jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Advanced Variable Speed Turbine For Army Rotorcraft In Development

Advanced Variable Speed Turbine For Army Rotorcraft In Development: Pratt & Whitney Awarded R&D Contract For New Technology The U.S. Army has awarded a research and development contract to Pratt & Whitney for an Advanced Variable-Speed Power Turbine (AVSPOT) to meet the range and lift requirements for current and future force rotorcraft. The AVSPOT program is an initiative by the U.S. Army's Aviation Applied Technology Directorate in collaboration with NASA.

Air New Zealand Unveils Special Hobbit Livery on Boeing 777-300 #spotters #avgeek

Air New Zealand Unveils Special Hobbit Livery on Boeing 777-300:

On Saturday November 24th 2012, Air New Zealand unveiled it’s all new Hobbit themed 777-300. The aircraft will operate on the Auckland-Los Angeles-London Heathrow flight (ANZ 2) to showcase the plane that will make its way back to Auckland and onto Wellington in time for the world premier of The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey on November 28th.

Los sindicatos de tierra de Iberia anuncian paros entre el 14 y el 21 de diciembre

Los sindicatos de tierra de Iberia anuncian paros entre el 14 y el 21 de diciembre:

Según informa Europa Press, los sindicatos de Iberia han intensificado estos días sus contactos para coordinar una respuesta conjunta de movilizaciones contra el plan de reestructuración presentado por la aerolínea, que prevé un recorte de plantilla de unos 4.500 trabajadores y preparan ya un calendario de huelga, que arrancaría en diciembre y podría prolongarse hasta enero

Business jet demand in central Europe soars by nearly 300% in five years, says Hawker Beechcraft

Business jet demand in central Europe soars by nearly 300% in five years, says Hawker Beechcraft: Demand for executive jets in central Europe surged by 291% between 2007 and 2011, compared with 2002-2006, according to research by aircraft manufacturer Hawker Beechcraft.

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft reports 1H net loss of $100 million

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft reports 1H net loss of $100 million:
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co. (SCAC) has reported a first-half net loss of $100.3 million, deepened from a $16.9 million loss in the year-ago period.

Fibra de carbono y UAV: del dicho al hecho

Hace unos cinco años que los responsables de la Junta de Andalucía, cuando organizaban algún evento aeronáutico, decían: en la aeronáutica andaluza "somos punteros en las tecnologías de fibra de carbono". Los jefecillos de EADS disimulaban a lo Gila, mirando de un lado a otro como diciendo: "¡Que nadie se apunte esooo!".

Solo cuando es evidente que no hay en la región ni un 10 por ciento de lo que hay en la planta de fibra de carbono de Airbus en Toledo han dejado por fin de hacer el ridículo. Pero ahora tienen otra retahíla: "Somos líderes en UAV", que son aviones no tripulados. Pero como dice el dicho popular, siempre salta un cojo. De las regiones de España con presencia aeronáutica precisamente en Andalucía es donde no hay ni una empresa que fabrique UAV, salvando los casos honrosos de las empresas que compran el UAV y le ponen sus pegatinas.

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ... - Equities.com

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ... - Equities.com:

Waterbury Republican American

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ...
Nov. 28--After failed attempts to replace the president's fleet of transportation helicopters in the past decade, the U.S. Navy has rebooted the acquisition project and expects to have new aircraft aloft by 2020. Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., who has ...
Sikorsky back in hunt for presidential helicopterWaterbury Republican American
Navy moves ahead to replace presidential helicoptersSkim That
US Navy moves to replace presidential helicoptersAFP
los 23 artículos informativos »

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ... - Equities.com

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ... - Equities.com:

Waterbury Republican American

Sikorsky Teaming With Lockheed In Attempt To Win Marine One ...
Nov. 28--After failed attempts to replace the president's fleet of transportation helicopters in the past decade, the U.S. Navy has rebooted the acquisition project and expects to have new aircraft aloft by 2020. Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., who has ...
Sikorsky back in hunt for presidential helicopterWaterbury Republican American
Navy moves ahead to replace presidential helicoptersSkim That
US Navy moves to replace presidential helicoptersAFP
los 23 artículos informativos »

Sesión informativa Australia: un país de oportunidades para ingenieros

El 21 de noviembre se celebró en el Salón de Actos del Instituto de la Ingeniería de España la sesión informativa Australia: un país de oportunidades para ingenieros superiores. En la misma se proporcionó a los asistentes información detallada acerca de las posibilidades de obtener trabajo en Australia para los ingenieros españoles.

