International Airlines Group (IAG), holding de Iberia y British Airways, tendría la intención de ceder gran parte de sus vuelos europeos a la aerolínea Vueling, participada en un 45,85 por ciento por la filial española y sobre la que el grupo lanzó en noviembre pasado una oferta pública de co
jueves, 31 de enero de 2013
IAG quiere ceder vuelos europeos a Vueling
International Airlines Group (IAG), holding de Iberia y British Airways, tendría la intención de ceder gran parte de sus vuelos europeos a la aerolínea Vueling, participada en un 45,85 por ciento por la filial española y sobre la que el grupo lanzó en noviembre pasado una oferta pública de co
El nuevo aeropuerto de Murcia, terminado y cerrado un año después
La oferta por el aeropuerto de Castelló es de 87,5 millones, un 40 % menos de lo que costó
La cantidad que ofrece el grupo hispanolibio es un 40 % inferior a la inversión declarada por la Generalitat, que ronda los 150 millones de euros. El precio final reconocido de las obras es de 111,4 millones, a los que ha que sumar otros conceptos, como los 11,2 millones de revisión de precios o los sobrecostes derivados de las paralizaciones (la que decretó el Ministerio de Fomento supuso un encarecimiento de 18 millones).
IL-476 Airlifter Makes First Long Test Flight
The flight, which lasted four hours and 25 minutes at altitudes of up to 10,000 meters (33,000 feet), was designed to assess the performance of its onboard avionics, engines, automated control system, and other characteristics, Ulyanovsk-based Aviastar said.
he Il-76MD-90A is an extensively modernized version of the forty-year-old Il-76 military transport aircraft, fitted with a new wing, fuel-efficient high-bypass Aviadvigatel PS-90A turbofans, and a modernized cockpit with so-called “glass cockpit” displays, allowing the flight crew to be reduced to three people.
Read more:
KAI, Philippines to enter final negotiations for 12 FA-50s
ANA y JAL sustituyeron las baterías antes de los problemas de los B787
Los ingresos de Boeing cayeron un 30% en el último trimestre de 2012
UK Royal Air Force receives 100th Typhoon aircraft
Astrium Wins ESA Contracts To Design Ariane 6
miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013
GoAir takes delivery of its first Airbus A320 equipped with Sharklets
India’s GoAir, ‘The Fly Smart Airline”, wholly owned by the Wadia Group, has taken delivery of its first Sharklet equipped A320 aircraft financed by ACG (Aviation Capital Group) under a sale and leaseback arrangement which will see the Aircraft added to ACG's growing portfolio of Airbus A320 family aircraft.
The aircraft is part of an order placed by GoAir for 20 A320ceo in 2006. So far 13 aircraft have been delivered to GoAir making the first Sharklet equipped A320 the 14th to join the fleet. All subsequent seven deliveries will be equipped with Sharklets.
“We already operate one of the youngest and most fuel efficient aircraft fleets anywhere in the world and the introduction of the Sharklet will add further efficiency. Our investment in the every latest technology like Sharklets, and also the A320neo, is a demonstration of our commitment to our customers and to the growth of our valued airline,” said Giorgio De Roni, GoAir CEO
“We are delighted to be partnering GoAir with their fleet expansion and the introduction of the fuel saving Sharklet. We strive to always have the most modern aircraft in our aircraft portfolio and the A320 equipped with Sharklets is a perfect fit,” said Denis Kalscheur, ACG CEO.
“The Sharklets deliver up to four per cent fuel burn reduction on longer sectors, and this translates into impressive cost savings,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer – Customers. “GoAir passengers can also be confident that on board their Sharklet equipped A320s, they’ll be flying the world’s greenest single aisle aircraft.”
Due to the very strong customer demand for Sharklets, all Airbus’ single-aisle final assembly lines (FALs) will be engaged in building A320 Family aircraft with Sharklets. These FALs are located in Toulouse (France), Hamburg (Germany) and Tianjin (China) and will soon be followed by an additional A320 FAL in Mobile (Alabama, USA).
Sharklets are an option on new-build A320 Family aircraft and offer operators the option of an additional 100 nautical miles range or increased payload capability of up to 450 kilograms. Sharklets are standard on all members of the A320neo Family. In 2011, GoAir placed an order for 72 A320neo aircraft.
The A320 Family is the world’s best-selling and most modern single aisle aircraft Family. To date, over 9,000 aircraft have been ordered and over 5,400 delivered to more than 380 customers and operators worldwide.
Boeing Reports Record Revenue and Backlog and Provides 2013 Guidance
- Core EPS (non-GAAP)* of $1.46 on strong operating performance; GAAP EPS of $1.28
- Revenue rose to $22.3 billion on increased commercial airplane deliveries
- Core EPS (non-GAAP)* of $5.88 on record revenue of $81.7 billion; GAAP EPS of $5.11
- Operating cash flow rose to $7.5 billion, including $1.6 billion of pension contributions
- Backlog grew to a record $390 billion including $114 billion of orders during the year
- Core EPS (non-GAAP)* guidance of $6.10 to $6.30; GAAP EPS guidance of $5.00 to $5.20
- Operating cash flow guidance of greater than $6.5 billion includes $1.5 billion of pension contributions
Boeing 737 Program Starts Building at Higher Production Rate
Boeing 737 Program Starts Building at Higher Production Rate
Boeing [NYSE: BA] has begun assembly of the first Next-Generation 737 to be built at the rate of 38 airplanes per month. Over the past two years, production of the 737 has risen more than 20 percent, from 31.5 to 38 airplanes a month. In 2014, the rate will go up again to 42 airplanes a month.
Today mechanics completed loading initial parts of the spars - internal support structures in the wings – into an automated spar-assembly machine. The spar is the first step in building the wings and marks the start of major manufacturing for an airplane.
"The first spar load serves as the defining moment for our latest rate break, and the 737 team did it as planned, on schedule," said Beverly Wyse, vice president and general manager of the 737 program. "We have more hard work ahead of us, but we are well on our way to another successful production rate increase."
Employee teams have been instrumental in reducing 737 production flow by developing and implementing innovative efficiency improvements.
The first Next-Generation 737 built at the new rate is scheduled to be delivered in the second quarter of this year.
