The doors on both engines of the flight that made an
emergency landing at Heathrow last week had been left
unlatched, investigators have found.
Air accident experts said the coverings - the fan cowl doors
- separated and punctured the right engine's fuel pipe,
damaging the aircraft's systems.
viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013
BBC News - Heathrow emergency landing: Engine doors 'left unlatched'
Boeing says new 737 model will burn less fuel than expected
Boeing Co (BA.N) said on Thursday it
is confident its new 737 MAX passenger jet will burn 13
percent less fuel than current 737 models, a figure that
exceeds earlier estimates.
At a press briefing, Boeing said its forecast is based on
computer models and wind tunnel tests. The plane is due to
enter production in 2015 and be delivered to customers in
2017. The 737 MAX is the latest narrow-body plane by
Boeing and competes with the A320neo made by Airbus
Artículo: Carbon Fiber: Secret Ingredient of the 21st Century
Invented by Thomas Edison in 1879, carbon fiber is now used in everything from batting helmets to violins. Here's how it came to be the material we know today.
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jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013
Photos: At de Moscow Helicopter Factory...
Report: F-35, V-22, Black Hawk Targeted By Chinese Cyberspies
1st #Airbusmilitary #A400M full flight simulator to be presented to EASA for qualification next Tuesday
AirbusMilitary: 1st #Airbusmilitary #A400M full flight simulator to be presented to EASA for qualification next Tuesday.
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Artículo: El caso de Pegaso “pone en evidencia el riesgo cada vez mayor que representa la basura espacial”
NEE-01 "Pegaso", el primer satélite ecuatoriano, sufrió la semana pasada un inusual accidente espacial, al chocar con partículas de un cohete ruso que quedó flotando como basura espacial. Después del éxito que significó haber logrado poner en la órbita un nanosatélite completamente fabricado en e...
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Boeing Celebrates Delivery of 50th 747-8
- - Launch customer Lufthansa takes delivery of milestone airplane
- - Reliability of fleet stands at 98.8 percent
EVERETT, Wash., May 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) celebrated the 50th delivery of a 747-8 today. Deutsche Lufthansa AG, the launch customer of the passenger version, took delivery of the milestone aircraft almost one year after the first revenue flight of the 747-8 Intercontinental. It is the airline's seventh 747-8 and its 82nd 747.
"Lufthansa is very proud to have the next Boeing 747-8 entering our fleet – almost exactly one year after the launch flight from Frankfurt to Washington, DC," said Nico Buchholz, Executive Vice President Fleet Management, Deutsche Lufthansa AG. "After one year of operation and now seven aircraft in the fleet, the aircraft has proven and delivered the excellent economical and ecological performance. We are very happy with the reliable operation of the 747-8."
For more than a year-and-a-half, airlines have benefited from the 747-8's excellent schedule reliability, utilization, performance and operational advantages. Schedule reliability, an industry measure of departure from the gate within 15 minutes of scheduled time, is 98.8 percent for the 747-8 fleet.
"This delivery is not only an important milestone for the 747-8 program, but it sets the stage for our future," said Eric Lindblad, vice president and general manager, 747 program. "We will be building and delivering the 747-8 for decades to come."
This milestone delivery also represents the shared commitment to quality, innovation and affordability of Boeing and its global supply chain to produce the world's most iconic, fuel-efficient large commercial airplane. The 747-8 has about six million parts manufactured by more than 550 suppliers in almost 30 countries, including the United States, China, Germany, Japan, South Korea and the United Kingdom. In the U.S., more than 450 suppliers across almost 40 states contribute to the 747-8 program.
Boeing delivered the first 747-8 Intercontinental to Lufthansa in April 2012. The airplane entered service on June 1, 2012 with a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Washington, D.C. Cargolux Airlines took delivery of the first 747-8 Freighter in Oct. 2011. To date, 35 Freighters and 15 Intercontinentals, including eight of the Boeing Business Jet version, have been delivered.
miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013
Warplanes: MiG-21 Production Finally Ends
China recently ended production of its
MiG-21 clone (the J7) after nearly fifty years of
manufacturing what evolved into an advanced version of
the original Russian design. China began licensed
production of the Russian MiG-21 in 1964, but it took
another decade for that to evolve into the J7 and for mass
production to really get started.
Artículo: Soyuz takes new crew to International Space Station
Three new crew members have arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) after launching from Kazakhstan.