El acto fue retransmitido con gran exito por Internet. En el evento participaron varios cientos de ingenieros que pudieron tanto in situ como mediante correo electrónico plantear dudas y preguntas a los representantes de la agencia Viva Australia http://www.iies.es/Sesion-informativa-Australia-un-pais-de-oportunidades-para-ingenieros-superiores_a2563.html

Economía Empresa.Alestis prevé la entrada de nuevo capital en la compañía y convencer a Airbus de su fiabilidad técnica

Economía Empresa.Alestis prevé la entrada de nuevo capital en la ... - Finanzas.com:


Economía Empresa.Alestis prevé la entrada de nuevo capital en la ...
El consejo de administración de Alestis Aerospace prevé la entrada de nuevo capital en la compañía que permita mantener "e incluso aumentar" el "positivo" ritmo de entregas y haga olvidar el riesgo de desaparición de la compañía, que supondría una ...
Alestis presentará el ERE en los próximos díasAndalucía Información
Airbus da un mes a Alestis para resolver el concurso y sacar...Diario de Sevilla
Airbus presiona a Alestis con la pérdida del contrato para el A350 ...Fly-News
Diario de Cádiz -abcdesevilla.es -La Voz Digital (Cádiz)
los 18 artículos informativos »

Alestis advierte a Airbus que Alestis es el socio "mejor" y más "fiable" para hacer la 'panza' del A350

Alestis advierte a Airbus que es el socio "mejor" y más "fiable"... - Diario de Sevilla:


Alestis advierte a Airbus que es el socio "mejor" y más "fiable"...
Diario de Sevilla
Alestis saca pecho frente a Airbus ante la posibilidad de perder la fabricación de piezas estratégicas para la compañía. El grupo aeronaútico andaluz advirtió ayer al constructor europeo que es "el mejor socio con el que puede contar para la producción ...
Alestis demandará a Airbus por sacar a concurso una pieza del A-350El País.com (España)
Economía Empresa.Alestis prevé la entrada de nuevo capital en la ...Finanzas.com
Airbus da un mes a Alestis para resolver el concurso y sacar...Diario de Cádiz
Fly-News -La Voz Digital (Cádiz) -Andalucía Información
los 23 artículos informativos »

Alestis podría demandar a Airbus por sacar de nuevo a concursola "Belly Fairing" del A350

El consejo de administración de la empresa aeronáutica Alestis, la principal del sector en Andalucía, debatirá este viernes la presentación de una demanda contra su principal cliente, Airbus. La razón es que el gigante europeo ha sacado a concurso público una de las piezas del modelo 1000 del A-350, que, por contrato, estaba destinada a Alestis. El pleito es un nuevo episodio de tensión en pleno concurso de acreedores.

Alestis anuncia que ejecutará en breve su plan de viabilidad y presentará un ERE en los próximos días


La competencia por Airbus y Boeing solo puede venir de China, según el director de EADS

El doctor Thomas Enders, consejero delegado del grupo aerospacial EADS, hablando en la conferencia europea-china "The Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe" en la Cámara de Comercio de Hamburgo, predijo que solo una compañía china podría ser capaz de entrar en la falange de los constructores de aeronaves norteamericanos/europeos en el futuro. "Las barreras de entrada a la construcción de grandes aeronaves comerciales son altas, pero si hay un país capaz de superar los obstáculos financieros e industriales para unirse al exclusivo club Airbus-Boeing, ese es China". Enders anunció más inversión por parte de EADS en el mercado chino al mismo tiempo: "Queremos formar parte de esta increíble historia de éxito, con crecientes inversiones en la industria china, pero también en la ciudadanía y en las personas con talento y capacidad de China".

Los fuertes recortes en Defensa impiden levantar el vuelo

El sector aeronáutico no ha conseguido despegar en el ámbito comercial, pero tampoco en el área militar, debido fundamentalmente a los recortes ministeriales.

artíclo completo aqui: Los fuertes recortes en Defensa impiden levantar el vuelo:

Advanced Variable Speed Turbine For Army Rotorcraft In Development

Advanced Variable Speed Turbine For Army Rotorcraft In Development: Pratt & Whitney Awarded R&D Contract For New Technology The U.S. Army has awarded a research and development contract to Pratt & Whitney for an Advanced Variable-Speed Power Turbine (AVSPOT) to meet the range and lift requirements for current and future force rotorcraft. The AVSPOT program is an initiative by the U.S. Army's Aviation Applied Technology Directorate in collaboration with NASA.

Helitt cumple su primer año de operaciones

El 21 de noviembre de 2012 Helitt Líneas Aéreas cumple su primer aniversario de operaciones. Hace un año tenía lugar el vuelo inaugural de la compañía, un trayecto Málaga-Melilla en uno de los aviones ATR72 de la aerolínea. Despegó de la Costa del Sol a las 12:00 tomando tierra en la ciudad norteafricana a las 12:40, realizándose a las 17:35 horas el trayecto de vuelta.

Desde aquella fecha Helitt ha experimentado un crecimiento y una expansión importante. En noviembre de 2011 la compañía contaba con unos 70 trabajadores, un año después la cifra de empleados supera los 170. A lo largo de estos meses Helitt ha ido incrementando su oferta de destinos, se han abierto bases por toda España, se efectúa servicio de carga aérea, y se ha pasado a realizar autohandling en la mayoría de aeropuertos en los que opera, manteniendo siempre la filosofía de poner el transporte aéreo al alcance de todos gracias a unos precios asequibles y competitivos. En la presente temporada de invierno Helitt vuela a 7 destinos: Málaga, Melilla, Barcelona, Madrid, Casablanca, Badajoz y Vitoria, además de las conexiones a Bilbao y Valencia en código compartido con Air Europa.