Japón no halla problemas en las baterías de litio
Tokio.- Las autoridades japonesas no han detectado problemas graves en los análisis realizados en la factoría del fabricante de baterías de iones de litio ni desde un punto de vista técnico, ni en cuanto a la gestión de la calidad, según reveló ayer un responsable del Ministerio nipón de Transportes.
El IL-76MD-90A realizó su primer vuelo de prueba de larga duración
Moscú.- El avión de transporte pesado IL-76MD-90A realizó el primer vuelo de prueba de larga duración, comunicó hoy su fabricante, Aviastar-SP de Uliánovsk.
El vuelo duró 4 horas y 25 minutos y su programa incluyó la comprobación del funcionamiento de los sistemas y equipos, el encendido de motores, la estabilidad en vuelo y la manejabilidad de la nave,según recogía ayer la agencia rusa RIA Novosti.
NASA's Blended Wing prototype reconfigured for extra hush

It's easy to forget that, between roving Mars and maintaining a permanent manned space presence, NASA also takes a keen interest in conventional flight. Developed in conjunction with Boeing, NASA's X-48C is the latest iteration in its six-year X-48 program to develop an unmanned Blended Wing Body aircraft. So perhaps we should modify that prior statement: NASA also takes a keen interest in unconventional conventional flight...
Continue Reading NASA's Blended Wing prototype reconfigured for extra hush
Marc Newson's “Body Jet” re-imagines the jetpack

The jetpack is arguably the most game-changing method of transport one could envision using technology available today. However, despite some progress, a jetpack-powered commute still seems a very long way in the future. Not to be daunted by this, Australian designer Marc Newson has turned his hand to producing a compelling jetpack design concept, dubbed the “Body Jet.”
Continue Reading Marc Newson's “Body Jet” re-imagines the jetpack
China Tests Carrier Killer DF-21D Missile
Taiwan-based Want China Times has published suggestive evidence that China has tested its Dong Feng 21D anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM), also known as the “Carrier Killer” to fans.
This missile will keep the “dog” out of China’s “backyard.”
According to the January 23 article, “PLA ‘sinks’ US carrier in DF-21D missile test in Gobi,” the “People’s Liberation Army has successfully sunk a US aircraft carrier, according to a satellite photo provided by Google Earth, reports our sister paper Want Daily — though the strike was a war game, the carrier a mock-up platform and the ‘sinking’ occurred on dry land in a remote part of western China.
Cassidian Develops New System For Eurofighter Training
Boeing May Suffer From Lengthy 787 Investigation
martes, 29 de enero de 2013
Unmanned Aerial Systems | UAS | Noticias y actualidad - Francia y Alemania apuestan por un UAV de combate desarrollado de ma...
Entre las opciones que barajan se encuentra
continuar con los sistemas actuales,
adquirir el Heron-TP, que es un modelo
más grande de IAI, o el Reaper de la
norteamericana General Atomics
Dos colegios triunfan con su proyecto sobre basura espacial en un concurso de la NASA
"Ninguna organización
pública nos ha ayudado en
nuestro proyecto espacial
para la Nasa"
Around the world on solar power: 208 ft wingspan, 43 mph, one daring pilot, no fuel
swissnexSF: Around the world on solar power: 208 ft wingspan, 43 mph, one daring pilot, no fuel. Tonight @swissnexsf @solarimpulse
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DARPA investigating self-destructing electronics
DARPA investigating self-destructing electronics:
Modern electronics are cheap, tough and can operate for years without a hitch. That’s great for building advanced military gear, but what happens if this gear is in danger of falling into enemy hands? The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Vanishing Programmable Resources (VAPR) program is investigating the development of special electronics designed to self-destruct on command so as to prevent classified technology being leaked...
Continue Reading DARPA investigating self-destructing electronics
Tekplus tiene éxito con su UAV Centauro
La empresa aeronáutica
viguesa Tekplus ha reforzado su plantilla en
los dos últimos años con 21 ingenieros
aeronáuticos, industriales y de
telecomunicaciones -dos tercios de ellos en
2012- para acometer el desarrollo de sus
helicópteros no tripulados, cuyos primeros
pedidos en el exterior se esperan para este
año en ejércitos de países latinoamericanos
y del sudeste asiático, aunque los estados
con los que se está negociando no han
transcendido por las cláusulas de
confidencialidad que se exigen en los
El presidente de Tekplus, Marcos
Carrera,confirma que este año es decisivo
con la entrega al Ministerio de Defensa de
España de dos modelos de helicópteros no
tripulados que desarrolla su compañía
lunes, 28 de enero de 2013
Japan launches reconnaissance satellite
Iran claims to launch into space and recover live monkey
No Obvious Battery Anomalies On JAL787/Boston Battery
La huelga de limpieza se extiende a todas las terminales de Barajas
Madrid.- La huelga indefinida de los trabajadores de limpieza, que empezó la pasada semana en las Terminales 1, 2 y 3 del aeropuerto madrileño de Barajas, se extiende a partir de hoy también a la Terminal 4 de dicho aeropuerto.
A los trabajadores de la empresa de limpiezas Pilsa que se responsabilizan de las tres primeras terminales de Barajas, se suman ahora los de la empresa Eulen que se encargan de la T4.
domingo, 27 de enero de 2013
MIT Professor: Battery Fix Could Ground 787 Until 2014 - Forbes
In a nutshell, Sadoway thinks that Boeing
needs to monitor the temperature and
cool each of the eight cells of the
787′s lithium-ion battery or switch to an
older battery technology that has a far
better safety record — nickel metal-
hydride (NiMH).
If Boeing opts to substitute NiMH for
lithium-ion, certification could result in
delays of up to a year — effectively
grounding the 787 until 2014
Fotos y vídeo: El nuevo avión de transporte chino Y-20 ya ha volado

El primer vuelo del Y-20,lo que viene a ser el C-17 chino, se ha producido este fin de semana, el sábado 26 de enero de 2013.
