattle Times” una información titulada “Critican a la FAA por haber externalizado en Boeing la inspección de seguridad del B787”. Y en ella se dice: “Los problemas de las baterías de litio que han dejado inmovilizados por tiempo indeterminado los B787 Dreamliner que operaban en todo el mundo plantean interrogantes sobre la certificación de este avión por parte de la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA) norteamericana. Pero pocos conocen que fue Boeing y no los inspectores de la FAA los que en gran parte avalaron la seguridad del Dreamliner”.
“Los ensayos de las baterías de iones de litio, que se encuentran en el centro de una crisis sin precedentes en la constructora aeronáutica norteamericana,fueron realizados por la propia compañía. Y los responsables de la FAA designados por ésta para verificar que las baterías se ajustaban a la normativa de seguridad también eran empleados de Boeing”, añade el redactor de la noticia.
Kyung M. Song firmó el pasado lunes en “Seattle Times” una información titulada “Critican a la FAA por haber externalizado en Boeing la inspección de seguridad del B787”. Y en ella se dice: “Los problemas de las baterías de litio que han dejado inmovilizados por tiempo indeterminado los B787 Dreamliner que operaban en todo el mundo plantean interrogantes sobre la certificación de este avión por parte de la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA) norteamericana. Pero pocos conocen que fue Boeing y no los inspectores de la FAA los que en gran parte avalaron la seguridad del Dreamliner”.
“Los ensayos de las baterías de iones de litio, que se encuentran en el centro de una crisis sin precedentes en la constructora aeronáutica norteamericana,fueron realizados por la propia compañía. Y los responsables de la FAA designados por ésta para verificar que las baterías se ajustaban a la normativa de seguridad también eran empleados de Boeing”, añade el redactor de la noticia.
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