A lo largo de este año de operaciones Helitt Líneas Aéreas ha transportado en sus diferentes rutas a en torno 135.000 pasajeros en un total de 4.023 servicios con una media de ocupación del 50%.

GMV presenta sus soluciones ISTAR a la OTAN

  • El simposio ha tenido lugar en Ramstein, Alemania 
  • GMV ha generado gran expectación entre los asistentes, gracias a las innovadoras soluciones tecnológicas mostradas 

GMV ha participado recientemente en el Simposio ISTAR de la OTAN -NATO Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) Symposium and Technology Expo- que ha tenido lugar en la Base Aérea de Ramstein.

El objetivo del Simposio de este año ha sido ayudar a las naciones a identificar las deficiencias en sus capacidades y mostrar a la OTAN los sistemas comerciales y las tecnologías emergentes que pudieran cerrar esas brechas.

GMV ha tenido la oportunidad de mostrar en el evento sus soluciones tecnológicas en el área ISTAR. En concreto, GMV presentó los avances realizados en el programa SEISMO como Sistema de Explotación ISTAR Móvil para el programa MAJIIC (Multisensor Aerospace / Ground Joint ISR -Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance- Interoperability Coalition), la aportación de GMV en el programa ATLANTE (Avión Táctico de Largo Alcance No Tripulado Español) y la infraestructura para el programa español SIGINT.

Las soluciones que presentó GMV generaron un gran interés de los participantes, tanto del personal de la OTAN destacado en la base, como de las principales compañías del sector, con representantes de THALES, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, entre otros.

Asimismo, durante la Jornada, GMV realizó una exposición acerca de las “Soluciones ICT para la Superioridad de la Información” que causó una gran expectación entre los asistentes. En particular, la División de Inteligencia de la base de Ramstein felicitó a GMV por la calidad de la exposición, en concreto por la aproximación expuesta en área de fusión de información para la obtención de inteligencia.

GMV es un grupo tecnológico español fundado en 1984, de capital privado y con presencia internacional. Opera en los sectores: Aeroespacial, Defensa y Seguridad, Transporte, Sanidad, Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información para AAPP y grandes empresas. Obtuvo unos ingresos en 2011 de más de 100 millones de euros, con una plantilla de más de 1.000 profesionales. La estrategia de crecimiento de la compañía está basada en la innovación continua, dedicando un 10% de su facturación a I+D+i. GMV ha alcanzado el nivel 5 de CMMI, el modelo más prestigioso del mundo en cuanto a la mejora de la capacidad de los procesos de una organización y cuenta con numerosas patentes internacionales. En la actualidad GMV es el primer proveedor independiente del mundo de Sistemas de Control en Tierra para operadores de satélites comerciales de telecomunicaciones; la tercera empresa europea por volumen de participación en Galileo; el principal proveedor de sistemas de mando y control C3I del Ejército de Tierra español. En el sector TIC ha llevado a cabo proyectos emblemáticos en el desarrollo e implantación de portales y plataformas de correo, se ha constituido en referente nacional como proveedor de soluciones y servicios avanzados de seguridad en redes IP, aplicaciones de movilidad y aplicaciones TICs para las Administraciones Públicas y el desarrollo de la e-Administración.

AECA & Helicópteros participará en la decima edición de los Premios Batefuegos de oro 2012.

En su décima edición, los Premios Batefuegos de Oro galardonan a personas y entidades cuyo esfuerzo se ha centrado, de manera destacada, en la prevención y lucha contra incendios forestales durante este 2012.

Este prestigioso galardón fue concebido en su origen por APAS (Asociación para la Promoción de Actividades Socioculturales), como una iniciativa con la que concienciar a la población de la necesidad de cuidar la masa forestal, patrimonio de todos y, por otro lado, como símbolo de agradecimiento a los que cada año se implican en primera persona en esta lucha. De la misma manera, Aeca & Helicópteros se suma a esta iniciativa de llevar a cabo un homenaje a través de estos premios, a todos los que cada día luchan contra el fuego.

La entrega de tales reconocimientos se llevará a cabo en Madrid, el 29 de noviembre, en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes de Madrid de 19:00 a 21:00 horas.

Previo a la entrega de premios, se llevará a cabo una Jornada Técnica bajo el título “Incendios forestales adversos” en las que varios ponentes entre los que estarán el Secretario General deAeca & Helicópteros, Dámaso Castejón, que tratarán la prevención de los incendios forestales en situación de crisis económica con la influencia de fenómenos climatológicos adversos extremos, reflexionando sobre una campaña compleja y las decisiones a tomar en el futuro.


Economia, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, a través de Extenda, organiza esta jornada sobre un mercado en el que Andalucía ha más que duplicado sus exportaciones en la última década

Un total de 151 empresas andaluzas han acudido hoy a la jornada “Claves de Éxito en la Implantación en Estados Unidos”, que ha celebrado la Consejería de Economía, Innovación Ciencia y Empleo, a través de Extenda-Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior en su sede en Sevilla.

Las participantes en la sesión han podido conocer una de las vías que permiten el crecimiento de las empresas andaluzas, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el marco económico actual, en que la apertura a mercados exteriores se plantea, cada vez más, como una necesidad.