Revealed: who can fly drones in UK airspace - The Guardian
![]() The Guardian | Revealed: who can fly drones in UK airspace The Guardian "People are going to see more and more of these small vehicles operating around the country," said John Moreland, general secretary of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Association (UAVS), a trade body with more than 100 members. "There are any ... |
Proposed Italian Regulation For Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) - Mondaq News Alerts (registration)
Proposed Italian Regulation For Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) Mondaq News Alerts (registration) The European Commission has recently taken the lead regarding a project for the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), the new name used by ICAO for UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle), into common airspace by 2016. In July 2012, the ... |
Turkey preparing to launch ANKA UAV production -
![]() | Turkey preparing to launch ANKA UAV production Turkey is preparing to launch production of the ANKA unmanned aerial vehicle, the Anadolu agency said on Thursday. According to the agency, the UAV went through all the test flights, and is now preparing to be manufactured. Turkey worked to create its ... |
España ofrece vender 20 aviones Eurofighter Typhoon a Perú - La Patria (Bolivia)
![]() La Patria (Bolivia) | España ofrece vender 20 aviones Eurofighter Typhoon a Perú La Patria (Bolivia) La propuesta se hizo a pedido del Comando de Operaciones de la FAP (Comop), que evalúa la adquisición de las aeronaves que reemplazarán progresivamente a los 12 Mirage-2000, 19 Mig-29 y 18 Sukhoi-25 que integran la fuerza de combate de Perú. y más » |
Boeing, Sikorsky Team For FVL Development - Aviation Week
![]() Aviation Week | Boeing, Sikorsky Team For FVL Development Aviation Week Between them, they supply 80% of the U.S. Army's helicopters. Now Boeing and Sikorsky are teaming for the long haul in a bid to develop and produce advanced rotorcraft to replace those helicopters. The companies will submit a joint proposal in early ... Boeing, Sikorsky Team for Army's Joint Multi-Role DemonstrationAviation International News los 2 artículos informativos » |
Un licenciado de la UPM presenta la mejor tesis europea en Mecánica de Fluidos
Resto de articulo y entrevista: Un licenciado de la UPM presenta la mejor tesis europea en Mecánica de Fluidos
C919 Design Advances To Next Stage; First Flight Still Expected ... - Aviation Week
![]() Aviation Week | C919 Design Advances To Next Stage; First Flight Still Expected ... Aviation Week The design of the center wing box of the Comac C919 narrowbody aircraft has passed its critical design review, and managers of the Chinese program have authorized the next stage in the composite structural design. Comac's announcement on the critical ... |
Y20 China's jumbo air freighter test flight a success - The Nation
China's jumbo air freighter test flight a success The Nation At last November's China Airshow, China unveiled 50 new orders for its COMAC C919 passenger jet which is designed to challenge Airbus and Boeing in the largest segment of the $100 billion annual jetliner market. The orders for the 150-seat jet boosted ... y más » |
What next for Russia's military air transport force? - The Voice of Russia
![]() The Voice of Russia | What next for Russia's military air transport force? The Voice of Russia Historically, most of Russia's military transport planes have been Antonov makes – from Antonov-26 to Antonov-124 – developed and built at design bureaus and plants located in Russia and Ukraine. Dependence on cooperation with the latter country may ... |
IN FOCUS: Chinese air force not yet a match for Japan's
Despite China's apparent numerical equality, experts feel it is in no position to impose and maintain aerial superiority - let alone aerial supremacy - over the disputed area.
"In short, Japan has a significant edge," says Oriana Mastro, a fellow at the Center for a New American Security think tank. "But the Chinese can create challenges for Japan to maintain aerial superiority."
PICTURES: Bombardier final assembly progress on CSeries revealed
Sin avances en la investigación sobre los incendios de las baterías de los Boeing 787
Video: Lockheed Martin's Perspective on F-35 2012 Flight Testing
Lockheed Martin has just come out with their 2012 F-35 Flight Test at Edwards AFB video on YouTube. Their description:
viernes, 25 de enero de 2013
IN FOCUS: Chinese air force not yet a match for Japan's
Republic Airlines encarga a Embraer hasta 94 aviones E175
Small Diameter Bomb II Fit Check On JSF Completed
Ryanair: No ‘imminent’ aircraft order
UK's GKN Aerospace joins Manufacturing Technology Centre as tier-one member
GKN Aerospace has announced that it has become a tier-one member of the UK's Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) as part of its strategy to strengthen and share its research into automated assembly technologies.
MTC was established as a part of the UK Government's national manufacturing strategy; it is aimed at supporting production processes and technologies in collaboration with industry, academia and other institutions.
MTC provides a space for the development and demonstration of new technologies on an industrial scale in a low-risk environment.
No hay fecha para que el avión Boeing 787 vuelva a volar
Resolver el problemas de las baterías se ha convertido en el principal punto de atención de la investigación, aunque el jefe de la Administración Federal de Aviación de Estados Unidos (FAA, por sus siglas en inglés) dijo el miércoles que aún no hay una respuesta definitiva sobre la causa, ni una fecha para que los aviones vuelvan a volar.
En tanto, a medida que las entregas del innovador avión de pasajeros se demoran, un cliente chino clave lamentó los retrasos y dijo que sus planes de crecimiento estaban viéndose afectados por su incapacidad de recibir los aviones a tiempo.
Video: Airbus CEO: We’ll learn from 787’s troubles
"Nano" QuadCopter UAV: MeCam $49 helicopter follows you and streams live video to your Android
Boeing Statement on U.S. National Transportation Safety Board 787 Investigation Update
SEATTLE, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) welcomes the progress being made in the 787 investigation discussed today by the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in Washington, D.C. The regulatory and investigative agencies in the U.S. and Japan have dedicated substantial resources to these investigations, and we appreciate their effort and leadership.
Boeing continues to assist the NTSB and the other government agencies in the U.S. and Japan responsible for investigating two recent 787 incidents. The company has formed teams consisting of hundreds of engineering and technical experts who are working around the clock with the sole focus of resolving the issue and returning the 787 fleet to flight status. We are working this issue tirelessly in cooperation with our customers and the appropriate regulatory and investigative authorities. The safety of passengers and crew members who fly aboard Boeing airplanes is our highest priority.
In order to ensure the integrity of the process and in adherence to international protocols that govern safety investigations, we are not permitted to comment directly on the ongoing investigations. Boeing is eager to see both investigative groups continue their work and determine the cause of these events, and we support their thorough resolution.
Boeing deeply regrets the impact that recent events have had on the operating schedules of our customers and their passengers.
Airbus Military delivers last CASA C212-400 assembled in Spain.