The Soyuz rocket carrying Fyodor Yurchikhin, Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano lifted …
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Artículo: The Worlds Largest Amateur Rocket – HEAT 1600 / Tycho Deep Space II
A couple of blogs ago I presented the final and locked design of our major 60 feet tall rocket HEAT1600/TychoDeepSpace-II
Claus Mejling has produces yet another video with thoughts by Peter Madsen on the engine side and more on the new test cell VTC-3 – capable of holding the test-engines fo …
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El Museo de la RAF de Hendon se prepara para restaurar un Dornier 17
martes, 28 de mayo de 2013
lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013
sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013
viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013
Artículo: Solar Impulse rompe récord de distancia volada a energía solar
El avión Solar Impulse rompió un nuevo récord al recorrer 1.540 kilómetros continuos desde Phoenix, Arizona, hasta Dallas Ft. Worth, Texas, el tramo más largo recorrido por esta nave a energía solar.El avión cuenta con 11.000 celdas solares que cubren sus alas, desde donde obtiene su energía. La ...
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Artículo: Estos son los drones que sustituirán a los mensajeros
No, no estamos hablando de un futuro lejano. Estamos hablando de la primera empresa emprendedora que ya está repartiendo paquetes mediante drones completamente autónomos. Se llama Matternet y su idea puede revolucionar completamente el concepto de mensajería urgente.Matternet debutó...
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jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013
El primer coche impreso en 3D
Se trata del modelo Urbee 2, un híbrido de 3 ruedas, robusto, ligero y ecológico. compuesto según informa Wired. Su creador Jim Kor quiere cambiar la forma en la que se construyen l …
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miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013
Artículo: Honda says small jet's U.S. certification delayed by a year
Honda Motor Co Ltd's small passenger jet will not be licensed to fly by authorities in the United States until the second half of 2014, a year later than the company originally planned, Honda said on Tuesday
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Video - First F-35B Vertical Takeoff Test - Airforce Technology
An F-35B test aircraft completes the first-ever vertical
takeoff (VTO) at NAS Patuxent River. While not a
capability used in combat, VTOs are required for
repositioning of the STOVL in environments where a jet
could not perform.
Airbus Military colocará al director de su filial polaca al frente de Alestis
de su filial polaca al frente de Alestis El grupo lima los
últimos flecos para tomar la mayoría de su proveedor
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013
Artículo: Gamesa despedirá a 394 trabajadores, un 6% de su plantilla
Gamesa ha comunicado a los representantes de los trabajadores un expediente de despido colectivo que afecta a 394 trabajadores, un 6% de la plantilla total, en sus planta …
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Terrafugia anuncia el TF-X, su coche volador VTOL
Turkey’s Future Fifth Gen Fighter Fleet
If building a MALE UAV, and a turboprop trainer – Hurkus, due to fly for the first time in the coming weeks – wasn’t enough, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has embarked on early studies for a national combat aircraft program. While it is only in the concept phase for the moment, with assistance from Swedish fighter manufacturer, Saab, senior officials will make significant decisions on the program at the end of the year.... Turkey’s Future Fifth Gen Fighter Fleet:

X-47B Videos
+ X-47B: Navy Drone Launches Off Aircraft Carrier; A New Tailhook Era
+ VIDEO: Navy X-47B UCAS Launches from Aircraft Carrier
+ Navy’s Historic Drone Launch From an Aircraft Carrier Has an Asterisk
+ The case for sea-based drones
+ Video: Navy Launches First Ever Drone From Carrier
X-47B Heads For Final Tests
The Northrop Grumman X-47B program is expected to perform its first touch-and-go landings -- intentional bolters -- on the carrier George Bush within a few days, following its first at-sea catapult launch on Tuesday. A few first-hand observations: X-47B Heads For Final Tests
domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013
Primer avión militar diseñado por Unasur estará listo en el 2016
El prototipo del primer avión militar de entrenamiento básico y primario, diseñado en conjunto por los países de la Unasur, estará listo en el 2016, y a partir de entonces podrá ser adquirido por las naciones que formulen sus requerimientos en el ámbito regional.
La aeronave, denominada Unasur I, es diseñada por un grupo de trabajo especial del bloque regional, que también tendrá a su cargo el desarrollo y la producción de este avión de instrucción, cuyo proyecto cuenta con la participación activa de todas las naciones de Suramérica.
“Aún es un proceso preliminar de diseño y en él todos los países de la región participan de una u otra manera, ya sea como observadores, en la producción misma del avión o en la confección de sus piezas”, detalló el viceministro de Políticas para la Defensa, Mario Sánchez Debernardi.
sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013
Artículo: ‘Dream Chaser’ Spacecraft Arrives at NASA to Begin Flight Tests
Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser spacecraft is being prepared for its first test flights. The lifting body vehicle arrived at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in southern California today where it will be put back together and begin flight testing ...
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Artículo: Compañías aéreas estadounidenses comienzan a prohibir fotografiar en sus aviones
La inmensa mayoría de las personas tiene hoy día un teléfono móvil, y la mayoría de esos teléfonos incorporar cámara de fotos. Cualquiera, pues, es un fotoperiodista en poten …
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viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013
jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013
miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013
Podcast RBF 18: Noticias, Cuatro Vientos, Aviones con motores nucleares...