Teresa Sáez, directora general de Extenda, inauguró la sesión junto a Maritheresa F.Frain, cónsul de Estados Unidos en Sevilla, que apuntó las claves administrativas y políticas del mercado norteamericano y el impacto de las últimas elecciones celebradas en el país.

La directora de Extenda destacó que “hacer llegar la experiencia de empresas andaluzas, como Biomedal y AGQ, implantadas con éxito EE.UU., y otros mercados como Centroamérica, para los que este país es la mejor plataforma de acceso, es la mejor herramienta para explicar las ventajas de hacerlo”. Añadió que ambas firmas “han contado con los servicios de Extenda para desarrollar su trayectoria internacional”. Teresa Sáez indicó que confiaba en la producción de “sinergias para las firmas que hagan productiva la jornada más allá de su celebración”.

Finalmente señaló que “desde hace una década, con la puesta en marcha de la primera oficina de Extenda en Miami, ha crecido un 74% el número de empresas andaluzas exportadoras a este mercado, que en 2011 llegó ya a 1.554”.

La jornada también contó con la presencia de Juan Rivera, socio director de la consultara especializada en el mercado norteamericano EIL, que explicó las claves comerciales, financieras y culturales en la implantación en EE.UU. Por otra parte, Pedro Torres, director de Marketing Internacional de AGQ Labs & Technological, y Pilar Cebolla de Biomedal, en video conferencia desde New Jersey, contaron su exitosa experiencia de implantación, como firmas andaluzas, en el mercado.

Finalmente, Michael Wieting, director de la Oficina de Promoción de Negocios de Extenda en Nueva York, expuso desde su sede, también por video conferencia, los servicios de apoyo que Extenda presta en destino a las empresas.

El objetivo de esta jornada ha sido facilitar, a todas aquellas empresas que quieran implantarse en Estados Unidos a corto o medio plazo o se planteen dicho mercado como un posible destino para internacionalizar sus productos o servicios, el acceso, con garantías de éxito, al país.

Estados Unidos-Andalucía

Según los datos de Extenda, Andalucía ha más que duplicado (120%) sus exportaciones a EE.UU. en la última década, lo que supone triplicar el crecimiento medio de España, y pasar de los 667 millones de euros de 2001 a los 1.480 millones en 2011. En 2011 balanza comercial fue positiva para la comunidad (+705 millones  de euros, mientras que la de España fue negativa (-2.995 millones de euros).

            Asimismo, en el periodo de enero a septiembre de 2012, Andalucía es la comunidad que más exporta a EE.UU. hasta el punto de que 1 de cada 5 euros que vende España proceden de Andalucía. Actualmente es la comunidad que más crece en el mercado, con un 16% (sobre un crecimiento del 84% en 2011) y Estados Unidos se ha convertido ya en el cuarto destino mundial, con el 7% de nuestras ventas entre enero y septiembre (1.325 millones de euros), cuando en 2009 era el octavo.

            En lo que va de 2012 las ventas a EE.UU. han crecido (16%) casi el doble del crecimiento medio nacional (8,4%), lo que sitúa a Andalucía como primera comunidad exportadora, con el 20% del total español.  Por productos lideran las ventas combustibles y aceites minerales (56% del total) y las conservas de verduras o frutas (8,6% del total).

Innovación andaluza

            Destaca el aceite de oliva que ha multiplicado por 2,5 veces la factura exportadora desde el año 2000 al 2011, y ya en los nueve meses de 2012 ha superado las ventas totales de 2011, con 98 millones de euros como tercer destino mundial. En lo que va de 2012 ya se ha vendido más aeronáutico a EE.UU. que aceite de oliva, 100 millones de euros, con un crecimiento del 33% respecto a 2011.

            Extenda también apoyo otros sectores en este mercado, como el de piedra natural, a través del programa Embajadores del Mármol, que junto AEMA, da a conocer a arquitectos norteamericanos la oferta de calidad de este producto que después prescriben en sus proyectos de edificación.

            Además, en sectores innovadores como el de energías renovables, las compañías andaluzas han logrado proyectos importantes, y Extenda colabora con la organización de acciones comerciales, como la reciente misión a Colorado y Arizona. En TIC, Andalucía tiene a EE.UU como segundo destino mundial, con el 9% del total,  y en este mes Extenda lleva a cabo una misión comercial en Silicon Valley con cinco firmas de la comunidad. 

            Con estos datos “las empresas andaluzas están demostrando la competitividad de sus productos y servicios en uno de los mercados más exigentes del mundo. Y lo hacen tanto los sectores tradicionales de exportación, como los más innovadores”, comentó Teresa Sáez.

VIDEO: X-47B UCAS Hoist Aboard

Lockheed Martin Demonstrates New Ground-Based Laser System in Tests Against Rockets and Unmanned Aerial System

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 27, 2012 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] today announced that it has successfully demonstrated a portable, ground-based military laser system in a series of tests against representative airborne targets. Lockheed Martin developed the Area Defense Anti-Munitions (ADAM) system to provide a defense against short-range threats, such as rockets and unmanned aerial systems.