Airbus Military has delivered the last C212-400 assembled in Spain. This delivery marks a moment of Spanish aviation history and the end of more than 40 years of continuous production of the C212 –one of the Spanish best-known aerospace products– at the Airbus Military final assembly line (FAL) in Seville, Spain. Since its maiden flight in 1971, 477 C212 have been built for 92 different operators. Nowadays, 290 C212 remain in service in 40 countries all over the world. The three countries in which there are today most C212s in operation are Indonesia (70 aircraft), USA (37), and Spain (26). This 477th C212 –the third and final C212-400 for the Vietnam Marine Police– was formally delivered on December 28th, ending 42 years of continuous production of the type.
Designed in the late 1960s, the C212 was first delivered to the Portuguese Air Force and the Spanish Air Force in October 1974. After its entry in service, the airlifter became rapidly renowned at a global level for its robustness and reliability. In fact, the C212 has been successfully operated in every corner of the planet –including the Antarctic ice cap. Operators in some of the toughest operating conditions to be found developed enormous affection for its uniquely versatile characteristics and deployed it on an extraordinary variety of roles ranging from transport to rain-making, ultra-sophisticated surveillance to search and rescue. The Design Office of the company eventually developed four different series of the aircraft – culminating in the C212-400, which made its first flight in 1997, in addition to a variety of special mission versions.
Airbus Military CEO, Domingo Ureña-Raso, said: "Every Airbus Military employee involved with the C212 throughout these years can be rightly proud of producing an aircraft that has served its operators faithfully over many years and provided the basis for the development of CASA into the world-class company that it is today in the form of Airbus Military. Times move on, but it will be a great pleasure to see the C212 continuing to fly in near or far-flung corners of the globe for many years to come."
Both military and civil operators have benefited from the C212´s versatility and reliability throughout four decades. From now on operators from all over the world will have a new and upgraded version available, renamed as NC212, that will be produced jointly by PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Airbus Military and assembled in Bandung (Indonesia). The Airbus Military final assembly line in Seville will now focus on the production of the C295 and CN235 aircraft in both transport and mission configurations, as well as on the increasing activity on the A400M assembly line.
A high-resolution copy of the photograph attached can be downloaded from
About C212
The outstanding reliability demonstrated by more than three million flight hours makes the C212 the most successful aircraft in the light transport segment for the most varied types of operations. With a maximum payload of 2.8 tonnes, it was designed to operate in austere environments for long periods of time. Its robustness allows it an absolutely reliable operation in the desert, the jungle o the Antarctic. Its unique STOL performance with low-pressure tires allows unrestricted operations on soft and unpaved fields in hot and high altitude conditions. The excellent handling qualities and its fast engine response enable the highest level of manoeuvrability at very low altitudes. The C212’s simple design and maintenance reduce the life cycle costs to the lowest level in its segment. The upgraded version, the NC212, launched in November 2012, will be equipped with new digital avionics and autopilot systems and will have a new civil interior for up to 28 passengers, increasing its cost efficiency significantly. This upgrade will keep the NC212 in the light aircraft market as an even more competitive product.
About Airbus Military
Airbus Military is the only military and civic/humanitarian transport aircraft manufacturer to develop, produce, sell and provide support and services for a comprehensive family of airlifters with a payload range of three to 45 tonnes. An Airbus subsidiary, Airbus Military is responsible for the A400M programme, the A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) and further military derivatives based on Airbus civil aircraft. These, together with the smaller 'Light & Medium' C295, CN235 and C212, make Airbus Military the global leader in the market for military transport, tanker and surveillance aircraft capable of performing the most varied types of missions. Altogether, Airbus Military has sold more than 1,000 aircraft to nearly 138 military, civil and governmental customers. More than 800 of these aircraft have been delivered. Airbus is an EADS company.
jueves, 24 de enero de 2013
Ryanair eyes purchase of 200 Boeing jets
Low-cost Irish airline Ryanair may soon sign off on a deal to buy at least 150, and up to 200, Boeing 737 passenger jets, Reuters reports.
The deal would give the carrier’s existing fleet a serious upgrade and provide aerospace manufacturer Boeing with a financial foothold as it manages the fallout over 787 Dreamliner safety concerns. It also helps Boeing plug the gap in demand between now and 2017, when the next-generation 737 Max enters service.
Boeing Delivers Indian Air Force's 1st C-17 to Flight Test [photo]
Program on schedule to deliver 5 airlifters in 2013 and 5 in 2014
Boeing [NYSE: BA] on Jan. 22 delivered -- on schedule -- the first of 10 C-17 Globemaster III airlifters for the Indian Air Force (IAF). India's first C-17 will now enter a U.S. Air Force flight test program at Edwards Air Force Base in Palmdale, Calif. Boeing is on track to deliver four more C-17s to the IAF this year and five in 2014.
"The C-17 met the stipulated airlift requirements of the Indian Air Force when it flew field evaluation trials in India during June 2010," said Air Commodore Sanjay Nimesh, Air Attaché at the Embassy of India. "It was exciting to see the C-17 fly again, this time with Indian Air Force markings, as the airlifter completed its first-flight milestone on Jan. 11. We look forward to the day that the first IAF C-17 flies over India."
"The C-17's ability to operate in extremely hot and cold climates; transport large payloads across vast ranges; and land on short, austere runways makes it ideal for India's airlift needs," said Nan Bouchard, Boeing vice president and C-17 program manager. "We value our continued partnership with India and the U.S. government and will provide dedicated support as India's first C-17 enters flight testing."
India's Ministry of Defence signed an agreement with the U.S. government on June 15, 2011, to acquire 10 C-17 airlifters, making India the largest C-17 customer outside the United States. The governments finalized the Foreign Military Sales contract for the airframe on June 6, 2012.
Boeing has delivered 250 C-17s worldwide, including 218 to the U.S. Air Force active duty, Guard and Reserve units. A total of 32 C-17s have been delivered to Australia, Canada, India, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the 12-member Strategic Airlift Capability initiative of NATO and Partnership for Peace nations.
Boeing will support the IAF C-17 fleet through the Globemaster III Integrated Sustainment Program (GISP) Performance-Based Logistics contract. The GISP "virtual fleet" arrangement ensures mission readiness by providing all C-17 customers access to an extensive support network for worldwide parts availability and economies of scale. This brings spares and support closer to the point of use and makes the C-17 more affordable to own and operate.
