sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

El Ejército del Aire quiere la unificación de flotas: con los C-235 y los Eurofighter llega la baja de los Aviocar, Fokker y Mirage hoy en servicio

El Ejército del Aire quiere la unificación de flotas: con los C-235 y los Eurofighter llega la baja de los Aviocar, Fokker y Mirage hoy en servicio:
En entrevista concedida a la Revistas Española de Defensa, medio editado por el Ministerio de Defensa español, el Jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército del Aire, general del aire Francisco Javier García Arnáiz, afirma  que  la fuerza está buscando acabar con la diversidad de flotas aéreas. “Ahora mismo tenemos varios tipos de aviones que realizan las misma función, vamos a concentrarnos en aquél que lo hace más eficientemente”.

Air Force Times Mobile - F-35B grounded following fueldraulic failure

The office made the decision after a
10 :00 a . m . CST test flight at Eglin was
aborted by the pilot during a
conventional takeoff roll. There were no
injuries to the pilot or the crew .
The abort occurred because of a failure
to a propulsion fueldraulic line, which
enables movement in the actuators for
the STOVL' s exhaust system .
The F - 35 A ( conventional ) and F - 35 C
( carrier ) variants are unaffected.
" Implementing a precautionary
suspension of flight operations is a
prudent response until F - 35 B
engineering , technical and system safety
teams fully understand the cause of the
failure , " wrote JPO spokesman Joe
DellaVedova in an emailed statement.


Airbus CEO: A380 market remains weak | ATWOnline

The A380 program is on track to breakeven
in 2015, Airbus CEO Fabrice Brégier told
ATW on the sidelines of the results
conference in Toulouse. However, he said
the market remains weak for the aircraft.
"We are confident [we will] get additional
customers, because year-on-year we have
met our targets," he said.
Brégier said the A380 has a "huge market
and a long-term outlook, but the market
right now for this aircraft is too soft." He
said the economic crisis, combined with the
aircraft's price tag, have made customers
more cautious. "We got nine new [A380]
orders last year; Boeing got just one
[747-8I]. We are not proud with nine
orders, but the [weak] market is a reality."


Chinese carriers’ net profit drops 22.7% for 2012 | ATWOnline


COMAC signs cooperation agreement with Alcoa | ATWOnline

Under the agreement, Alcoa will provide "a
large number of" technical services and
fastener products in support of the COMAC
C919 commercial aircraft program.