Since August, the ADAM system has successfully engaged an unmanned aerial system target in flight at a range of approximately 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles) and has destroyed four small-caliber rocket targets in simulated flight at a range of approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles).

“Lockheed Martin has invested in the development of the ADAM system because of the enormous potential effectiveness of high-energy lasers,” said Doug Graham, Lockheed Martin’s vice president of advanced programs for Strategic and Missile Defense Systems. “We are committed to supporting the transition of directed energy’s revolutionary capability to the war fighter.”

Designed for short-range defense of high-value areas including forward operating bases, the ADAM system’s 10-kilowatt fiber laser is engineered to destroy targets up to 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) away. The system precisely tracks targets in cluttered optical environments and has a tracking range of more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles). The system has been designed to be flexible enough to operate against rockets as a standalone system and to engage unmanned aerial systems with an external radar cue. The ADAM system’s modular architecture combines commercial hardware components with the company’s proprietary software in an integrated and easy-to-operate system.

“Lockheed Martin has applied its expertise as a laser weapon system integrator to provide a practical and affordable defense against serious threats to military forces and installations,” said Paul Shattuck, Lockheed Martin’s director of directed energy systems for Strategic and Missile Defense Systems. “In developing the ADAM system, we combined our proven laser beam control architecture with commercial hardware to create a capable, integrated laser weapon system.”

Lockheed Martin has been a pioneer in the development and demonstration of high-energy laser capabilities for more than 30 years and has made key advances in areas such as precision pointing and control, line-of-sight stabilization and adaptive optics.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation’s net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.

For the first time, two very-high-resolution satellites will operate as a constellation, offering daily revisit capability to all users (rapid images, regular images, twice as many images)

  • Pléiades 1B will join its twin Pléiades 1A to offer daily revisit in very high resolution
  • Pléiades 1B, Europe’s second very-high-resolution satellite built by Astrium for the French space agency CNES is ready for launch from French Guiana on 30 November
  • The satellite will join its twin, Pléiades 1A, to offer very-high-resolution optical products (50cm) and unique image acquisition modes (mosaics, corridor, 3D, etc.)

Astrium, Europe’s leading space technology company, is prime contractor for the Pléiades 1B satellite scheduled for take-off on 30 November. The satellite will be lifting off aboard a Soyuz launcher from the European Space Centre in French Guiana, and has already been integrated on the Fregat upper stage of the launch vehicle and transferred to the launch pad. Pléiades 1B is now ready for flight.

“Once Pléiades 1B reaches orbit, Astrium Services will offer a daily very high resolution revisit capability,” said Evert Dudok, CEO of Astrium Services. “For users, Pléiades will soon mean rapid images, regular images and twice as many images in superb resolution.”

Daily revisit capabilities offer true added value for users of space imagery products around the world. The ability to image any place on Earth daily is an essential factor when the utmost reactivity is needed. Conflict zones and crisis/disaster areas will be visible in a matter of hours, wherever their location in the world and, in cases of natural disasters or crises, Pléiades is the perfect tool to help plan evacuation and rescue operations.

This feature also makes it possible to observe changes at specific sites every day (for instance, progress made on large-scale engineering construction projects, monitoring of mining, industrial and military complexes, etc). By doubling the daily collection capacity, and with images produced twice as rapidly, the Pléiades constellation offers users very-high-resolution imagery over large swaths; this makes it ideal for mapping large areas, with more opportunities to collect cloud-free images.

The two Pléiades satellites will be phased 180° apart in the same near-polar heliosynchronous orbit at an altitude of 694 km, enabling daily revisits to any location on the planet.

Pléiades 1B is the second dual-use, very-high-resolution satellite for the Pléiades constellation. Like its twin Pléiades 1A, which has been in orbit since December 2011, Pléiades 1B was manufactured by Astrium in Toulouse for the French space agency CNES. Thales Alenia Space provides the very high-resolution optical imaging instrument.

And also like its twin, Pléiades 1B will provide 50-centimetre products over a 20-kilometre footprint to the French and Spanish defence ministries, civil institutions, and to private users through Astrium Services, the exclusive distributor of Pléiades products for the civil market.

In addition to their high precision, the Pléiades satellites are also notable for their remarkable agility, which enables tilted imaging from nadir and operation in several acquisition modes (20 images over 1000 x 1000 km², stereo, 3D, mosaic, corridor, etc.).

For further information about the Pléiades satellites manufactured by Astrium:

To see a selection of very-high-resolution images from Pléiades 1A, go to:

Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphin helicopters enter service with the Bangladesh Army for use in humanitarian missions and VIP airlift

The Bangladesh Army has marked its formal service introduction of two new Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphin helicopters, which will be deployed on United Nations humanitarian missions and operated in multi-role transport duties for the republic.

The Bangladesh Army has marked its formal service introduction of two new Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphin helicopters, which will be deployed on United Nations humanitarian missions and operated in multi-role transport duties for the republic.

Supplied through the Eurocopter South East Asia subsidiary, these are the first Eurocopter-built rotorcraft to join the Bangladesh Army’s aviation fleet, and they were presented today during a ceremony at the military service’s Dhaka Cantonment headquarters.