Helitt ultima su nueva oferta para Melilla
Helitt Líneas Aéreas presentará en los próximos días su nueva programación para la
temporada de verano 2013 en la que ampliará y mejorará la oferta que actualmente presenta
a los melillenses. De este modo Helitt desmiente los rumores sobre el cese de operaciones de
la compañía que durante los últimos días han circulado en Melilla. La aerolínea confirma que
seguirá operando en la ciudad como lleva realizando desde noviembre de 2011, fecha de inicio
de operaciones de Helitt. Otra prueba de la continuidad en Melilla es la nueva oficina de
ventas que el pasado diciembre fue inaugurada en el centro de la ciudad (Avenida Cándido
Lobera nº 4) para dar un servicio más cercano y accesible a la población. Los puestos de
trabajo en el aeródromo melillense tampoco se verán afectados, conservándose los empleos
de todos los trabajadores de Helitt en la ciudad autónoma. Del mismo modo, no se producirá
la supresión de ninguna de las rutas que actualmente ofrece la compañía entre la ciudad y la
península, por lo que los pasajeros pueden estar tranquilos a la hora de realizar sus reservas.
Helitt garantiza que sigue adelante, quiere conservar la relación especial que mantiene
con Melilla que tan buenos resultados ha dado como alternativa al transporte aéreo, y
propiciando la reducción de tarifas. La compañía continuará ofreciendo billetes a precios más
asequibles y lanzando m ofertas como hasta ahora. Helitt además quiere dar las gracias a Juan
José Imbroda, Presidente de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, por su confianza y apoyo, y le
invita a que su próximo viaje a la península lo realice con la compañía malagueña.
El gran crecimiento de Helicópteros de Rusia en América Latina
Actualmente, mas de 8,000 helicópteros de origen Ruso/Soviético están siendo operados en 110 países en todo el mundo. Aunque las cifras de venta de Helicópteros de Rusia no sobre salgan de región por región, la compañía ha anunciado sus nuevas tendencias hacia el segmento Latinoamericano por su mayor énfasis en la oferta de aeronaves civiles. Actualmente, por encima del 20% de helicópteros militares en Latino América fueron elaborados por Rusia, mientras que el país sólo ha capturado un escaso dos por ciento de participación del sector civil de la región. Sin embargo, estas condiciones pueden estar a punto de expandirse a medida que Helicópteros de Rusia aproveche el crecimiento potencial de sus mercados principales como Brasil, Argentina y México. El mes pasado se concluyó el acuerdo de $200 millones de dólares entre Helicópteros de Rusia y Atlas Taxi Aéreo (Firma Brasileña), para proveer hasta 14 helicópteros Kamov-62 sobre el uso de varios proyectos petroleros en la nación emergente. Con ello se consigue realizar tratos para helicópteros militares en los gobiernos de México y Perú, en adición a los países cercanos a ellos.
"A pesar de la presencia de Helicópteros de Rusia en el mercado latinoamericano está apenas por debajo de los tres años, la entrada a este mercado será un gran impacto positivo para estos países. Es evidente, que la fuerza de los 250 aeronaves de Helicópteros de Rusia que se están operando en América Latina se encuentran respaldados por la compatibilidad de sus diseños que prevalecen en las necesidades del mercado y sus entornos. Por ejemplo, el Ka-226T, esta aeronave ofrece una capacidad de asientos amplios estando singularmente compacta. Éste brinda un óptimo uso en las montañas, altos edificios y operaciones en la costa – entornos rutinarios de este segmento. Por otra parte, en los últimos años se han demostrado un interés hacia los helicópteros Mi-8/17 en los subcontinentes de Centroamérica y Sudamérica debido a su avanzada versatilidad y fiabilidad." Según lo comenta la Gerente de Negocios Comerciales de Latinoamérica en, Karla Grauzas.
El crecimiento adicional es conducido por encima de los niveles promedio por los reemplazos de la flota de la región. El envejecimiento de las flotas de helicópteros en América Latina está llevando el aumento de gastos en el mantenimiento de las mismas, las compañías que buscan expandirse están observando la eficiencia del combustible y capacidades adicionales que ofrecen los nuevos modelos. La aeronave Mi-171A2 ha sido elaborado especialmente para el mercado Latinoamericano, ya que, es el sustituyente del Mi-8/17. K. Grauzas menciona que, "Aunque sea reciente, el Mi-171A2 es un aeronave que sin duda alguna es muy resistente, con ello una gran ventaja para el mercado Latinoamericano. De hecho, ya hemos visto el gran éxito que esta aeronave obtuvo en el mercado Brasileño. Con nueva tecnología este helicóptero ha llegado a nueva dimensión sobre sus capacidades en las turbinas, podemos imaginar su gran utilidad para la transportación de pasajeros y seguridad en casos de búsqueda de personas y/o rescates.
"Desde hace un tiempo, hemos sido testigos de la gran demanda que ha obtenido MiL y Kamov en partes aeronáuticas para el segmento de América Latina. A pesar de que se han propuesto planes para establecer un centro de reparación de Helicópteros de Rusia en Venezuela, la compañía todavía no tiene la disposición crítica de proveedores locales MRO y repuestos en la región. Mientras que los fabricantes occidentales, entre ellos Bell, Eurocopter y Agusta Westland se han unido para la mejora de capacidades, el mercado abierto en línea para los fabricantes Rusos, sin tomar en cuenta el CIS, se encuentra muy bajo. Para poder solucionar éste problema, muchos operadores han buscado el beneficio que aseguran los sistemas de obtención de partes aeronáuticas para promover una intercomunicación entre ellos y otras empresas del mismo mercado. Esto a su vez permite la adquisición perfecta de los componentes necesarios, siendo asegurados de su autenticidad," según lo comenta K. Grauzas, Gerente de Negocios Comerciales de Latino América de
Primer vuelo del primer NH90 ensamblado por Eurocopter España
Albacete, 23 enero 2013
El acto ha contado con la presencia de María Dolores de Cospedal, Presidenta de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, el Presidente de Eurocopter, Lutz Bertling y el Consejero Delegado de Eurocopter España, Francisco Vergé, entre otras autoridades políticas y militares.
"Hoy se he cumple un importante hito para el programa NH90, así como para Eurocopter España y para España, que con la producción de este helicóptero de última generación confirma una capacidad industrial y un saber hacer aeronáutico de primera línea", declaró Lutz Bertling.
