miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013
Alten presenta un ERE para 150 empleados y luego publica 81 ofertas de empleo
La Nasa acoplará globos a la ISS para ampliar su capacidad
El éxito del CASA C-295
Airbus Military ha recibido de la Fuerza Aérea egipcia un pedido adicional de seis aviones de transporte C295, que ampliará la flota de C295 de la Fuerza Aérea egipcia a un total de 12 aparatos.
The Colombian Air Force has ordered one more Airbus Military C295 to add to the five examples already ordered for use on military transport and humanitarian aid duties.
Curiosity scheduled to conduct first test drill on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is scheduled to carry out the first drilling ever conducted on the Red Planet. At a press conference, NASA officials said that the unmanned explorer would test its drill on a target rock within the next two weeks. The target selected is the “John Klein” area of Glen Crater where the rover will take rock samples as part of Curiosity’s two-year mission to find places on the Red Planet where life could have or still might exist...
Continue Reading Curiosity scheduled to conduct first test drill on Mars
Más problemas para el 787
El 787 de ANA en Tokyo Haneda – © Sam Chui
Si hace una semana tuvieron dos incidentes en días consecutivos en el aeropuerto de Boston Logan con aviones de JAL, hoy han tenido otro aterrizaje de emergencia, esta vez en Tokyo Haneda, con e
Egipto confirma un nuevo pedido de otros seis aviones C295 para su Fuerza Aérea

González-Ripoll, nuevo máximo responsable de Airbus China
Madrid.- El hasta ahora director de Operaciones de Airbus España, Rafael González-Ripoll, ha sido nombrado máximo responsable de constructor aeronáutico europeo en China y estará al frente de todas las plantas e instalaciones que allí tiene el grupo, según publicó ayer “El Economista”.
Air Force Times Mobile - Report: Lightning a threat to the F-35
Despite undergoing regular test flights,
the F - 35 Joint Strike Fighter , called the
Lightning II , remains vulnerable to its
namesake — lightning .
Air Berlin cuts 900 jobs | ATWOnline
Air Berlin has begun to implement its
Turbine 2013 turnaround program, cutting
around 900 jobs to save €400 million
($534.9 million) by the end of 2014.
ANA grounds 787 after emergency landing | ATWOnline
All Nippon Airways (ANA) has grounded its
Boeing 787 fleet after one of its aircraft
made an emergency landing at Takamatsu
airport, the BBC and other news agencies
have reported.
It also reported that the flight crew had
reported a battery malfunction and that
passengers were evacuated via the aircraft's
emergnecy chutes.
According to a Reuters report, smoke
appeared in the aircraft's cockpit.