In preparation for the twin-engine Dauphin’s service introduction, an initial group of Bangladesh Army pilots attended ground school classes at Eurocopter South East Asia’s Singapore facility, and were trained in the subsidiary’s AS365 N3+ full-flight simulator. Additional crew members are to follow, including pilots who will be qualified as instructors.

“These two Dauphins will significantly enhance our capabilities, as we continue to participate actively in world peacekeeping missions,” explained Brigadier General Abdullah Al Azhar, commander of the ad hoc army aviation group. “The provision of simulator training by Eurocopter South East Asia has greatly facilitated the service entry of the aircraft, allowing our pilots to operate them from the onset with confidence and ease.”

To cater to the growing Dauphin fleet in Asia, Eurocopter South East Asia was designated earlier this year as the regional hub to provide training, major inspection and heavy structural repairs for the Dauphin family of helicopters.

“We welcome the Bangladesh Army to Eurocopter’s global family of operators,” said Bernard Brenner, President & CEO of Eurocopter South East Asia. “Their confidence in our products stems not just from the Dauphin’s proven capabilities, but also from our ability to provide them with the full suite of support and services, which comes as a direct benefit from Eurocopter’s policy of being in close proximity to the customers.”

Eurocopter’s AS365 N3+ is the company’s latest member in the Dauphin helicopter family, featuring more powerful Arriel 2C turboshaft engines, an increased gross weight, a 4-axis autopilot and glass cockpit.

About Eurocopter South East Asia
Eurocopter South East Asia (ESEA) is the Regional Headquarters of Eurocopter, the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer. Established in 1977 in Singapore, ESEA is the training and technical hub, and handles sales and customer support activities of 15 territories in total. In 2011, ESEA achieved a turnover of 135 million Euros. With a staff-strength of more than 200 professionals, the company has developed a successful commercial network of Singapore-based sales team and regional sales managers and technical representatives, servicing and maintaining more than 300 helicopters in the region. Website: www.eurocoptersea.com.sg

About Eurocopter
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 20,000 people. In 2011, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s number one helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 5.4 billion Euros, orders for 457 new helicopters and a 43 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter’s strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries. Eurocopter’s worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports some 2,900 customers. There currently are more than 11,300 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 149 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.

China’s Tibet Airlines takes delivery of its first FALC A319 and Maldivian Airlines becomes a new A320 operator

China’s Tibet Airlines has taken delivery of its first A319 assembled at the Airbus Tianjin Final Assembly Line (FALC). The A319 delivered today is the fifth A319 to join the all Airbus fleet operated by lhasa based Tibet Airlines. The airline received its first Airbus A319 in July 2011 in Hamburg, Germany.

The newly delivered A319 accommodates 128 passengers in a two-class configuration with eight premium seats and 120 economy seats. The aircraft is powered by CFM56-5B engines.

The aircraft will operate from Lhasa Gongga Airport, which at 12,000 feet in altitude is one of the world’s highest. t o. It will fly the route between Lhasa and Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong in Southern China with a stop-over in Chengdu, Southwestern China.

The newly introduced A319 is certificated for high altitude airport operation and RNP-AR (Required Navigation Performance – Authorisation Required) and Satcom installed.

RNP-AR procedures represent today the most modern navigation technique, allowing the aircraft to fly precisely along a predefined route using on-board navigation systems and the GPS-based ‘Global Navigation Satellite System’ (GNSS). RNP AR is especially important for airlines operating in and out of high altitude airports. Tibet Airlines has selected Quovadis, an Airbus subsidiary, as its strategic partner for its RNP-AR operations.

“The new aircraft will fly between Shenzhen and Lhasa and contribute to further development of the two areas”, said Yin Huixin, Vice President of Tibet Airlines.

“We are honored that our modern Airbus A319 aircraft will contribute to the development of civil aviation on the Tibetan plateau and I’m really confident that the FALC assembled A319 will serve the need of Tibet Airlines”, said Airbus China President Laurence Barron.

The FALC in Tianjin is based on the latest state-of-the-art Airbus single aisle final assembly line in Hamburg, Germany. The aircraft delivered in China are assembled to the same standards as those assembled and delivered in Europe.

Airbus has delivered 105 Tianjin assembled A320 Family aircraft to 11 operators since the inauguration of the Final Assembly Line in 2008, which is the first Airbus final assembly line outside Europe.

Maldivian Airlines, the national carrier of the Maldives has become a new operator of Airbus single aisle aircraft, following the first commercial flight of an A320 on the inaugural flight from Male to Chennai. The aircraft, operated under a leasing agreement, is the first A320 Maldivian will fly to destinations in the Indian sub-continent.

The aircraft, which is powered by CFM56 engines, was previously handed over at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Maldives, in October 2012. Its interior has been specifically modified to accommodate a three-class configuration: 14 business, 18 premium and 120 economy seats.

“This entry into service of our first A320 is a great day for Maldivian and our passengers. This signifies the increasing expansion of Maldivian in the region,” commented Abdul Haris, Managing Director of Maldivian. “We will start our A320 operations with direct flights to Mumbai, Chennai and Dhaka, much-anticipated routes for our customers.”