El impulso de Eurocopter España supone la participación de pleno derecho en todo el ciclo de vida de los helicópteros, desde el diseño, a los ensayos en vuelo y la certificación, la producción de aeroestructuras, la línea de montaje final y el soporte integral La factoría de Eurocopter España, ubicada en Albacete es, además, una de las dos únicas plantas de fabricación del fuselaje delantero de este helícoptero. Tras los dos prototipos de NH90 GSPA fabricados en Marignane (Francia), que se encuentran en España cumplimentado la campaña de calificación y certificación de la versión española, el NH90 GSPA03 será el primer helicóptero de este modelo que se entregará como parte del contrato firmado en 2006 durante el año 2013, en concreto a las Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra (FAMET).
El programa NH90 es el primero que, impulsado por la Secretaría de Estado de Defensa y gestionado por la DGAM, satisface a los tres Ejércitos, dotando a las Fuerzas Armadas de un avanzado sistema de transporte por helicóptero y tecnología con participación española, no sólo en la fabricación de helicópteros, sino también en la instalación de equipos de misión de guerra electrónica, equipos de simulación, bancos automáticos de gestión, ensamblado de motores, etc. La variante española del NH90 cuenta con un motor General Electric CT7 8F5 de última generación ensamblados en la planta de Albacete de ITP, un sistema de comunicación personalizado y un sofisticado sistema de guerra electrónica desarrollado por Indra. Asimismo, el NH90 español, cuenta con un ""software"" de aviónica desarrollado por la Oficina de Proyectos de Eurocopter España. Producido en dos versiones básicas –Transporte Táctico (TTH) y Operaciones Navales (NFH)– este helicóptero de la categoría de 11 toneladas ofrece una plataforma común para las misiones militares en tierra, mar o aire. Esta flexibilidad permite a los países racionalizar sus flotas de helicópteros, al tiempo que pueden organizar la formación y el soporte técnico a mayor escala, obteniendo una gestión flexible del personal y del equipo. Su amplia cabina, acceso rápido y capacidad de adaptación para una nueva misión, aseguran un eficiencia operacional en un amplio abanico de misiones.
Hasta la fecha, se han realizado 529 pedidos de NH90 por parte de 14 países, 418 de los cuales son para la versión (TTH). En este momento, hay en funcionamiento seis líneas de montaje final del NH90 en Francia, Alemania, España, Italia, Finlandia y Australia, bajo la dirección de la organización industrial paneuropea NH Industries, integrada por Eurocopter (62,5 por ciento), Agusta Westland (32 por ciento) y Fokker Aerostructures (5,5 por ciento). Se han entregado 136 unidades del NH90 a las Fuerzas Armadas de los países contratantes y se han acumulado ya más de 41.000 horas de vuelo, encontrándose en servicio en escenarios de conflicto como Afganistán, donde ya ha sido desplegado con éxito por Italia y donde este año llegarán nuevas unidades procedentes de otros países.
ATR: delivery and turnover records in 2012
The French-Italian manufacturer achieves turnover of 1.44 billion dollars and delivers 64 aircraft. It also holds the largest backlog of regional aircraft
Toulouse, 23 January 2013
In 2012 ATR recorded its highest turnover, 1.44 billion dollars. The turboprop aircraft manufacturer also achieved a record annual delivery level of 64 aircraft, an increase of 18% over 2011 deliveries. To these results can be added the sale in 2012 of 115 aircraft (74 firm orders and 41 options), enabling ATR to hold the largest backlog of all manufacturers of up-to-90-seats regional aircraft. ATR thus confirms its leading position as leader in the regional market.
ATR recorded these 74 firm sales, plus 41 options, with 11 customers (see table 1). These sales include contracts enabling it to consolidate its leadership in Asia and the Pacific (Malaysia Airlines, TransAsia Airways, Lao Airlines, Avation) and open up new markets in Central and South America (Avianca-TACA).
ATR also renewed its success with airlines operating island networks (Air Tahiti, LIAT in the Caribbean) and once again confirmed its appeal for aircraft leasing companies such as Air Lease Corporation (ALC), or Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC).
In Europe, ATR for the first time delivered aircraft to an Austrian airline (InterSky) and once again won the confidence of the Irish airline Aer Arann.
Since the program started in 1981, ATR has received net orders for 1,254 aircraft (437 ATR 42 and 817 ATR 72), more than half of them since 2005.
ATR successes are driven by fast growing economies: out of the year's 64 deliveries (see table 2), nearly 65% were to airlines operating on fast growing economies, in particular in Brazil, Indonesia and Russia. This represents the results of a long investment in these countries in which ATR has always been very active and in which it has always believed. Domestic transportation remains an essential part of these economic developments and ATR plays a significant role to answer to this traffic increase.
By the end of 2012, ATR had delivered 1,033 aircraft (422 ATR 42 and 611 ATR 72).
Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, declared to be “very proud of ATR's results in 2012, of our ability to ramp-up production and of these new records, given the current global economic climate. Our production ramp-up in 2012 is a perfect illustration of the strong market demand for ATR aircraft”. And he added: “We are delighted to contribute to customers and operator's growth, that face traffic increase and fleet renewals by introducing the new ATR-600 series. Once again, this year, the latest generation ATRs received the top evaluation ratings, not only from the regional operators, but also the investors. The popularity of ATRs with leasing companies is a further illustration of this. This collaboration has enabled us to penetrate strategic markets such as Japan, with the regional carrier Link, where ATRs have an outstanding potential”.
On 31 December 2012, ATR's backlog stood at 221 aircraft, the largest backlog for regional aircraft of aircraft up to 90 seats. These 221 aircraft have a value of more than 5 billion dollars and represent 61% of the aircraft overall backlog up to 90 seats. They also insure nearly three years of production for ATR.
In June 2012, ATR obtained EASA certification for the ATR 42-600, which is already in service. ATR is at present the only manufacturer offering a range of 50 and 70 seater aircraft. The new -600 series of the ATR is the most recently certified aircraft in its category and benefits from the latest innovations in terms of navigation and communication aids as well as passenger comfort. Despite this recent certification, the new ATR -600 series have already registered more than 280 orders.