0:05:30 Noticias
0:31:40 Burradas Aeronáuticas: burradas de cine
0:33:45 Actualidad a fondo: Cuatrovientos.
0:41:45 Monográfico: Aviones de propulsión nuclear
0:58:40 Despedida
Artículo: Navy’s Historic Drone Launch From an Aircraft Carrier Has an Asterisk
For the first time ever, the Navy launched a drone off an aircraft carrier at sea today. It just didn't land on the carrier, a much harder task.
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FAA Approves Sikorsky Aircraft's New Platform Approach System for S-92(R) Helicop
STRATFORD, Conn. – Sikorsky
Aircraft Corp. today announced
the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) has
approved a new functionality on
the S-92® helicopter to provide
offshore oil operators with an
automated approach that
reduces cockpit workload by 60
percent and allows safer
operations under challenging
weather and operating
martes, 14 de mayo de 2013
Boeing, Turkish Airlines Finalize Order for 50 737 MAXs, 20 Next-Generation 737s
- Order also includes options for an additional 25 737 MAX 8s
ISTANBUL, May 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE:BA) and Turkish Airlines today finalized a firm order for 40 737 MAX 8s, 10 737 MAX 9s and 20 Next-Generation 737-800 jets, valued at $6.9 billion at list prices. The order, originally announced as a commitment last month, also includes options for an additional 25 737 MAX 8s and is the largest Boeing order in Turkish Airlines' history.
"We are delighted to finalize the order, which will considerably expand our fleet and contribute to our continued growth," said Temel Kotil, PhD, President and CEO of Turkish Airlines. "Turkish Airlines is a global airline, serving the most countries worldwide and we are building the strongest network in the world. Our long-standing partnership with Boeing is one of the key factors behind the success of Turkish Airlines."
Today's announcement brings the total number of 737 MAXs ordered to date to 1,285 and Boeing currently has more than 3,100 unfilled orders for 737s.
"Turkish Airlines currently operates more than 85 Next-Generation 737s, which are the foundation of its successful short-haul operations," said Todd Nelp, vice president of European Sales, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Today's announcement demonstrates the confidence Turkish Airlines has in the proven reliability, performance and economics of the Next-Generation 737, while the order for 50 737 MAXs marks a new chapter in their continued fleet expansion, ensuring unrivaled efficiencies and superior passenger comfort."
The 737 MAX builds on the strengths of the world's best-selling Next-Generation 737. The 737 MAX incorporates the latest-technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. Airlines operating the 737 MAX will see a 13 percent fuel-use improvement over today's most fuel-efficient single-aisle airplanes.
Turkish Airlines currently serves more than 220 cities in 99 countries around the world. In March 2013, the carrier received its 100th direct delivery from Boeing and currently operates Next-Generation 737s and 777-300ER (Extended Range) jets. With today's announcement, Turkish Airlines has 100 Boeing airplanes on order including Next-Generation 737s, 737 MAXs and 777-300ERs
China’s Navy Forms First Carrier-Borne Jet Force | Aviation & Air Force News at DefenceTalk
A carrier-borne aviation force has been
formally established as part of the
People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy ,
military sources said on Friday.
The forming of the force, approved by the
Central Military Commission (CMC),
demonstrates that the development of
China 's aircraft carriers has entered a new
phase, the sources said.
The force comprises carrier-borne fighter
jets, jet trainers and ship-borne
helicopters that operate anti-submarine,
rescue and vigilance tasks
First A350 XWB painting completed in Toulouse
Painting of the first A350 XWB "MSN001" was today fully completed as it emerged in its Airbus livery out from the paintshop in Toulouse. This latest milestone shows that MSN001 is progressing well on its route to first flight.
The aircraft painting was achieved in less than seven days and follows the recent completion of MSN001's flight-test-instrumentation (FTI) verification. Last month the aircraft underwent its engines installation, and passed a subsequent intensive phase of ground vibration tests. MSN001 will soon start the final tests before its maiden flight this summer.
lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013
domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013
sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013
VIDEO: Flightglobal expert analyses Bagram 747 crash sequence
Adelson abordará el problema que Eurovegas plantea a las servidumbres aeronáuticas
Fwd: Nota de Prensa: Iberia y Panasonic Toughbook revolucionan la gestión aeroportuaria con la última tecnología y soluciones móviles

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013
Sticky spy UAV turns things upside down with ability to land on walls and ceilings

Micro UAVs that have the ability to slip into tight spaces, including inside buildings, have wide ranging military and search and rescue applications. To reach their full potential, however, these UAVs are going to need to learn how to land in rougher areas that don't always have a horizontal surface to touch down on. One team of scientists has begun taking a huge step towards accomplishing just that by developing a quadcopter with a mechanism that allows it to land on walls or ceilings, stay for a while, and then take off again...
Continue Reading Sticky spy UAV turns things upside down with ability to land on walls and ceilings