“We are delighted to welcome Maldivian as the latest operator of our best selling A320 Family,” said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “Its best-in-class fuel consumption and impeccable eco-efficient credentials make it the ideal match for the Maldives, an island nation which sets high standards for environmental responsibility.”

The A320 Family (A318, A319, A320 and A321) is recognized as the benchmark single-aisle aircraft family. With more than 8, 600 aircraft sold, and over 5, 300 aircraft delivered to more than 350 customers and operators worldwide, the A320 Family is the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft family. With 99.8 per cent reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single aisle aircraft. Uniquely, the A320 Family offers a containerized cargo system, which is compatible with the worldwide standard wide-body system.

Corsair and TransAsia Airways get their first 330s

Corsair has taken delivery of the first of two A330-300s ordered from Airbus. The aircraft was delivered at a special ceremony in Toulouse today attended by Corsair Chairman, Pascal de Izaguirre.

This new A330-300 is part of TUI’s commitment to invest in today’s greenest aircraft and to strengthen services from Paris across the Atlantic Ocean, to the French West Indies, Canada and West Africa and to the Indian Ocean destinations The aircraft is the first to be delivered from the two A330-300s ordered in December 2010. It will enter in commercial service by end of this month .

“We are delighted with this decision by TUI Travel to buy Airbus A330 aircraft”, says Pascal de Izaguirre, CEO, Corsair. “We already benefit from an excellent performance of an A330-200s and these new A330 with a track record of unmatched efficiency, reliability and low operating costs will allow us to enforce our new strategy of operating the most eco-efficient and reliable aircraft for our network,” he added.

"TUI Travel is pleased to be acquiring the A330-300 aircraft which, particularly with its recently enhanced capability, is clearly the ideal aircraft type to be introduced to the Corsair fleet to complement the existing A330-200 operations. Airbus has worked closely with Corsair and TUI Travel management to ensure the success of this renewal of the Corsair fleet and has been proactive in recognising and addressing our requirements and developing the business relationship." Says Tom Chandler, Director of Aircraft Acquisition and Finance at TUI Travel PLC.

“The A330-300 is the aircraft which best fulfils airline’s needs in terms of range and capacity. It offers airlines unparalleled productivity, why passengers love the comfort,” said John Leahy, Airbus COO Customers. “TUI travel’s decision to acquire our mid-size long-haul star is a further proof that the A330 delivers exactly what the market needs.”

TransAsia Airways of Taiwan has taken delivery of the first of two A330-300s ordered from Airbus. The aircraft was delivered at a ceremony in Toulouse today attended by TransAsia Airways Chairman Vincent Lin.

The A330 will be the first widebody aircraft to be operated by TransAsia. Featuring a high comfort two class layout seating 300 passengers, the aircraft will initially fly on services from Taipei to Japan and Singapore. These will be followed by new longer range operations to destinations currently under consideration, including Australia and New Zealand, as well as the Middle East. TransAsia has selected Rolls-Royce Trent 700 engines to power its A330s.

“The delivery of the A330 will further enhance our quality of service, as well as our passengers’ flight experience,” said Vincent Lin, Chairman, TransAsia Airways, “They will service TransAsia’s international routes, providing passengers a more comfortable journey with advanced in-flight entertainment technology and spacious seating.”

“We are pleased to welcome TransAsia Airways as a new operator of Airbus widebody aircraft,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers, Airbus. “With the A330 TransAsia will benefit from the aircraft’s low operating costs, proven reliability and great passenger appeal - as well as high levels of technical commonality with its existing A320 Family fleet.”

TransAsia Airways currently operates scheduled services to 46 destinations across Asia with a modern fleet that already includes nine A320 Family aircraft. In addition to its new A330s, the carrier has orders for 18 A321s for future delivery, comprising six A321ceo and 12 A321neo.

The A330 is one of the most widely-used widebody aircraft in service today. Airbus has recorded over 1,200 orders for the various versions of the aircraft and more than 900 are in service with 90 operators worldwide. In addition to passenger and freighter aircraft, the A330 is also available in VIP and military transport / tanker variants.

Embraer’s New Portugal Composites Facility Ships First Legacy 500 Empennage

mbraer has completed the first shipset in composite material in its Embraer Compósitos factory in Évora, Portugal. This first part, a Legacy 500 empennage, has been shipped to Embraer headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil.

"As serial production of the new Legacy 500 aircraft approaches, the completion and shipment of this first empennage from Portugal to Brazil represents a major and important milestone for Embraer and a great achievement by the whole Embraer Compósitos team,” said Paulo Marchioto, President of Embraer Portugal and Board member at Embraer Compósitos. “With close support from Brazil, the team at Embraer Compósitos has demonstrated great skill allowing us, in a very short time since inauguration, to deliver such a sophisticated part.”

In full compliance with the requirements set by Embraer headquarters, the empennage is made mainly of carbon fibre parts. It was assembled in a semi-automatic line in one of two Embraer plants in Évora, allowing for higher efficiency in operations like drilling and riveting of primary structures made in composite.