Filippo Bagnato stated: "The new ATR-600 series is currently the most modern aircraft on the regional market and its commercial success underlines its ability to meet the demands and needs of airlines worldwide, operating on shorter regional routes. In line with our policy of continued product development, we are looking to continue to upgrade our range of products and will shortly be introducing more innovations to further boost the performance and efficiency of our aircraft. These developments will enable tomorrow's ATRs to carry navigation and communication systems capable of integrating the very latest traffic management and optimized airport approach functionalities”.
Buoyed by the growth of its aircraft sales around the world, ATR continued in 2012 to expand its operator support network, opening new pilot training centers in Johannesburg, South Africa, and in Singapore. Moreover, a new ATR customer support office has been opened in Sao Paulo to support the increasing presence of ATRs in Latin America, and especially in Brazil.
About ATR:
Founded in 1981, ATR has become the world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold over 1,200 aircraft. Its customer base today comprises more than 180 operators in over 90 countries. ATR planes have totaled over 21 million flight hours. ATR is an equal partnership between two major European aeronautics players, Alenia Aermacchi (a Finmeccanica Group company) and EADS. Its head office is in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified. This is the international reference standard in the field of environmental management.
Record turnover and boost in order intake in 2012: Eurocopter is heading to future growth
Eurocopter delivered another very strong performance in 2012, with an all-time record turnover of 6.3 billion euros. The company’s second high record in bookings value marks a return to pre-crisis levels. This places Eurocopter in a strong position to benefit from its broad helicopter portfolio evolution, along with the expansion in services and a growing global footprint.
Paris, France, 24 January 2013
A strong growth in services and the 475 rotorcraft delivered last year generated a new turnover high of 6.3 billion euros – 15 percent more than in 2011, when the Group reached a previous record of 5.4 billion euros. With a cumulated average growth rate of nine percent since 2006, Eurocopter is delivering one of the most impressive success stories in the European industry. Milestones in 2012 included deliveries of the first enhanced AS350 B3e version and the initial latest-generation EC130 T2 helicopter – both members of Eurocopter’s popular Ecureuil family; along with the 500th EC145 delivery. Eurocopter also provided the first A350 jetliner passenger door set, underscoring its innovative composite technology production capabilities.
Eurocopter’s consolidated order intake in 2012 totaled 469 net bookings, representing a value of 5.4 billion euros and marking the company’s third consecutive yearly increase since 2010. Sales were paced by the Ecureuil/Fennec/EC130 family with 249 bookings and the EC135/EC145 families with 144 bookings; while the Super Puma family remained strong last year, backed by significant bookings from the oil and gas sector – including a framework contract for 16 EC225s with the Milestone Aviation Group leasing company, and a first contract for the new AS332C1e – placed by Starlite Aviation.
“Eurocopter took new steps during 2012 as we transitioned from being a helicopter manufacturer to becoming a true vertical-lift mission solutions provider, supported by the modernization of our product line while also providing a more comprehensive services offer and growing the global footprint,” said President & CEO Lutz Bertling. “A key contributor to our 2012 achievements was the dedication of Eurocopter employees – who are a determining factor in the company’s success.”
Consolidated turnover
Helicopter deliveries represented 49 percent of Eurocopter’s 2012 consolidated turnover, while services continued to play an increasing role by accounting for 42 percent of the total. Other activities represented the remaining nine percent.
Bookings by product range
Successes in key helicopter product lines drove the 2012 sales growth, led by the Ecureuil/Fennec/EC130 series:
Eureuil/Fennec/EC130 family: 249
EC145: 81
EC135: 63
Super Puma/Cougar EC225/EC725 family: 37
EC175: 19
Dauphin/Panther/ EC155 Family: 11
EC120 Colibri: 9
Eurocopter’s services activity now accounts for 47 percent of the total bookings, thus paving the way for future growth of this business.
2012 highlights
Product line evolution was at the heart of Eurocopter’s achievements in 2012, including the enhanced EC130 T2 and EC145 T2 helicopters’ highly successful commercial launch, the go-ahead and first order for the new Super Puma AS332 C1e; maiden flight of the no. 1 production EC175 that demonstrated its unrivalled performance; and a highly successful U.S. tour for the hybrid X3 demonstrator aircraft. In the military sector, 2012 highlights involved Eurocopter’s delivery of the initial NH90 TTH Tactical Transport Helicopter qualified in the Final Operational Configuration, received by the French and Belgian Armies; and the first final-configuration “Step B” version of the NH90 NFH NATO Fregat Helicopter, delivered to the Netherlands and the French Navy. Four German Army Tiger support helicopters were deployed to Afghanistan in the ASGARD (Afghanistan Stabilization German Army Rapid Deployment) version, and Germany received an on-time delivery of the NH90 TTH in its medical evacuation configuration for deployment in Afghanistan in 2013; while five Italian Army Aviation NH90 TTHs were positioned in Afghanistan during 2012. Eurocopter’s focus on services also paid off last year, with key milestones including the installation of five new full-flight simulators, bringing the worldwide total to 20; establishment of an engine maintenance training center in Mexico with Turbomeca; an extension of the logistics and MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) network with an oil and gas industry support center opened in Perth, Australia; the expansion of global helicopter maintenance capabilities; and improvement of the Eurocopter Japan affiliate’s capacity with a brand new facility at Kobe Airport. Major helicopter upgrade milestones in 2012 were Eurocopter’s initial delivery of the mission-enhanced Puma Mk2 to the U.K. Ministry of Defence, and handover of the first improved CH-53GA for the German armed forces.
Eurocopter has continued to develop its MRO capabilities through the Vector sister company, increasing its international footprint and offering new solutions – including an AS332 Super Puma upgrade, leasing and support offer.
2013 flight plan
Eurocopter’s focus in the coming year will be on program execution, with the company mastering its continued production ramp-up as deliveries are to increase by more than 15 percent in 2013. Goals include sustaining the delivery pace for Super Puma, Ecureuil, NH90 and Tiger helicopters, as well as preparing the EC175’s ramp-up. As optimization is a priority for Eurocopter in 2013, the emphasis will be on lean products, lean processes, lean culture and lean foundation. The advanced vertical-lift solutions also are 2013 priorities, as Eurocopter pursues concept validation and launch of the product application for its X3 hybrid aircraft; and advances the X4’s development as the first member in its next-generation family concept, to be followed by the X6 and X9 at less than two-year intervals for each.
To continue delivering on its strategy as a mission solutions provider, priorities in support and services for 2013 include a full range of MRO services to be developed for complete helicopters; the evolution of maintenance and overhaul capabilities on non-Eurocopter products that include both rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft; further expansions in training; and the creation of new, innovative services. Vector will significantly contribute to this deployment, developing solutions for multi-platform fleet operators and addressing specific market segments.
As a result, Eurocopter is laying the foundation to continue its growth story.
Deep Space Industries announces asteroid mining plans

The asteroid mining business got a bit more crowded as a new concern called Deep Space Industries (DSI) enters the ring. The company announced its public launching at the Museum of Flying in Santa Monica, California where a panel presentation of officials and guests outlined DSI’s philosophy and plans for becoming a major force in opening up asteroid mining within a few years...
Continue Reading Deep Space Industries announces asteroid mining plans
General Dynamics cierra 2012 con pérdidas de 332 millones dólares por la contracción del gasto en defensa
General Dynamics anunció que perdió 332 millones de dólares en 2012, frente a los beneficios de 2.526 millones de 2011, debido al menor gasto en el sector de la defensa a nivel internacional. La compañía obtuvo unos ingresos anuales de 31.513 millones (un 3,6 % inferiores a los de 2011), y registró unas pérdidas de 0,94 dólares por acción, frente a las ganancias de 6,94 dólares de 2011. Además, registró un aumento de gastos anuales del 6,3 % hasta 30.680 millones de dólares.
FTEJerez presentó 4 aeronaves Diamond DA42 y dos simuladores
Jerez de la Frontera.- La escuela de pilotos FTEJerez presentó el pasado martes su nueva flota de aeronaves coincidiendo con la entrega de las primeras cuatro unidades bimotor Diamond DA 42 y dos simuladores asociados.
La mitad de los pilotos españoles están buscando trabajo en compañías extranjeras
El estudio, denominado Aerobarómetro, pone de manifiesto la desconfianza de los pilotos hacia sus compañías y hacia la autoridad aeronáutica y otras instituciones del sector. El sector aéreo nacional se encuentra en una situación de debilidad y pérdida de competitividad y la profesión de piloto sufre un importante deterioro, asegura el COPAC.
(y los ingenieros aeronáuticos e ingenieros técnicos aeronáuticos, están en ello)
miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013
Pilotos y TCP,s se manifiestan contra normativa europea de tiempos de actividad
Pilotos y auxiliares de vuelo de toda Europa se han manifestado hoy contra las nuevas leyes sobre tiempos de trabajo y descanso de las tripulaciones aéreas que se pretenden aprobar en el Parlamento Europeo.
DARPA researches new life for dead satellites
European airlines: New flight time rules pose no safety threat
Three European airline associations have again issued a joint statement insisting that new Flight Time Limitations (FTL) will not erode safety.
NASA Announces Space Station Science Challenge Winners
Receptores GPS en miniatura para UAV y municiones de precisión - Atenea Digital
Receptores GPS en miniatura para UAV y municiones de precisión Atenea Digital La Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzada del Departamento de Defensa (DARPA), mediante el programa DEFYS (Dynamics Enabled Frecuency Sources) ha desarrollado osciladores electrónicos miniatura, que han sido probados por Rockwell ... |
La aerolínea polaca Lot solicitará compensaciones a Boeing por los problemas del 787
![]() | Lot solicitará compensaciones a Boeing por los problemas del ... La aerolínea polaca LOT, la única europea que utiliza el Boeing 787 Dreamliner, está estudiando solicitar a Boeing una compensación económica por las irregularidades detectadas en este tipo de aeronave, que han obligado a su retirada este mes de los ... |
US Air Force completes flying wireless router testing at Eglin
Pilotos y auxiliares se manifiestan en Barajas y El Prat
Madrid.- Pasajeros, pilotos y auxiliares de vuelo se manifestaron ayer en los principales aeropuertos europeos para exigir unas leyes sobre tiempos de trabajo y descanso de las tripulaciones aéreas basadas en los criterios científicos de prevención de la fatiga.
La llegada de turistas en avión descendió más de un 4%
Madrid.- La llegada de turistas a España por vía aérea descendió el pasado mes de diciembre un 4,1%, según los datos de la encuesta de movimientos turísticos en fronteras (Frontur) que el Instituto de Estudios Turísticos (IET), dependiente del Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo, recoge datos relativos a la entrada en España de visitantes no residentes en España.
Study Shows North American Spending On UAV Payloads To Grow Despite Defense Cuts
martes, 22 de enero de 2013
Cebu Pacific Air takes delivery of its first A320 with Sharklets
Cebu Pacific Air took delivery of its first A320 equipped with Sharklets today during a ceremony in Manila, becoming the first operator of the new fuel-saving wing tip devices in the Philippines.
Sharklets are newly designed wing-tip devices allowing airlines to reduce fuel burn by up to 4% on longer sectors. They are an option on new-build A320 Family aircraft, and are standard on all members of the A320neo Family. Cebu Pacific Air today operates 34 A320 Family aircraft, and has 48 more on order for future delivery, comprising 18 A320ceo and 30 A321neo.
“In line with our strategy to operate the youngest, most-modern fleet possible, we are delighted to become one of the first airlines in the world to introduce the A320 with Sharklets”, said Lance Gokongwei, CEB President and CEO. “Thanks to the four-percent fuel savings offered by the Sharklets, we will further benefit from the A320 Family’s unbeatable operating costs, making sure we remain competitive by offering low fares, together with the most extensive route network, to our passengers.”
“Cebu Pacific is one of the great success stories in the Asian low cost market,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers, Airbus. “The additional economic and environmental efficiencies offered by the Sharklet-fitted version of the A320 will enable the airline to benefit from even lower operating costs and further enhance its competitive position in the fast-growing Asian market.”
Sharklets are made from light-weight composites and are 2.4 meters tall. Cutting airlines’ fuel bills by around four percent, Sharklets offer the flexibility to A320 Family operators of either adding around 100 nautical miles more range or allowing increased payload capability of up to 450 kilogrammes.
The A320 Family is the world’s best-selling and most modern single aisle aircraft Family. To date, over 9,000 aircraft have been ordered and over 5,400 delivered to more than 380 customers and operators worldwide.
Cebu Pacific is one of the leading low cost carriers in the Asian region. The airline operates an extensive domestic and international network covering 32 destinations in the Philippines and 21 business and leisure destinations across Asia.