“This first delivery from Évora is a landmark in Embraer’s globalization strategy and our activities in Europe, reflecting our commitment to call on local expertise to support us in the development and manufacturing of our products,” added Hélio Bambini, Vice President, Embraer Industrial Operations.

Embraer announced Évora as the chosen location for Embraer Compósitos in 2008. The new center was completed and inaugurated in September 2012, together with Embraer Metálicas, also in Évora. With 37,100 and 31,800-square meters respectively, Embraer Metálicas and Embraer Compósitos will reach full production capacity during the second quarter of 2013.

Embraer Legacy 500 Makes “Flawless” First Flight

A new generation of business jets was ushered in today when Embraer’s midsize Legacy 500 made a successful first flight, marking the beginning of its flight test program. Deliveries of the first aircraft are expected to begin in 2014.

"This remarkable airplane symbolizes the future of executive aviation and is the product of the innovation, talent and dedication that is part of the Embraer culture," said Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer President and CEO.

“This is the aircraft that will move us from industry player to industry leader,” said Ernest Edwards, President, Embraer Executive Jets. “The Legacy 500 breaks through the traditional midsize jet envelope to offer something that has never been done before. It is hard to overstate the importance of fly-by-wire technology. Fly-by-wire does for business aviation what GPS has done for navigation. It will empower more precision, efficiency, safety and comfort every time the aircraft flies.”

Embraer test pilots Mozart Louzada and Eduardo Camelier with flight test engineers Gustavo Paixão and Alexandre Figueiredo flew the aircraft for one hour and forty five minutes, performing handling and performance characteristics evaluation. As a result of the extensive simulation use and ground testing, the aircraft was able to cover a significant flight envelope on the maiden flight. Aircraft systems were assessed including landing gear retraction.

“From the minute you enter the cockpit, you can tell this is clearly a remarkable, new-generation aircraft,” Capt. Louzada said. “The flight was a success, precisely according to plan. In fact, it was flawless.” The spacious, uncluttered flight deck features a side stick controller and the most advanced avionics system available today.

The Legacy 500 is a “clean-sheet” design based on extensive input from operators and customers. “We listened enthusiastically and acted aggressively,” said Marco Túlio Pellegrini, Senior Vice President Operations & Chief Operating Officer, Embraer Executive Jets. “The Legacy 500 is truly the product of market desires and preferences.”

The Legacy 500 is the first midsize business jet incorporating a fly-by-wire control system and full six-foot, stand-up cabin with a flat floor. “It has the largest cabin in its class, by far, and provides the comfort and incorporates the technology found only in larger, more expensive aircraft,” Pellegrini said. “It is, undoubtedly, raising the bar in terms of technology, performance, style and comfort for future designs.”

The midsize Legacy 500 will be followed by Embraer’s fourth clean-sheet design, the mid-light Legacy 450, which will enter service one year later. “Clean-sheet designs are part of our DNA. They are the reason we can be so responsive to customer needs without compromise,” Pellegrini said. Embraer’s popular entry-level Phenom 100 and light Phenom 300 are also clean-sheet designs.

The Legacy 500 is powered by two advanced, fuel-efficient Honeywell HTF 7500E turbofan engines, each capable of producing 6,540 pounds of thrust. The aircraft features Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion avionics with synthetic vision.

Legacy 500 Specifications: 

Range (NBAA Reserves, 200 nm alternate, Long Range Cruise, 4 pax)                                                                    3,000 nautical miles
High-Speed Cruise                                                                                                                                                                 Mach 0.82
Balanced Field Length (MTOW, ISA, SL)                                                                                                                            4,600 feet
Maximum Operating Altitude                                                                                                                                                 45,000 feet
Seating Configuration                                                                                                                                                            2 + 8/12
Cabin Dimensions Max Height                                                                                                                                            6 feet
Cabin Dimensions Max Width                                                                                                                                              6 feet, 10 inches
Cabin Dimensions Length                                                                                                                                                    26 feet, 10 inches
Baggage Capacity External                                                                                                                                                   110 cubic feet
Baggage Capacity Internal                                                                                                                                                    40 cubic feet
Baggage Capacity Total                                                                                                                                                        150 cubc feet

For more information about Embraer Executive Jets, see: www.EmbraerExecutiveJets.com.

New small fission reactor for deep-space missions demonstrated

New small fission reactor for deep-space missions demonstrated:
Artists concept of spacecraft using the Los Alamos reactor
Exploring the regions of deep space beyond Mars means sending probes where solar power isn’t practical. Since the 1960s, NASA has equipped its Apollo missions and unmanned explorers with Radioisotope Thermal Generators (RTGs). These have worked very well, but they run on plutonium 238, which is currently in short supply. Therefore, the Los Alamos National Laboratory is developing a new small nuclear reactor for spacecraft that uses uranium instead of plutonium to power Stirling engines and generate electricity...
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Israel working on low-observable UAV

Israel working on low-observable UAV: The Israeli military is developing a large, classified unmanned air vehicle (UAV) with features consistent with stealthy aircraft designs, according to a...